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Author Topic:   RP: The Burden of The Father
Ash Fanrico
Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 691
Registered: Aug 2001

posted 10-31-2001 02:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ash Fanrico   Click Here to Email Ash Fanrico     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
READ THIS!!!! READ THIS!!!!! This is SET IN THE ALTERNATE FUTURE WORLD created from the Future RP. This deals with Sammi eventually facing her fathers greatest foe, Dark Fanrico. If you have no idea who some of these characters are, then go read the Future RP.

Rules as Usual:

Anyone can join. But adjust your character to the time period and environment.

No controlling of other people's characters without their permission.

If you feel like you want to change a bit of the story, PLEASE CONTACT ME FIRST. If you don't contact me first, then your post will be either deleted or ignored. (Not saying that you can't post, but if you feel like you would like to change things or make them different, like make some new villain or some new side quest, please contact me first.)

No True Godmoding, unless it's the villain.

NO SPAM. I Find Spam, that Spam will be gone.

Now let's begin....

(This happens about a year after the events of the Future RP.)

In the darkness of the Distant Future...

At the rebuilt Narshe...

In The House that used to belong to the great hero of the Doma Liberation, Ash Fanrico. His daughter, Sammi, now owns the house. She has just come home from a brief fight with a band of Cyber-Orcs.

She was dreaming.... She was walking amongst a burning city, it looked like it was about fifty years ago. She then noticed him, a dark shadowy figure walking along the streets. He was carrying a large, bloody ornamental spear. A few yards away lay the body of a large beast. The figure walked closer to her. She noticed it... his eyes. They were glowing red. At first, from the look of him, she thought it was her father. But he never had glowing red eyes.

A large explosion of fire came from the other side of the street and it lit the area around up like a Fireworks Display. She then saw him... it was not her father. He looked like a twisted mirror image of her father.

She then remembered who it was. The creature she heard her father talk about with some of his war buddies and even some of his closest friends. The person standing in front of her was Dark Fanrico. The Demonic Copy of her Father. He stared her in the eyes. His lips turned into a wicked smirk. His glowing red eyes narrowed. He spoke to her.

"I'm going to have some fun with you little one. For my long absence from this world is about to end. You shall know the fear that plagued your father. The fear that stayed with him the rest of his pathetic life. The Fear of my Return. My TRUE Return."

Sammi couldn't move. It seemed like her legs wouldn't move. She wanted to kill him, make his smirk go away. But she was unable to do anything. He then began to laugh. His glowing eyes burning brighter. The city was now a sea of fire. He then lunged at her...

Sammi awoke with a start, she couldn't believe what had just happened in her nightmare. She was sweating almost non-stop.

She looked over at the picture of her father she kept at her bedside. She wondered what things he had gone through all that time up until about a year ago. She got up from bed, for the fear of going back to sleep was too much. She went into the shower in the bathroom. She undressed and got in front of the bathroom mirror. But instead of the image of her nude self meeting her, it was instead the image of Dark Fanrico standing in front of her, with the firery city behind him, laughing at her. She screamed and backed up against the wall. She closed her eyes tightly.

When she reopened them, the image of Dark Fanrico was gone. she then got into the shower.

She took her shower, got out, got dressed and went into the living room. It was almost morning...

Till All Are One!

"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the BROOM."

"I am a Hero... like many heroes before me."

*sigh*... Fights are Tough.

In honor of Vulture... Indeed! and a Goblin Punch for good measure!!

[This message has been edited by Ash Fanrico (edited 10-31-2001).]

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Ash Fanrico
Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 691
Registered: Aug 2001

posted 10-31-2001 02:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ash Fanrico   Click Here to Email Ash Fanrico     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
(OOC- Just keeping my RP at the top)

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 350
Registered: Aug 2001

posted 10-31-2001 03:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Molokidan   Click Here to Email Molokidan     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
The DemonBeast.

After countless years of recharging his power, he came out. Out of the crater where the Floating Continent had sunk.

Stone and moss crumbled off his gigantic body as he rose on blood wings.

He wanted only one thing.


Being the guardian of the gates of hell, the DemonBeast had some pretty bad demon skillz.

And so, he decided to start his destruction of the world by opening a portal to hell and letting all his demonic soldiers out.


A thundering crash sounded throughout Molokidan's head. He was now 65, and his blue hair was already graying. He still had his demonic roots, which was what clued him into this disturbance from hell.

"Numerous demons. . .moving here. . .they're. . .coming!" his eyes suddenly snapped awake. "The DemonBeast. No. . ."

Ever since the wars ended, Dan had moved up into the mountains of Narshe. He had always loved the cold, and after all his adventures, just wanted to spend some time alone and live a normal life. He made friends with the moogles and the other beings up there, and his life was pretty good.

But. . .he had forgotten all about that. The DemonBeast.

It had been on the Floating Continent.

And no one had ever killed it.

"No!" he rushed out of his house, in an old brown robe, and put some hiking boots on. "Haven't done this in a while. . ." he said.

And so Molokidan Tunksuu began his descend down the Narshe Mountains, while the same time, not far from South Figaro, the demons began appearing. Their bodies rose from the ground like old memories.

The Demonbeast rose above South Figaro, smirking at the firefight. "Yes. . .this is a good warm-up." he said, laughing at his own joke. "But. . .my real target. . .is up there." he growled. "I am no one's slave anymore." he breathed fiery smoke from his nostrils. "And this world shall soon be the demon's playland!"

--"He was a freak, and I was a freak, so we decided to freak together." Mike "Flea" Balzary.

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 1494
Registered: Jun 2001

posted 10-31-2001 06:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressRydia   Click Here to Email EmpressRydia     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"Sammi?" Aerin knocked on the door more loudly, nervously. "Are you there?" The skinny girl backed up and considered picking the locks to the house. Sammi wouldn't appreciate it --she kept chiding Aerin for practicing such dubious skills-- but these things came in handy for Aerin, and besides, she was worried about her friend.

Just then, however, Sammi answered the door. "Oh, hi Dee."

(OOC: Aerin is called Dee for short...don't ask, it's one of those senseless nicknames...for now. Also, I asked Ash before posting this, so I'm not controlling his char w/o permission. >:P).

"I'm just a big happy fish swimming through the ocean of love!! Ummm...I mean...Indeed!" -- Vulture, Spammer Lvl 57

"You found a large yummy roast leg of yak" -- Illusion of Gaia
RPG World...World! | 2 Sugoi
Pocket Dragons! (warning: excessively cute dragons contained within)

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Ash Fanrico
Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 691
Registered: Aug 2001

posted 11-01-2001 08:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ash Fanrico   Click Here to Email Ash Fanrico     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Sammi let her friend inside, it was incredibly cold in Narshe, but it even worse at night.

Dee came in and sat in a warm chair. Sammi was happy to see her friend, but the visions and the nightmare were a bigger concern to her at the moment.

Dee seemed to sense this, and asked Sammi what was wrong. "Dee, have you ever heard of the monster Dark Fanrico?" she asked her friend.

Till All Are One!

"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the BROOM."

"I am a Hero... like many heroes before me."

*sigh*... Fights are Tough.

In honor of Vulture... Indeed! and a Goblin Punch for good measure!!

IP: Logged

Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 1494
Registered: Jun 2001

posted 11-01-2001 09:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressRydia   Click Here to Email EmpressRydia     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"No," Aerin replied, somewhat sadly. "You know me, left out of everything...no one seems to talk about anything important to me, makes it hard to gather information when I need to. But what about him? I can only assume he's a leftover from your father's hero days..."

"I'm just a big happy fish swimming through the ocean of love!! Ummm...I mean...Indeed!" -- Vulture, Spammer Lvl 57

"You found a large yummy roast leg of yak" -- Illusion of Gaia
RPG World...World! | 2 Sugoi
Pocket Dragons! (warning: excessively cute dragons contained within)

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 350
Registered: Aug 2001

posted 11-01-2001 12:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Molokidan   Click Here to Email Molokidan     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Molokidan had reached the last descent.

Now he had to cross the bridge. This wasn't any bridge. This was an ancient Narshe bridge, which had been there for centuries. It was the cold season. . .then again, it was the cold season all year round, but this time of the year it was extra dangerous. The bridge was totally frozen over. Molokidan warily trudged onto the bridge, trying to use as much care as he could. He was about 3/4ths of the way across, when the bridge snapped.

"DAMN!" he shouted, and suddenly, he stood, suspended in air. "Argh. . .haven't done this in a while. Whoo. . .I can feel my bones creaking." he landed safely on the other side. "Here I am."

He continued down the side of the mountain, and came into the mining town of Narshe. He walked down the road, admiring the town once again, and then spied a house up on a hill.

"The Fanrico House. . ." he said. "It's been so long."

He continued up the hill and stood in front of the door. He stared at the door in silence, and the house loomed over him.

"Here we go again." he said, and lightly rapped on the door.


Elsewhere, the demons left South Figaro in nearly ruins. The army rampaged through the caves, and soon came out in the Figaro Desert.

"Yes." the DemonBeast was still going strong, his power now stronger than ever, deriving from those souls he had destroyed. "I'm coming for you. All of you. The brethren of Fanrico. Molokidan. Demondan. . .you'll all be mine."

--"He was a freak, and I was a freak, so we decided to freak together." Mike "Flea" Balzary.

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Ash Fanrico
Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 691
Registered: Aug 2001

posted 11-01-2001 02:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ash Fanrico   Click Here to Email Ash Fanrico     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Sammi took a deep breath. "He was more than a left over Dee, he was one of the most evilest creatures to ever exsist. My father and his friends were able to defeat him. But... " said Sammi as she seemed too frightened to go on.

"But what?" asked Dee.

"I had a nightmare last night... I was walking through the town of Drigandill, it was engulfed in flames, and Dark Fanrico was right in front of me, warning me of his return." replied Sammi, almost on the edge of a breakdown.

"Sammi?" asked Dee. Sammi's eyes were watering, she couldn't get the image of Dark Fanrico laughing at her in the bathroom window out of her mind. She brokedown in tears.

(OOC- just so you know, Sammi crying because she's very, very afraid.)

Till All Are One!

"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the BROOM."

"I am a Hero... like many heroes before me."

*sigh*... Fights are Tough.

In honor of Vulture... Indeed! and a Goblin Punch for good measure!!

IP: Logged

Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 1494
Registered: Jun 2001

posted 11-01-2001 03:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressRydia   Click Here to Email EmpressRydia     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"Er..." Aerin watched her friend cry. "Listen, I'm sure it was nothing," she lied. "Hey...why don't we talk to someone else about it? How about that one guy...Riggs? He knew your father, right?" This was beyond Aerin's ability to handle...she'd have to consult outside help on this. Of course, she was rather recluse herself, and would never actually ask someone on her own...but with her friend Sammi, she could manage the courage to find out more -- especially if it would result in helping her friend in anyway.

Aerin waited for Sammi's response, just as she heard a rap on the door. "Who could that be?" she said as she startled.

"I'm just a big happy fish swimming through the ocean of love!! Ummm...I mean...Indeed!" -- Vulture, Spammer Lvl 57

"You found a large yummy roast leg of yak" -- Illusion of Gaia
RPG World...World! | 2 Sugoi
Pocket Dragons! (warning: excessively cute dragons contained within)

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 2186
Registered: May 2001

posted 11-01-2001 04:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for KingOfDoma   Click Here to Email KingOfDoma     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
(OOC: An aside to Dia: We need a guy here, so I shall provide one. Everything else I said stays the same, K? K.)

Aerin strolled to the door and opened it.

She then covered her eyes.

For the sun was high that day, and the boy standing in the door had so much golden thread and gil sewn into his clothing (not to mention his glasses) that it shone off of him and entered her fragile eyes.

His name was Tayr'Or Complin. His family had struck it rich some years back and he had never had to work a day in his life. It had made him soft in the fighting department, but he was a genius with chemicals.

In any event, Aerin wanted least to see him.

"Greetings, my dear... how nice to see you again..." he said with a cheeky grin...

Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!


And I'm still waiting for that punk Vulture to hit 3K posts...

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 1494
Registered: Jun 2001

posted 11-01-2001 04:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressRydia   Click Here to Email EmpressRydia     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
(OOC: Uh, that's great, but what about Molokidan? I was under the impression HE was knocking at the door...)

"I'm just a big happy fish swimming through the ocean of love!! Ummm...I mean...Indeed!" -- Vulture, Spammer Lvl 57

"You found a large yummy roast leg of yak" -- Illusion of Gaia
RPG World...World! | 2 Sugoi
Pocket Dragons! (warning: excessively cute dragons contained within)

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Ash Fanrico
Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 691
Registered: Aug 2001

posted 11-01-2001 04:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ash Fanrico   Click Here to Email Ash Fanrico     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Deep in Ash's Lair... (Since in the Future RP, DarkBlade gave Ash his powers)

Ash was standing on top of his newly created balcony. He felt a strong powerful presence.

He knew this could be bad, very bad. But he intended to do something that DarkBlade wasn't ever really good at (no offense DB), staying out of other people's lives.

But Ash knew he recognized the power signature. But he didn't want to believe it. He worried for his adopted daughter, Sammi.

He was glad Aerin came there, Sammi needs someone to be there with her. Since Riggs was out of town, handling things in Doma (helping to rebuild it).

He walked over and sat in the comfy chair he made a few months ago. His old sense of Hero's honor eating away at him to go help his friends and daughter.

(OOC- since this is based on the Future RP's world, and DB did give Ash his powers before death. But he will play a small role in things to come.)

Till All Are One!

"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the BROOM."

"I am a Hero... like many heroes before me."

*sigh*... Fights are Tough.

In honor of Vulture... Indeed! and a Goblin Punch for good measure!!

IP: Logged

Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 350
Registered: Aug 2001

posted 11-01-2001 08:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Molokidan   Click Here to Email Molokidan     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
(OOC: Err, we'll just say that that happened before this. o_O. Bad Doma =P)

Molokidan rapped on the door again, harder this time. Frost began to crust on his grey-blue beard. This was urgent, and time was running out as the Demon Hordes began their cross of the Figaro Desert.

--"He was a freak, and I was a freak, so we decided to freak together." Mike "Flea" Balzary.

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 364
Registered: Apr 2001

posted 11-01-2001 10:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkblade2000us   Click Here to Email darkblade2000us     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
(OOC:You're damn right I'm going to be in it. Just not right away, but I have 6 characters I can play in this RP. The Mech-knights and Luna.)

Back in the city of Whelan left by Darkblade for refugees from the battle at Doma, the the Mech-knights patrolled the city ar they routinely did. All of them except for the Red Knight would beat anyone they caught mugging somebody within an inch of their life. The Red Knight would usually just scold them until they forced him to get physical, but he would take it esay on them. Luna made sure to check up on the core computer that ran the entire city and use most of her time training Ash how to use his new powers.

I miss the master even though I barely knew him.

Red knight:
Are you moping around again?

The Red knight had just returned from his patrol.

I'm just lonely is all. I can still remember how the master took such care in making me and making sure I turned out right. I miss him is all.

Red knight:
It's only been about a year. Alot has happened in that time. The reconstruction of Doma is nearly finished. We would have finshed 5 months ago if Purple knight didn't raise a stink about adding a new lake. Teh city is running very proficiently giving anyone who passes by a helping hand, a place to eat or sleep, and a roof over their heads. By the way. How is Ash doing lately?


Red knight:

Oh sorry....let me think..currently Ash has attained control of 19% of the masters power in the past year. I would have been able to teach him to a level of 21%, but he just had to take off on some vacation with Christydia. BOD is moody as usual every since he was left by the master. I sometimes wonder just where he went to anyway? He refuses to go to heaven and hell is a whole other story.
Far off in a serperate dimension that has been sealed off from every universal portal.

Ah, life is good.

Darkblade is relaxing in a beach chair on the shore of his own private planet. He's wearing some trunks and a flowery tropical shirt and shades while drinking a cock-tail

"DB! Come play with us!"
"You said you'd show me how to swim today DB."
"Oh DB! I need you too!"

A horde of women were calling out to DB to join them in their fun.

Things don't get much better than this!

As Darkblade sipped from his cock-tail he wondered how Ash was doing.

'He should learn to control my power in about 2 or 3 years. Since I had his body temporarily absorb all the world's magic so that no one could oppose him for the time being. The sooner he learns to control it the sooner magic will be fully restored to that world.'

"Master DB. It's time for your daily rub down."

Ok ladies. Who's first?


Back at Darkblade's tower(which now belongs to Ash.)

I hope that thinkgs get exciting soon or else I'm going to go NUTS!

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 1001
Registered: Mar 2001

posted 11-02-2001 05:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Folx   Click Here to Email Folx     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"Luna, you should feel lucky." Rika walked around a corner. "You have no idea how much of a burden being a bio-andriod is. At least you don't have to eat or sleep. Well, I don't have to, but I'm left feeling horrible when I don't. You shouldn't worry anyway. Darkblade's probably in a better place."

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 1494
Registered: Jun 2001

posted 11-02-2001 04:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressRydia   Click Here to Email EmpressRydia     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
No sooner had Aerin invited Tayr'or in and introduced him to Sammi as an acquaintance of hers than she heard another knock on the door. "Gah," Aerin responded. "Excuse me, Tay" she muttered, edging around the newcomer to open the door a second time.

Molokidan stood there in the open door, a little surprised. "Uh, hello. Is...Sammi here?"

"I'm just a big happy fish swimming through the ocean of love!! Ummm...I mean...Indeed!" -- Vulture, Spammer Lvl 57

"You found a large yummy roast leg of yak" -- Illusion of Gaia
RPG World...World! | 2 Sugoi
Pocket Dragons! (warning: excessively cute dragons contained within)

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Ash Fanrico
Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 691
Registered: Aug 2001

posted 11-03-2001 10:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ash Fanrico   Click Here to Email Ash Fanrico     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Deep in the dark recesses of Hell. A body is encrusted in a large column of volcanic ash and soot, it had been there for about fifty-one years. It lay beneath the now covered-up hole where the legendary hellmouth once was.

That body belonged to none other than the Demon whose appearance had shaken the very foundations of the World. The creature banished there almost a lifetime ago. The creature known as Dark Fanrico.

A bright green light tore into the column of soot and ash.

The rotted flesh and bones of the demon stirred once more after about fifty-one years of being dormant.

The soot and ash cleared away as the power of the light grew more.

Flashbacks of fighting the warrior Ash Fanrico flooded into the decaying mind of the Demon. Flashbacks of facing a party of heroes who banished him there. Recent memories of being summoned to face his older nemesis.

The scorched husk of what once were eyes regenerated back into their rightful spots in the Demons skull. He opened his eyes for the first true time in almost half a century.

His lungs filled with the air of Brimstone, he was breathing again. He could hear the sounds of souls screaming at him in the firery pits. His muscles quivered and then... his black heart began to beat once again.

Dark Fanrico emerged from the his resting place. His demonic wings stretched out, and he let a huge moan and then a large yawn.

His tattered and burned clothes clung to him. He looked around his resting grounds. It had been too long since that day. Too long indeed.

He still had his old looks from before, (OOC: I.E: his RPGWW sprite), they were just a little bit more aged. his hair had grown longer, and his hair was more greyer than it's original Dull Silver. His goatee had grown into a beard. He stretched his muscles which all had been dead and lifeless for almost a century.

His eyes were still a bit foggy from having just been regenerated. He knew his full power had not returned yet, so he was going to wait a bit and see what his new opponents were up to. He also wanted to see what had happened to those who banished him to this shit hole, and what has become of the rest of the world.

(OOC- Just introducing the main threat and villain of this RP. Also waiting for the others to make up the situation involving Aerin, Sammi, KoD's character and Molokidan.)

Till All Are One!

"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the BROOM."

"I am a Hero... like many heroes before me."

*sigh*... Fights are Tough.

In honor of Vulture... Indeed! and a Goblin Punch for good measure!!

IP: Logged

Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 364
Registered: Apr 2001

posted 11-04-2001 01:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkblade2000us   Click Here to Email darkblade2000us     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
I suppose so Rika, but I don't know how to explain it. I just feel that within my very own circuits that...something terrible is going to happen and no I'm not talking about when the Mech-knight go out at night to have their "FUN". I wish they were all as well behaved as Red is here. Right Red knight?

Red knight:
Um, sure Luna.

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 350
Registered: Aug 2001

posted 11-04-2001 07:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Molokidan   Click Here to Email Molokidan     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"Hello all of you." he said, walking in. He bowed in front of Sammi. "I am Molokidan Tunksuu. I may know some of you, but not all of you. I'm an old friend of your father's." he said to Sammi. "But I'm sure you get that alot. . .anyway, we do not have time to talk. There is an evil demon free again across the land. This demon was alive during my time, but alas, was never killed. Now, it's seeking revenge. . .and I am the one he is going to seek it on, as well as the rest of the world. He is the DemonBeast, the ultimate demon from the depths of hell. From the looks of it, he has ressurected his Demon Hordes to come and help him ruin the earth. It's a horrible thing. . .but it looks like the gates of hell are open once again." (OOC: That could be a good line for the slogan of this RP.)

Suddenly, there was a large explosion heard from far off, which was really the training room of Narshe being destroyed.

"They. . .they're here."

--"He was a freak, and I was a freak, so we decided to freak together." Mike "Flea" Balzary.

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 1494
Registered: Jun 2001

posted 11-04-2001 10:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressRydia   Click Here to Email EmpressRydia     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"Wha, what?!?" Aerin exclaimed. "Uh, um, what th...what are we supposed to do?" Aerin looked from Molokidan to Sammi, from Sammi to Tayr'or, and from Tayr'or back to Sammi. If there was a fight coming, would she be of any worth fighting? Or should she just stay out of everyon'e way?

"I'm just a big happy fish swimming through the ocean of love!! Ummm...I mean...Indeed!" -- Vulture, Spammer Lvl 57

"You found a large yummy roast leg of yak" -- Illusion of Gaia
RPG World...World! | 2 Sugoi
Pocket Dragons! (warning: excessively cute dragons contained within)

IP: Logged

Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 2186
Registered: May 2001

posted 11-04-2001 01:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for KingOfDoma   Click Here to Email KingOfDoma     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Tayr'Or jumped. Very high in the air. You see, he wasn't accustomed to action, per se. His family had never encouraged violence, just schooling. They also encouraged the power of money by example. Except for that one grandfather of his. When he was a child, he went on and on about battles and warriors and mysterious greenclad women. Ol' Grampa Daenj'r... what a card...

Tayr'Or then snapped out of his fear and piped up. "What's here?"

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 350
Registered: Aug 2001

posted 11-04-2001 02:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Molokidan   Click Here to Email Molokidan     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"What's here?" Dan walked over to Tay. "Whatever you're afraid of, it's here. Whatever your worst nightmare is--this is worse. And it's coming for us." he turned to Sammi. "Your dad and I forgot to finish something a long time ago. Now we're paying the price for it."

Another large explosion was heard.

"We don't have time for this, right now." Dan said. "Whoever here is even the littlest bit good at fighting, follow me."

He turned to the door, when suddenly, it was opened for him. Rather, blown down by a fireball.

Two low-class Demons stood in front of Dan, each carrying a nasty-looking bident. They creeped up. "Shit. . ." Dan said, transforming to Demondan. Unlike his normal form, his youth was retained in this form. He had flowing black hair, neon green eyes, and a thin muscular frame. "Alright, you little creeps, let's dance."

The first one dived at him. Black wings sprouted from Dan's back, and he quickly flew backwards. It tumbled inside, and stopped. The next one came to help it up. As it did, Dan, his black hair flowing, unsheated the Demonseye from his back, and in one quick motion, dismembered both of the demons.

"*NOW* do you believe me?" he turned to the inhabitants of the house.

--"He was a freak, and I was a freak, so we decided to freak together." Mike "Flea" Balzary.

IP: Logged

Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 1494
Registered: Jun 2001

posted 11-04-2001 02:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressRydia   Click Here to Email EmpressRydia     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Aerin backed up quickly, nearly tripping over Tayr'or. It only took her a moment to compose herself, though, before she walked over to one of the demon's corpses, and pulled out a small knife -- no one had noticed, and thanks to Dan, it had been superfluous, but she had thrown at him almost as soon as she'd had a chance to react.

She cleaned the blade off on the demon's clothes, not looking anyone in the eyes. She could feel Sammi and Molokidan staring at her, both probably wondering what good such small throwing knives could do...she looked up and saw Tayr'or grinning at her expansively. He, at least, knew about her "special weaponry." Quietly, she hid the knife back on her person and looked up at Dan blandly. "No one ever said they didn't believe you."

"I'm just a big happy fish swimming through the ocean of love!! Ummm...I mean...Indeed!" -- Vulture, Spammer Lvl 57

"You found a large yummy roast leg of yak" -- Illusion of Gaia
RPG World...World! | 2 Sugoi
Pocket Dragons! (warning: excessively cute dragons contained within)

[This message has been edited by EmpressRydia (edited 11-04-2001).]

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-04-2001 03:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Molokidan   Click Here to Email Molokidan     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"Then come with me." Molokidan's red eyes stared down at her. "Please, all of you. Soon. . .or else it'll be too late."

--"He was a freak, and I was a freak, so we decided to freak together." Mike "Flea" Balzary.

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posted 11-04-2001 03:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressRydia   Click Here to Email EmpressRydia     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Aerin looked away from Dan, and scooted toward Sammi. In a quiet undertone only Sammi could hear, she asked, "Sammi, who is this person? Can he be trusted?"

(OOC: Ash, it's your turn.)

"I'm just a big happy fish swimming through the ocean of love!! Ummm...I mean...Indeed!" -- Vulture, Spammer Lvl 57

"You found a large yummy roast leg of yak" -- Illusion of Gaia
RPG World...World! | 2 Sugoi
Pocket Dragons! (warning: excessively cute dragons contained within)

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Ash Fanrico
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posted 11-04-2001 09:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ash Fanrico   Click Here to Email Ash Fanrico     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
After all the action finished, Sammi rushed into her room, intent on getting prepared. Half of her belongings were still covered in blood from her battle with the CyberOrcs. She hadn't even heard Aerin ask the question till her friend asked it again. (sorry for using your character Dia) She then looked up at the big demon. "He's an old friend of my dad's. He was a hermit in the mountains behind us."

She ran back to her room and loaded up her GunBlade with bullets. She snapped her armor on and pulled on her commando-style pants.

She was ready for battle.

Elsewhere in the world...

Riggs was in Old Doma, helping in the reconstruction of if after DarkBlade's assault. He was busy rebuilding an area close to the spot where Ash and Dark Fanrico fought. He could still see the old Catapult that Ash used to finish off the demonicly summoned creature. He was repairing a lamp-pole. He was just about done when someone came running in. A person who looked scared out of their mind, since he WAS screaming.

Riggs ran over to the poor guy. "What's the matter?" he asked. The guy looked up at him. "South Figaro, it's been... destroyed." he said. Riggs dropped his tools. He looked over on the horizon, as if he was trying to see over miles. He was worried about Sammi.

He knew he had to do something....

Back with Sammi...

Sammi looked confused. The man who was standing in front of her, Molokidan, didn't look much like the younger man who appeared here about a year ago.

But there was time for that later. She had to stop this new threat. But far back in her mind, she was more worried about the rebirth of Dark Fanrico.

Till All Are One!

"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the BROOM."

"I am a Hero... like many heroes before me."

*sigh*... Fights are Tough.

In honor of Vulture... Indeed! and a Goblin Punch for good measure!!

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-05-2001 12:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkblade2000us   Click Here to Email darkblade2000us     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
News hadn't arrived before the rowdy four of the five showed up to ask Luna.

Yellow knight:
Luna did ya hear?
Purple knight:
Just around south Figaro there's an invasion beginning!
Orange knight:
Carnage, blood, and death! We're missing the good stuff!
Blue knight:
Please please can we go?

(If this were an anime the Mecha-knights would be in chibi form running around Luna asking to go out into the field to join in the battle.)

Luna: *sweatdrop*
I guess it would be all right as long as Red knight stayed here to protect Whelan.

Yellow knight:
Orange knight:
Time to open up a kegger of whoop ass!
Purple knight:
I wonder just how many demons I can kill before the rest of you can take even one?
Blue knight:
Yeah right! I'm the one who's gonna be wiping the ground up all over the countryside with demon's hide!

Squabbling as they departed the Mecha-knights flew off towards the area around south Figaro.

Red knight:
I sometimes wonder if they're was a power surge or a virus in the system when their personalities were created.

Don't worry Red knight I'm sure that they'll remember to watch out for innocent bystanders this time. Hopefully they will....I think I'm going to go contact Ash about this.

Luna then dashed off to the portal linked to Ash's tower while the Red knight engaged the citywide defense grid.

Red knight:
I'll wait to send out any warnings to evacuate to the safety areas until the outer perimeters sense anything. I hope my feelings are wrong, but I feel as though a war is approaching.

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-05-2001 07:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Molokidan   Click Here to Email Molokidan     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Dan transformed back from his young demon form to normal. The decrepit man with the grey-blue hair bowed to Sammi. "Whatever you want. I owe you a great service for what your father did." he stood back up. "Please. . .all of you who are coming. . .follow me." He walked out of the house and stood in the street.

It was horrible. Everywhere you looked, there was a demon. Some were battling with other men, some were fighting with themselves over a scrap of meat. Some were laughing and torching houses. It was a mess.

"DemonBeast. . .where are you. . .?" Dan looked around. "He's somewhere, that's for sure."

He turned his head back just in time to see a mutated bat swoop down at his head. He ducked, and in a flash he was Demondan, up in the air, his black wings flapping. He zoomed forward to the bat and sliced downwards, slicing one of its wings off. Lopsided, it came back for another attack, biting into Dan's shoulder. He powered up an energy blast with his hand and let it loose from below the bat, blasting it upwards and turning it into smoldering ash.

"Argh. . ." he stood, floating above the ruins of Narshe. "If they don't help me. . ." he said to himself. "I'm as good as dead."

--"He was a freak, and I was a freak, so we decided to freak together." Mike "Flea" Balzary.

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-05-2001 11:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressRydia   Click Here to Email EmpressRydia     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Aerin sighed at Sammi's short, lacking answer, but she followed Dan outside nonetheless. There were demons just about everywhere, she noted wryly as she sneaked off to the room off the inn where she lived.

Aerin slipped into the room, grabbed her mail, and slipped it on. She opened a drawer from her old dresser and grabbed a strip of cloth that held many knives on it -- knives tipped with a particularly potent type of poison -- Aerin only hoped they were effective against most of the demons. Hiding the whole thing into the right side of her clothes, she then slid outside, looking for a safe place to pick targets from.

She hid behind a conveniently placed stairway and started calmly darting the demons who she could. Sammi may enjoy the noisy, bloody, hack 'em into little pieces style of fighting, but Aerin would rather quietly pick off her opponents in a less flashy manner. The thin girl smirked wryly as she watched demons stumble, and then fall from her knives -- apparently, Tayr'or's "potions" worked well on them as with humans.

"I'm just a big happy fish swimming through the ocean of love!! Ummm...I mean...Indeed!" -- Vulture, Spammer Lvl 57

"You found a large yummy roast leg of yak" -- Illusion of Gaia
RPG World...World! | 2 Sugoi
Pocket Dragons! (warning: excessively cute dragons contained within)

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posted 11-05-2001 04:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Folx   Click Here to Email Folx     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"Ah, there's something that even any sentient robot can understand. Emotions can be harsh. Lonliness... What could be worse... only hate and to be hated, or so I say... Heh, it's like I switched modes suddenly. Well, I don't really have any modes..." Rika leaned up against a nearby wall. "I think that Dr. Birkley made me too human. I don't have any sensors or anything like that... All I have is a photographic memory and the ability to mimic anything exactly; whereas, you have lasers, sensors... the full lineup." Rika noticed a bit of a jealous tone building up in her voice and decided to stop trying to convince Luna how good her life was in comparison. "So, how much do you know about what's happeneing in Figaro?" Rika asked, trying to take Luna's mind off od DB.

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posted 11-05-2001 08:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for KingOfDoma   Click Here to Email KingOfDoma     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Tayr'Or reached into the folds of his cloak.

As he searched for his weapon, he thought of a day he spent with his grandpa.

"But grandpa, it's hard."

"Well, duh, Tay. Try it again."

The small boy readied the dagger and went through the motions as his grandfather led the way.

He tripped. "Owie! Grandpa! It hurts!" he whined.

Grandfather bent down and placed his hand on his leg. His hands glowed, and in an instant, the small boy stopped whining.

"Now... try it again."

The young boy wiped his eyes and said, "OK Gran'pa... I won't give up cuzza you!"

He finally found his weapon.

He pulled out the Desert Eagle and started firing at the demons.

He winced at the kickback.

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-05-2001 11:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkblade2000us   Click Here to Email darkblade2000us     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
We can talk on our way to Ash's tower Rika. As far as I know it's just another one of their excuses to as they say it, "Blow shit up".

Given the choice to accompany Luna to Ash's tower, Rika is left to her decision.

(OOC: This way I don't control Rika. She can come if she want's to or not.)

Meanwhile in Ash's tower.

Hey Luna! What brings you here today? Ash's lessons don't restart until next week so he's indisposed of at the moment.

I have more pressing matters to tend to at the moment BOD. Please call out the mirror.

For you Luna, sure.

BOD glows for a second and the enchanted mirror that Darkblade used to use to watch everything that happened in the world appeared before them.

So what do you want to see?

I wish to know what is happening around the area of South Figaro.

The mirror's surface grows dim and then shows burning wreckage, dead bodies, and a demon army on the rampage.

So they were right after all. Well this certainly complicates things. BOD, I'm requesting that you don't let Ash see this.

Well seeing how the mirror was made to only respond to my commands ever since DB left it shouldn't be difficult. Ash only talks to me when he wants to use it these days. Most likely because he's busy with Christydia if you know what I mean.

BOD. I may look like a child, but I know a lot more than you probably do. Anyway show me who is at the head of this demon army.

It'll take a second to focus so just wait a second.

Back with the fearsome four who are speeding towards South Figaro.

Yellow knight:
Hey do you guys think that there'll be any of the old master's friends fighting there?
Blue knight:
Most likely since some of them live in that area.
Purple knight:
That's what I love about this place. There's never to long of a time before a good battle. I was getting really bored with just patrolling Whelan and beating the crap out of the would be muggers there.
Orange knight:
Purple knight:
Something the matter Orange?
Orange knight:
I'm just wondering who could be behind this, but I guess it won't matter because we'll kick his ass too!

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-06-2001 11:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Molokidan   Click Here to Email Molokidan     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Molokidan, still floating in the air, smiled. He had allies. Maybe. . .just maybe, there was hope. He looked into the house to make sure Sammi was alright. "Ash'd kill me if I let anything happen to her. ." he chuckled. "Not that she needs any help taking care of herself. . ."

He now looked ahead. The hordes were everywhere. He jumped to the ground and began an onslaught of attacks, slashing all around himself. He split the Demonseye into two knives and began slicing back and forth, trying to block all the attacks that were being led on him from every angle. Some attacks got through, and he grimaced at the pain and managed to keep going. It seemed impossible, but for every one that he killed, more seemed to show up. His world was blurry, and he could see nothing but the mosh pit of demons all around him. Finally realizing he was going nowhere, he let out a primal scream, and there was a surge of purple thunder. After the smoke cleared, there was a crater about 10 feet around, and in the center, heaving, was Molokidan. The demons had been driven back, and they looked over the edge to see him down below. He sheathed the Demonseye and began preparing energy blasts.

"Man. . ." he said, groaning. "I guess I really am going soft."

--"He was a freak, and I was a freak, so we decided to freak together." Mike "Flea" Balzary.

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-06-2001 01:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressRydia   Click Here to Email EmpressRydia     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Aerin was running out of knives to throw. There were just too many demons, and she couldn't fight close range...but for some reason, the demons were becoming less and less dense where she was hidden...

When the air flashed suddenly purple, and thunder rolled across the town, Aerin quickly slipped out from her spot and turned her attention at a newly made crater in the town. Her mouth dropped open as she saw almost all the town's demons gathering around it, preparing to attack the person who'd come to Sammi's house early.

With none of the enemies paying attention, it was difficult for Aerin to make her way to a new hiding place, closer to the ring of demons, behind a crumbling wall. Taking her last 4 daggers, she took careful aim to make each one count...

"I'm just a big happy fish swimming through the ocean of love!! Ummm...I mean...Indeed!" -- Vulture, Spammer Lvl 57

"You found a large yummy roast leg of yak" -- Illusion of Gaia
RPG World...World! | 2 Sugoi
Pocket Dragons! (warning: excessively cute dragons contained within)

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Ash Fanrico
Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-06-2001 09:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ash Fanrico   Click Here to Email Ash Fanrico     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote

Till All Are One!

"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the BROOM."

"I am a Hero... like many heroes before me."

*sigh*... Fights are Tough.

In honor of Vulture... Indeed! and a Goblin Punch for good measure!!

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 2186
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posted 11-06-2001 10:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for KingOfDoma   Click Here to Email KingOfDoma     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
(OOC: Thank you, Ash. Now... mind posting some story?)

Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!


And I'm still waiting for that punk Vulture to hit 3K posts...

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Ash Fanrico
Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 691
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posted 11-07-2001 05:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ash Fanrico   Click Here to Email Ash Fanrico     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
(OOC- sorry, been busy)

Sammi leaped into battle with the demon horde. She hacked and slashed into her enemies, utilizing the techniques learned from her father, and other various old soldiers in town.

She fired off a few rounds every now and then. She still wasn't too skilled with extreme combat yet, so she'd get the occasional scratch, bruise, cut and other various injuries from her various opponents.

She knew she had to get to the leader of this horde, and slay him. Without their leader, the demons wouldn't have any sense of direction.

But with the numbers of enemies almost seeming endless, she knew she was going to have to push herself to her limits to get to this leader.

Deep in Hell...

Dark Fanrico sensed a large amount of action and big gathering of power eminating from up above.

He sneered. "It's the DemonBeast. That foolish monster still thinks he can succeed where i failed once? Heh, like before he shall the consequences of his foolish actions..." said Dark Fanrico as he watched on...

Till All Are One!

"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the BROOM."

"I am a Hero... like many heroes before me."

*sigh*... Fights are Tough.

In honor of Vulture... Indeed! and a Goblin Punch for good measure!!

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 1494
Registered: Jun 2001

posted 11-07-2001 06:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressRydia   Click Here to Email EmpressRydia     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
No good, Aerin thought. There were still dozens of demons left, and she only had 4 daggers. What if there was a leader of some kind? Despite her misgivings, the girl skulked off, trying to find good coverage, to find a demon somehow distinct from the others.

Unfortunately, it found her first.


(OOC: Aerin isn't much for words, in most cases. I'll leave the description of the beast to someone better at that sort of thing.)

"I'm just a big happy fish swimming through the ocean of love!! Ummm...I mean...Indeed!" -- Vulture, Spammer Lvl 57

"You found a large yummy roast leg of yak" -- Illusion of Gaia
RPG World...World! | 2 Sugoi
Pocket Dragons! (warning: excessively cute dragons contained within)

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 350
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posted 11-08-2001 07:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Molokidan   Click Here to Email Molokidan     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
The DemonBeast was right in front of Aerin. She could smell the horrible stench eminating from his nostrils in a green gas. She backed up, but suddenly, she saw behind her, was a gigantic pit of fire. He smiled.

"Soon. . .there will be no difference from hell and earth." he growled. He had a gigantic head, from which a black mane proceeded from and went back to a minotaur-like body. His five rows of teeth grinned at her. "This is just one of the many holes open to Hell. I've set tons of demons free." he growled. "And soon. . . .you will be like them." he reached out to push Aerin back. She didn't know what to do. It looked as if she was trapped.

Suddenly, the DemonBeast's red eyes flew open, and a vat of blood escaped from his mouth. Atop his gigantic body was Demondan, with the Demonseye stuck in him all the way down into the hilt.

"Long time no see, eh, DemonBeast?" Dan said, his voice remaining serious. "You were always a bit apprehensive, don't you think?" he said, pulling the sword out, and exposing the wound. A geyser of blood pulsed up into the air.

"Having fun, are we?" the DemonBeast growled, and whirled around. Dan lost his footing and fell off of the beast's back, and landed on the ground. "Urgh. . ." he moaned.

The DemonBeast came face to face with him. "So. . .now what are you going to do, you sad excuse for a half-breed! I'm going to kill you slowly!"

"Not if I can help it." Dan punched his fist into the beast's left eye, smashing it, and creating a gaping hole in his face. "Fool."

"ARGH!" The DemonBeast was obviously getting out of control. For every attack he had, Dan had a better counterattack. Every move he made was caught. It didn't seem like he had any upper hand at all for this battle.

Except for one thing. . . .

"Heh heh heh." he laughed. "You think you've beaten me?" he backed up. "Well, I know one thing no one else does. And that is that you're half-demon, and you can be controlled quite easily by a full-fledged one."

Dan said nothing.

"Allow me to demonstrate." the DemonBeast flashed white, and a black beam shot out, smashing into Dan. Dan turned into a black figure, and began convulsing horribly. After a while, the black smoke cleared from him, and what was left was a sinister figure.

He had horns coming out from his forehead, long black hair, and an evil face. He wore black bondage armor and a long purple cape. Now he had a thicker, spiked Demonseye, which he held in his left hand.

"Allow me to introduce to you. . ." DemonBeast said to Aerin. "Hell Molokidan. . .a totally evil, totally DEMON Molokidan."

Hell Molo walked forward, cracking his knuckles and his neck. He had red eyes and fangs that pierced his own mouth.

"Kill her!" DemonBeast said. "Give me proof of your newfound power!"

Hell Molo continued walking. He came in front of the DemonBeast and Aerin, smoke coming out from his own body.

And with that, he stuck his sword into DemonBeast's head, and then moved closer to him.

"You forgot one thing, you fool." he said, his voice droning like the rest of the demons. "Dark Fanrico already tried this once. He took me over, and I was his slave. After a while, I was freed, and learned to control my demonic blood. Thank you for giving me more power, though." he laughed, and ripped the sword upwards, slicing the Demon's head in two. He screamed out a cacophony of squeals, and then began burning, sinking into the ground. The Demon Hordes backed up, horrified, and began sinking in with him. Soon, there was nothing left in Narshe.

Except for the holes.

"Those holes. . ." Hell Molokidan looked about, his body shaking due to so much power. "How do we get rid of those holes?" he seemed to be stumped. "Why did't they go away with the beast? This doesn't make any sense. . ."

--"He was a freak, and I was a freak, so we decided to freak together." Mike "Flea" Balzary.

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-08-2001 12:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkblade2000us   Click Here to Email darkblade2000us     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Arriving after the action was a very disappointed group of four Mecha-knights.

Orange knight:
Purple knight:
Yellow knight:
What did we ever do to deserve this?!
Blue knight:
Wait guys, there one demon left right over there!

The Mecha-knights turn their attention to Hell Molokidan with an excited look on their faces.

Yellow knight:
Just one!
Purple knight:
I call dibs!
Blue knight:
No fair I saw him first!
Orange knight:
I say the first to get to him gets to kill him!

The Mecha-knights launched themselves at Hell Molokidan, but were halted by the Red knight just in time.

Goddamn that hurt. Next time you ask me to teleport you somewhere the answer is no!

Red knight:
Thank you BOD. Guys this isn't a bad guy, he's Molokidan. He just happens to be a demon. Now if he had been turned into a daemon then I would have helped you kill him, but that's not the problem here.

Blue knight:
Yellow knight:
Man you're always spoiling our fun.
Orange knight:
How come we can't kill this doof?!
Purple knight:
We came here for a fight and we're not leaving until we're satisfied!
Blue, Orange, & Yellow knight:

Red knight:
Well how about this. In mere moments we could be battling against Hell's army.

Orange knight:
Sounds good to me.
Blue knight:
That'll do just fine.
Purple knight:
As long as we don't have to wait too long.
Yellow knight:
Tell us more Red!

Red knight:
I'll let BOD explain the rest to you and anybody else here that cares to listen in.

I'll keep it simple here. What our problem is that all those holes in the ground are gateways that lead directly to Hell. Now what we have to do is not only take care of whatever comes out of those holes, but we must also seal them back up.

Blue knight:
Well duh!

Red knight:

Our main problem is finding a way to seal them up. I'll be returning to the tower's library to look up on it, but in the mean time everyone should guard the gateways. I'd ask for Ash's help, but he's busy with Christydia.

Red knight:
You heard him men, move out! I'll call Luna to have her prep some back up if needed.

Purple knight:
As if we need help!
Blue knight:
We'll be lucky if "Hell's army" is even a challenge for us.
Orange knight:
As long as I get to kick some demon ass I'm happy. No offense Molokidan.
Yellow knight:
I hope we don't have to wait to long!

Meanwhile back in Whelan, Luna is...

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-08-2001 01:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressRydia   Click Here to Email EmpressRydia     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Aerin finally unfroze. She gave a mere side glance to the mech knights, and slid over to where Molokidan stood. "Thanks," she muttered. "That thing, by the way...he said there were 'many holes'...these may not be the only two..." She stepped back, simultaneously eyeing the gaping tear in the earth, the squabbling mech knights, and the intimidating Hell Molokidan.

She slipped off, looking for Sammi, while pondering her choice of weapons. While well suited to the reconnaisance and spying she was accustomed to doing, they wouldn't do her much good against hordes of demons running amuck her "home" town, Narshe...perhaps Sammi could teach her a thing or two about swords...

"I'm just a big happy fish swimming through the ocean of love!! Ummm...I mean...Indeed!" -- Vulture, Spammer Lvl 57

"You found a large yummy roast leg of yak" -- Illusion of Gaia
RPG World...World! | 2 Sugoi
Pocket Dragons! (warning: excessively cute dragons contained within)

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Ash Fanrico
Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 691
Registered: Aug 2001

posted 11-08-2001 05:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ash Fanrico   Click Here to Email Ash Fanrico     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
*while that was all happening*

Sammi was finishing off a demon she had been fighting. She heard a loud roar from out of nowhere. She turned to the direction of the roar.

"Sounds like a large monster!" she gasped.

(OOC: That's the dying DemonBeast's roar)

The demon behind her took that opening to pounce ontop the young heroine.

Sammi felt herself fall face forward onto the ground. The Demon grabbed her hair and yanked back. Sammi screamed as she spun on the ground, swinging her GunBlade, and lopped the Demon's head off cleanly.

She rubbed her injured head. She got up to go investigate what was going on where that roar came from.

*After the Mech-Knights arrived*

A low rumbling could be heard. Sammi was near the spot where she had heard the loud roar. She felt a strong power in coming from the ground. Suddenly flashbacks of the Nightmare came back to her.

Fire spewed from where the hell gate was. The Mech-Knights (sorry to use them DB) backed away.

A more deeper roar could heard from beneath the ground.

A large fireball shot out of the hole in he ground. It flew into the air, making a bottle rocket-like sound. It hit the ground a few feet away from the hole in the ground.

A massive explosion occured. A wall of flame shot up into the air. A figure walked out of the wall of fire. A figure with Demonic Wings, and.... glowing red eyes.

Sammi made it just in time to see the impressive entrance.

The figure walked towards the hell gate. He kneeled down and placed his hand near it. The large hole closed up. The creature stood up. He looked at the group in front of him.

The only person who recognized him was Molokidan.

"Hello there Dan... look who's back." said the creature as he raised his hands.

He flexed his muscles and an aura of energy formed around him as he stood.

He breathed in deeply. "This world of ours has seen better days." said the creature.

(OOC: Since this is a post-apocolyptic-ish world, a result from the huge amount of wars there had been.)

He looked at the Mech-Knights. He could smell an all too familiar smell to them. "DarkBlade... " he hissed to himself.

He then noticed Sammi standing all the way in the back of the group.

"Hello Sammi... remember me?" he asked.

Sammi then realized who it was. "Dark Fanrico!" she said in shocked tone.

-After a fifty one year hiatus, the Evil Dark Fanrico has returned!!!! What will this spell for Sammi and her friends? Will Ash get somehow involved? Or will he keep his vow of non-interference? Will Sammi's friends Aerin and Tayr'or be able to keep up with this new evil from the Old World? How will Molokidan fare against Dark Fanrico?

All this and more in the next installment of THE BURDEN OF THE FATHER.

(OOC- always wanted to do that. The next installment will be the Next Post of course.)

Till All Are One!

"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the BROOM."

"I am a Hero... like many heroes before me."

*sigh*... Fights are Tough.

In honor of Vulture... Indeed! and a Goblin Punch for good measure!!

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

Posts: 350
Registered: Aug 2001

posted 11-09-2001 07:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Molokidan   Click Here to Email Molokidan     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
(Last time. . .on THE BURDEN OF THE FATHER. . .Darkblade's Mech-Knights arrived on the scene just in time to see Dark Fanrico pop out of the dimensional vortex! Will our heroes be trampled by this new welcome wagon, or does the newly-transformed Hell Molokidan have something up his sleeve?)

THE BURDEN OF THE FATHER: EPISODE 84929: "Fanrico Attacks".


Hell Molokidan's eyes widened with fear as he stared with what was now in front of him.

"No. . ." he said, backing away. "No. . .!! This can't be!!"

Now, when a six-and-a-half foot red, glowing demon backs away, frightened out of his mind, you know something's messed up here.

He gripped his head in disbelief. "How c. .can this be?!"

He thought back to the battle on the Floating Continent all those years ago. "It. . .it had taken all of our power, Ash's, Stephan's, Daniel's, Jak's, mine, everyone's! And we just barely defeated him. . .now here he is. . .and I'm the only person who knows who he is!!!"

He stared at Fanrico, his mind spinning. "How could he be back again?! We totally destroyed him! I DON'T BELIEVE IT!"

He looked to Aerin, and then Sammi, and then Tay. "All of you. . .you must not get involved with this. . .please. I am going to try and stop this. . .thing. He's much more powerful than I myself. . .please. . .I don't want to have anyone else die at his fingertips. . ."

He turned back to Dark Fanrico. "You. . ." he said, a purple blaze exploding from his body. "You're mine."

--"He was a freak, and I was a freak, so we decided to freak together." Mike "Flea" Balzary.

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-09-2001 08:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Folx   Click Here to Email Folx     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
(OOC: Sorry, been gone for a while)

Rika followed Luna to where the BoD was and saw the mirror and everything that happened. "What are we going to do, Luna? I can barely do a thing without my claws, and they've been destroyed. Since Dr. Birkley's dead (hope you don't mind, Ash) I can't get a duplicate pair. He was the only one who knew the program that ran thier transformations and powers." Suddenly, in the mirror could be seen a familiar elf...

At Narsche...

"Dark Fanrico! Was it you who summoned this demon horde? You shall die by my blade. I will avenge my wife! Tell me, was it you who summoned the demons that killed Kira?!"

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Ash Fanrico
Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-09-2001 09:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ash Fanrico   Click Here to Email Ash Fanrico     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Sammi cringed back. She was totally overcome with fear. Her eyes wide with terror, she seemed to have paled. She was uncontrollably shaking as well.

Dark Fanrico kicked at the dead body of the DemonBeast. "Pathetic waste." he chuckled as he walked up closer to Molokidan. "Ah hello there Dan... been all long time. I know you're probably wondering something... wasn't I supposed to be dead? Wasn't that demon who was taking that last ride on a bag of gunpowder me? Well yes.... and no. I was summoned there that night. So in effect, Ash killed a summoned monster. I bet you are also wondering why it took me THIS long to return. You see... I did die, you and your friends did infact destroy me. My inner core was extremely exhausted and wasted up to that point. It took a long time for my core, my inner power, to recharge, and almost even longer to sum up the right amount of energy to revive me. The Bastard is back, but too bad very few of the heroes are... " guffawed Dark Fanrico.

He then heard the challenge being made behind him. (from Folx's post)

He spun around to meet the challenger. "Maybe I am... Maybe I ain't. What are you gonna DO about it?" he hissed.

Sammi was trying to snap out of this trance. She was trying very hard to. (OOC- I mean geez, she has practically waken up!)

Deep in the recesses of her mind...

She saw her father, standing infront of her. He was decked out in his old fighting attire. He looked her right in the eyes. "Sammi, you must snap out of this... you must make a stand against Dark Fanrico. You and your friends are the last line of defense against him." he told her in her mind, via telepathy. She responded by thinking, "Why aren't you helping us? You've got Dark Blade's powers, why not come down here and toast Dark Fanrico?" she asked.

There was a long silence....

"Because, unlike my predacessor, I'm not going to interfere in other people's lives. DarkBlade interfered too much and by doing so caused a great deal of the problems that have plagued our earth. I'm not going to contribute any more to things that will cause more trouble for people." replied her father. Sammi seemed to lose more hope. "You should listen to yourself... cause it doesn't sound like my father." replied Sammi.

Dark Fanrico's eyes lit on fire as the earth began to shake. "Let's start this part off with a BANG!!!" he roared as columns of fire and brimstone rose from the ground.

Till All Are One!

"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the BROOM."

"I am a Hero... like many heroes before me."

*sigh*... Fights are Tough.

In honor of Vulture... Indeed! and a Goblin Punch for good measure!!

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-10-2001 01:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkblade2000us   Click Here to Email darkblade2000us     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
The faces of all five Mecha-knights went blank. The fearsome four all spoke in unison the name, "Dark Fanrico", in a very computerish sound rather than their usual normal voices. Red was the only one to keep the same tone of voice as he said...

Red knight:
Initiate protocal command X-7Z4. Armor up!!

The five warriors transformed into their completely armor covered state and began to power up their systems and beam sabers that they unsheathed from their belts.

Red knight:
Please do as best you can BOD to help these people!

You don't have to tell me twice!

Everyone excluding Molokidan and the Mecha-knights were teleported 5 miles outside of town.

BOD was hopping around with smoke coming from it's bristles.

AHHHHHH that hurt!! Anyway the reason that I just did that was a precautionary move for all of you, because if the Mecha-knights are defeated then every single missle in the armory of Whelan will be launched at Narshe. If any of you are nuts enought to go back then you can use the warp tile I'll be creating when I leave which is right now cause I'm getting the hell out of here!

(OOC: The warp tile makes it possible for anyone that wishes to join in the fight do so. The five miles was a minimum safe distance from a nuclear explosion, but a if a full nuclear strike occurs then I would suggest that people start moving.)

Back at Narshe the party of the Mecha-knights and Molokidan stood alone against Dark Fanrico. In a flash the knights launched themselves toward Fanrico and....

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Ash Fanrico
Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-10-2001 09:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ash Fanrico   Click Here to Email Ash Fanrico     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
(OOC- godammit DarkBlade!!)

Dark Fanrico was in no mood right now to fight his enemies, specially with him just coming back from a fifty-one year hiatus. He decided that now was not the time to fight his opponents. So he dodged the incoming Mech-Knights and Flew off into the sky.

Back with Sammi and Friends... and the entire town of Narshe...

Sammi walked over to Aerin to make sure she was okay. "Are you okay Dee?" she asked her best friend.

Back to Ash...

Ash summoned the BOD.

"You little bastard! You have no right to do that sort of thing! Nuclear Bombs? Geezus, at times you and DarkBlade seemed to think that you have a right to destroy an entire town. Well here's some news sunshine! YOU SURE AS HELL FUCKING DON'T!!!!" shouted Ash to the Broom.

Till All Are One!

"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the BROOM."

"I am a Hero... like many heroes before me."

*sigh*... Fights are Tough.

In honor of Vulture... Indeed! and a Goblin Punch for good measure!!

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-10-2001 12:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Folx   Click Here to Email Folx     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"Dammit, BOD!"

"What?!" Said the bard of darkness from within Cantor's own mind.

"No, not you, the broom. At least he left a warp tile..."

Cantor stepped up onto the tile and was teleported to Narsche again. "Hey Fanrico! This is what I plan to do!" Cantor began emitting a green-blue light. He drew his sword, which began glowing even stronger. Elecrtical energy started to fly in random directions. "You'll die by my blade! Your demons killed Kira! Vengance will be mine!" Cantor dashed at Dark Fanrico with speed unlike any that the elf had displayed before. His blade began emitting pure energy (such as what Dan was firing off) as it was swung at DF...

"Woah! I thought that was just some stupid elf willing to give his life for vengance, but he might even stand a chance!" said Rika, as she saw what was going on in the mirror.

"Only in that Fanrico's been recently revived. If we let him get too far, then he'll become far too powerful to even be scratched by that bard's power."

"Wha... who's there?"

The poet of light, the part that was eventually seperated from Cantor, walked up. "I don't think he'll even stand a chance now. His dark half isn't lending his power. I would, but I don't think I can get there in time. The bard of darkness is cantor's main source of power, so Cantor will surely die unless that heartles fool has a change of heart. If only I was there to keep the bastard in check. Is there a way that you ladies might know of to teleport there anytime soon?"

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posted 11-10-2001 02:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressRydia   Click Here to Email EmpressRydia     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
I'm...okay, aerin thought. She blinked, and realized she hadn't spoken aloud yet. "I'm all right, Sammi. What the...what exactly happened back there? How exactly did that thing get revived? What can we do about it?" Aerin blinked slowly at her friend, feeling sad and hopeless. She wasn't an adventurer born and bred, but she didn't want to see her town turned to ashes. But her own attempts at fighting --while quite effective in her line of work-- proved woefully inadequate in fighting mass hordes of demons -- at least in her mind, it had. She sighed and waited for her friend to answer.

"I'm just a big happy fish swimming through the ocean of love!! Ummm...I mean...Indeed!" -- Vulture, Spammer Lvl 57

"You found a large yummy roast leg of yak" -- Illusion of Gaia
RPG World...World! | 2 Sugoi
Pocket Dragons! (warning: excessively cute dragons contained within)

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posted 11-10-2001 02:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for KingOfDoma   Click Here to Email KingOfDoma     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote

The only refuge of the overwhelmed.

Tayr'Or sat, absorbing all this information.

What a day it had been for him.

He was just here to talk to his friend.

And already, he had battled demons and was even in the presence of THE Ash Fanrico, savior of the world.

And so, he sat, and waited to be called on.

It was all he could do.

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-10-2001 04:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Molokidan   Click Here to Email Molokidan     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"What. . .?" Dan stood dumbfounded as DF retreated to the sky. "But. . why would he do that? He could no doubt take all of us easily. . ." he looked to the Mecha-Knights, then to Fanrico. "Wait. . .!" he said. "Could it be possible. . .that in his ressurection, Dark Fanrico lost some of his powers?" Dan said, considering the idea.

"Well, there's only one way to find out. . ."

Concentrating his energy, he blasted up into the sky. Another set of wings, a much larger and thicker one this time, shot out from his back and propelled him up farther, coming into close range with Fanrico.

He brandished the Demonseye. "Don't leave just yet, Fanrico!" he yelled. "We haven't even had a proper fistfight yet!" he can further on with the sword, getting ready to slash straight down the center of DF.

--"He was a freak, and I was a freak, so we decided to freak together." Mike "Flea" Balzary.

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-10-2001 11:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkblade2000us   Click Here to Email darkblade2000us     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
(OOC: Dude, sorry! I wasn't finished yet!)

Bitch bitch bitch! I do something nice and you bitch at me for it. I left a goddamn warp tile for them to go right back in a fucking instant to fight Dark Fanrico. If you're angry about the missile thing it was a fail-safe program Darkblade left in case of an emergency so I had nothing to do with it. If a single being had the power to take out five Mecha-knights then an entire fucking army would be nothing to him! It would be a final resort of course so don't get your panties in a twist, jeez! Let me ask you this though! What would you rather do, sacrifice one town to save the world of which I just evacuated or let Dark Fanrico run around lose? Mister I'm not going to interfere with people's lives! Some protector of the world you're turning out to be!

Meanwhile back in Whelan...

This is a little earlier than expected! I wish Darkblade was here because I am a little against the "ends justify the means" thing. I think it's time to re-write the programming on plan X-7Z4.

Turning to a control panel Luna executes a command that orders a crew of construction droids to begin the dismantling of all nuclear missiles in the armory.

That's good for a start, but now I'll have to see Ash and talk about upping his training or at least a meditation trick to allow the world's magic to be restored for a couple of days because I doubt we'll last 3 years while Dark Fanrico is around.

Thinking of what else she can do, Luna steps onto the teleported and goes to Ash's tower to consult him...

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Ash Fanrico
Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-11-2001 12:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ash Fanrico   Click Here to Email Ash Fanrico     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Ash glared at the Talking Broom.

"Another thing Broom, I'm tired of you guys thinking that the only thing I do around here is lounge around and screw Christydia. Yes, I know what yo people talk about, I have DB's powers as well, and those come natural to the owner of such powers. To add to our argument, I would bring up all the fuck-ups DB has done in the past, but that'll probably take too long, and I'm supposed to do my job." as he turned back to watching his daughter. He wondered what Luna was doing... since he hadn't seen her in Narshe.

Back with Sammi...

"I don't know Aerin... I honestly don't know. Seems like the combatants want to tear each other apart and Narshe with them. I don't I'll ever know how something as evil and twisted as Dark Fanrico can even exsist." replied Sammi as she wondered what he father was doing.

Back in Narshe....

Dark Fanrico dodged the blast from Molokidan, since he was in the AIR, and was on his way outta there. He had cleared the mountains before anyone could do anything. He was curious anyway about how the world was, since he hadn't been up here for about fifty one years. He wondered where Doma was...

Back with Sammi...

Sammi spotted Dark Fanrico flying in the sky above them. "LOOK!" she said as she pointed to where she saw him.

(OOC- KoD, Ash appeared before Sammi in her mind.)

Till All Are One!

"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the BROOM."

"I am a Hero... like many heroes before me."

*sigh*... Fights are Tough.

In honor of Vulture... Indeed! and a Goblin Punch for good measure!!

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-11-2001 07:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Folx   Click Here to Email Folx     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"Miss, could you reprogam this telepod to send me to Narsche?" the poet of light asked Rika.

"Um... sure..." Rika pushed a few buttons on the machine and the poet of light stepped on.

He found himself in nersche. "Cantor!"


"Let us join again! We'll need to combine our knowledge and power."

"Why does this sound so cliched? Oh well, let's do it!"

The two began to glow, and were soon left with only one being standing there.

(in Cantor's mind)

"You're back," said the bard of darkness.

[i]"Yes. Why do you not lend your power to Cantor?"

"Why should I? Everything I care about is gone!"

"So you want to die? Is that it?!"

"Yes! Why should I live?!"

"William may still be alive! We only haven't found him!"

"But Kira's dead! Even you know that!"

"Are you trying to die to join her?"

"...Yes... If I die, I'll be with her forever..."

"If you do this, it may be viewed as suicide! Suicide gets you into HELL! You aren't giving your life for a noble cause, but simply throwing it away! I get the feeling that the oppurtunity soon enough... but for now, we must help Cantor to survive!"

(Outside, in the physical plane)

Cantor's sword began emitting more energy, more than twice as much as before. "Shadow!"

A black horse came running from the edge of town. "Take me up to where Dark Fanrico is!"

From shadow's back, two great wings unfolded (I'll probably end up explaining how Shadow became a pegasus later) and Cantor Hopped on. Shadow began to gallop, then lifed off of the ground with a few beats of her wings. She began her ascent toward Drak Fanrico...

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-11-2001 08:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Molokidan   Click Here to Email Molokidan     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
As Cantor flew up, Molokidan flew down and stood in his way. "It's useless, Cantor." he said. "By now, Fanrico is already on a different continent. It's not my plan, but it's best to let him go now. We have other things to do. . ."

He let Cantor decide what to do, and then flew down to Aerin and the others.

"Guys. . ." he said. "Do you all know how to fly? How about extending your inner energy? Using a sword? We're all going to need the best we've got, and we're going to need to do it fast. . .because as we speak, Dark Fanrico is destroying countless towns and people."

(OOC: Hmm. . .this seem like a certain arc in a certain anime, no? For those of you have seen the full of a certain anime, IM me. . .)

--"He was a freak, and I was a freak, so we decided to freak together." Mike "Flea" Balzary.

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Ash Fanrico
Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-11-2001 09:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ash Fanrico   Click Here to Email Ash Fanrico     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Dark Fanrico flew down towards where Doma was. What he saw was a massively destroyed kingdom. He then remembered that night. Being summoned forth to do someone's bidding.

Then fighting an aged Ash Fanrico in the streets of Neo-Doma.

Then taking a last ride on a bag of gunpowder when he was tricked into jumping into on that catapult.

"So if this Doma's not really that 100% yet, where did they put the kingdom?" he asked.

Workers in the Ruins of Doma saw him and started screaming. "It's not fun when it's just workers and a city already destroyed." hissed Dark Fanrico as he flapped his demon wings and went off to find the location of the "New" Doma.

Back with Sammi...

"What are we going to do?" asked Sammi to the group. "Fight that evil bastard!" said a voice from behind. It was Riggs!! Sammi's sad face brightened and she ran over to her friend and huggled him tightly.

Till All Are One!

"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the BROOM."

"I am a Hero... like many heroes before me."

*sigh*... Fights are Tough.

In honor of Vulture... Indeed! and a Goblin Punch for good measure!!

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-11-2001 09:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Folx   Click Here to Email Folx     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"I will get you, Fanrico!" Cantor said, before sheathing his sword and flying Shadow down to where Molokidan stood with the others.

"So, Molokidan... exactly what are we going to do now?"

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-11-2001 12:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkblade2000us   Click Here to Email darkblade2000us     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Watching Dark Fanrico become a dot on the horizon the Mecha knights disengage their armor.

Red knight:
Were you able to tag him?
Yellow knight:
Of course!
Blue knight:
What if he finds the tracer though?
Purple knight:
I highly doubt that, but if he does we can use the same satellites tracking the beacon right now to just locate him by his demonic energy output.
Orange knight:
Unfortunately it will only be a general area of a city block and not an exact place.

Meanwhile in Whelan.

Well we're finished dismantling the warheads and the nuclear materials have already been disposed of, but what do you want us to do with the rockets.

Over a radio signal Luna responds.

Begin reconfiguring the rockets for orbital launching procedures. We're going to advance the global defense system plan.

But Miss Luna that program is set to be finished and launched in ten years.

You guys have ten hours!

Then the transmission ended as Luna entered Ash's tower.

I wonder if human women are as bossy as Luna is.
That's scary to think about and I don't even have emotions programmed into me.

At the moment in Ash's tower after Luna arrives she begins to look for him.

Oh Ash. Where are you? I need to discus some important matters with you!

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-11-2001 08:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Molokidan   Click Here to Email Molokidan     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"Okay." Molokidan said, powering down from his Hell form back to his older form. "Sammi, I guess you'll have Riggs taken care of. I am going to take Tay'Or down to that clearing right there. . .Tay, we need all the help we can get right now, so I am going to try and help you reach the highest potential you can get to in the little time we have. Tay, can you fly?"

Tay shook his head.

"Alright, let's go." Dan sped off, grabbing Tay's arm and bringing him along for the ride. They landed on the clearing.

"Alright. . ." Dan said. "First of all, do you know how to extend your ki? I also want to you know all your abilities, and the extents of them. . ."

--"He was a freak, and I was a freak, so we decided to freak together." Mike "Flea" Balzary.

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-11-2001 09:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for KingOfDoma   Click Here to Email KingOfDoma     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"Uh... I'm... just a chemist... I can mix a few potions, that's all... I'm not a fighter... I can barely use a dagger!

"But... if I must... then I must..."

Tayr'Or pulled out the old blade his grandfather gave him.

"So... when do we start?"

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-11-2001 10:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Molokidan   Click Here to Email Molokidan     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"Hmm. . ." Molokidan looked at Tayr'or. "I know that you can become stronger. . .I just know it. Let's go. . .I want you to attack me with your dagger as best you can. I'll merely defend." Dan brandished his two katanas.

--"He was a freak, and I was a freak, so we decided to freak together." Mike "Flea" Balzary.

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posted 11-11-2001 10:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for KingOfDoma   Click Here to Email KingOfDoma     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
'Hmmm...' thought Tay. 'I really, really don't think I can hurt him... maybe I should just knock his swords out of the way and slash back at him? *sigh* This ain't gonna work... oh well. Probably not supposed to...'

Tayr'Or attacked.

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-12-2001 07:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Molokidan   Click Here to Email Molokidan     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Tay'Or went for Dan's katanas, and he slowly blocked. It went on for a while, until Dan decided to test him. He left an opening in his shoulder and Tay went for it, slashing Dan's shoulder.

"Good." Dan said. "You definitely have some mild skills in daggers. That's good. Now. . .we need to teach you how to cast magic. I'm afraid since you have such low defense, it'd be better for you to stand back and cast spells. Have you learned anything like this before?"

--"He was a freak, and I was a freak, so we decided to freak together." Mike "Flea" Balzary.

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-12-2001 12:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkblade2000us   Click Here to Email darkblade2000us     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Red knight:
Whoa-ho wait a minute!

The Red Mecha knight had come down to interrupt the training session.

Red knight:
Molokidan are you nuts! Have you forgotten that magic using is taboo! If you try teaching the kid any high level or even low level spells you'll end up burning him out!

Seeing how stopping them seemed to be annoying Molokidan, Red calmed down to talk about planning.

Red knight:
Look Molokidan, you could be put too much better use than training a single boy. He could be taken back to Whelan and receive training from hundreds of teachers. We need to plan on what we should be doing next. Since you're a creature made of magic you still have powers so you would be a great help in the pursuit of Dark Fanrico. Will you agree?

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-12-2001 02:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Molokidan   Click Here to Email Molokidan     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Molokidan calmly walked up to the Red Knight. "You don't understand. . ." he said. "By this time, Whelan could be destroyed. I don't know if Darkblade programmed you guys with any knowledge of Dark Fanrico's power, but he's just like Ash, only stronger. And it's horrible. Now, Tayr'Or, it won't burn this kid out. I sense something. . .something deep inside him, that's raging to come out. Hopefully, before DF finishes his rounds and comes back to kill us, I can unleash whatever's in there. It'll be a great asset to us for this battle. There's no use chasing DF now. Hopefully while he goes around the world, he'll waste alot of his energy, and by the time he gets to us, he'll be tired. I'm counting on you guys to help out and get ready for the big assault. When the time comes, he won't know what hit him."

--"He was a freak, and I was a freak, so we decided to freak together." Mike "Flea" Balzary.

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posted 11-12-2001 02:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for KingOfDoma   Click Here to Email KingOfDoma     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"Whoa! Hold on for just a moment!" Tayr'Or said. "I don't remember having something raging inside of me this morning. What makes you so sure it's there now?"

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posted 11-12-2001 05:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Folx   Click Here to Email Folx     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Cantor appeared next to Molokidan. "If he even wants to learn magic, It might be better for a mage of sorts to teach him. I may officially be a bard, but I can cast some serious magic. Would you like to learn black, white or a more specialized magic? I can teach you most different forms of magic, though I can only perform a limited number of some. There are several colored magics, used by those whose power comes from this realm. There'as black, which is attack and offensive modification; white, which is used as more of a defensive and healing magic; red, which is a watered down version of both black and white; and blue magic, which is learned from enemies' attacks. Also drawn from this realm are time and summoning; time being basically the control of time, and summoning being magic to call forth monsters from other realms. Summoning is on the border of this realm and the realm of monsters, and so is blue, so the two oftem work well with each other and with magics from both this and the monsters' realm... wait, you don't want to know the origins of magics, do you? Sorry. I'll move on... There are also several other realms with different types of magic. One realm contains body, spirit, mind, fire, water, air, and earth. Another contains simply fire, water, lightning, and shadow. Each different realm has its own spells, though some are even similar enough to be called by the same name. The main realm I and many other elves draw from contains many different types of magic: wizardry, enchantment, magician's, cleric's, necromancy, shaman's, druidic, and general magic. If you'd like, I'll give you a detailed description or even a brief runthrough of each type of magic. Which will it be... I mean if you want to learn magic at all? Certain magics only can be learned by certain people, though, you may not be able to learn them, so you'll have to learn them from a diffrent realm. If you want to learn to fly, I'd suggest air magic from the realm migras magiri."

[This message has been edited by Folx (edited 11-12-2001).]

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posted 11-13-2001 12:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkblade2000us   Click Here to Email darkblade2000us     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Red knight:
Well I won't make you do anything and I could only hope the Dark Fanrico would be unlucky enough to go right to Whelan. The auto-guns, barriers, troops, and automated airships would definitely ward him off. Not to mention that Luna is there as well. The Mecha knights are physically stronger than she is, but anything we do with energy attacks etc, she can do 300 times stronger. I'll at least offer you and all the others here an invite to Whelan if you want. In the meantime the knights and I will be pursuing DF.

Ending the conversation the Mecha knights take to the air in pursuit of Dark Fanrico.

Meanwhile in Ash's tower.

Ash! Where are you?! I have important matters to discuss with you that need your immediate attention!

Taking a look around as she wondered with no response, Luna tries a different approach.

Yo Christydia! Tell your man to get his but out here now!

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posted 11-13-2001 03:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Folx   Click Here to Email Folx     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
"I think I've got enough of your voice now," said Rika. I'll go this way and call Ash in your voice."

"Why in my voice?" asked Luna. (hope you don't mind, DB)

"He'll probably be more likely to respond to you than to me." Rika walked off down a seperate hallway, opposite of the one Luna was walking in.

"Ash!" she yelled in Luna's voice. "I need to talk to you! Get out here!"

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Ash Fanrico
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posted 11-14-2001 01:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ash Fanrico   Click Here to Email Ash Fanrico     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Ash walked into the room.

He had been busy arguing with the broom of darkness. "Sorry there Luna. What is it that you wish to speak with me about?" he asked Luna.

Back with Dark Fanrico...

Dark Fanrico began to grow impatient in his search for New Doma. "Where is this fucking city?" he asked. He knew either Molokidan or those Mystic Knights were after him.

He pondered for a moment. "If I was DarkBlade, where would i put a big city?" he asked himself. He decided to hold off on that for later, since he knew someone was obviously following him (he's not an idiot).

He flew off towards some random village.

Till All Are One!

"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the BROOM."

"I am a Hero... like many heroes before me."

*sigh*... Fights are Tough.

In honor of Vulture... Indeed! and a Goblin Punch for good measure!!

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posted 11-16-2001 06:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressRydia   Click Here to Email EmpressRydia     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
(OOC: Ack! Sorry, people, got a little behind and all...^.^;; Gomen~!)

Aerin blinked slowly at Sammi and Riggs, and sighed. She really wanted to 'fight that evil bastard,' as Riggs had so eloquently put it, but her style of fighting was not exactly suited to this type of mission, so to speak. Unless they needed a spy or scout to get information from somewhere, Aerin would be useless...just someone to get in the way of the "real" fighters...nevermind that she had been responsible for saving the lives of "real" fighters many times before -- people often overlooked the importance of people like her, and looked down upon them...

Aerin looked to Riggs. "Fight him how?" she asked wearily, waiting to be told to stay out of the way and go away...

"I'm just a big happy fish swimming through the ocean of love!! Ummm...I mean...Indeed!" -- Vulture, Spammer Lvl 57

"You found a large yummy roast leg of yak" -- Illusion of Gaia
RPG World...World! | 2 Sugoi
Pocket Dragons! (warning: excessively cute dragons contained within)

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posted 11-16-2001 11:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkblade2000us   Click Here to Email darkblade2000us     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
The Red knight approached Aerin during her conversation with Riggs.

Red knight:
I couldn't help but overhear your comments. I was wondering if you'd be willing to do a little recon and perhaps some scouting or spying for me. You won't go properly unequipped though.

Red then reached behind his back and took out a small device out of himself.

Red knight:
Attach this to your belt and press the buttons on the corners to activate a stealth cloak. Also wait right in this area for a jet hover cycle to arrive with plenty of supplies and other items you can use in the mission. That is if you accept of course. What do you say Aerin?

Meanwhile back in the tower.

Well from the look on your face and my sensors telling me the significant rise in your body temperature, I'd say you heard about the plan left to handle "big trouble" by Darkblade. I found it to be questionable as well and have already handled with the problem so you needn't cause yourself unneeded stress. Except for the fact that your old foe Dark Fanrico has revived himself. Aside from that unfortunate news a came to ask you about a plan I came up with. Either you yourself go out and fight Dark Fanrico, of which you are a very good match for the time being, or you can allow me to show you a meditation technique that will send you into a death like trance and there for release the world's magic for a few days. I'd say maybe a couple of weeks, but you're not immortal like Darkblade was so a few days is all your body will be able to handle. Another plan I have in the works is the advancement of the global defense system to be launched in a few days as well. I hope you agree that satellite lasers with pinpoint accuracy would be a better means of attack against Dark Fanrico rather than thermal nuclear explosives. So anyway what do you think Ash?

I think you should have nuked that damn town, but I don't have any say in anything now do I.

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Ash Fanrico
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posted 11-17-2001 12:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ash Fanrico   Click Here to Email Ash Fanrico     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Sammi looked at Aerin, "So Aerin... what can you do as in fighing techniques?" Sammi asked her friend. Riggs looked at Aerin, "You're apart of the team now Aerin, we must go and stop that bastard Dark Fanrico from harming people and starting chaos around the world." he said to the young female theif.

Back with DF...

He entered the small village. The robot farmers were already sounding the alarm before he arrived. Some humans were armed with shotguns and pistols.

"This is new..." DF said as he prepared to fight.

Back with Ash...

He looked a bit like someone had just kneed him in the nuts while wearing chainmail knee bracers. "Sorry Luna... I'm not going to interfere with the lives and or the affairs of others. I'm not DarkBlade, I have responsibillties... so NO I'm not going to interfere." he answered. The Heroic Spirit in him was screaming in anger...

Till All Are One!

"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the BROOM."

"I am a Hero... like many heroes before me."

*sigh*... Fights are Tough.

In honor of Vulture... Indeed! and a Goblin Punch for good measure!!

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Keenspace Cadet, First Class

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posted 11-17-2001 12:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkblade2000us   Click Here to Email darkblade2000us     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
So will you agree to the Death trance option?


(OOC: I asked Ash before I made this post.)

Luna then took Ash by the hand and led him to a room with magic circles and runes drawn all over the floors walls and ceilings.

I don't think I've ever been in this room before.

You haven't because this part of your training isn't scheduled for another two years. Now kneel down here please.

Ash and Luna kneel down in the center of the room and begin the process.

First of all cross your legs and relax your body.

Luna then sits in Ash's lap and presses her forehead up against his so their eyes are lined up at each other.

Now just concentrate on my eyes and allow yourself to slip away into the trance.

Luna's eyes begin to change to different colors and patterns while she gives off a neural wave to stimulate Ash's brain.

Concentrate and listen to the sound of my voice as you fade. ONE...TWO...THREe..FOur..Five.six.sev.....

Ash's heartbeat slows down and breaths become more and more slow and shallow until his heart comes to a halt and he stops breathing. The doors to the chamber close and seal themselves to the outside world as Luna and Ash become completely silent. In some kind of astral limbo, Ash's body floats in the air in the exact same position he is in the real world with Luna sitting on his lap. Luna's body appears to be much older than a child's body though and the real question is, how can a machine project an astral image????
(OOC: Attention characters! While Ash is in a death trance the world's magic will be fully restored for a short time so use this opportunity wisely!)

Back at Narshe.

Red knight:
If you want to accept the offer or not the cycle will come anyway and you can either be a spy/scout for us or use it for your own purposes. You can also keep my stealth cloak. I don't have much use for it anymore and the other knights don't prefer to use cloak and dagger tactics.

Purple knight:
Guns blazing all the way!
Yellow knight:
Full on...
Orange knight:
..and in your face!
Blue knight:
We're the cyber knights of Whelan!

Mecha knights:

Red knight:
That is soooo annoying.

[This message has been edited by darkblade2000us (edited 11-17-2001).]

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posted 11-17-2001 01:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EmpressRydia   Click Here to Email EmpressRydia     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Aerin took the device from the Red Knight. "Th--thanks..." she muttered, before turning to Sammi. "I can use darts, throwing knives, and such...distance weapons." Aerin paused to think. "I can use a crossbow, too, but I don't own one, and I'm a little rusty with it. I don't how to fight close range at all..." Dee nodded at Riggs for his comment, and turned back to the Red Knight. "I appreciate it...if Sammi can use me, I think I'll stick around with her, though..." She then blinked at the other knights, and turned back to Sammi. "Well..."

"I'm just a big happy fish swimming through the ocean of love!! Ummm...I mean...Indeed!" -- Vulture, Spammer Lvl 57

"You found a large yummy roast leg of yak" -- Illusion of Gaia
RPG World...World! | 2 Sugoi
Pocket Dragons! (warning: excessively cute dragons contained within)

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