Topic: Confessions Part II
Red Viking Keenspace Cadet Posts: 28 Registered: Nov 2000
posted 03-27-2001 07:08 PM
I don't know if I should laugh out loud or bang my head against the wall.*Sigh* I guess reloading causes the 'Quantum Leap' syndrome. (You know, whenever you go back in time your memory has a bunch of holes in it) IP: Logged |
StephenEP1 Keenspace Cadet Posts: 16 Registered: Mar 2001
posted 03-27-2001 07:25 PM
[edit] Hopefully not to many people saw that.... I just realized that this post was about the strip... not actual confessions of posters... heh heh heh... *shifts eyes nervously* [/edit]------------------ "We tell the tales of heroes to remind ourselves that we too can be great." - John Wick [This message has been edited by StephenEP1 (edited 03-28-2001).] IP: Logged |
Greywolf Keenspace Cadet, First Class Posts: 90 Registered: Feb 2001
posted 03-27-2001 10:53 PM
OK, I have just let out a blood-curdling high-pitched shriek followed by a maniacal laugh and am proceeding to beat myself over the head with a clipboard. WHY?! WHY?! This is worse than when they got rid of the boats at Disney! (nod of inspiration to Freakazoid!)IP: Logged |
Selphie_Trabia Keenspace Cadet Posts: 9 Registered: Mar 2001
posted 03-29-2001 06:18 PM
ARGH!!! Why can't Cherry like Eiklere? He's cute and handsome and EVIL to boot! Isn't that cool? I wouldn't mind being in RPG world if I get to meet Eiklere! He's soooo cuuuuute!Selphie Trabia IP: Logged |
Beh Keenspace Cadet Posts: 10 Registered: Mar 2001
posted 03-29-2001 06:32 PM
Nooo, Cherry should like the Times are Tough guy!IP: Logged |
Ben Moderator Posts: 153 Registered: Jul 2000
posted 03-29-2001 07:53 PM
Times are tough. Especially when the person that posted before you only has one letter difference in their name.IP: Logged |
Folx Keenspace Cadet Posts: 26 Registered: Mar 2001
posted 03-29-2001 11:41 PM
If I'm ever put in this comic, I just know I'll be a cute yet useless thing... I just know it... IP: Logged |
deathbringer Keenspace Cadet, First Class Posts: 138 Registered: Dec 2000
posted 03-29-2001 11:59 PM
Well i think cherry and eikre are cute..------------------ [IMG][/IMG] "Hydrogen-its the other gas" "They play thier games of power they cut and mark the pack they deal us to the bottom but what do they put back?" -Stiff little fingers,Suspect device Final fantasy and anarchism!-only with Insanity please Learn what the english countryside is really about at Felney IP: Logged |
vulture Keenspace Cadet, First Class Posts: 46 Registered: Feb 2001
posted 03-30-2001 04:53 AM
THINK OF THE CHILDREN WILL SOMEBODY PLEEEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder what it look like if Cherry and Eikre had kids? or with the Hero.......What the hell are Eikre and the Slut doing right now hmmmmm I wonder.......------------------ We must go forward, not backwards; upwards, not forwards; And always wirlling, twirlling towards freedom! IP: Logged |
SpiritWolf Keenspace Cadet, First Class Posts: 344 Registered: Sep 2000
posted 03-30-2001 04:55 AM
It's rather refreshing to see a Square style 'bad gender day' male as a party person. Though I expect Eikere will betray and kill them all aventually! {cackles}Okay, well, maybe not. ;> One has to wonder what he's doing there though, it's him I'm most curious about. IP: Logged |
SoreThumb Keenspace Cadet Posts: 10 Registered: Nov 2000
posted 03-31-2001 10:23 AM
In reply to Greywolf..NOOOOOOO!!! NOT THE BOATS!!!! NOt the Boah-hoah-hoats... IP: Logged |
ChristianC Keenspace Cadet Posts: 7 Registered: Apr 2001
posted 04-18-2001 04:07 AM
He still has that boogey in his nose------------------ Das ist ein... habt haus? My german teacher would strangle me slowly if she'd read this. IP: Logged |