Author | Comment | FF Fanatic 80  Chronic MPD Sufferer Posts: 629 (2/16/03 3:41:34 pm) Reply
 | What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* Over my time here, I've seen many new and different characters made for RP's in the community. While I occasionally question the logic behind some of the characters in certain settings, talking about it with someone made me wonder something.
Does your character have to be 'completely' unique in order to be fun?
Like, if there's already someone playing a Inu-Nekojin (dog/cat person), do you have to make a combination that no one else has to feel special? (EX: Kuma-Leo-jin (Bear/Lion person). If so, why?
I ask this because my two favorite characters to RP, Daniel and Stephan, are probably the most 'ordinary' and cliched characters you can have.
Daniel, the semi-naive, clutsy do gooder. Willing to sacrifice himself in the name of others.
Stephan, the pissy, do whatever he wants fighter, who sometimes does good or bad, depending on how he feels.
Neither are magical beings, or descended from royalty, or really unique. They're just two humans who I absolutely have a blast playing.
So like I asked, what do you look for when making a character? Fun? Uniqueness? Power to crush all who oppose him/her? ^_^; And why? Edited by: FF Fanatic 80 at: 2/16/03 3:42:42 pm
| Elementalist Daien Avatar of Diet Coke Posts: 1219 (2/16/03 3:46:20 pm) Reply
 | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* Well, my characters don't really need to be unique to be fun. Of course, ripping off entirely is another story.
Daien, for example, was unique for his time, but I had the idea from before I came to RPGWW.
The others aren't always that unique, but I try to be unique only as far as not seeming like a different version of another character.
I guess what I DO seek for most is something which I can RP smoothly and get into well. Then I can have fun RPing said character, whee. Edited by: Elementalist Daien at: 2/16/03 3:47:57 pm
| pd Rydia  Winner of The ''Holy Crap you Picked that Lock'' Award Posts: 5917 (2/16/03 3:50:08 pm) Reply
 | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* Let's see...
Sizreina is fun to RP because of her happy-go-lucky and mischeivous attitude. It's infectious when I RP her, for one, and it's fun trying to find new ways to tease and or annoy Will and others.
Rob is a blast because he's totally obsessive with this hero-etc. thing, and it amuses me. He's always getting into trouble and trying his damned best to get out of it, making up the wildest stories as excuses when something little would work better.
Dia is amusing because of how she overreacts to things and takes everything too seriously. I also like how she's completely changed from when I first started RPing her, and she's still struggling to deal with the change herself.
Kaddy is fun to RP because he's so lovable. *huggles Kadalni*
Actually, most of my characters are fun in their own right. Generally they amuse me or challenge me or both. I don't particularly look for this when making just kind of happens. -=- "Why must my flaming debris be so delicious and edible? ;_;" -- FlamingDeth
-=- "oye KoD! tu griego me rockearia, si fuera griego de verdad..." -- ikozaedro
-=- "Seriously. The undead just don't stop. Great, aren't they?" -- Dirk (Skull Dragon)
-=- "Kelne's a natural magnet for everything, from lovers to planetary destroyers to carrots." -- End Reshiki | Banjooie  Will Save World for Pie Posts: 1050 (2/16/03 3:50:38 pm) Reply
 | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* I like playing the Neo Vanists because of, quite frankly, the magic school.
I have SOME small amount of background, but I tweak it enough that it basically only is connected via names and Lunar 1. It's essentially as if Lunar 2 never happend.
Thus, I can set up all sorts of interesting traditions and rules on the spot.
Also, this allows me to make a set of mages who are incredibly powerful, but have an extremely loose grip on reality. <Chat> <Matto says, "What's up?"
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Angst."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Drama."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Betrayal."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Plushies." | Blaze Yamato Spirit  President of the Aeris Fanclub Posts: 1074 (2/16/03 3:53:05 pm) Reply
 | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* I couldn't care less about having unique characters. Stereotypes are there to be used and abused as we see fit, and as long as I enjoy my characters, I don't give a damn.
I find all my characters fun to roleplay because they are all individuals with different mindsets - mindsets that I enjoy getting inside. MEGAMOG911:         *counters by shoving a random chatter up LDC's falopian tubes*
UltimateKoD:         GAAAAAAAH!
UltimateKoD:         *SHOVED*
Consolelover:         >_> It never ceases to amaze me how willingly some people volunteer for things like that. | Rainbow Fright  Angsty Goth Kitty Posts: 261 (2/16/03 4:13:33 pm) Reply | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* The following are the two I RP as most often:
Rain....Rain I actually created because it was my first time chat RPing in an RPGWW room, and she ended up developing from a slightly shy, jittery, quiet temporary character to a full-on embittered angstball full-time character. ^_^ Her outfit was originally rather risque, but it's toned down now because it's a bit impractical for Little Miss Assassin to be roof-jumping with seven-inch heels and a slit-skirt on [it's four-inch heels and a minidress now, but that ain't the point.]. Rain's fun to RP because she's great stress relief. She's the kind of character I can rant, scream, damn the world, cry, bitch, punch walls, and generally rage with, letting all the negativity I'm feeling out. Oh yesh, Rain's *really* fucked up in her little kitty-head, but that makes for some interesting plotlines.
Kaede, who I RP almost as often as I do Rain, is a LOAD of fun to play. He's a cross-dressing vampire! I get to seduce guys, get them all worked up, toy with their minds...and then either a) bite them or b) reveal that I'm not a girl. I always get a big laugh out of that. He's manipulative, underhanded, and does almost anything necessary to survive, along with a good bit of oogling pretty bois on the side. He's also good for the occasional angst. I happen to love playing gender-bending charries. It's fun. ^_^ ~Lick around divine debris
Taste the wealth of hate in me,
Shredding skin succumb defeat,
This machine is obsolete...~ | Divinegon2130  Neopets are SATIN!!! Posts: 1080 (2/16/03 4:16:40 pm) Reply
 | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* Let's see... only some of the characters have real specific things that make them so fun to RP.
Mikhais has his heavy Rivan accent (which I discovered was Rivan thanks to Pervy's comments OOC).
Araguchi has those damned summons that always want to hurt him.
I couldn't specify any other character's fun point. But I don't need TOTAL uniqueness to make RPing a character fun. Heck, some of my characters share a lot of similarities with other people's characters, whether by accident or on purpose.
Oftentimes when creating a character, I'll take an idea from somewhere else and put it in a different race or background. The characters seem to me to be the most fun to RP that way, and I don't quite understand why.
Current Quotes:
"Okay, so he's only partially worthless." - Hiei (from Yu Yu Hakusho)
"Yeah. This town has mean men in it. The kind of people that make kids eat broccoli.... e.e" - Solis (Nakibe)
"Oh, you don't wanna play sports, Matt, they're fattening!" - Brody Fox (someone at my high school)
View my online journal here. | JoshuaDurron The Historian Posts: 1991 (2/16/03 4:26:49 pm) Reply | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* Hm... Well, I'll toss out some of my more 'fun' characters in this discussion, as I've really had way to many characters to cover in this one thread.
Let's start with Sheej.
Sheej was my original fun character. He was made up pretty much on the spot, for the purpose of being rediculous. He's an Orcher slime from the Exile serries. Now for those of you who don't understand what that means, essentially he's a highly acidic pile of goo capable of only three real actions: Eat, ooze, and bubble. Not only is RPing such a character difficult to keep fresh, it's difficult to keep the thing alive, and Sheej spent most of his existence running from, or eating things that had just recently been trying to kill him. He was also run over repeatedly by cars, bikes, people, and just about everything else under the sun. Never the less, he was an almost infinite amount of fun to RP, and I really miss using him. Although it's been a while since a situation appropriate for the little bugger has come up...
Next is Siff
Siff is a Slithzerikai mage-warrior. He carries the double-pointed spears of his people, weilds the Orb of Thrani, which allows him to fly, and can chain cast lightning spells like no one's buisness. He also speaks no language but his own, has a great mistrust of any master Fire magus, and hates his food cooked. Suffice it to say, a seven foot tall lizard with those kind of charactaristics can draw a lot of attention, which puts him in a lot of complex situations, usually with people he can't even communicate with. 'Tis a lot of fun.
Finally, the Durrons, in all their incarnatoins
The Durrons are quite possibly the most sarcastic, dry, and deadly serrious group of people I've assembled. With the exception of the Joshua Durron here at RPGWW, they are all at least moderately mercinary, sneaking through the shadows and doing their own thing without permission types. I find them to be extremely fun to RP as, simply because if someone irritates me, and I think up a nifty way to get even, a Durron is actually likely to do it, and have the means to do it with too boot.
Victory to the strong of will
Death to pretenders | Crawling Reshiki  Suupa Moogle-jin Posts: 3953 (2/16/03 4:44:21 pm) Reply
 | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* End - He's developed quite a bit, but still retains much of the same personality. :D For the most part, he's rather fun to play as due to his somewhat naive outlook, his foul mouth, and his propensity for optimism despite whatever might be happening.
Astrynax - This was an interesting case, in that Astrynax fit in the 'Reformed Villain' role. He's good to play around with, too, due to his somewhat uppity attitude, his arrogant streak, and his intolerance for stupidity. He isn't the joker that End is, but most situations need a serious figure to kick back on..
Like Asty. :D
Stephen, Okan - Not developed enough yet..
Retri - Because he's a robot. ^_^
DB(Z) Manga Shrine - Da Tower - Dave Kelly Rocks Your Anus. | Kadrin77 Dwarves > Yuo Posts: 308 (2/16/03 4:49:19 pm) Reply | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* Kadrin - Because he's a dwarf, and also because he represents me in Gaera. =D
Dracon - Cuz he's a noble paladin, who'd rather die than stop following what he believes in.
Tan - Dunno. o__o;;; I just like gnomes. | Kotoki  Closet LotR Yaoi Lover Posts: 1798 (2/16/03 5:00:48 pm) Reply
 | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* Basically, I like characters that I can have fun with. It's a bonus for me if I can get them into wacky situations and see what comes out of it. I like developing characters as I go along, and I like just having a good time. But I like characters that are at least a little eccentric, or at least can be so at times. | saberlock  Posts: 12 (2/16/03 5:30:51 pm) Reply
 | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* I haven't played any RPG's on this board, but I have on other boards...
So I guess I'll put my fav team up.
They are not very original, but they are great fun to play because of their personalities, and even more because of the way the interact with each other. Also their names are my nickname, but I think they are also fitting for the characters.
He's the basic hero guy. Happy go lucky, naive, and not all too smart, he's the one that picks the adventures, talks to random villagers, gets drunk while gathering information in some inn, an provides plenty of comic relief. He's a normal human, who learned himself to fight. His fighting style changes slightly from game to game, but it always involves blades. sometimes one, but mostly two. Sometimes he does magic, but only basic fire magic. It's just to spice the fighting up a bit. The most important things for Saber are fun, honor, and victory. He likes jumping into things head-first, and is often stopped by Lock to prevent him rushing to his death.
He is called Saber because his love for battle.
Lock is very different from Saber. While Saber is fun to play because of his simple and naive nature, Lock is far more interesting. He used to be a priest, but was 'embraced' by a vampire as a punishment for trying to kill him. After a lot had happened (I shall not explain the now, because it would take a long time to tell the whole story, and the story has *shame* a small plot hole) he regained his soul and the ability to walk in daylight, while losing most of his vampiric powers. (Actually, when he regained his soul and realized what he had become, he tried to commit suicide by waiting outside until sunrise, but he didn't die) Shortly after that, he met Sabre, helped him defeat a daemon, and thus sort of joined the party. He almost never had any serious suicidal tendencies after that. The most interesting thing about him is that he is very religious, but he still has to drink human blood, or else his hunger will make him lose control over his vampiric side. This of course leads to many tough (and, when Saber is involved, funny) situations. He fights using his claws, and a crossbow for long range. He does not like to fight, except when the opponent is very evil (undead, daemon, etc.), when there is no other choice, or when he's very hungry.
He is called Lock because he's 'locked' between his religion and his desire for human blood.
These two characters do not really like each other, but they have accepted each other, and slowly became some kind of friends. Lock often (read: always) comments on Saber's behavior, to which Saber usually has a simple answer: "Shut up!". One thing causing much irritation for Lock is the fact that I introduce a different female character every adventure, and Saber always (desperately) trying to get her to like him. (Sometimes he succeeds, usually he doesn't. Sometimes he fails very very miserably. It depends on how I am feeling)
Lock has also featured in a modern day adventure once, but I took away most of his personality and gave him sunglasses and two guns and made him act cool. I still feel bad about that to him...
"Fight with a friend at your back, steel in your hands, and magic in your veins." | Choark  Closet Intellectual Posts: 1656 (2/16/03 5:55:30 pm) Reply
 | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* Hmm.
>.> I don't think I've ever made an original character...
PIG: e_e;; Wolf-Pig standing right next to you
O_o;; well yes, you were cause i'm an odd kinda.. i mean, cause Choark needed a companion with at least half a brain otherwise no-one would believe he actually survived for 5 years on his own. That and I like having a wolf as a compainion, but I wanted it to be weird.
All of my characters are just sterotypes I'm used too though
1) Choark. Though I never really thought about it, he basically became a sort of ungodmodey Goku. Or an even thicker and more useless Gourry (I hadn't seen slayers when I made him though). He's the big dumb fighter sterotype. He was never meant to be much else. He enjoys fights, questing, food and is loyal to his friends.
2) Jenna: Can you say sterotypical brat? Plus she's basically a younger version of Jinx =P whom introduced me to complete madness. Pissy/sulky and thinks the world revolves around her, she is great fun to play.
3) Justine: Geara's only cowboy? Need I go into the sterotype? YeeHAW!
4) Rand = Shine ya shoes slummer boy sterotype from London type things (like Oliver - think artful dodger but less smart =P) Great fun to play and part of the longest RP ever on RPGWW, so far anyway.
All mine have to be a steryotype... I normally just play on what I know though. All of them have something about them (that something being ME). I try to be as orginal as nessusary so someone doesn't shout "He's Justine from Grandia!" or something, but yeah. I have fun with what I do.
I don't think you ever need to be that orginal. I'd be okay just playing humans with no "powers" or "skills" all the time honestly.
Why though? Erm, why else I suppose but to hve fun. Sometimes I make new ones just to fit into a situation better. Or I thought of something funny to do but it'd be OOC for any of my other chaarcters.
Plus I like having lots of characters, playing the same one all the time is borring! :P Though I do regret not using Nameless enough. Edited by: Choark at: 2/16/03 5:57:33 pm
| Uncle Pervy  Posts: 3215 (2/16/03 5:57:41 pm) Reply | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* Well lessee now.
Pervy and Zemekis are fun because they are meant to be the common man writ large. They are simple people, with no patience for heroic angstiness and whatnot. Especially Zemekis .
Enlil: I enjoy her for too many reasons to count. I have to RP at my best to do her justice. I have to weight her every decision properly. And, I have to balance her own desires with her ideals more and more as time moves onwards. Finally, I have to approach every situation and do my utter best to get what she sees as the best result. Giving up isn't an option with her.
Plus, it is really groovy to get results in a challenge by singing.
Inverse: He's fun because I get to know stuff I shouldn't know ^_^ And Slime transformations are fun, too.
Zachary: His trying to be a kensai makes him fun. He's striving to be something he's not, and still be himself. Plus, his surprising amounts of edujamacation makes things fun, too Edited by: Uncle Pervy at: 2/16/03 10:51:06 pm
| LadyDragonClawsEDW  Brianoku's Lovely Wife Katkat Posts: 1569 (2/16/03 9:57:19 pm) Reply
 | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* Well Kyra's normal and I enjoy playing her ^_^ Can't really say the same about my other characters >_>;;
One hat to rule them all. | Jak Snide  Rum Guzzling Bastard Posts: 3440 (2/17/03 6:26:59 am) Reply
 | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* Jak: I get to be a total bastard with him, while it isn't his only aspect. I'm also trying to do things with a conflict of his slightly warped sense of morality and his usual urge to rage and blow anything that stands in his way up.
Kilra: The fun of playing someone who grew up reading classic tales of heroics, and wanted to become one herself. Her ignorance concerning a few things mostly produces amusing results, and I get to be wacky with her from time to time. | Archmage144  RTS Bastard Posts: 1952 (2/17/03 9:33:07 am) Reply
 | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* I personally enjoy playing Hakaril the most of all my characters. He's kind of an exaggerated version of myself, with a slightly more nonchalant attitude, and, of course, magic. Besides, it's ridiculously fun playing whimisical characters, and he certainly qualifies. One minute he'll be lecturing on the values of scholarship in magical theory, and the next he'll be holding a conversation with an animated book...and then, before you know it, he's springing into action with business on his mind, scores to settle, and problems to deal with. --------
The Archmage: Sadistic GM or handsome bishounen? You decide!
RPGWW! Beware of GM!
"I disapprove of what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." ~Voltaire
"Surrender, or die in obscurity!" ~Ramza, FF Tactics
Creative dining
Chopsticks are for eating rice
Not for poking eyes
~WhiteKnight | ArgusDevilmen  Ilpalazzo's Stalker Posts: 1124 (2/17/03 1:31:50 pm) Reply
 | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* I just like playing ARgus because hes fun to play in general. Hes virtually nothing like me in any aspect. In fact the only thing about him that even resembles me remotely is his attityude about some stuff. Other than that hes basiccly nothign like me.
| KingOfDoma Ex-Zombie Extraordinaire! Posts: 772 (2/17/03 11:02:26 pm) Reply
 | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* For me, what makes RPing a character REALLY fun (RPing in of itself is enjoyable for me) is a good healthy mean streak. I'm naturally a nice guy, and so it's an incredibly fun change to play an absolute bastard. It's like wearing The Mask for me. All those inhibitions FINALLY have a reason to be kicked in the crotch and thrown into a pit. ^_^ And yes, that's why Selrahc and Jansen are two of my favorite guys to RP as.
... of course, sometimes things get a little out of hand (case in point, DiaNE can barely/cannot stand to RP with Selrahc anymore because she genuinely hates him) and for this I apologize. But sometimes, a little repressed insanity can add to the realism.
But, in the event a character does NOT have a mean streak (say, like Layne) well-played angst is always an upper for me. Making a char's world crumble makes for very believable RPing. A character without conflict, you must admit, is simply boring. This is the principle behind godmoding, I think. For a godmoder, everything comes easily. And frankly, watching that SUCKS. It's boring, annoying and just plain unimaginative. That's why we do stuff like make RP systems and roll dice. So everything isn't so easy.
... yeah. That's my three dice for the night. --------------------
"Life is pain. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something." - The Dread Pirate Roberts
... frik, that's morbid. | Sobe Dragon Posts: 80 (2/17/03 11:49:24 pm) Reply | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* Well seeing as most of you have worthwhile, long lasting characters to talk about, I will just say this. I like creating a character that is interesting and hard to write, like right now, I have a mute monk that can only talk through physical contact, definitely hard to write for. He has to be so direct that sometimes he gets into trouble.
Why make it so hard to interact? Because, that's half the fun for me, thinking of new ways to talk, new ways to interact, and the difficulties that a new character can bring to the table. While some would find it annoying that he can't normally interact, I find it helps with writing for him because it forces me to be more direct and forward, just like he is.
I also have another character, that I will admit is a bit of a stereotype, Rydar SkyRydar, his parents were soldiers, his grandparents were soldiers and he is a soldier. He's quick witted, thinks fast, and reacts quickly. He's trusting and believes in the goodness of people, all while understanding that you can't trust EVERYONE. For me, hes not easy to write for, because I want him to keep his sincerity, while trying to not get him into trouble.
While I am a Newbie, I will say this, I plan to stick around, I don't plan on leaving anytime soon, and I will continue making characters that are fun to make and fun to use. And like KingOfDoma said, a godmoder is boring and uninteresting, because you can't have fun with him, he reacts the same way every time in every situation, because he doesn't have to grow, hes a god, he can DO whatever he wants, and who wants that? | DragonMistressSCV  Bandwith Nazi Posts: 2388 (2/18/03 4:58:30 am) Reply
 | Re: What makes your character fun to RP? *A discussion* do you mean Chat, board or whatnot?
Ok here we go..
Deeum: Well its fun for me to RP her is she is so much like i am in real life. a pervert, gets pissed off easily.. not much i can say.
Vex: XD Whats NOT to like about playing a hyperactive pervert?
Kuroi: Dark, quite, likes to get things done.
Lilly: She is sweet and innocent. something i love doing from time to time.. yes I can do non hent stuff too.
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