Author | Comment | Nekogami  Moderator Posts: 1426 (3/27/03 11:23 am) Reply | Edit | Del All
 | What is culture? So I went to my advisor today. She's black. I'm black. Here's how it went at one point:
"Have you taken any African American studies?"
"Um, no, I haven't." Maybe I should tell her I'm not black....well culturally. No, she'll just go spastic on me.
"Well, I'm going to suggest you take some. You don't want to get so inundated in another culture as to not explore your own."
"O..kay." God bless it! I don't even like black culture. It's not as appealing to me as Japanese. Why do I have to BE 'black'.....
"So, do you agree with this."
"Sure." No, I don't but I'll buckle under the pressure because I don't want to get into an ideology discussion with you. Everyone else in the world prolly thinks like you.....
Am I wrong for not feeling 'black'?
Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Choark: Good luck there. You'll have to shit out darkness and send people into oblivion. | Banjooie  Will Save World for Pie Posts: 1377 (3/27/03 11:29 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What is culture? Happily agree with whatever she asks. Don't do any of it. <Chat> <Matto says, "What's up?"
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Angst."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Drama."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Betrayal."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Plushies." | BloodStar With karate-chop action! Posts: 237 (3/27/03 11:44 am) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What is culture? I think the most important thing is to be YOURSELF. Don't let other people tell you who to be. If you like Japanese culture, then more power to you. Simply tell her that you're going study Japanese culture (politely, if you can). She might be accepting, and even if she isn't, it won't be any worse for you than being stuck in a class you don't want to take.
The BloodStar Book Club recommends...
Pop Goes the Hampster and Other Great Microwave Games by an anonymous author. | KingOfDoma Ex-Zombie Extraordinaire! Posts: 1132 (3/27/03 11:46 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What is culture? Be who you are. Not what someone else says you have to be.
But, on the flipside, you might find African American studies more interesting than you give it credit for. It MIGHT be worth it. I say, find out all you can about the class before you take it. Then, if you still think it's not for you, don't take it.
Hey, I'm Canadian. Remember, you're getting an opportunity that has yet to open up to me. You could enjoy it more than you think... --------------------
"The only thing that makes the daily tedium bearable is knowing that I have power over life and death." -Chancellor Usurper, 8BT | Archmage144  RTS Bastard Posts: 2191 (3/27/03 11:55 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What is culture? I like what Banjooie has said.
Also, while I agree that that it might be worthwhile to study the history of African-American people, if the subject just doesn't interest you, no one has a right to make you feel required to study it on the basis that you are an African-American. Hell, I didn't particularly want to study "Ancient Cultures," which is basically the study of white, male, European conquerors! Oooh! I should really be enthusiastic about that, because I AM a white male! Dude! I have a real connection to Alexander the Great! He and I are tight, yo.
In all seriousness, study what you want to, and don't let other people pressure you into conforming to their beliefs. If you don't feel a particularly strong connection to "African-American culture," then maybe it's not for you--and you shouldn't worry about that.
The Archmage: Sadistic GM or handsome bishounen? You decide!
RPGWW! Beware of GM!
"I disapprove of what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." ~Voltaire
"Surrender, or die in obscurity!" ~Ramza, FF Tactics
Creative dining
Chopsticks are for eating rice
Not for poking eyes
~WhiteKnight | Nakibe Evil Word Bastard Posts: 492 (3/27/03 12:06 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What is culture? My reaction?
Uh-huh. Yeah. Whatever. BEGONE, FOUL DEMON.... or something.
Seriously, there is absolutely no reason that you should take this person's suggestion, ESPECIALLY if you have no interest in African American studies as a whole. Feel free to ignore this person and everything she says at your leisure. Sure, she might be suggesting it under a vague idea of "what's best for this person in front of me", but, of course, that means that it's not necessarily the best thing for YOU. Do what you want, Amanda. | Skull Dragon 2  Posts: 268 (3/27/03 12:24 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What is culture? Culture is "the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group". You already have the material traits, and it may just be my objective ignorance, but I don't think black culture specifically has any beliefs that are different from anybody else's. By the Webster's definition, if you don't feel any particular desire to adopt the culture's social forms, hang the culture and adopt the one you want. Please direct abundant junk and hate mail at the following person, the only spammer yet dumb enough to provide a name and address: Chris Schenk 400 Sunrise Dr. # 17 Leitchfield KY 42754
CrayVernand: This conversation makes me a sad panda.
Arch mage144: No, polymorph spells and a failed resist roll do. | WhiteWerefox Posts: 65 (3/27/03 12:31 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What is culture? Ok, if the point of taking a culture class is to learn about cultures, why would take a class on your own?
Screw that. Take a Japanese course.
I'm assuming this is collage, and if it is you're paying thousands of dollars for tuition. Your money, your courses. Thats why it's better than high school.
A moment on culture... the textbook definition is three simple words: Way. Of. Life. How you live. Not how your parents lived, not where your skin color came from, not what minority you're in, not what the media shoves in your face. Culture isn't history. Koyaanisqatsi! | Banjooie  Will Save World for Pie Posts: 1379 (3/27/03 1:17 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Just realized something. ....
Nekogami: I have a problem.
Banj: Lie.
Anyway, yes. Say useful phrases like "You're right, I probably should."
"That's a pretty good idea. Thanks."
"Y'know, that's pretty good advice."
They're completely non-commital, yet scream of agreeance. ^.^ | FlamingDeth  *steals a Russian submarine* Posts: 5018 (3/27/03 1:59 pm) Reply | Edit | Del ezSupporter
 | Re: Just realized something. Also, most every college in the history of ever has several "advisors", and very few colleges have problems with switching between them. If your current one keeps bugging you, switch.  |
I am an arrogant bastard.
And now, since I want to be unique like everybody else, quotes:
"People don't seem to realize, it wasn't a powerful ass poke. It was a powerful poke, to the ass!" ~ Lord McBastard
"So what you're saying is that Nintendo and Sony are in league with each other, and possibly the Red Skull?" ~ EKDS5K
| Teh Jade Dragon  The Weirdest Inn in Doma Posts: 130 (3/27/03 9:25 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What is culture? o.o
You know, wouldn't "your" culture be the one you grew up with and are already familiar with? Please note: No fighting in the inn, upon penalty of death.
Also, No Unnecessary Use of Magic, No Sleeping in the Bar, No Nudity, No Sex on the Main Floor, No Prostitution, No Feeding on Other Patrons, No Soul-Stealing, and No Bribing the Employees. | SuperRube Sarcastic Smartass Posts: 2796 (3/27/03 9:37 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What is culture? No, because everyone can be catorgrized by thier skin color. EVERYONE.
It makes everything easier.
"Things should be harder to understand, harder to use, and as painful as possible. Pain builds character." | Crawling Reshiki  Suupa Moogle-jin Posts: 5086 (3/27/03 9:40 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What is culture? I find myself agreeing with Banj, really. It's so much easier to claim that you agree and save face, then take your own personal choice rather then argue it out with them.
DB(Z) Manga Shrine -
RPGWW MB - Da Tower -
ADV! MB - Dave Kelly's Purple Pussy | Uncle Pervy  Posts: 4234 (3/28/03 3:12 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What is culture? Fun Irony.
Me = Taking African American History this coming term.
Neko, do not feel obligated to take what you dislike simply because you're "supposed" to. Fuck it. There is much more to you than skin color, and if your advisor can't see it, then that's her mental defect, not your's.
| PriamNevhausten Dances With Arrows Posts: 1576 (3/28/03 6:37 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What is culture? You know, there IS value in taking things because they are 'expected' of you, and not because of their personal relevance. Take, for instance, general college curriculum. Where I attended, three credits of ACCOUNTING were/are required for a COMPUTER SCIENCE degree. And English, and psychology, and other suchandso.
Seriously, when would a computer programmer need to calculate a ledger? Or write a piece of literature? Or really care about Piaget's theory of mental development?
But try telling that to the ones who do the degree-handing-outing.
The way I see it is this. If it furthers a goal of yours, ANY goal of yours, and it outweighs the trouble it would require/encompass, then do it. And if it would not benefit you in any way, then it's probably not worth your time. The biggest decision YOU have to make is whether you think that the issue is valid.
Is 'african-american culture' a valid thing to learn? It may not be your culture per se, but it is a culture that exists out there, among a great many people, and it may benefit you to know more of it. On the other hand, a lot of the things that would be taught in the class would likely be easily discoverable with 5 minutes of research and 20 minutes of actually talking to people within the culture. Is it worth it?
And, perhaps more in the immediate benefit, is it worth it to get people who claim you're blaspheming by 'being ignorant of your heritage' (<--insert appropriate BS there) off your back? {Unfortunately, humans must be metagamed.}
...Neko: I have a problem.
Banj: Lie.
Priam: Manipulate. "Before I ever learned martial arts, a punch was just a punch, and kick was just a kick. And then I learned about front kicks, side kicks, backfists, hammer fists...and I devoted much time to learning each kind of strike. But when I became skilled enough, I realized that a punch is just a punch, and a kick is just a kick."
--Bruce Lee (paraphrased) | Archmage144  RTS Bastard Posts: 2202 (3/28/03 11:42 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What is culture? As much as I agree with some of what Priam is saying, I still like Banj's thought better--as it's a good idea to avoid things that will bring you discomfort or that you're uninterested in. Granted, some of those things might be useful along the way, like English, psychology, or even accounting, but the problem here is not the value of African-American History as a course. The problem here is the fact that the person in question is being pressured to take something of that nature for social reasons, rather than academic ones.
You've always been, in my mind, Amanda, someone who did a good job of breaking out of the box of "black people do black things, and white people do white things (whatever they are)." You're a unique individual, as cliché as that sounds. So do what you want, not what someone else thinks you should do because of their own personal feelings. --------
The Archmage: Sadistic GM or handsome bishounen? You decide!
RPGWW! Beware of GM!
"I disapprove of what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." ~Voltaire
"Surrender, or die in obscurity!" ~Ramza, FF Tactics
Creative dining
Chopsticks are for eating rice
Not for poking eyes
~WhiteKnight | Nekogami  Moderator Posts: 1435 (3/28/03 1:01 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What is culture? Thank you, guys.
I just face so much racism or stereotyping and largely by black people an sometimes white people but it's so disguised. Being "not black enough" just gets under my skin sometimes. I never knew that there was a grade for your race.
So yeah, I'm going to appease the women by saying I agree and doing something else.
It means a lot to me that you respect me like that. Thanks.
Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Choark: Good luck there. You'll have to shit out darkness and send people into oblivion. | PriamNevhausten Dances With Arrows Posts: 1578 (3/28/03 5:43 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What is culture? Hell, I didn't realize you were black until I saw the pictures of the renfest. It had never once occurred to me before that, and still is something I forget on occasion. Which is a beautiful thing, really. God Bless the Intar Web.
Somehow, I'm also reminded of MasterAkuma back at the ADV boardset, who was also reportedly black, but really didn't exhibit any of the traits of 'brothas.' On the boards, anyway.
In other news: Fo shizzle, my number two pencil. *orders a gold d20 neckchain* "Before I ever learned martial arts, a punch was just a punch, and kick was just a kick. And then I learned about front kicks, side kicks, backfists, hammer fists...and I devoted much time to learning each kind of strike. But when I became skilled enough, I realized that a punch is just a punch, and a kick is just a kick."
--Bruce Lee (paraphrased) | FlamingDeth  *steals a Russian submarine* Posts: 5127 (3/28/03 5:55 pm) Reply | Edit | Del ezSupporter
 | Re: What is culture? ...dude, MA was black? When did he say this?  |
I am an arrogant bastard.
And now, since I want to be unique like everybody else, quotes:
"People don't seem to realize, it wasn't a powerful ass poke. It was a powerful poke, to the ass!" ~ Lord McBastard
"So what you're saying is that Nintendo and Sony are in league with each other, and possibly the Red Skull?" ~ EKDS5K
| PriamNevhausten Dances With Arrows Posts: 1579 (3/28/03 11:37 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What is culture? Bout 5 or 6 months ago, when someone mentioned we needed a 'token black person' around on the boards. "Before I ever learned martial arts, a punch was just a punch, and kick was just a kick. And then I learned about front kicks, side kicks, backfists, hammer fists...and I devoted much time to learning each kind of strike. But when I became skilled enough, I realized that a punch is just a punch, and a kick is just a kick."
--Bruce Lee (paraphrased) | WhiteWerefox Posts: 85 (3/29/03 5:08 am) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What is culture? Two points on the subject.
First, in any revolution overthrowing the norm usually goes as follows:
Three groups: the one extreme, moderates, the other extreme. the ne extreme is in power.
Moderates overthrow the one extreme.
the other extreme over throws the moderates, and goes to such a legnth of extremes (Eg: Are you black ENOUGH?) as to create a situation as bad as or worse than the first extreme situation.
Moderates eventually prevail, either through volence or gradual change. OR the other extreme self destructs and the moderates pick up the pieces.
This happens a lot in history, and occurs in social as well as political and military revolutions.
Second point: As long as being black, or any big issue related to culture, is made a big deal steryotyping and prejudice will occur from both sides of the issue. If no one made a big deal out of it, it wouldn't be an issue. "Making a big deal" involves pride on one extreme and hurt from the other. Nekogami just suffered from the priding side. Koyaanisqatsi! | Banjooie  Will Save World for Pie Posts: 1394 (3/29/03 6:35 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What is culture? Congratulations, you've missed the point, Werefox. You win a stab in the face.
Anyway, lie more. <Chat> <Matto says, "What's up?"
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Angst."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Drama."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Betrayal."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Plushies." | Nick Shogun WHO ARE YOU?! Posts: 1020 (3/29/03 3:15 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | What is cheese culture?! My theory is if we don't all kill each other first, humanity will eventually evolve into a dark grey race of people, and then we can forget all this pointless worry.
Edited by: Nick Shogun at: 3/29/03 2:15:52 pm
| BrainWalker  Posts: 1724 (3/29/03 8:39 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What is cheese culture?! In one respect, I really like Nick's theory. And in another, it makes me sick. *shrugs* Stupid duality.
There's a lot of sense being made in this topic. Except for Werefox, as usual. The whole concept of not being "black enough" is utterly ridiculous. The only people that need to be concerned about their "blackitude" are white rappers. Because, apparantly, you can't do that without being uncessesarly "black". Despite the fact that being black has absolutely nothing to do with ebonics or shooting people. Did I mention that I hate pop culture in general?
Seriously though, Nekogami. You shouldn't take anything you don't feel comfortable with. Take the suggestion of researching the course to see what it's about, and if it still seems uninteresting, don't bother. While African-American studies can be worthwhile, college is expensive. Don't waste your money on stuff other people think you need.
We love you, Neko! Wether your blackosity is lacking or over the brim. | WhiteWerefox Posts: 93 (3/30/03 1:42 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What is cheese culture?! *Doesn't even try anymore.*
Your advisor sucks, you shouldn't have to put up with it, Take the courses you like. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot.
Do we require more simplification? Koyaanisqatsi! Edited by: WhiteWerefox at: 3/30/03 6:06:47 pm
| |