Author | Comment |
Nekogami Bishounen Hunter A Posts: 650 (1/13/03 1:48 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All | Forum needs more love. Did you guys know that I love you?
I really do. So many of you, especially those that I've had the pleasure of meeting, I feel like you're my closest friends. I wish I could buy a subdivision and make it the RPGWW place. We could have parties at Diane's house, RP at Brian's and Alex's, play video games at Shaun's and Doug's, dance and DDR at Sean's, and eat at my place. It'd mad crazy fun. *nod nod*
*huggles all*
Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Holiday Love:
Don't eat the yellow, red, black, brown, green.....If the snow at white don't eat it. |
Uncle Pervy  Posts: 2382 (1/13/03 1:56 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. I have proposed time and time again that we need to invade Dia's Neighborhood and take it over.
I'm certain between Sean, BW, AM, and myself, we could equip a sizable enough force to hop from house to house and take 'em all.
And I love you too, Neko. Twas why I was so bitterly disappointed you could make it to Dia's past tuesday last week. ;_;
You're too much fun to be around, Dambit!
Nekogami Bishounen Hunter A Posts: 652 (1/13/03 2:06 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Forum needs more love. ;_; You're far too much fun too, Pery ya bastard! *GLOMP*
Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Holiday Love:
Don't eat the yellow, red, black, brown, green.....If the snow at white don't eat it. |
Uncle Pervy  Posts: 2384 (1/13/03 2:11 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. Next time, you're getting a Damned piggyback ride through that whole mall.
*Glomps Back* Edited by: Uncle Pervy at: 1/13/03 1:12:22 pm
Nekogami Bishounen Hunter A Posts: 654 (1/13/03 2:15 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Forum needs more love. Woooooo!
Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Holiday Love:
Don't eat the yellow, red, black, brown, green.....If the snow at white don't eat it. |
Banjooie  Paranoid Geezer Posts: 782 (1/13/03 2:50 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. You need to all live in BC.
Preferably near Vancouver, as I only live near Kotoki and Excal as it is.
That crazy doctor robot (1/13/03 2:52 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | NO SUBJECT GO AWAY No! Edmonton! Near me and LMB, and to lesser extent, King Charles. But mostly us two. |
Uncle Pervy  Posts: 2387 (1/13/03 2:55 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: NO SUBJECT GO AWAY I think Edmonton, Vancouver, Alaska and the OH/KY region need to move and share borders. With Malta in the Middle, and Britain on the side. Then, we can import Kansans, Texans, and New Zealanders as needed. |
pd Rydia  Lazy Webmistress Posts: 4700 (1/13/03 3:53 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. I agree with bro.
And Neko, you so need to get out of my head. :P Or at least help me clean up the mess that it is.
You know what we all need to do? Go down to UK sometime to visit Amanda; Alex and I had insane fun last time we did that. We meet in Dayton and Cincy enough, let's take over Lexington...and maybe Louisville sometime to go see Sage.
Also: Banjooie, you and Doc and you other Canadians should get your asses down here. ={{{ There's plenty of housing around here! -=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard Storm (Nakibe)
-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I REJECT YOUR PRESENCE!" -- CaptainPervy (UnclePervy)
-=- "What. In. The. @#%. Are. You. Two. Doing?" -- Hzar (Banjooie)Edited by: pd Rydia at: 1/13/03 2:54:04 pm
BrainWalker  Posts: 1040 (1/13/03 5:02 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. Quote: I wish I could buy a subdivision and make it the RPGWW place.
I have actually advocated doing this sort of thing on several occasions. In fact, if I ever win the lottery, I'll probably actually do it. 'cause I'm crazy. Crazy about RPGWW.
*snif* I love you guys!!
Also, I only got to hang out with Amanda in person once. It was quite enjoyable. I need to do tehat again sometime. Edited by: BrainWalker at: 1/13/03 4:03:42 pm
EKDS5k  Ereal Snippelit Monped (of doom) Posts: 272 (1/13/03 5:34 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. We'll see about me coming down for Otakon. I have come to the conclusion that I actually have to save money this summer, so that I won't be shit up a creek without paddles, like I was this year. *ups post count* |
Archmage144  The Oldskool Bastard Posts: 1753 (1/13/03 6:35 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. YEEEEHAW! This forum needs more love! --------
The Archmage: Sadistic GM or handsome bishounen? You decide!
RPGWW! Beware of GM!
"I disapprove of what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." ~Voltaire
"Surrender, or die in obscurity!" ~Ramza, FF Tactics
Creative dining
Chopsticks are for eating rice
Not for poking eyes
~WhiteKnight Edited by: Archmage144 at: 1/13/03 11:32:27 pm
Kadrin77 Dwarves > Yuo Posts: 265 (1/13/03 6:58 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Forum needs more love. Indeed it does, especially when taking into consideration that many people joined RPGWW to have someone to talk to, to RP with, or whatever.
After all, RPing should be therapeutic and help to release stress. I think. <__<
...did that make sense? |
Choark  Closet Intellectual Posts: 1267 (1/13/03 7:54 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. Love is for sissys!
Do you think those annoying macho types have left now?
*Forum glomp and noogie* You guys are great! Ya make me laugh and want to do stuff! |
SuperRube Sarcastic Smartass Posts: 1935 (1/13/03 8:24 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. I will join in the sentiment.
...oh, and love and whatever. I didn't really read much of the rest.
"This is Bank Robber Joe. He robs banks because his mother never loved him." |
Zemyla  Fellow Kyosuke Fan Posts: 621 (1/13/03 8:52 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. Thanks to your advice, Rube, I have stopped living in Ohio.
Of course, I never lived there to begin with, so... -----
Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla. |
PriamNevhausten The Z machine Posts: 687 (1/13/03 11:41 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. I am afraid I have pledged my eternal allegiance to Ohio, under witness of a 9th level Gaeas spell. Sorry, you'll have to move down here. "Some say there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're DEAD."
--Jaya Ballard, Task Mage |
Banjooie  Paranoid Geezer Posts: 786 (1/14/03 12:49 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. *names BC Ohio*
*names Ohio Papayaland*
*Priam is instantly sucked into Bc-turned-Ohio* |
PriamNevhausten The Z machine Posts: 692 (1/14/03 1:40 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. ACK, TOO MUCH LOVE! RPGWW LOVE CIRCUITS OVERLOADING! "Some say there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're DEAD."
--Jaya Ballard, Task Mage |
Ash Fanrico  Friendly Neighborhood Hero Posts: 1538 (1/14/03 11:44 am) Reply | Edit | Del | So... alone... Eh... if I ever had a vacation from both school AND work I'd probably attempt a road trip.
But knowing my luck I'd probably end up in Canada... well then at least I'd be able to meet Terra or KoD.
I'd have fun if my road trip was successful... get to finally meet some of you, and maybe, if i was staying over at someone's house, eat all your food and drink all your soda...
I'd gladly participate in a Fighting Game tournament against some of ya... |
Jak Snide  Bloody Evil GM Posts: 2929 (1/14/03 1:29 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | <.< *mutters* I wish I lived in KY or OH. I love being around you all that bloody much. Come the summer and Otakon, hopefully I'll be able to spend more than a week out there, if Dia and some other kind hearted people will put up with me for that long. ^_^;;
*huggles all* |
Crawling Reshiki  Jumping Teddy Bear Posts: 2975 (1/14/03 6:07 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: <.< *mutters* Living in Alabama, ie the Southeast, I have almost no chance of ever meeting any of you. =P But it's nice to know that you guys at least have these kinds of plans set out.
Son Gohan wants you to visit the DB(Z) Manga Shrine! |
FF Fanatic 80  Chronic MPD Sufferer Posts: 581 (1/14/03 9:08 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Hey?! Quote: I think Edmonton, Vancouver, Alaska and the OH/KY region need to move and share borders. With Malta in the Middle, and Britain on the side. Then, we can import Kansans, Texans, and New Zealanders as needed.
Hey, what about New England? ;_;
*grumbles about leaving out Vince (New York), Will (New Hampshire), Adam (Conneticutt), and himself (Massachusetts)* ¬.¬ Damned Mideasterners...
* says above out of love, of course =] *
And darnit, I *WILL* meet all you guys someday! Hopefully at Otakon ^_^; Edited by: FF Fanatic 80 at: 1/14/03 8:10:09 pm
LadyDragonClawsEDW  Brianoku's Lovely Wife Katkat Posts: 1168 (1/14/03 9:11 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Hey?! *feels unloved out here in NC/MD*
One hat to rule them all. |
Squintz Altec  Justice's Pimp Posts: 1283 (1/14/03 9:12 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Hey?! Aha, but I managed to drag myself down to KY/OH. So now I can say I've met some other people than Brian #1. ^_^
 People, the edit button is your friend. Use it. |
Elementalist Daien Avatar of Diet Coke Posts: 984 (1/14/03 9:15 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. Yes, Malta needs to be closer to you guys.
We just need a couple of swimmers according to some of you, anyways. =P |
Uncle Pervy  Posts: 2431 (1/14/03 11:22 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Forum needs more love. Dave. You people live in states the size of Malta! It's not that long a drive! Hell, you could likely get some of those quicker than it takes me to get to Dia's! |
NebulaQueen Posts: 297 (1/15/03 7:26 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. Don't worry, CR, you're not the only one who lives in the Southeast of the US. I, for example, live in an obscure town in Georgia half an hour away from Atlanta. I wonder if anyone else is going to come to Dragon*Con this year.... ---
"I died as mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal.
I died as animal and I was human.
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
Yet once more I shall die human,
To soar with angels blessed above.
And when I sacrifice my angel soul
I shall become what no mind ever concieved."
-Rumi Jalaluddin |
pd Rydia  False Neko Posts: 4818 (1/15/03 7:30 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. I think Mike went to DragonCon last year... -=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard Storm (Nakibe)
-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I REJECT YOUR PRESENCE!" -- CaptainPervy (UnclePervy)
-=- "What. In. The. @#%. Are. You. Two. Doing?" -- Hzar (Banjooie) |
NebulaQueen Posts: 303 (1/15/03 9:09 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Forum needs more love. Did he go to any of the Who's Line championship games, by any chance? ---
"I died as mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal.
I died as animal and I was human.
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
Yet once more I shall die human,
To soar with angels blessed above.
And when I sacrifice my angel soul
I shall become what no mind ever concieved."
-Rumi Jalaluddin |