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        > What is your NPC phrase? =O
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FF Fanatic 80 
Chronic MPD Sufferer
Posts: 1053
(3/9/04 12:34 pm)
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What is your NPC phrase? =O
If you were an NPC villager/merchant/king/hobo in an RPG, what would be your one liner, repeated until the end of time phrase?

I do believe mine would be.

"Beware the beasts in the forest!"

...either that or something completely unhelpful like:

"I like kitties."

Likes Brit Spelling
Posts: 2034
(3/9/04 1:37 pm)
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"Press [A] to talk to people!"

=_= Neko
Posts: 4547
(3/9/04 1:40 pm)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O
I'd probably be that one NPC in the Library looking at the ONE misplaced book.

"... .. OH!"
"I'm looking at nothing that'll be of any interest to you!"
"..Absolutely nothing.."
".......yeah, baby.."

Posts: 745
(3/9/04 2:06 pm)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O
I predict Shini's to be "..."

Mine would be ... ah hell, I dunno. But Shini's was obvious.

Freshin' ya drink govena'
Posts: 3120
(3/9/04 2:43 pm)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O
Hmm lets see here:

Scott: "I'm Hungry" Or if I was being clever "I'm Hungry, press A to feed me"

Choark 1st Time: "Hey Hey! I'm Choark, Barbarian Ninja, expert mouse catcher and number one spaz"

Choark 2nd Time : "Hey Hey!! *noogies*"

Choark randomally: "You wanna fight?"

Pig: "Boink! Boink!"

Young Jenna: "The secret underground sewers leads to the hidden cave were the Dragon Destruction Blade is found, the most power sword ever created in existence" note: No it isn't but it is a long pointless map

Old Jenna: "I'm busy being a Hero, @%$ off!"

Cowgirl fanboy - Barbarian Ninja - Expert Mouse Catcher - Holder of the Iron Glasses Of Doom!

Crawling Reshiki
Open Your Heart
Posts: 7626
(3/9/04 2:44 pm)
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"Put Here 2 Feel Joy"

Unfortunate wielder
of logic

Posts: 1995
(3/9/04 2:56 pm)
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Re: .
"Hi! Welcome to your adventure!{{ÖR§DEBUG MODE=OFF" and then the game would crash.

Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla.

I think boobs are the lesser of two evils. - Inverse (Pervy)
Dammit, Dan, I'm not dating a damn NPC! - OOC Will (Will Baseton)
Of course! Anything worth doing is worth doing completely wrong! - Travis English

Adventurers! | RPG World World | The Phantom Lord's OT Board mkII | Indie Madnesse | Brotherhood of Elitist Bastards

Cuddly Ohioan Chauffeur
Posts: 3302
(3/9/04 3:03 pm)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O
"What are you doing in my house? You didn't take any of my stuff, did you?"

=_= Neko
Posts: 4550
(3/9/04 2:23 pm)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O
BW so far has the best line. :(

As for my characters.. well ones I use most often:

Deeum: "This is Castle ___.The King is ready to see you, ___"

Lilly: I wanna be a Pirate!

Edited by: DragonMistressSCV  at: 3/9/04 2:24 pm
Crawling Reshiki
Open Your Heart
Posts: 7633
(3/9/04 3:28 pm)
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"Who are you?"

"Get out thief"

"What's that? Huh. Radio. What's going on with that radio?"

Uncle Pervy 
Celestial Grapefruit

Posts: 7594
(3/9/04 4:15 pm)
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Re: .
"Hey, can I borrow your sword?"

DoppELganger >:(
Posts: 2642
(3/9/04 4:17 pm)
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Re: .
"Get offa mah lawn, ya goddamn kids!"

"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies

Friendly Sadist

Posts: 614
(3/9/04 4:53 pm)
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Re: .
"Everyone says you're the guy. But I wanna be the guy too!"

Spilling black and red down the drain
It's not rain
But blood and ink, the same I shed
When paused to think
Through days smeared across the ghosts
Of futures unrequited
Takes hosts of angels to lift my arm
Raised to Heaven through unlighted leagues of void
Weary, paranoid, solitary, secondary
Sadistic, holistic, virtuoso
Trembolo, piccolo, crescendo...
And I die. Only to find I can cry again.

Shinigori V2 

Posts: 3139
(3/9/04 5:50 pm)
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Re: .
Luj is 100% correct.


Most obvious thing EVER.

Why Barius has no family reunions.

Kakita Ki
Wai Wai Plushie Lover
Posts: 302
(3/9/04 6:08 pm)
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Re: .
"Here! I found this! You can have it!"

[Gain 1x shiny rock!]

It is an industrial oil. It is not a food.

Care to take a Survey?
Posts: 1177
(3/9/04 7:10 pm)
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Re: .
"Oh yeah? Well then! You're uninvited to my birthday party!"

Uncle Pervy 
Celestial Grapefruit

Posts: 7598
(3/9/04 7:16 pm)
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Re: .
It should be noted that I'll be blocking a treasure chest for 2/3rds of the game.

Elementalist Daien
Sexy Buddha
Posts: 1800
(3/9/04 7:46 pm)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O
"No helpful information here, move along."

Posts: 230
(3/9/04 7:54 pm)
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Re: .
What's important isn't what I would say. What's important is that as soon as you move down the long corridor towards the treasure chest, I will, while moving randomly, follow you into the corridor and keep you trapped there for several hours.

If you are reading this, it means that I am logged in.

Care to take a Survey?
Posts: 1179
(3/9/04 8:09 pm)
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Re: .
It should be noted that the aforementioned birthday party is a major plot point, and if you talk to me at all, you have to open your last save. If you save after you talk to me, then you have to go on a long sidequest which involves collecting the 18 Silver Gemeralds.

Paranoia Strike
Posts: 1390
(3/9/04 8:12 pm)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O
Kelne (1st time): "What the bloody hell do you want? Can't you see I'm fishing?"

Kelne (2nd time): "That does it." *Shoots you in the head. Game Over.*

"80% of my so-called friends would happily push me in front of a bus. Of course, the next time I saw them, I'd be driving the bus." - David McPhale, as Rob Muldoon

Vampire Jester Jinx 
Lusty Latte Wench
Posts: 1688
(3/9/04 8:48 pm)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O
Amana: *found in a cubbard, you know the sorts with dishes and spoons* "For 100 gil I'll teach you my technique" Press A to Learn Spoon Of Passion

Too cool to sig...

Smoochy smoochy!
Posts: 1756
(3/9/04 9:04 pm)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O
I'm doomed to say what all monarchs say.

"Thank you for saving my kingdom!"

Errgh! Can't I say something like, I dunno, "Wiggy waggy wogo!"?

"Kill her. Then we'll have pizza."

-Scorpius, Farscape

Happy Winter-een-mas!

The Judge of No Pants
Posts: 3267
(3/9/04 9:23 pm)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O
"I'm an embodiment of the game's rand(int) function!"

Birdo Lover
(Made in Mexico)

Posts: 1755
(3/9/04 10:45 pm)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O


my deviant art thingy!

Huge and Misshapen

Posts: 1547
(3/9/04 11:10 pm)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O
"Damn, someone told me there was a rare erotic books section in this library, and there isn't. What a gyp."

OLHADO: "You killed more people than anybody in history."
ENDER: "Be the best at whatever you do, that's what my mother always told me."
-Lauro Suleimão "Olhado" Ribeira and Ender Wiggin, Speaker for the Dead

Legendary Decepticon
Posts: 7366
(3/10/04 3:16 am)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O
"Stab Spleen and get money!"

King of No Pants

Posts: 354
(3/10/04 5:52 am)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O
"There are many guards in the castle."

and in Random Unimportant Guy mode 2 *pallete switch*: "Talk to everyone!"

Edit: On reflection, I'd be saying the first one because I'd be one of the people you meet... as you're loitering around a jail cell, since I got caught trying to steal from the castle. The second one would have in much smaller text, and in parenthesis "... that isn't me, because I can't stand you 'hero' idiots."


Edited by: SorataYuy at: 3/11/04 7:18 pm
Legendary Decepticon
Posts: 7370
(3/10/04 12:59 pm)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O
Also, Chuckles: Why the hell would you even want to say that?

Posts: 753
(3/10/04 1:35 pm)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O
Ah, I know ...

"You're talking to the wrong guy!"

The Duelist
Nukes at Ten Paces
Posts: 898
(3/10/04 6:23 pm)
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Re: What is your NPC phrase? =O
"would you like some CHEESE with your WHINE! HAHAHAHHAHA!"

I do not go medieval on peoples asses. I go Renaissance. There's an important difference. Medieval is just beating someone with a mace, but Renaissance is artful, sophisticated. Smooth, yet firm, powerful, yet distinct. Everyone knows when someone's gone Medieval on their ass, but they don't know Renaissance until its too late. -Wiseass Dave

Reako Somner
Bible Boi
Posts: 510
(3/10/04 8:14 pm)
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"FIRE is very dangerous. Do not touch FIRE."

I would be in a volcano for no apparent reason.

Dragon Sage007
Too uncreative to
think of a postrank

Posts: 1621
(3/10/04 10:47 pm)
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"Why is it a town seems to be categorized as any populated place with more than five buildings? Has there been some sort of post-nuclear war that wiped out most of the earth, and we're only now repopulating?"

Come on, you know it's true.

"The Bible is the greatest book ever. It's filled with prostitutes, liars, conquering kings, killers, murderers, and political intrigue. How can you go wrong?" ~My preacher.

Crazy Mage Woman
with a Pixie

Posts: 1642
(3/10/04 10:51 pm)
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Re: Sponge.
"Kidneys? Pah, you don't need no stinkin' kidneys! Now, stand still while I go get my exacto knife..."

"Hello, I'm Troy Mclure! You may remember me from such realms as Hell, and Gaera!"-Shinigori, OOC

Bar Patron

Posts: 806
(3/11/04 7:37 pm)
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Re: Sponge.
"Hi! I'm a helper NPC! Discard all your equipment, and talk to me again for a nice surprise!"

Repeat. =D

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