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Bar Patron

Posts: 17
(1/21/04 5:38 pm)
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You know, I was kind of roaming around the Gaera information site, and it cam eot my attention that they had a language in Gaera based on Cantonese, but none based on Mandarin. In my eyes, they are the same in every way except the way they sound, so it doesn't seem quite fair that there's not one but two languages modeled after Cantonese, but none modeled after Mandarin.

pd Rydia 
Dia, Innkeep of Justice
Posts: 9108
(1/21/04 5:42 pm)
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Re: mandarin
Sadly, our RP world isn't an equal opportunity employer. Gaera cruelly use the languages it likes, neglecting the languages that "look funny."

But there's good news! Currently, there's a move in Congress to get a bill passed to force RPGWW RPers to use all 6000 (give or take a few hundred) languages of the world equally.

Call your Congressman or woman and tell him or her you support issue 455 today!

Hello, I'm Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR!
-=- "Y'know, I've always been told that dragons are bigger. And less bi-pedal." -- Cuimacc (MovieMan)
-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard (Nakibe)
-=- "Half elves? Uh oh, they are eaten by Dragons, we call them Dwagon Kibble here..." -- Lord McBastard
-=- "*Today's important Lesson. Dragongirls Bite. Nekojin nip*" -- UnclePervy

Edited by: pd Rydia  at: 1/21/04 5:43 pm
Unfortunate wielder
of logic

Posts: 1909
(1/21/04 6:44 pm)
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Re: mandarin
That would mean everyone would have to know at least 15 languages, and very few people can do that.

Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla.

I think boobs are the lesser of two evils. - Inverse (Pervy)
Dammit, Dan, I'm not dating a damn NPC! - OOC Will (Will Baseton)
Of course! Anything worth doing is worth doing completely wrong! - Travis English

Adventurers! | RPG World World | The Phantom Lord's OT Board mkII | Indie Madnesse | Brotherhood of Elitist Bastards

pd Rydia 
Dia, Innkeep of Justice
Posts: 9110
(1/21/04 6:46 pm)
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Re: mandarin
I get it. You're one of those heathens who suppress diversity in languages, aren't you, Mister Zemyla (if that is your real name). Note this isn't a question.

I despise you.

Hello, I'm Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR!
-=- "Y'know, I've always been told that dragons are bigger. And less bi-pedal." -- Cuimacc (MovieMan)
-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard (Nakibe)
-=- "Half elves? Uh oh, they are eaten by Dragons, we call them Dwagon Kibble here..." -- Lord McBastard
-=- "*Today's important Lesson. Dragongirls Bite. Nekojin nip*" -- UnclePervy

The Judge of No Pants
Posts: 3211
(1/21/04 6:53 pm)
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Re: mandarin
I think the point is that we only assign Gaeran languages to real world languages so we don't have to make them up on our own, which would be a pain in the ass, and sometimes it's neat to show off that you know another real world language.

Thus, there is no issue of preference, and since we assign real world languages to cover up Gaeran languages, as opposed to assigning real world languages to be certain Gaeran languages for no good reason--there has to be a culture or race that speaks the Gaeran language to make it valid to assign a real world language to represent it.

Uncle Pervy 
That Wacky Welshman

Posts: 7328
(1/21/04 6:58 pm)
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Re: mandarin
And there's the whole "Wow, that's a stupid thing to dwell on!" issue.

pd Rydia 
Dia, Innkeep of Justice
Posts: 9112
(1/21/04 7:02 pm)
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Re: mandarin
Stupid thing? Stupid thing? Mr. Uncle Pervy (if that is your real name), I cannot believe your apathy --nay, your antipathy-- towards the good folk fighting the good fight on this very important issue. Language diversity oppressors thrive off people like you, you tool.

Hello, I'm Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR!
-=- "Y'know, I've always been told that dragons are bigger. And less bi-pedal." -- Cuimacc (MovieMan)
-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard (Nakibe)
-=- "Half elves? Uh oh, they are eaten by Dragons, we call them Dwagon Kibble here..." -- Lord McBastard
-=- "*Today's important Lesson. Dragongirls Bite. Nekojin nip*" -- UnclePervy

Uncle Pervy 
That Wacky Welshman

Posts: 7329
(1/21/04 7:33 pm)
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Re: mandarin
Shut up and speak English, wench!

Bar Patron

Posts: 19
(1/21/04 8:58 pm)
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Re: mandarin
Wow, I'm glad this topic has sparked such... interest in some poeple. You see, I brought up this topic because my main RP character, Xiao Long, has a tendency to start spouting words in another language, which woul dbe mandarin, and so I thought wouldn't it be nice if there was actually a name for this language that she speaks? Still, I see your point in that there needs to be a race to actually speak the language for that language to be there. Still, if there happens to be another race that suddenly... I don't know, pops up, i think Mandarin is due for a Gaeran language, don't you?

Crazy Mage Woman
with a Pixie

Posts: 1582
(1/21/04 8:01 pm)
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Re: mandarin
Well, it depends on the culture. For example, it would be silly for a race/culture based off of, say, Ancient Egypt to speak Mandarin.

"Hello, I'm Troy Mclure! You may remember me from such realms as Hell, and Gaera!"-Shinigori, OOC

Edited by: NebulaQueen at: 1/21/04 8:07 pm
Uncle Pervy 
That Wacky Welshman

Posts: 7331
(1/21/04 9:09 pm)
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Re: mandarin
I say why bother making a special point of sticking in Madarin?

There are some many other groovy languages, like Swedish and Aztec and Khosian yet.

Typical Eurasic Prejudices, I swear :(

Unfortunate wielder
of logic

Posts: 1912
(1/21/04 9:35 pm)
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Re: mandarin
I, for one, want there to be some race that speaks Esperanto. ^_^

Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla.

I think boobs are the lesser of two evils. - Inverse (Pervy)
Dammit, Dan, I'm not dating a damn NPC! - OOC Will (Will Baseton)
Of course! Anything worth doing is worth doing completely wrong! - Travis English

Adventurers! | RPG World World | The Phantom Lord's OT Board mkII | Indie Madnesse | Brotherhood of Elitist Bastards

Posts: 1242
(1/21/04 9:53 pm)
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Re: mandarin
While we're at it, lets have a race of barbarians living in the icy tundra that speak l33t!

\/\/3 <0|\/|3 |=0|2 G10|2y!

As a side note, why should Gaera adopt a new language simply to fit your one character? Make your character fit Gaera, heathen.

When angry, count to ten; when very angry, swear.
-- Mark Twain

*in regards to Catwoman's new outfit* Wow. That costume is the most soul blinding fucking retarded thing ever.

Suicidal Sprite
Michael Caine
Fan Boy

Posts: 2292
(1/22/04 12:18 am)
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Re: mandarin
Ignore that last post.

I, being English, am a firm follower of the "Two languages in one head? It can't be done!" mindset. However you can have your character mutter absolute gibberish and pass it off as a "dialect" or something.

I am just too damn British.


"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael Caine

The Historian
Posts: 3374
(1/22/04 12:25 am)
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Re: mandarin
Popo conviniently shows that his is not too bright, and why he should keep his mouth shut more often all in one fell swoop.

There are no differences is spoken l33t and spoken english, with one or two minor exceptions (j0 and j00 specifically come to mind,) and not all l33t speakers accept even those. l33t was originally devised (I believe) as a code langauge that 'eliet' (eventually 'liet, and then l33t) gamers used to communicate without other gamers (on the other side, or of inferior quality) understanding them. Eventually, being able to speak it became a sign of having an e-phalus of considerable size, thus it now enjoys more fame than it should. While it is true that l33t has its own grammer, that makes it more of a form of slang than another language. In short, Popo knows not of which he speaks when he suggests barbarians who speek l33t. They would not speak in l33t, but rather write in it. And we all know how much writing the typical barbarian does.

And thus, I conclude another rant that has little corroberating evidence, but that will hopefully succeed in forwarding the cause I mentioned at the beginning: making Popo talk less. Although I'd be surprised if he got this far.

Things you learn from working at Burger King-

- "Bum Rush" refers to when the bar next door closes.
- A raw egg will explode if microwaved.
- The local Police Department considers 'Dire need of a Chocolate Shake' an emergency situation.
- Yes, the grease in the frier is hot.
- Always believe a manager when they tell you the grease is hot.
- Do not use your hand to see if the grease in the frier is hot.
- Do not curse in front of customers.

Posts: 478
(1/22/04 4:22 am)
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Re: mandarin
There are some many other groovy languages, like Swedish and Aztec and Khosian yet.

Typical Eurasic Prejudices, I swear :(

...So, Swedish isn't Eurasic, then? :D

"Never let your morals get in the way of doing what is right" - Salvor Hardin

Uncle Pervy 
That Wacky Welshman

Posts: 7337
(1/22/04 4:11 am)
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Re: mandarin
Hell no! Everyone knows that Scandanavia is the bastard cousin of Europe. I mean, no one wants it part of their continent. Remember when they tried to sell it to Australia as a gag anniversary gift, and the Aussie PM tried to break the English PM's teeth?

Edited by: Uncle Pervy  at: 1/22/04 4:18 am
Suicidal Sprite
Michael Caine
Fan Boy

Posts: 2296
(1/22/04 5:37 am)
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Re: mandarin
We don't get entertainment like that any more.

Nowerdays if we want to make fun of Scandinavia it has to be in a more subtle and modern way, such as having all of our air polution precipitate over Sweden.

The days when politicans fight, however, are not gone. Why it was only two years ago that John Prescot, Minister for Transportation, managed to lay someone out with a swift one-two after they hit him with a tomato. Then again he was a boxer back in his youth.

I am just too damn British.


"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael Caine

Uncle Pervy 
That Wacky Welshman

Posts: 7339
(1/22/04 4:51 am)
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Re: mandarin
This is why you bastards need to elect the Official Monster Raving Loony Party already!

The water balloon fights in the House of Commons would be more than worth it! We won't even get into how visits from Luxembourg and other tiny controls no one gives a fuck about would go :D

Edited by: Uncle Pervy  at: 1/22/04 4:52 am
Stop throwing marshmellows
at me!

Posts: 691
(1/22/04 7:23 am)
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Re: mandarin
You know... it's silliness like that, that politics really needs right now. Down with corruption! Up with silliness!

Posts: 1244
(1/22/04 10:34 am)
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Re: mandarin
Dear Mr. Durron,

It was a joke. I did not think people went around saying "I am elthreethreetee!" Lighten up please.

Yours truly,


When angry, count to ten; when very angry, swear.
-- Mark Twain

*in regards to Catwoman's new outfit* Wow. That costume is the most soul blinding fucking retarded thing ever.

pd Rydia 
Dia, Innkeep of Justice
Posts: 9116
(1/22/04 11:41 am)
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Re: mandarin
Geeze, it's like people can't recognize a joke anymore.

I hope you all are voting on issue 455 today.

Hello, I'm Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR!
-=- "Y'know, I've always been told that dragons are bigger. And less bi-pedal." -- Cuimacc (MovieMan)
-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard (Nakibe)
-=- "Half elves? Uh oh, they are eaten by Dragons, we call them Dwagon Kibble here..." -- Lord McBastard
-=- "*Today's important Lesson. Dragongirls Bite. Nekojin nip*" -- UnclePervy

(9/22/04 11:09 pm)

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