Author | Comment |
MagicRealms Posts: 7 (8/29/03 6:30 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All | What happened to freestyle? Where did all the FreeStyle RPs go? Whats with all this Dice-Rolling?! The RP is not about numbers! its about creative stroy-telling and personality!
P.S. if im just out of it and there are a bunch of freestyles going on, tell me where one is!! ------------------
I know how to do this now, even if it took me a while to figure it out :-P
"Video games wont breed in captivity" - somebody |
Archmage144  Arrogant Archmage Posts: 2815 (8/29/03 6:56 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? Who the fuck are you, and how dare you tell us how to RP? =P
In all seriousness--you're right and wrong at the same time. RPs are all about story and personalization, characters and plot. But that doesn't eliminate the occasion need for an objective judge so as to avoid a Cops and Robbers-esque "I hit you!" "no you didn't!" "I'm immune to fire!" situation.
Rules are a benefit, not a detriment.
Jak Snide  Rum Guzzling Bastard Posts: 4881 (8/29/03 7:00 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? You don't even need dice. If there's a big GM watching an RP, he can declare the results of any encounters. Of course, this realies on said GM being totally fair. |
Archmage144  Arrogant Archmage Posts: 2816 (8/29/03 7:14 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? I, however, like many people, prefer a totally fair and unbiased arbitrator, myself. >.>
MagicRealms Posts: 8 (8/29/03 7:21 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What happened to freestyle? yeah, ok... so im not totally out of it, i guess i dont like the hole number thing because its so hard to do online, im a big fan of Dungeons and Dragons.
P. S. Ya'll should start a Freestyle, all mine have gone straight to the graveyard :-P ------------------
I know how to do this now, even if it took me a while to figure it out :-P
"Video games wont breed in captivity" - somebody |
Jak Snide  Rum Guzzling Bastard Posts: 4882 (8/29/03 7:38 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? Well, there are simple dice systems for online use. Windows is generally seen as the quickest and easiest way to arbitrate a game. |
SALSAlys Posts: 2512 (8/29/03 7:55 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What happened to freestyle? And there still freestyle arpees. I'm GMing one myself. *shrug* Except that it's closed, and the rest you have to sign up for as they appear. Windowsys is also pretty loose and nicely adaptable, so find the link somewhere (check the second gen thread for it, I think) and it'll give you more information. |
MagicRealms Posts: 9 (8/29/03 8:38 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What happened to freestyle? thanks, i apreiciate it ------------------
I know how to do this now, even if it took me a while to figure it out :-P
"Video games wont breed in captivity" - somebody |
Banjooie  Bunny Girl (but still better at helicopter) Posts: 1711 (8/30/03 2:14 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? You get the Banj Cannon next time :( <Chat> <Matto says, "What's up?"
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Angst."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Drama."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Betrayal."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Plushies." |
MagicRealms Posts: 10 (8/30/03 7:05 am) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What happened to freestyle? what is "the Banj Cannon?" ------------------
I know how to do this now, even if it took me a while to figure it out :-P
"Video games wont breed in captivity" - somebody |
Waldorf Nikki  The Ultimate Cheese Connoisseuse Posts: 74 (8/30/03 12:09 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? You'll see! :D ------------------
I hypnotize you. |
Waldorf Nikki  The Ultimate Cheese Connoisseuse Posts: 75 (8/30/03 1:29 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? I think that last comment was made bt Steve not me! Ihope he didn't post anything else under my name... ------------------
I hypnotize you. |
pd Rydia  Dryad Pi Posts: 8169 (8/30/03 1:39 pm) Reply | Edit | Del ezSupporter
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? Roughly one third to a half of our board RPs are freestyle, well over a half of our chat RPs are freestyle. I have no idea where you got the impression that we don't use it much. -=- "Zoooooom...Zoooooom...CRASH! Enthusiasm counts. Never be afraid to try."
-=- "All cookies are good, dum-dum." -- Binky
-=- "Kazootles!"
{RPGWW -- an RPing community} -- {Hogwarts RP} -- {RP Boot Camp}
{Rydia's Pocket Dragon Encyclopedia} -- {StarDragon Oekaki} |
MagicRealms Posts: 13 (8/30/03 2:05 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What happened to freestyle? huh, sorry, i guess im just crazy...
and what IS the "Banja Cannon?!" just nonsence?
P.S. start a freestyle rp! ------------------
I know how to do this now, even if it took me a while to figure it out :-P
"Video games wont breed in captivity" - somebody |
Jak Snide  Rum Guzzling Bastard Posts: 4891 (8/30/03 2:41 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? The Banj Cannon is something you want to avoid. |
SuperRube Sarcastic Smartass Posts: 3799 (8/30/03 2:59 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? What the fuck. I swear to god I signed Nikki out of this computer.
Fucking internet.
"Carrying a ham into a room, Mr. Connery says, 'hon mono.' It basically means that the ham he carries is genuine or real. We expect nothing less." |
Lord McBastard  Bondage Monkey Posts: 831 (8/30/03 3:10 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? I blame the Spaniards.
Also I have nothing relevent to add to this conversation.
Well except, yeah no freestyle, what the fuck? Yeah with enough cheese we could blow up just about anything.-Tyler Durden (misquoted) |
Archmage144  Arrogant Archmage Posts: 2821 (8/30/03 3:33 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? Largely intentional, y'know.
MagicRealms Posts: 14 (8/30/03 4:11 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What happened to freestyle? right, the banja cannon, yeah,
P.S. make a freestyle RP! ------------------
I know how to do this now, even if it took me a while to figure it out :-P
"Video games wont breed in captivity" - somebody |
SuperRube Sarcastic Smartass Posts: 3802 (8/30/03 4:21 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? Holy fuck, is that "P.S. make a freestyle RP!" bull shit ever going to get annoying fast.
"Carrying a ham into a room, Mr. Connery says, 'hon mono.' It basically means that the ham he carries is genuine or real. We expect nothing less." |
Koneko Posts: 908 (8/30/03 4:46 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? it a hunch, but I think it's become part of her sig.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. |
MagicRealms Posts: 15 (8/30/03 5:06 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What happened to freestyle? ok, i'll call it a hunch, "Its a hunch"
P.S. make a freestyle RP! ------------------
I know how to do this now, even if it took me a while to figure it out :-P
"Video games wont breed in captivity" - somebody |
SuperRube Sarcastic Smartass Posts: 3803 (8/30/03 6:41 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? Woosh?
"Carrying a ham into a room, Mr. Connery says, 'hon mono.' It basically means that the ham he carries is genuine or real. We expect nothing less." |
pd Rydia  Dryad Pi Posts: 8173 (8/30/03 8:16 pm) Reply | Edit | Del ezSupporter
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? -=- "Zoooooom...Zoooooom...CRASH! Enthusiasm counts. Never be afraid to try."
-=- "All cookies are good, dum-dum." -- Binky
-=- "Kazootles!"
{RPGWW -- an RPing community} -- {Hogwarts RP} -- {RP Boot Camp}
{Rydia's Pocket Dragon Encyclopedia} -- {StarDragon Oekaki} |
RebelKitsune  YUO LOSER!!1!1 :{{ Posts: 564 (8/30/03 8:28 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? Ahh, my preeecccciousssssss...
How long it has been since I last saw you in your splendour...
"Griff. It is a duck. Do not punch it.
No kicking, either.
It might have powers." ~ Kylitos
MagicRealms Posts: 16 (8/31/03 7:41 am) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What happened to freestyle? Oh yeah, and another question, did their use to be more people playing RPGWW? is it not in its prime? lol
WOOSH!! ------------------
I know how to do this now, even if it took me a while to figure it out :-P
"Video games wont breed in captivity" - somebody |
SALSAlys Posts: 2517 (8/31/03 1:23 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What happened to freestyle? We are still a large community.
However, few of us choose to respond.
Because most of us are used to eachother. We know we're competent GMs, and understand eachother. So if you just come up with all your freestyle RP ideas, not many people may nibble, as much from lack of interest as from not knowing you.
Advice? Stick around and maybe do a few RPs. Chat, board— either works, so people can figure you out and stuff. Use proper punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc. It tends to have people upgrade their opinion of your intelligence. Plus, it's hard to be a good GM if you're not a good RPer as well. |
MagicRealms Posts: 19 (8/31/03 1:29 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What happened to freestyle? Hmmmm... interesting, That really sheds some new light on things, thanks. ------------------
I know how to do this now, even if it took me a while to figure it out :-P
"Video games wont breed in captivity" - somebody |
LadyDragonClawsEDW  We hates the Christmas Posts: 2485 (8/31/03 4:31 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
One hat to rule them all. |
MagicRealms Posts: 24 (8/31/03 4:59 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What happened to freestyle? right............ so now make a freestyle? ------------------
I know how to do this now, even if it took me a while to figure it out :-P
"Video games wont breed in captivity" - somebody |
Archmage144  Arrogant Archmage Posts: 2824 (8/31/03 5:18 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? *coughs*
Why is there such a demand for a FS RP from you?
MagicRealms Posts: 26 (8/31/03 6:22 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What happened to freestyle? i have been playing for a week and have never played :-(
And Non-Freestyle things look kinda stupid to me, no offence ------------------
I know how to do this now, even if it took me a while to figure it out :-P
"Video games wont breed in captivity" - somebody |
pd Rydia  Dryad Pi Posts: 8190 (8/31/03 6:37 pm) Reply | Edit | Del ezSupporter
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? If by "kinda stupid" you mean it enables an outside force to objectively make realistic decisions so people don't fight over who has the bigger penis won what, and possibly mean that it's beyond your ability to comprehend, then I agree! -=- "Zoooooom...Zoooooom...CRASH! Enthusiasm counts. Never be afraid to try."
-=- "All cookies are good, dum-dum." -- Binky
-=- "Kazootles!"
{RPGWW -- an RPing community} -- {Hogwarts RP} -- {RP Boot Camp}
{Rydia's Pocket Dragon Encyclopedia} -- {StarDragon Oekaki}Edited by: pd Rydia at: 8/31/03 7:03 pm
Koneko Posts: 911 (8/31/03 6:38 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? ...they're just more numerically based and objective. o.o
Of course, if you find attempting to quantify abilities stupid, whatever floats your boat.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. |
LadyDragonClawsEDW  We hates the Christmas Posts: 2495 (8/31/03 6:59 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? Why didn't you join my freestyle RP? :{
One hat to rule them all. |
MagicRealms Posts: 28 (8/31/03 7:30 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: What happened to freestyle? um... yeah sorry...
o, and your freestyle RP was Dragon ball Z right? it filled up to fast. ------------------
I know how to do this now, even if it took me a while to figure it out :-P
"Video games wont breed in captivity" - somebody |
Archmage144  Arrogant Archmage Posts: 2834 (8/31/03 7:40 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: What happened to freestyle? CONGRATURATION

Edited by: Archmage144 at: 8/31/03 7:44 pm