Author | Comment |
Capntastic  Care to take a Survey? Posts: 1133 (2/12/04 6:30 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All | Once I was the King of Spain And now I work at the Pizza Pizza.
Discuss. At length. |
Suicidal Sprite Michael Caine Fan Boy Posts: 2651 (2/12/04 7:36 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Cool.
I am just too damn British.
"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael Caine |
Capntastic  Care to take a Survey? Posts: 1134 (2/12/04 7:38 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain I said at length! *Brandishes a windshield wiper* |
Suicidal Sprite Michael Caine Fan Boy Posts: 2652 (2/12/04 7:44 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain k
I am just too damn British.
"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael Caine |
Crawling Reshiki Open Your Heart Posts: 7442 (2/12/04 7:45 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain whut Now I see what I've gotta do /
Open Your Heart /
And you will see |
DragonMistressSCV  =_= Neko Posts: 4473 (2/12/04 7:46 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Die. |
Capntastic  Care to take a Survey? Posts: 1135 (2/12/04 7:49 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain *Runs over Gus with a Zamboni* |
DragonMistressSCV  =_= Neko Posts: 4474 (2/12/04 7:54 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain HAIL TO THE KING |
Suicidal Sprite Michael Caine Fan Boy Posts: 2653 (2/12/04 7:57 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain *Is totally unaffected cause he doesn't know what that is*
I am just too damn British.
"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael Caine |
DragonMistressSCV  =_= Neko Posts: 4475 (2/12/04 8:05 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain *runs steamroller over Gus in the name of the King* |
Suicidal Sprite Michael Caine Fan Boy Posts: 2654 (2/12/04 8:09 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Well if it's for royalty I guesARGH MY LEGS MY PELVIS MY SPLEEN MY CHEST MY ARMS MY FACE OW FUCK I DIE!
I am just too damn British.
"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael Caine |
Capntastic  Care to take a Survey? Posts: 1136 (2/12/04 8:13 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain >_> You fail to realize that I am no longer a King.
Would you like to know how this is? |
pd Rydia  Dia, Innkeep of Justice Posts: 9224 (2/12/04 8:21 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain There are many who fall tragic lengths from such lofty positions as hairdresser to the queen to such unenviable lows as newcasters. Why does it happen without fail? It is the zucchini principle. I don't know why it's called the zucchini principle -- it really doesn't have anything to do with zucchinis. Or is the plural zucchini? Anyway. Zucchini is really an under valued fruit. Did you know it was a fruit? Actually I'm not too sure it is. I think it is. You know tomatos are fruits too. Fruits come from flowering plants and tend to have seeds in them. Like peaches. Though peach seeds are wacky. And called "pits." What is up with that? I mean, when I think of "pit," I think of the crook where my arm meets my torso. It smells. Well, when I forget deoderant that is. Which isn't too often, because I don't like to smell in public. It's amazing how many people don't seem to mind this, however. People are amazingly tolerant of all the wrong things, and intolerant of others. Like politicians, and pants. Pants are really not as bad as people make them out to be. Without pants, we would be cold! Or at the least, men would be wearing long skirts in the winter. Or kilts. Kilts are sexy. So are goatees. More men should wear goatees. You know, I went to a seminar on coordinating the efforts of our safety officials once. Firemen, policemen, paramedics, etc. Never saw so much facial hair before in my life. I swear, it was like looking across a sea of mustaches and beards. Now, beards are strange. I mean, most of them look alright, but I'd be afraid of getting food caught in them. Well, I guess the female equivalent is getting food dropped on your chest. Stupid breasts. Well, not all breasts are stupid. Chicken breasts, cooked properly, can be quite nifty. Though actually, I suppose it's stupid too...not going to be passing any physics exams anytime soon, anyway. I hate physics. I took the class with the class behind me and it was taught by a nun. An evil nun. I left school for 40 days and my grades in the class went up. This world would be so much better without grades. Grades should all be corralled together and shipped to Mars. I saw a cool picture of martian landscape with a McDonalds on the horizon. That was funny. Because, you know, McDonalds is everywhere. It's down the street. It's in the mall. It's in the airport. It's in your schools, your home, your games, your car, your diaries, your livejournals, your sock drawers, YOUR MIND. Free your mind. Word. Hello, I'm Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR! -=- "I wanna get so drunk that I start seeing my friends as cows." -- Aya (LadyDragonClawsEDW)
-=- "If you're still able to see in colors and not in're CERTAINLY not drunk enough." -- Nakibe (Nakibe)
-=- "Don't you know the only excuse for that is being drunk!?" -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "Alcohol is good for everything." -- Banjooie |
Capntastic  Care to take a Survey? Posts: 1137 (2/12/04 8:24 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Close, but still not right.
:! |
pd Rydia  Dia, Innkeep of Justice Posts: 9225 (2/12/04 8:25 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Fuck you. :( Hello, I'm Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR! -=- "I wanna get so drunk that I start seeing my friends as cows." -- Aya (LadyDragonClawsEDW)
-=- "If you're still able to see in colors and not in're CERTAINLY not drunk enough." -- Nakibe (Nakibe)
-=- "Don't you know the only excuse for that is being drunk!?" -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "Alcohol is good for everything." -- Banjooie |
KingOfDoma Smoochy smoochy! Posts: 1715 (2/12/04 9:41 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Pizza Pizza: Popular... Eastern Canadian?... pizza place.
The King Of Spain: Comical song by Moxy Fruvous about a king (of Spain, obviously) who pulls a Prince and Pauper with a Canadian, and now must work at various low paying jobs in Toronto. (It must be Toronto, since he vacuums the turf at Skydome.)
Questions, concerns, comments? --------------------
"Kill her. Then we'll have pizza."
-Scorpius, Farscape
Happy Winter-een-mas! |
The Duelist Nukes at Ten Paces Posts: 832 (2/12/04 10:00 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain ...And now I eat, humble pie...
"I'm telling you I was the king of spaayaain.."....
Technically, their ability to move that fast is physically impossible. This is generally why physicists aren't much fun at parties. |
Archmage144  The Judge of No Pants Posts: 3240 (2/12/04 10:22 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Holy fuck. Dia is ranting.
That reminds me of the time, back in the day, when I joined RPGWW. As a matter of fact, I believe one of my introductory posts was basically arguing with Dia about the status of red mages--whether, that is, they belonged in the "suck" or "non-suck" category. It may have been shortly afterwards that Rube created the fearsome beast known only as "TDTLTTOBNL," but then, I digress. Anyway, red mages wear cool hats, and that's good enough for me. Of course, in theory, I could ramble on for an eternity in an almost mathematical proof regarding the sucking or non-sucking of red mages and relate the entirety of the situation to their keen sense of fashion and twinkiness or nontwinkiness, as not all red mages are powergamers (a common myth). In any event, I suppose I'll save you from that debacle by cutting this rant relatively short, since this is not the appropriate thread for ranting, but it did seem like a good idea at the time. I wholly blame Dia, as I often do, since a great many things are her fault, including tornadoes, the stock market crash, and the disappearance of three of my dress socks.
Oh, and something about the King of Spain. He's cool. He really ought to send me some sangria. Yes, I know there should be an accent on the i, but I'm too lazy to dig up the character map and EZboard will probably butcher my upper ASCII anyway, as its programmers have NO RESPECT for my beautiful upper ASCII characters. NO RESPECT, I say. They wouldn't know the beauty of upper ASCII if I hit them in the face with an õ.
Uncle Pervy  Posts: 7506 (2/12/04 10:53 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Lemme tell you some things about Spain. It's ruled by liches. That's right, liches. Look throughout Spain's history, and you'll see two rulers, Ferninand and Isabella. Always Ferdinand and Isabella. History claims that they are the same person, but history also claims that George Washington tossed currency across rivers the whole time, and we all know that's just rubbish. Clearly, they were some form of immortal, and look where they drove Spain, to establish a brutal colonial empire and war with other nations. Only the undead could have such hatred. Praised be that they were cast down, after being horribly wounded in the Thirty Years War by Cardinal Richelieu.
Thus, Zero is a witch. |
Crawling Reshiki Open Your Heart Posts: 7445 (2/12/04 11:01 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Cripes, Zero. Only you and your sporadic posting would get people up in arms. I remember the days when all you would talk about was disco, cocoa, and fencers. Now look at you. You bring up any old reference and sashay it around like a frilly pink dress! Your spelling and grammar may have improved, but you are still dark and dense like a mini-layered turfbomb. And now that that has been revealed, I proclaim you to be poisonous to my health. Now I see what I've gotta do /
Open Your Heart /
And you will see |
Capntastic  Care to take a Survey? Posts: 1139 (2/13/04 12:18 am) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain You are all incorrect, perse, as I am NOT the King of Spain anymore.
Besides, I'm filling out an application for Gamestop. |
Crawling Reshiki Open Your Heart Posts: 7449 (2/13/04 12:30 am) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Uh oh! What crazy shenanigans will that Zero get into next? Now I see what I've gotta do /
Open Your Heart /
And you will see |
Capntastic  Care to take a Survey? Posts: 1140 (2/13/04 12:46 am) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Something involving a lot of Krispy Kreme donuts, a compression device, and a funnel. |
Crawling Reshiki Open Your Heart Posts: 7451 (2/13/04 12:53 am) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Your undoing will be your ingenuity. Now I see what I've gotta do /
Open Your Heart /
And you will see |
Capntastic  Care to take a Survey? Posts: 1141 (2/13/04 12:59 am) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Don't you use to try that reverse crap with me! Why I should'a ought'er ended yer sewer rat mangey-furred life moments ago when I had the chance! |
Suicidal Sprite Michael Caine Fan Boy Posts: 2659 (2/13/04 1:13 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain You're a failure Capn, and you always will be.
Don't worry though, you will always have your claim to sanity.
I am just too damn British.
"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael Caine |
Capntastic  Care to take a Survey? Posts: 1142 (2/13/04 1:16 am) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Don't make me break out the Ice Beam. |
Suicidal Sprite Michael Caine Fan Boy Posts: 2660 (2/13/04 3:08 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Ice Beam like a fox?
I am just too damn British.
"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael Caine |
Crawling Reshiki Open Your Heart Posts: 7452 (2/13/04 12:32 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain You've lost my moral support. Now I see what I've gotta do /
Open Your Heart /
And you will see |
Suicidal Sprite Michael Caine Fan Boy Posts: 2667 (2/13/04 3:05 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain I've also misplaced your anal virginity, but we just won't mention that will we.
I am just too damn British.
"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael Caine |
Crawling Reshiki Open Your Heart Posts: 7453 (2/13/04 3:22 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain I meant that Zero has lost my moral support.
You, on the other hand, have lost your drawers. Now I see what I've gotta do /
Open Your Heart /
And you will see |
FlamingDeth Legendary Decepticon Posts: 7294 (2/13/04 3:30 pm) Reply | Edit | Del ezSupporter
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain I recall someone telling me to post in this thread, so here you go.
*says something relevant and interesting* 
Crawling Reshiki Open Your Heart Posts: 7454 (2/13/04 3:39 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain FD must have gotten onto the wrong train. Now I see what I've gotta do /
Open Your Heart /
And you will see |
FlamingDeth Legendary Decepticon Posts: 7295 (2/13/04 3:54 pm) Reply | Edit | Del ezSupporter
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain I can find no errors in your logic, so that must be a reasonable conclusion! 
Crawling Reshiki Open Your Heart Posts: 7455 (2/13/04 3:56 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain It is. I am a reasonable man, thus all of my conclusions are reasonable.
Just like this new conclusion: puking blood is bad. Now I see what I've gotta do /
Open Your Heart /
And you will see |
Zemyla  Unfortunate wielder of logic Posts: 1959 (2/13/04 5:23 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Nonsense! It's what all the cool kids do! -----
Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla.
I think boobs are the lesser of two evils. - Inverse (Pervy)
Dammit, Dan, I'm not dating a damn NPC! - OOC Will (Will Baseton)
Of course! Anything worth doing is worth doing completely wrong! - Travis English
Adventurers! | RPG World World | The Phantom Lord's OT Board mkII | Indie Madnesse | Brotherhood of Elitist Bastards |
Crawling Reshiki Open Your Heart Posts: 7458 (2/13/04 5:25 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Cool if you HAVE THE RAGE. Now I see what I've gotta do /
Open Your Heart /
And you will see |
Capntastic  Care to take a Survey? Posts: 1144 (2/13/04 7:01 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain What if you like, puke ACID blood? |
NebulaQueen Crazy Mage Woman with a Pixie Posts: 1607 (2/13/04 9:14 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Then you would be a biohazard, mister.
Don't make me pass ecological reforms on your ass.
"Hello, I'm Troy Mclure! You may remember me from such realms as Hell, and Gaera!"-Shinigori, OOC |
Capntastic  Care to take a Survey? Posts: 1145 (2/13/04 9:24 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain It's not me. It's that one guy, you know, the crazy one with the stuff.
*Flees on his escape goat* |
Crawling Reshiki Open Your Heart Posts: 7462 (2/13/04 10:15 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain *Chases with a shotgun* Now I see what I've gotta do /
Open Your Heart /
And you will see |
The Duelist Nukes at Ten Paces Posts: 844 (2/15/04 1:34 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain People aren't wearing enough hats.
*pulls shotgun*
*Kicks down door*
That is all. Technically, their ability to move that fast is physically impossible. This is generally why physicists aren't much fun at parties. |
Capntastic  Care to take a Survey? Posts: 1151 (2/15/04 5:09 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain *Dons an orange traffic cone!*
The Duelist Nukes at Ten Paces Posts: 845 (2/15/04 5:41 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain that's more like it... Technically, their ability to move that fast is physically impossible. This is generally why physicists aren't much fun at parties. |
Capntastic  Care to take a Survey? Posts: 1152 (2/15/04 5:42 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain You should put a line before your sig, so I don't constantly have the urge to give you a sound throttling :D |
The Duelist Nukes at Ten Paces Posts: 846 (2/15/04 5:46 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain I'll throttle YOUR urge!
(Obligatory Line) -------- Technically, their ability to move that fast is physically impossible. This is generally why physicists aren't much fun at parties. |
NebulaQueen Crazy Mage Woman with a Pixie Posts: 1617 (2/15/04 5:47 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain I'll line you, boy. e\/e *Strangles Capn' with the hr code*
"Hello, I'm Troy Mclure! You may remember me from such realms as Hell, and Gaera!"-Shinigori, OOC |
The Duelist Nukes at Ten Paces Posts: 847 (2/15/04 6:09 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain I say we go Renaissance on his ass! ------
I do not go medieval on peoples asses. I go Renaissance. There's an important difference. Medieval is just beating someone with a mace, but Renaissance is artful, sophisticated. Smooth, yet firm, powerful, yet distinct. Everyone knows when someone's gone Medieval on their ass, but they don't know Renaissance until its too late. -Wiseass Dave |
Suicidal Sprite Michael Caine Fan Boy Posts: 2687 (2/15/04 6:11 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Bah, I just say we simply go dance on his arse. DDR. With steel-capped shoes.
A song with lots of jumping preferably.
I am just too damn British.
"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael Caine |
Capntastic  Care to take a Survey? Posts: 1153 (2/15/04 6:37 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain *Strangled, but activates his special power*
*A midi of Disco Inferno plays somewhere off in the distance* |
Suicidal Sprite Michael Caine Fan Boy Posts: 2688 (2/15/04 7:22 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain *Dances with early 80's disco skills*
Burn baby burn!
I am just too damn British.
"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael Caine |
The Duelist Nukes at Ten Paces Posts: 850 (2/15/04 9:20 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain *Rides the Funky Wave* ------
I do not go medieval on peoples asses. I go Renaissance. There's an important difference. Medieval is just beating someone with a mace, but Renaissance is artful, sophisticated. Smooth, yet firm, powerful, yet distinct. Everyone knows when someone's gone Medieval on their ass, but they don't know Renaissance until its too late. -Wiseass Dave |
Raishilliah  Other (Please Specify) Posts: 368 (2/15/04 11:28 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain *grabs a surfboard and goes along on the wave* :D
l33tPenguinePimp: I'm going to try to make a bread bowl.
KnightsofSquare: Good luck.
KnightsofSquare: I can't even make a bread play ping pong. |
NebulaQueen Crazy Mage Woman with a Pixie Posts: 1619 (2/16/04 12:48 am) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Argh, midis, my only weakness! ...along with fire, stabbing, kryptonite, and falling off of cliffs!
...wait a minute...
"Hello, I'm Troy Mclure! You may remember me from such realms as Hell, and Gaera!"-Shinigori, OOC |
Zemyla  Unfortunate wielder of logic Posts: 1962 (2/16/04 2:54 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain *stabs Neb with a kryptonite knife, then pushes her off a cliff into fire* That should do it! -----
Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla.
I think boobs are the lesser of two evils. - Inverse (Pervy)
Dammit, Dan, I'm not dating a damn NPC! - OOC Will (Will Baseton)
Of course! Anything worth doing is worth doing completely wrong! - Travis English
Adventurers! | RPG World World | The Phantom Lord's OT Board mkII | Indie Madnesse | Brotherhood of Elitist Bastards |
Suicidal Sprite Michael Caine Fan Boy Posts: 2695 (2/16/04 3:30 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain IMMUNE!
I am just too damn British.
"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael Caine |
Raishilliah  Other (Please Specify) Posts: 374 (2/16/04 5:58 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain *tears down SS's IMMUNE sign and then proceeds in dumping everyone into a volcano*
l33tPenguinePimp: I'm going to try to make a bread bowl.
KnightsofSquare: Good luck.
KnightsofSquare: I can't even make a bread play ping pong.
Yay! My site! I sound like an idiot! Yay!
Crawling Reshiki Open Your Heart Posts: 7469 (2/16/04 6:05 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain *Gathers seven stuffs and wishes everything to be returned back to normal*
*Once this is done, resumes chasing Zero with a shotgun.* Now I see what I've gotta do /
Open Your Heart /
And you will see |
Suicidal Sprite Michael Caine Fan Boy Posts: 2702 (2/16/04 6:17 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain *Clown Appears*
Voiceover: Start Again.
*Clown Waves*
I am just too damn British.
"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael Caine |
Uncle Pervy  Posts: 7517 (2/16/04 8:18 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain *Tosses Zem into Harry the Well-Oiled Woodchipper*
*Harry spits out little Zem bitlets.* |
Zemyla  Unfortunate wielder of logic Posts: 1963 (2/16/04 8:32 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain Zem giblets: ...Ow. cAn sOmEOnE hAnd mE thE crAzy glUE? -----
Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla.
I think boobs are the lesser of two evils. - Inverse (Pervy)
Dammit, Dan, I'm not dating a damn NPC! - OOC Will (Will Baseton)
Of course! Anything worth doing is worth doing completely wrong! - Travis English
Adventurers! | RPG World World | The Phantom Lord's OT Board mkII | Indie Madnesse | Brotherhood of Elitist Bastards |
The Duelist Nukes at Ten Paces Posts: 854 (2/16/04 8:58 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Once I was the King of Spain o_0
Really... ------
I do not go medieval on peoples asses. I go Renaissance. There's an important difference. Medieval is just beating someone with a mace, but Renaissance is artful, sophisticated. Smooth, yet firm, powerful, yet distinct. Everyone knows when someone's gone Medieval on their ass, but they don't know Renaissance until its too late. -Wiseass Dave |
Suicidal Sprite Michael Caine Fan Boy Posts: 2708 (2/16/04 8:18 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Once I was the King of Spain "What's that Harry? There's gold in your mouth and all I have to do is climb in? Well by all means!"
I am just too damn British.
"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael CaineEdited by: Suicidal Sprite at: 2/16/04 8:19 pm