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        > ATTN: Ganonfro
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Will Rennar 
Posts: 207
(8/5/04 7:45 pm)
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ATTN: Ganonfro
It seems I'm probably gonna be owing you a little money here in the next few days. I was just unpacking the last of my stuff from the con, and it seems I accidentally stuffed one of the hotel's towels into my bag. O_o;;;;

That is all.

Will Rennar / Asura Calibre

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The King of France
Posts: 878
(8/6/04 3:40 am)
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Re: ATTN: Ganonfro
...Well, hopefully they didn't notice, since we asked for extra towels....

But if they do, I do expect the 5 dollars or however much they are each.

pd Rydia 
Dia, Innkeep of Justice
Posts: 9633
(8/6/04 2:50 pm)
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Re: ATTN: Ganonfro
I don't think most hotels care about stolen towels. From what I understand, it happens a lot. They care a bit more about stolen, say, lamps or toilets.

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Legendary Cybertronian
Posts: 7755
(8/6/04 8:26 pm)
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Re: ATTN: Ganonfro
Oh. I should probably send this toilet back then.

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Uncle Pervy 
Barterer of Corn
Posts: 8164
(8/7/04 4:19 am)
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Re: ATTN: Ganonfro
They didn't care after all? Curses, I would have been all over them towels, then. :(

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The King of France
Posts: 879
(8/7/04 11:35 am)
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Re: ATTN: Ganonfro
I think they'd notice if all of them were gone, Pervy.

The Judge of No Pants
Posts: 3446
(8/7/04 1:47 pm)
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Re: ATTN: Ganonfro
How does one steal a toilet?

Fanstuff Ferret

Posts: 1085
(8/7/04 1:56 pm)
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Re: ATTN: Ganonfro
you bring tools. How is not the big question. The question is: "WTF WHY?!"


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Posts: 2059
(8/7/04 2:01 pm)
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Re: ATTN: Ganonfro
I think the better question is how to get it out of the hotel without having to resort to wacky, sitcomesque antics...


Where is ze gold?
Posts: 1358
(8/7/04 3:05 pm)
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Re: ATTN: Ganonfro
Because your toilet at home is broken or leaking or something. And also, if the hotel is anything like the one we stayed in Baltimore last year, you walk down the damn stairs and put in the back of your van.

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