Author | Comment |
Shiranai  Posts: 618 (3/12/04 1:16 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All
 | And now, a no0stalgic moment. Dedicated to Joe. Run now quickly doin' my thing
We're on the case, we like the man for the behaviour
What you doing over there,
Come on let's do this, rip the air
You'll all feel this latest groove
And then just don't know what to do
Hey bro, what you got in your hand?
Man that's amazin', put it away it's gonna
Go bang, blow my brains, HA
I'm gonna soak 'em in pain
With the S.D.X
Let's leave a little bit of change
The tramps can fear us
Stay boarded up in their special caves
Just how far are they gonna stay sane
Cut the drugs, uh!
Spilling black and red down the drain
It's not rain
But blood and ink, the same I shed
When paused to think
Through days smeared across the ghosts
Of futures unrequited
Takes hosts of angels to lift my arm
Raised to Heaven through unlighted leagues of void
Weary, paranoid, solitary, secondary
Sadistic, holistic, virtuoso
Trembolo, piccolo, crescendo...
And I die. Only to find I can cry again. |
Banjooie  Likes Brit Spelling Posts: 2041 (3/12/04 2:49 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | . I declare wtfery :( |
Shiranai  Posts: 619 (3/12/04 3:11 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: . *Wins*
Spilling black and red down the drain
It's not rain
But blood and ink, the same I shed
When paused to think
Through days smeared across the ghosts
Of futures unrequited
Takes hosts of angels to lift my arm
Raised to Heaven through unlighted leagues of void
Weary, paranoid, solitary, secondary
Sadistic, holistic, virtuoso
Trembolo, piccolo, crescendo...
And I die. Only to find I can cry again. |
Uncle Pervy  Posts: 7615 (3/12/04 4:46 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: . *Puts on AM's Fur Commie hat and dances* |
Archmage144  The Judge of No Pants Posts: 3269 (3/12/04 5:48 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: . *dances, semi-freestyles, recieves some praise from the crowd, gets an A*
It's Sugoicon all over again!
PriamNevhausten DoppELganger >:( Posts: 2657 (3/12/04 10:42 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: . I totally never knew what the hell that song was saying.
On further analysis, I still have no idea what the hell it's saying. "It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies |
Shiranai  Posts: 620 (3/12/04 10:56 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: . S.D.X.
Spilling black and red down the drain
It's not rain
But blood and ink, the same I shed
When paused to think
Through days smeared across the ghosts
Of futures unrequited
Takes hosts of angels to lift my arm
Raised to Heaven through unlighted leagues of void
Weary, paranoid, solitary, secondary
Sadistic, holistic, virtuoso
Trembolo, piccolo, crescendo...
And I die. Only to find I can cry again. |
PriamNevhausten DoppELganger >:( Posts: 2658 (3/12/04 11:22 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: . *cuts your drugs* "It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies |
Archmage144  The Judge of No Pants Posts: 3271 (3/13/04 2:26 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: . *sells cut drugs at the same price as pure stuff, because the consumer will never know the difference!*
WhiteWerefox Posts: 306 (3/13/04 3:05 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | ... *Uses cut Insuline he bought from AM, dies from hyperglycemia.* Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari? |
Uncle Pervy  Posts: 7616 (3/13/04 4:28 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: ... *Steals Whitefox's kidneys* |
The Duelist Nukes at Ten Paces Posts: 905 (3/16/04 12:37 am) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: ... *Sidesteps as Gray Fox's Kidney's jump up and Totally FLIP OUT and KILL PEOPLE!* ------
I do not go medieval on peoples asses. I go Renaissance. There's an important difference. Medieval is just beating someone with a mace, but Renaissance is artful, sophisticated. Smooth, yet firm, powerful, yet distinct. Everyone knows when someone's gone Medieval on their ass, but they don't know Renaissance until its too late. -Wiseass Dave |