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        > CORN sign origins?
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pd Rydia 
Dia, Innkeep of Justice
Posts: 8868
(11/28/03 2:20 am)
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CORN sign origins?
We all know about the infamous corn sign. Yeah, this one:

I'm not sure how many of you know how it came about. You see, September of 2002, we (the Ryo-OH/KY team) were picking Kate up from the Greyhound Bus Station. None of us, however, knew what she looked like. Rather than write her name on a sign, then, we wrote out CORN (as her characters, Aya and Ara, often say ICly that they like corn; which was made more amusing by the RP involving Raptre and Dia).

Anyway, we've carried this sign around with us to all sorts of conventions now, to help RPGWWers find each other. Invariably, we get a lot of questions about the sign's origins.

I think we should fabricate a more interesting story or stories to tell people who ask about the sign. So, here's a brainstorming thread. Feel free to post your ideas and suggestions here. :D

-=- "Spammers are people too." -- SuperRube
-=- "And then the pixies of doom ate her brain. It was very tragic." -- White Knight
-=- "If it smells like a discussion, walks like a discussion, and talks like a discussion.. it's a.. duck" -- Crawling Reshiki

Care to take a Survey?
Posts: 1014
(11/28/03 3:04 am)
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"Well, you notice how the corn replaces the O? And how phallic the corn symbol looks? Yeah. That's all I'm going to say."

Rolls the bones..
All night, baby.

Posts: 2158
(11/28/03 3:18 am)
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Re: !
This isn't a sign, it's my livejournal. I put whatever's on my mind in that thing. And I've been kind of hungry.

"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies

Freshin' ya drink govena'
Posts: 2934
(11/28/03 6:45 am)
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Re: !
Hee, I remember holding up that sign at Otakon and being asked about it a lot. I espically needed it because of my attention span, I'd be walking along with the RPGWWers and suddenly I'd be like "Ooooh Anime" and wonder away from them without thinking and stare at the pretty anime books/figurines/films. Thus I'd hold the Corn sign as high as I can so everyone could hopefully see it over the crowd and run to me as i cried in lonliness.

Anyway I did think of some stupid reasons for it but most of em were personal.

"Oh yeah, ya see, I'm part of this group of corn lovers that go to as many conventations as possible to spread the word. The word is Corn by the way. Unforantly I accidentally said Hotdogs once so they've given me a sign so I don't forget."

"Oh I come from a farm from the West and Corn growing in our speciality. In fact you know some of those DVD's ya carrying? Made from our corn. I'm holding up the sign so our contact at ADV and Pioneer can find me easier. you do't believe me? Look miss/sir you may not be aware of it but almost everything has Corn in it somewhere, from your boots, to those pretty contacts ya wearing to that big banner you see over there. Corn is needed." *by this time they've probably looked at me like I was mad, laughed, and wondered off*

"Why the sign? Because I lost my virginity to Corn and the bastard won't call back. I hear Corn is fond of these conventions so I travelled here in the hopes to find the cunt and beat him to death with the sign he used to win me over."

"Corn? Corn corn corn. Corn Corn Corn!!" *just say that until they relise ya a twat and go away*

"Actually we're an American animation group. We're a bit short of funding at the moment so this sign is all we can afford to do, but once we finish our first title, also named Corn, we think we'll show everyone what true plant/vegtatble animation is all about! LONG LIVE CORN!!" *if you can try to honestly look like your mind has snapped like a brittle twig at the end part - and even froth at the mouth*

Anyway - there is some samples of some of the weird crap I came up with waiting for RPGWWers to find me.

When will you guys come and pick me up anyway? ;_;

Many Guards

Posts: 2819
(11/29/03 3:06 am)
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Re: !
*makes something up!*

"Why, CORN is a vital and essential part of every day life, don'tchaknow?! WE ARE HERE TO SPREAD THE WORD, BROTHA/SISTA! Why not join us in our evangelical raising of crop-awareness throughout the world! Nay, not the world, the COSMOS!"

West-coast RPGWWers should also make a corn sign.

*plots to make one to carry at next Fanime— if she can convince others to go as well*

Rolls the bones..
All night, baby.

Posts: 2164
(11/29/03 5:28 pm)
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Re: !
"It reminds me of my mother." And then stop talking.

"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies

Official Chauffeur of
Team Ryo-OH/KY

Posts: 2964
(11/29/03 11:45 pm)
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Re: !
Choark's answers amuse me, but honestly, I think coming up with random shit on the spot is more amusing than having a standardized bullshit response.

The Historian
Posts: 3230
(12/1/03 8:43 pm)
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Re: !
"It is the mark of the one who walks between the rows." -_-

"Strenghten your lyre and sing
The hymn of death
The sky opens to us
They fly to the ray"

-Cante per me, Kajiura Yuki

Uncle Pervy 

Posts: 7012
(12/3/03 10:33 pm)
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This was the latest story I told.

"You see, there are many symbols along this noble banner. You will note the dragon and the kitty. But look here. You see how it says "Cabbit not included"? Well, there is a tragic story about a cabbit who fall into spring and drown 1300 years ago. Now anyone who fall in same spring become very very wet."

Then I fall solemnly silent.

At last year's Sugoicon, I told a story I don't remember, then said "Now give me a dollar. You know you want to." And they did :D

Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.

Suicidal Sprite
Posts: 1835
(12/3/03 11:04 pm)
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Re: <---Phallic
Option 1: Make a series of slips of paper with a time, date, and location on them and whenever anyone asks you look them deep in the eyes for a minute, then worriedly look around and give them the slip of paper. Then nod or wink at them and walk off.

Option 2: Shout CORN!!!! and then hit them with the sign. Run off giggling or singing something japenese sounding. They'll think you're cosplaying.

Option 3: Scream "You don't know! You weren't there!" Then burst into tears. If in a group the others should comfort you.

Option 4: "What corn sign?"

Option 5: "I'll tell you but it'll cost you your soul, your anal virginity,or a dollar." Then do one of the other 4 options.

I am just too damn British.

Stand-in Ryuugami
Posts: 2743
(12/5/03 1:48 pm)
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Re: <---Phallic
Dude, I just tell them I like corn. o_o

One hat to rule them all.

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