Dragon Sage007 Too uncreative to think of a postrank Posts: 1561 (1/17/04 11:50 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All | Banj=/=Lys :{ I give a log, starting with Sean not knowing who Banj was!
Kekkou Aoshi: Lintmancer = ?
DWSage009: It's Lys.
DWSage009: <_< >_> I swear it.
Then later, when Banj was actually active...
Lintmancer: BWEE!
DWSage009: *Makes effort to give Lys sugar, though!*
TheWaiChibiAngel: *Yo, Lys.*
Lintmancer: ^o^
Smartzvn85: .....
Lintmancer: *chomps V before he says something*
Smartzvn85: This is hilarious!
Smartzvn85: *looks at something he is doing*
Smartzvn85: I mean, how can people believe this guy? XD
Smartzvn85: ...No biteys Lys.
Smartzvn85: Its not good for the diet.
Lintmancer: ;.;
TheWaiChibiAngel: *Vince is very high in carbs.*
Lintmancer: ;o;
DWSage009: *Thwaps Lys* Bad Chibi.
TheWaiChibiAngel: *:Hugs Lys: It's okay, we'll just put you on a diet. :(*
Lintmancer: *ish a sad chibi*
Smartzvn85: ....I'm not made out of bread or potatoes!
Smartzvn85: ...Ok, maybe potatoes.
However, the fun ended when Banj 'lurked for RP' and Kate spoiled it with 'Banj is RPing? Woah."
And I lost the actual log when I got errored out of chat. This was all I IMed to Lys.
Banj also IMed me with a line I shall never forget.
Lintmancer: I think being that happy caused me actual physical pain
:D |
Ash Fanrico  Friendly Neighborhood Hero Posts: 2238 (1/18/04 1:02 am) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Banj=/=Lys :{ *can't stop laughing* Good one Banj... good one...
Thanks DW for posting this... "So instead of finding a real warrior, you go out and get little girl in hootchie skirt?" - Nicolai, Resident Evil 3 (not really) |