Author | Comment |
Raltar Arianrhod Bar Patron Posts: 22 (8/13/02 9:43:42 pm) Reply
 | I'm still not clear on one thing... I am planning on making my character a half-elf but on the site, there is no information on, could anyone give me information on them in this world? Are they looked down upon by humans and elves like in most fantasy settings? Are they low on the social scale? Things like that....thanks in advance. *cackles*™
Whatever walks in my heart will walk alone |
Divinegon2130  Keeper of the Spirit Gun Posts: 784 (8/13/02 9:51:34 pm) Reply
 | Re: I'm still not clear on one thing... If you look on the Gaera guide, you'll notice the experts on the various elf races.
I suggest you ask them directly about this.
Current quotes:
"Like I said, babysitting." - Hiei (from Yu Yu Hakusho)
"Looks like Team Zombie is blasting off again!" - Nakibe, and later, LadyDragonClawsEDW
"Suzaku = Will from Illusion of Gaia gone evil" - Uncle Pervy
View my online journal here. |
PriamNevhausten Bar Patron Posts: 11 (8/13/02 11:14:05 pm) Reply
 | Re: I'm still not clear on one thing... And in the rp basics thread (accessible at the top of any of the pages, but contained within the graveyard), there's indication that there are halves--half-elves, half-draconics, et cetera, but they're quite rare and quite frowned-upon.
Still I don't think talking to the Masters would be a bad idea. *nod*
--Priam This is a signature virus. Please put this in your signature. |
pd Rydia  The Original Dragongirl Posts: 2364 (8/13/02 11:53:12 pm) Reply
 | Re: I'm still not clear on one thing... There is nothing on the site about half elves because they aren't an independent race. Cataloguing halves and other racial mixes would be insane to even attempt...I'm not interested in doing it.
What half-elves would be like would be up to the expert of the TYPE of elf, and your common sense. There are some people who RP half-elves, you might want to talk to them (Daien is one I know of). Basically, as far as traits go, you find some middle ground between the human traits and the elven traits (lifespan is an average of the two, generally).
As far as half-elves are looked upon socially, I don't think anyone really cares any more or less about them than full humans or elves, in the countries of Doma, Nekonia, Baronn and Inustan. Riva is anti-anything-not-human. You'd have to ask Chrono Catfish what Kalshanans think of mixes, because he's (supposedly) writing up the new Kalshana info. Valth has its own view of non-Valthi, you can talk to Nam about it, but I'm pretty sure they look down upon half-elves equally as they look down on other races.
Keep in mind that how someone views a half-elf is up to them...think of how the world generally treats biracial humans, IRL. Some people think it's a horrible thing for races to intermarry. Some people find it no big deal. Some people think it's the weirdest thing in the world and stare and such, even though they have no *problem* with it. That's about how half-elves stand in most of the nations.
(And yes, LMB was screwing with your head. Half-elves are NOT called "dwagon kibble," as humorous as that is. XP) Hello, my name is Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR!
Quotes of the moment:
-=- "Love is when your brain stops working." -- White Knight
-=- "Love is when 72 billion monkeys steal a porsche and drive it off a cliff." -- SuperRube
-=- "Love is an intricate dance of lewd comments and biting." -- Lord McBastard Edited by: pd Rydia at: 8/13/02 11:54:56 pm
FlamingDeth  Dead Sexy Spammer Posts: 1799 (8/14/02 12:09:33 am) Reply
 | Re: I'm still not clear on one thing... The great part is that half dragons are more common than half elves. I am an arrogant bastard. And now, since I want to be unique like everbody else, a quote: "So what you're saying is that Nintendo and Sony are in league with each other, and possibly the Red Skull?" - EKDS5K |
Raltar Arianrhod Bar Patron Posts: 23 (8/14/02 12:13:47 am) Reply
 | Re: I'm still not clear on one thing... So a half-elf would be pretty rare, huh? Hmmm...excellent.... Now I must talk to elf experts....
Thank you for all the help so far.
*floats away* *cackles*™
Whatever walks in my heart will walk alone |
Elementalist Daien The guy who posted Posts: 680 (8/14/02 12:16:15 am) Reply | Re: I'm still not clear on one thing... Hmm... Unfortunately, my knowledge has been countershined by Dia's. I don't know if that's a word, but, whatever.
Anyway... Some OTHER points.
For Half-Grey elves, the only difference is that the person would have slightly shorter ears, be able to have human hair colours, brown, black, you know the deal, and the males are also able to grow a beard (Albeit at a far later stage down the development of the person.)
Anyway, enough about that. The more important stuff. When you say "socially", you are doing too much of a generalization. What is acceptable in a country may not be acceptable in another. Gray Elves, being more... tolerant, may accept half-elves. However, the Drow would find their halfbloods to be a shame and whatnot. And of course, as Dia said, it's down to the person. But I don't usually think they're looked down upon in most countries.
(As for the last thing... LMB, I'm going to hunt you down, and make you suffer for that. Slowly... IT WILL BE SO MUCH FUN! XP)
Elementalist Daien The guy who posted Posts: 681 (8/14/02 12:19:28 am) Reply | Re: I'm still not clear on one thing... And also:
Since Elves > Dragons in number, half-elves should, of course, be more numerous than half-dragons. That there are more half-dragon PC's, that's another point altogether. ^_^ |
Archmage144  The Hand of Fate Posts: 1176 (8/14/02 12:48:44 am) Reply
 | Re: I'm still not clear on one thing... PC CHARACTERS ARE NOT GOOD JUDGES OF POPULATION SIZES! >_<
According to the statistics, if we go by PC characters, 75% of the the population can use magic, and humans are outnumbered massively, even in Doma, by elves, dragons, and other races.
There are MORE elves than there are dragons in Gaera, as Daien said, regardless of how many are roleplayed by players. Thusly, there are actually quite a few half elves--not as many as humans or elves individually, but a fair number of them. Half-elves are one of the more common halfbreeds (since humans and elves, especially wood elves, intermarry more often than dragons and humans or whatever).
The Archmage:
Sadistic GM or handsome bishounen? You decide! RPGWW! Beware of GM!
"I disapprove of what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." ~Voltaire "You dealt a critical hit with a book." ~LadydragonclawsEDW "I likes the vibrating ass plug, aw right!" ~Lord McBastard |
| | |
FlamingDeth  Dead Sexy Spammer Posts: 1801 (8/14/02 1:05:56 am) Reply
 | Re: I'm still not clear on one thing... ...that's what I meant. More half dragon characters. Not more half dragon population. Sorry about that. I am an arrogant bastard. And now, since I want to be unique like everbody else, a quote: "So what you're saying is that Nintendo and Sony are in league with each other, and possibly the Red Skull?" - EKDS5K |
Raltar Arianrhod Bar Patron Posts: 24 (8/14/02 1:12:46 am) Reply
 | Re: I'm still not clear on one thing... Ok, I was confused for a moment, but I'm not anymore...thanks for clearing that up. *cackles*™
Whatever walks in my heart will walk alone |
pd Rydia  The Original Dragongirl Posts: 2369 (8/14/02 2:04:33 am) Reply
 | ^_^ *makes Daien into dwagon kibble, and munches happily* Hello, my name is Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR!
Quotes of the moment:
-=- "Love is when your brain stops working." -- White Knight
-=- "Love is when 72 billion monkeys steal a porsche and drive it off a cliff." -- SuperRube
-=- "Love is an intricate dance of lewd comments and biting." -- Lord McBastard
Elementalist Daien The guy who posted Posts: 682 (8/14/02 2:28:23 am) Reply | ;_; Wah! Heeeeeey! ;_;
That hurtz! ... ^___^ Can I kill you, too? |
pd Rydia  The Original Dragongirl Posts: 2373 (8/14/02 3:29:00 am) Reply
 | =P No. Hello, my name is Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR!
Quotes of the moment:
-=- "Love is when your brain stops working." -- White Knight
-=- "Love is when 72 billion monkeys steal a porsche and drive it off a cliff." -- SuperRube
-=- "Love is an intricate dance of lewd comments and biting." -- Lord McBastard
Elementalist Daien The guy who posted Posts: 686 (8/14/02 3:51:41 am) Reply | Re: I'm still not clear on one thing... Awwwww....
Spoilsport. >_< ------------------
Great Happiness!
*falls in lava* "Ow." ~ Exile II |
pd Rydia  The Original Dragongirl Posts: 2375 (8/14/02 3:52:54 am) Reply
 | >:P *wins* Hello, my name is Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR!
Quotes of the moment:
-=- "Love is when your brain stops working." -- White Knight
-=- "Love is when 72 billion monkeys steal a porsche and drive it off a cliff." -- SuperRube
-=- "Love is an intricate dance of lewd comments and biting." -- Lord McBastard
Elementalist Daien The guy who posted Posts: 687 (8/14/02 5:16:06 pm) Reply | Re: I'm still not clear on one thing... *eats Dia's victory with Ketchup*
Hmm. Tasty. |
pd Rydia  The Original Dragongirl Posts: 2378 (8/14/02 6:16:26 pm) Reply
 | Re: I'm still not clear on one thing... NO NOT KETCHUP!
*undone* Hello, my name is Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR!
Quotes of the moment:
-=- "Love is when your brain stops working." -- White Knight
-=- "Love is when 72 billion monkeys steal a porsche and drive it off a cliff." -- SuperRube
-=- "Love is an intricate dance of lewd comments and biting." -- Lord McBastard
Elementalist Daien The guy who posted Posts: 688 (8/14/02 6:47:03 pm) Reply | XP Guess it's me who wins after all.
*loots Dia and walks off* |