Author | Comment | LadyDragonClawsEDW  Brianoku's Lovely Wife Katkat Posts: 1517 (2/7/03 12:23:28 pm) Reply
 | Re: DF Character Roster Well it's still what that continent is called.
One hat to rule them all. | FlamingDeth  Million Dollar Outlaw Posts: 3657 (2/7/03 12:31:33 pm) Reply ezSupporter
 | Re: DF Character Roster I liked Lloyd's post better before he edited it.  |
I am an arrogant bastard.
And now, since I want to be unique like everybody else, quotes:
"People don't seem to realize, it wasn't a powerful ass poke. It was a powerful poke, to the ass!" ~ Lord McBastard
"So what you're saying is that Nintendo and Sony are in league with each other, and possibly the Red Skull?" ~ EKDS5K |
| pd Rydia  Winner of The ''Holy Crap you Picked that Lock'' Award Posts: 5704 (2/7/03 2:02:20 pm) Reply
 | Re: DF Character Roster Actually, Doc, I believe most Spanish-speakers in North and South America consider themselves American. o.o 'Least that's the impression I get from my Spanish classes. There was actually a note about this in my Business Spanish textbook (may it rest in ashes) last semester. -=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I wanna get so drunk that I start seeing my friends as cows." -- Aya (LadyDragonClawsEDW)
-=- "If you're still able to see in colors and not in're CERTAINLY not drunk enough." -- Nakibe
-=- "LET'S ALL RUN FREE, NAKED, AND DRUNK!" -- ShirinaiEdited by: pd Rydia at: 2/7/03 2:10:17 pm
| PriamNevhausten Dances With Arrows Posts: 1057 (2/7/03 2:18:45 pm) Reply
 | Re: DF Character Roster I like Lloyd's first answer better. On the other hand, it amuses me greatly that it included 'any arguments to the contrary will be promptly ignored,' and then he changed it after i contested it. "Some say there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're DEAD."
--Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
"Dear Lord God Jesus Motherfucking Christ, help me get through the day without shoving things up my anus and posting them on the internet." --Goatse 1:11
MEGAMOG911 (2:18:41 AM): OMG HWANG WINS (2/07/2003) | FlamingDeth  Million Dollar Outlaw Posts: 3661 (2/7/03 2:28:14 pm) Reply ezSupporter
 | Re: DF Character Roster ...ha! I hadn't thought of that! I was just amused by the centipede-legged, laser shooting canadians.  |
I am an arrogant bastard.
And now, since I want to be unique like everybody else, quotes:
"People don't seem to realize, it wasn't a powerful ass poke. It was a powerful poke, to the ass!" ~ Lord McBastard
"So what you're saying is that Nintendo and Sony are in league with each other, and possibly the Red Skull?" ~ EKDS5K |
| Ash Fanrico  Friendly Neighborhood Hero Posts: 1657 (2/7/03 6:36:33 pm) Reply | Re: DF Character Roster Americans & Canadians and Mexicans = Americans just that they have their little parts of North America and if they were to try and combine with the US, imagine all the insanity!!!
French, English and Spanish would collide!!! Quebec would hate EVERYONE and Canada would be swarmed with Spanish Americans... The police forces of America would go merge with the Canadian Mounties and become UNSTOPPABLE. Then maybe that would stop the Spanish illegals problem that is plaguing America... >>hmmm...
of course all i am is ranting... and this is the OOC forum... continue with characters please. "You know if someone's good if all they need to kick your sorry ass is a long piece of wood with hay attatched at the end! That or they're fucking nuts." --- About da Broom | Wolfbelly Posts: 10 (2/8/03 9:25:06 am) Reply | Re: DF Character Roster Yes, yesSILENCEALLOFYOU!!!
The previous post was changed because someone WHINED incessantly about my post pssibly hurting someone's feelings. His misshapen, baby-like face was dropping tears so large they could be used for ... I dunno ... beating kittens to death or something. Yes, his tears were solid and could be gripped and subsequently whipped around at great velocities in the general direction of kittens. I am not making this up, ask ... that guy *points off yonder*
And it was "Responses to the contrary will be aggressively ignored." Get it right. And I spoke of Canadians as "9 headed beasts with centipede bodies and lasers shooting out of their eyes" because they're obviously SO different from Americans.
It seemed that changing the post was retarded on my part because it turned into a massive debacle which is derailing this thread faster than an anti-theological statement derails a spanish train (Chris deBurg). Debate aboot North America being a nation is moot because Granger is HOMELESS and CRAZY. It's not like the way he acts or reacts to anything is gonna be based around the nation of his birth, he's HOMELESS AND CRAZY!!! It's not like he pays taxes or votes in upcoming elections, he's HOMELESS AND CRAZY!!!! Anyway, yeah ... now what had to be said has been said, so stop derailing this thread from what it should be.
*Goes off and punches Lord McBastard in the head*
Edit (In response to the infidel below me, metaphorically AND literally): At least my head resembles a shape, unlike your amorphous mound of lumpy flesh. Har har har. Edited by: Wolfbelly at: 2/8/03 9:48:30 pm
| Lord McBastard  A Big Slab of Ham Posts: 411 (2/8/03 8:48:51 pm) Reply
 | Re: DF Character Roster Said the big fuzzy egg. Little-known Fact #839: There are only twenty-three people alive today, and you're one of them; everyone else you know just looks human to lull you into not searching for the other twenty-two. Lonely? You should be. | SuperRube Sarcastic Smartass Posts: 2220 (2/9/03 12:26:45 am) Reply
 | Re: DF Character Roster This is the greatest thread ever.
"Just let me bitch. It's the only thing I'm good at." | Lord McBastard  A Big Slab of Ham Posts: 415 (2/9/03 1:02:29 am) Reply
 | Re: DF Character Roster It's called hair, do you miss it?
We should probably stop the spamming in the OCC forum. Little-known Fact #839: There are only twenty-three people alive today, and you're one of them; everyone else you know just looks human to lull you into not searching for the other twenty-two. Lonely? You should be. | Wolfbelly Posts: 20 (2/9/03 1:23:30 am) Reply | Re: DF Character Roster What's this 'we' business? Just so you all know, this is my pre-emptive posting for describing a character later. I'll just edit this post to include him. Keep posted. | WillBaseton  Breaker of Rule 0 Posts: 550 (2/9/03 1:29:42 am) Reply
 | Re: DF Character Roster Name: Kashi Higureya
Race: Human
Age: 21
Quirks: Has a cyber right eye, implanted to cure his blindness and a bionic right arm, which he does not know the origin of.
Hair: Black, short.
Nation of Origin: United States, Japanese descent.
Affiliations: None, except for his connection to ReyaCo, his father's real estate company.
Weapons: .32 Magnum, concealed within his right arm, small knife in his trenchcoat
Current Status: Alive and degenerating
Backstory: Kashi is a normal guy, growing up basically alone in New York City. His mother died when he was very young, and his father was always away on business. However, Kashi did not teach himself the ways of the streets. His father, not wanting him to grow up insane, hired a professional nanny and tutor to raise Kashi while he was away. She introduced him to video games and anime, which became his staples for the rest of his growth.
Oddly enough, Kashi was born blind in his right eye. At the age of 16, he had his eye replaced with a bionic, although it only slightly resembles the normal eye he once had. Without a pupil or iris, this eye turns blood-red when Kashi gets angry, and is incredibly sensitive to bright light. To combat that weakness, Kashi always carries around a pair of tinted shades. During the operation to fix his eye, several miscalculations arose and Kashi's right arm was rendered paralyzed. While still sedated, the doctors backed up the arm with cyber implants. He still has yet to learn of this.
At the age of 17, Kashi was given an apartment building to manage by his father. However, Kashi's skills as a manager paled in comparison to his dad's, and only two residents stayed more than four weeks...some not surviving to leave. Kashi grew somewhat paranoid, and began carrying around a small Magnum pistol, for use only in severe emergencies.
Kashi's life changed the night he went to a local gaming store to roleplay, but showed up late. Meeting Rosalie Levine by a stroke of chance, Kashi returned home to find a limo crashed outside of his building and a gunfight disturbing the peace. A few days later, he met up with Rosalie and Dasek, who had now changed their names. He allowed them to stay at his building for a night, trying to become friends with them. However, Dasek's paranoia caused him to force Kashi out of their lives, causing the otaku to spiral back into a severe depression. Are friends impossible for him to find?
Kashi has no special powers or abilities, although when angered, his bionic implants may act up and cause unpredictable behavior. Dragons own you. Don't even waste your time trying to argue.
And now, my quote of the whenever: "Whaddaya MEAN there's no treasure?!?" - Will Baseton | PSLoyalist Goblin Coffee Boy Posts: 245 (2/12/03 4:32:54 pm) Reply | Re: DF Character Roster Name: Daniel Chuss
Race: Human
Age: 25
Quirks: Carries around a laptop, all the time, uses it for everything
Hair: Brown semi-long, goatee
Nation of Origin: Germany
Affiliations: None, Freelancer
Weapons esert Eagle, katana (depending on situation)
Current Status: Single, looking for work
Backstory: Grew up alone most of his life, his parents never paid much attention to him, and the kids at school always made fun of him. Everything stayed that way untill he hit college, then he met alot of friends, who introduced him to a musical genre called Ska which involved trumpets and brass instruments mixed with modern rock. He found a liking to the trumpet and joined a band called Black Gold As he left college, he went into work for several different companies, but still staying a freelance worker, and still playing in the band.
Favorite stratigy: This guy is a walking tank with his eagle, just burst down the door and fires at everything that moves, just walking through, not even taking cover.
Fear the Goblin! Edited by: PSLoyalist at: 2/12/03 5:17:46 pm
| FlamingDeth  *steals a Russian submarine* Posts: 3761 (2/12/03 4:50:51 pm) Reply ezSupporter
 | Re: DF Character Roster ...wait, what? Why is this guy walking around with two DEs?  |
I am an arrogant bastard.
And now, since I want to be unique like everybody else, quotes:
"People don't seem to realize, it wasn't a powerful ass poke. It was a powerful poke, to the ass!" ~ Lord McBastard
"So what you're saying is that Nintendo and Sony are in league with each other, and possibly the Red Skull?" ~ EKDS5K
| PSLoyalist Goblin Coffee Boy Posts: 247 (2/12/03 5:15:33 pm) Reply | Re: DF Character Roster ok, ok, too powerful? I'll make it 1 DE? --------------
Fear the Goblin! | FlamingDeth  *steals a Russian submarine* Posts: 3766 (2/12/03 5:23:07 pm) Reply ezSupporter
 | Re: DF Character Roster I'm not complaining about him being "too powerful". He's actually on the weak side of things. The problem is that you don't explain why he would have them in the first place, or why some ska band member actually had a reason to devise a "favrouite strategy".  |
I am an arrogant bastard.
And now, since I want to be unique like everybody else, quotes:
"People don't seem to realize, it wasn't a powerful ass poke. It was a powerful poke, to the ass!" ~ Lord McBastard
"So what you're saying is that Nintendo and Sony are in league with each other, and possibly the Red Skull?" ~ EKDS5K
| EKDS5k  Ereal Snippelit Monped (of doom) Posts: 501 (2/12/03 5:41:36 pm) Reply
 | Re: DF Character Roster That's the most poorly designed DF character ever. For starters, the DF setting that we have is supposed to approximate reality, though with a bit of a twist to it. Look around. Do you see people like that in today's world? No. Then why would they be in the DF world? Answer, they wouldn't. Someone like that would likely be in jail, or dead, even, as he supposedly doesn't take cover. People don't seem to understand that the DF setting DOES NOT follow movie rules, or RPG rules, or anything like that. Someone walking into a room full of hostiles (which is itself not something that has happened yet) and doesn't bother taking cover would be killed. Either by one of the other PCs in that room that they didn't shoot yet, or by a generic NPC controlled by the GM. Yes, that's right, generic NPCs, like security guards, police officers, and the like are just as dangerous as any player character. I recal more than one instance where someone was being an idiot and had to be gunned down by the police.
This is not a "walk in and start shooting things" scenario we're working with here. There is actual interaction, character development, and a lack of formal "quests," like you'd normally see in most other RPGs. Your character has to have at least a backstory, and if he's carrying around a desert eagle he'd better have a license and a damn good reason for it. A katana is right out of the question, as he'd just be shot in a combat situation (Yes, I have a character who carries a sword, but he still doesn't understand many of the nuances of 21st century life very well).
So, to finish off this rambling post: You need more than a combat character, because he would be quickly arrested by either a) one of my characters, or b) generic cops controlled by whoever happens to be GMing at the time. That or he'd be shot and killed. Easily. QUOTES!
shermbob700036: kazzaa is stupid and the reason there doing it is becouse all the death <--referring to the supposed "shutting down" of kazaa
"Yay! Happy greek sex time!" ~LDC | LadyDragonClawsEDW  Brianoku's Lovely Wife Katkat Posts: 1553 (2/12/03 6:24:15 pm) Reply
 | Re: DF Character Roster ....oh dear god no.....
Someone please reassure me that the moment this guy employs his favorite strategy that he promptly gets his head blown off...
One hat to rule them all. | FlamingDeth  *steals a Russian submarine* Posts: 3775 (2/12/03 8:24:21 pm) Reply ezSupporter
 | Re: DF Character Roster Abbot can make sure of that! :D!
EDIT: Also, it's hard enough to fire one DE accurately, if you've ever tried it. The recoil = bad. Using two, while perfectly possible, would take a really muscular guy if you wanted to hit anything with them, ever. Or, in this setting, possible cybernetic enhancement.  |
I am an arrogant bastard.
And now, since I want to be unique like everybody else, quotes:
"People don't seem to realize, it wasn't a powerful ass poke. It was a powerful poke, to the ass!" ~ Lord McBastard
"So what you're saying is that Nintendo and Sony are in league with each other, and possibly the Red Skull?" ~ EKDS5K
| Edited by: FlamingDeth at: 2/12/03 8:40:42 pm
| Lord McBastard  A Big Slab of Ham Posts: 439 (2/12/03 10:07:50 pm) Reply
 | Re: DF Character Roster I want this 'walking tank' to go up against my walking tank known as Felix Drucker, aka the Germanator, who could use a pair of Deagles with some accuracy. Though he wouldn't because that lacks any finnesse and he tends to use hench people to do most of the dirty work. As well he's not stupid enough to run around and think he's immune to bullets.
But yes, a guy who plays ska. That doesn't explain why he carries a deagle and a katana around. Nor does it explain how he went from Germany to America. Nor does it explain what he's a freelancers of! Does he do assassinations? Janitorial work? Computer programming? Explaining these things is good. Little-known Fact #839: There are only twenty-three people alive today, and you're one of them; everyone else you know just looks human to lull you into not searching for the other twenty-two. Lonely? You should be. | |