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Shinigori V2  *DODGES INTELLIGENCE* Posts: 5217 (4/1/05 4:10) Reply | Edit | Del All
 | New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Name: Vladimir Vaniyakna
RPer: Shinigori
Race: Presumed human
Appearance: Tall, thin but muscular man. Armored blue coat with leather armor, blue pants with leg guards, combat boots. White hair, orange eyes.
Story- Little is truly known about Vaniyakna, for most comes from hearsay and legends. Some say that he is a man of the future, come back to conquer the past and change history as he sees fit. Others think he's a demon. More still think he works for them. A select few thinks he's a robot, and Tareen thinks that he's the "Anti-Awesome". All that is known is that he rules Barius with an iron fist, and has vague plans of some sort. Despite propoganda, he is onlt interested in Tentacle monsters for their military applications.
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 230
Max MP: 80
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 8+2d6 (10-20)
Courage: +3
Wisdom: +2
Intuition: +5
Charisma: -5 (+5 due to General's Coat)
Agility: +5 (9 with Sword)
Dexterity: -5 (-1 with Sword)
Strength: +5 (9 with Sword)
Stamina: +5 (9 with Sword)
Magic Aptitude: 6
Base AT/PA - 18/18
Modified for skill - 32/32
Modified for Armor - 57/57
Armor - Barian Grand General's Coat (AC: 75, +10 to Charisma, +150 to HP, +10/+10)
Weapon Damage
Hurricane Bastard Sword- (+4 to Agi/Str/Sta/Dex) 30/50/70 (+15/+15)
Thrust- 39+1d6 (40-45)
Slash- 68+2d4 (70-76)
Chop- 97+2d6 (99-109)
All Encompassing Sword Techniques- 4
Strategic Genious- 4
[S]Unknown Power- 4
Weapons (Any sort)- 4
Magic (All kinds) - 4
Summoning of Large, Near Indestructable Beasts- 4
[S]King- 4
[S]Unarmed Combat - 4
[K]Politics - 4
[K]Barius - 4
[S]Elite Forces - 4
[All Encompassing Sword Skills=1]- Critial Strike (1 TP): The next hit will be a critical.
[All Encompassing Sword Skills=4]- Death Blow (2 TP): Make an attack roll. If Vaniyakna makes a critical hit, the target is instantly killed.
[All Encompassing Sword Skills=4]-Double Blow (2 TP): Vaniyakna can use two Techs this round, as long as they are both from the "All Encompassing Sword Skills" Tree.
[Innate] Unknown Power[S]- You must guess what this does.
[Innate] [S]King: Charisma checks are automatically passed, and crit for as many levels as the rank in [S]King
[Summoning of Large, Near Indestructable Beasts=4] Peerless (2 MP)- Summon Peerless into battle. Lasts until Vaniyakna unsummons it, or it is defeated.
[Summoning of Large, Near Indestructable Beasts=4] Faux Knight (2 MP)- Summon Faux Knight into battle. Lasts until Vaniyakna unsummons it, or it is defeated.
[Summoning of Large, Near Indestructable Beasts=4] WarMachine (2 MP)- Summon WarMachine into battle. Lasts until Vaniyakna unsummons it, or it is defeated.
[Summoning of Large, Near Indestructable Beasts=4] Geruda (2 MP)- Summon Geruda into battle. Lasts until Vaniyakna unsummons it, or it is defeated.
[Summoning of Large, Near Indestructable Beasts=4] Disaster (2 MP)- Summon Disaster into battle. Lasts until Vaniyakna unsummons it, or it is defeated. Additionally, Vaniyakna may mount Disaster to get an extra attack per round.
[Summoning of Large, Near Indestructable Beasts=4] Kraken (2 MP)- Summon Kraken into battle. Lasts until Vaniyakna unsummons it, or it is defeated.
[Summoning of Large, Near Indestructable Beasts=4] Catastrophe (2 MP)- Summon Catastrophe into battle. Lasts until Vaniyakna unsummons it, for it will likely not be defeated any time soon.
[Elite Forces=4] Knights (1 TP Per Knight) Summon the Black Soul Knights into battle. Don't even bother to GM the effects, they'd more or less automatically win anyway.
What's wrong with this ring?! |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 9998 (4/1/05 4:11) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna WTF you totally ganked my stuff for Mellewyn! ---------------------------
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FlamingDeth HORRIBLE TASTE IN MUSIC Posts: 8663 (4/1/05 4:17) Reply | Edit | Del ezSupporter
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna "Unarmed Combat" isn't an [s] skill.
This month's "Transformer of the Month" is Grimlock in a Santa hat! He's quite jolly. |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10000 (4/1/05 4:36) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Right here!
This is totally Mellewyn with a palette swap. ---------------------------
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Shinigori V2  *DODGES INTELLIGENCE* Posts: 5220 (4/1/05 4:41) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Man, what the fuck are you talking about? Vaniyakna could totally own Mellewyn anyday.
He's a goddamn FAERIE, man. Vani ain't gonna lose to no faerie.
Besides, Vani predates him! You copied me, asspope!
What's wrong with this ring?! |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10004 (4/1/05 4:53) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna You typoed "copy" as "Predate", I expect it was due to the seizures you were having after stepping on a faulty powercord. ---------------------------
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Shinigori V2  *DODGES INTELLIGENCE* Posts: 5223 (4/1/05 5:10) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Bullshit! I got here first, and Vani was about my third character. Fuckwad.
What's wrong with this ring?! |
pd Rydia  SPITEFUL BITCH Posts: 10714 (4/1/05 5:11) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Bad fanfiction senses, tingling!
"Pants are bad!!! We should wear pants only on our head you conformist bastard!!! Pants are the devils work!! Run freee!! And pantless!!!" -- Vulture
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10006 (4/1/05 5:27) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Was your second character "The hero", Shini? ---------------------------
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Shinigori V2  *DODGES INTELLIGENCE* Posts: 5225 (4/1/05 5:29) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Oh, WHAT THE FUCK?! You crossed the fucking line! What the fuck, man, fuck you and fuck this. Just because you can't make your own goddamn characters and have to steal other peoples? Fuck you, man. Fuck you.
What's wrong with this ring?! |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10007 (4/1/05 5:37) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Yeah. Sure.
How could I match the genius of "The Hero"? Clearly that MUST be plagarized. Totally.
Vani's a good step up from that, though! Glad to see I'm serving as an inspiration and all! ---------------------------
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Shinigori V2  *DODGES INTELLIGENCE* Posts: 5226 (4/1/05 5:40) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna I think you're mad that people actually KNOW about Vani.
Hell, I think maybe, what, three people know about Mellewyn?
Maybe two, I doubt Neb cared enough to remember most of it.
What's wrong with this ring?! |
Idran1701 KLINGON FETISHIST Posts: 1037 (4/1/05 10:08) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Now, now, there's one way to settle this. Pervy, post up the PS sheet for this Melvin fellow, and we can see for ourselves what Shini stole like the rotten thief he is.
(I know who you ripped off for Vani's little portal mage, jerk. >: )
"Never let your morals get in the way of doing what is right" - Salvor Hardin
Edited by: Idran1701 at: 4/1/05 10:08
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10010 (4/1/05 13:43) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Idran: Click the lunk, you nifty fellow :(
Edit: Fixed. :D - Idran ---------------------------
Your are not supposed to be reading this! Edited by: Idran1701 at: 4/1/05 13:51
Idran1701 KLINGON FETISHIST Posts: 1039 (4/1/05 13:52) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna ...Bah, that's a rip-off of one of my characters anyway. >:
"Never let your morals get in the way of doing what is right" - Salvor Hardin
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10012 (4/1/05 14:11) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna No it isn't. Mine's lacks thw whole secretly lusting after Picard thing. So does Shini's too. WHAT A COINCIDENCE! ---------------------------
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Idran1701 KLINGON FETISHIST Posts: 1040 (4/1/05 14:14) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Secret?
"Never let your morals get in the way of doing what is right" - Salvor Hardin
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10013 (4/1/05 14:17) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Point yielded on secrecy. ---------------------------
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Idran1701 KLINGON FETISHIST Posts: 1041 (4/1/05 14:22) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Fine, Ellen's not a complete rip-off. But there are similar themes!
"Never let your morals get in the way of doing what is right" - Salvor Hardin
NebulaQueen VACANT Posts: 2470 (4/1/05 17:05) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Don't worry Pervy, I believe that Mellewyn ins't a Vaniyakna ripoff.
For one thing, Vani's not an obvious min/maxer.
"My naturally quivering state makes any display of fear deliciously arbitrary" - Manowar Leader, Scary-Go-Round |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10020 (4/1/05 17:18) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Oh yes, because -5 Charisma clearly isn't min/maxing. ---------------------------
Your are not supposed to be reading this! Edited by: Idran1701 at: 4/1/05 18:20
Crawling Reshiki SPENDS TOO MUCH TIME AT 4CHAN Posts: 9114 (4/2/05 0:06) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna My name is Pervy, and I'm going to have five zeros for stats straight, as there's no such thing as a balanced character!
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10038 (4/2/05 0:25) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna End.
Go cry. ---------------------------
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Crawling Reshiki SPENDS TOO MUCH TIME AT 4CHAN Posts: 9115 (4/2/05 0:33) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna At least I don't try to do a BS Philsys sheet with Astyanax.
pd Rydia  SPITEFUL BITCH Posts: 10727 (4/2/05 0:35) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Hey hey hye.
Don't make me go admin on your asses.
"Pants are bad!!! We should wear pants only on our head you conformist bastard!!! Pants are the devils work!! Run freee!! And pantless!!!" -- Vulture
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10039 (4/2/05 0:45) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna End, I have to say this again because you didn't think about it enough the first time.
Go. Cry. ---------------------------
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Crawling Reshiki SPENDS TOO MUCH TIME AT 4CHAN Posts: 9116 (4/2/05 0:52) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna And I have to say this again, because it needs to be said again:
Come up with an actual attempt at a rebuttal, you waste.
Shinigori V2  *DODGES INTELLIGENCE* Posts: 5228 (4/2/05 2:01) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna See? The people are obviously siding with me.
What's wrong with this ring?! |
Idran1701 KLINGON FETISHIST Posts: 1052 (4/2/05 2:09) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm siding against both of you.
"Never let your morals get in the way of doing what is right" - Salvor Hardin
Edited by: Idran1701 at: 4/2/05 2:16
Shinigori V2  *DODGES INTELLIGENCE* Posts: 5229 (4/2/05 2:17) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: New PS-ed character- Grand General Vaniyakna Now let's take a vote.
Does anyone really care about Idran?
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