Author | Comment |
Reako Somner HEDONISTIC F*RRY Posts: 673 (4/1/05 16:50) Reply | Edit | Del All
 | pkmn rp lol ok id liek to make a pokemon rp is that ok
plz sign up 4 a char o and u cant use ne legendz i haev them all on my char neway teh plot is we have to go beat up gym leaderz then fihgt uin the imdigo leuge and beat up eechother lol but if u baet me ill ban u ok so no bearting me ok
plz post |
DragonMistressSCV  CAN'T DRAW FEET Posts: 5482 (4/1/05 16:53) Reply | Edit | Del
 | loololoolololol I wanna join.
Sakura katchem
Pokemon Mewtwo and mew (all techs!!1)
Daughter of Ash and Misty and lover of Geovanni. ;) |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10016 (4/1/05 16:53) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp I want a dark Trainer. His name is Laharl, and he has the special Imperial Seal Badge. His Favorite is a Houndoom and a Tyrannitar.
Reako Somner HEDONISTIC F*RRY Posts: 674 (4/1/05 16:56) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp omg pervy disgeae rulz!!!11 ur char iz kool
dmscv i siad no legands i have them all repost plz
every1 plz kep postin thisll be asome |
DragonMistressSCV  CAN'T DRAW FEET Posts: 5483 (4/1/05 16:59) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp lolz
y not?
si noit fiar! I waan 2 plai wif mew2!
is been my pkmn char 4 years!!
D: |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10018 (4/1/05 17:05) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp First: DOn't rip off my characters kthanx. They're my creations and copyright of me.
Secondly: I believe I saw you try to Y*ff with that Mewtwo at a pokemorph chat once. |
Nekogami  Posts: 2264 (4/1/05 17:06) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp is biyomon in pokemon ruby? if so, I want her 'cause she's teh righteous.
Reako Somner HEDONISTIC F*RRY Posts: 675 (4/1/05 17:08) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp no thats digimon wtf
u liek digimon???? lol homofag |
Nekogami  Posts: 2265 (4/1/05 17:10) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp stfu:sage
digimon came first. pkmn ppl r just posers. |
Crawling Reshiki SPENDS TOO MUCH TIME AT 4CHAN Posts: 9112 (4/1/05 17:11) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp i wanna use my beyblade!!1 |
LadyDragonClawsEDW OTHER MIDGET Posts: 2990 (4/1/05 17:12) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: pkmn rp omg omg ok i luv pokemon
i wanna make a trainer who is teh mastar of DRAGON POKEMON she is better than lance and lance is totally in luv with her teeheee <3 and she has SPECCIAL POWERZ that let her turn into RAYQUAZA (thats teh ledgendary dragon ledgendary from ru/sa k? if u dint no that then ur a NOOB LOLZ) |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10019 (4/1/05 17:15) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp You also hang around that Pokemorph chat, don't you?
Can't we get some real RPers please?
And for god's sake, Beyblades are meant to be taken rectally, End, so get on that.
i eet snorlax poo
ROFL this is MY forum, noobcock. if i wanna be in this RP they have to let me in. Edited by: LadyDragonClawsEDW at: 4/1/05 17:23
DragonMistressSCV  CAN'T DRAW FEET Posts: 5484 (4/1/05 17:17) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp LOL!!
i bet u luved it, retard. |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10021 (4/1/05 17:20) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp Yes, yes, whatever. Go back to yor Mewtwo X Ash X Hiker X your ripoff character fanfic. Leave the RPing to people with some skill.
DragonMistressSCV  CAN'T DRAW FEET Posts: 5485 (4/1/05 17:22) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp Wateva. Ur mom must be callin u.
dumbfuk try 2 start shit w/o a reason. |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10022 (4/1/05 17:24) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp Don't you have homework to be doing, little girl? |
DragonMistressSCV  CAN'T DRAW FEET Posts: 5486 (4/1/05 17:27) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp Sry, but I was busy doing ur dad.
now don't b hating. we r here 2 RP. no need to be a douch about it. :) |
LadyDragonClawsEDW OTHER MIDGET Posts: 2992 (4/1/05 17:28) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: pkmn rp yes lets get teh rp started if MESAFAGTROLL keeps postin i'll delet and edit them with teh funnay edits |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10023 (4/1/05 17:31) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp I guess it is fate for lessers to be daunted by the skill of their obvious betters. Ah well, let it not be said I am uncharitable of soul and tolerance. Are they in, GM? |
Reako Somner HEDONISTIC F*RRY Posts: 676 (4/1/05 17:33) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp sry i still need 2 more chars
plz tell ur friendz so that we can set it up ok
post ur chars |
DragonMistressSCV  CAN'T DRAW FEET Posts: 5488 (4/1/05 17:44) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp Fine. Ill change my pkmn 2 have lvl 99 Charzard and Dragnite!
Hppy now?/??? D: |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10025 (4/1/05 17:50) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp Well, I suppose there is hope for the hopeless. Well done! |
Tifa Pikachan Posts: 1 (4/1/05 18:17) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: pkmn rp can we all stop the flaming plz? ._. its not nice and I wanna RP pokemon!!!
neways, heres my charrie Tifa Pikachan! ^-^ i hope u like her
Tifa pikachan came from lil verdain village where she grew up as an orphan. she was sad an lonely til she found her boyfriend that she luved v. much!!! but he went away to fight w/pokemon an she made it her dream to follow him all teh way an become a pokemon master!!! so she got a pikachu (pika pika! ^-^) named kate and a meowth named sith and they became very good at fighting. now tifa's wandering around an getting her badges and is tryin her best to become the greatest pokemon master and to find her tru love alogn the way
thats it!!! this is goin to be fun! Edited by: Tifa Pikachan at: 4/1/05 18:17
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10029 (4/1/05 18:39) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp I hope you get rabies from a pay toilet. |
Tifa Pikachan  Posts: 8 (4/1/05 18:48) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: pkmn rp why u sayin that to me???
also WHEN ARE WE GOIN TO RP POKMEON??? Edited by: Tifa Pikachan at: 4/1/05 19:22
DragonMistressSCV  CAN'T DRAW FEET Posts: 5498 (4/1/05 19:22) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp bcuz hez a douche.
lol ;) |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10032 (4/1/05 19:40) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp So douche is the vernacular for better than you, now? |
Tifa Pikachan  Posts: 14 (4/1/05 19:46) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: pkmn rp u dun know what a douch is thats sad |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10034 (4/1/05 20:06) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp No, I just choose to ignore and redefine your retarded semi-language clucking as it pleases me, so that you'll be good for something. |
Capntastic  TWO LEFT FEET Posts: 1742 (4/1/05 20:20) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp hey i dunno about pokemon but i saw some of the cards an i used to play magic the gathering so i guess its cool
-Iatre, Wizard Adept
Iatre is a wizard (Of my own creation) who worked on an airship and raised pokemon in his spare time wile helping Drareg pilot the airship thru enemy teritory. the airship was called the stormheavy and there was a goblin and a cool golem. anyways iatre got thrown off into a super hell pit and he turned evil so now he uses dark pokemon for a vengrane.
iatre was walking down the street with his pokemon (a blood pet, 1/1 sac for one black mana) and he was humminh to himself and looking for a battle
(plz fight him??) |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10035 (4/1/05 20:24) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp As I said in the begining, my stuff is copyright of me and I thank you very much not to rip me off. |
JasonAB17  Badass MimigaCF Posts: 394 (4/1/05 20:30) Reply | Edit | Del
Capntastic  TWO LEFT FEET Posts: 1744 (4/1/05 20:31) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp "thems fighting words" iatre howled and pointed a clawd finger
"get him, blood pet!" iatre shouted after drawing a card and playing a swamp
im; if he doesnt block it next turn i can cast a really awesome spell!! but then blood pet will be lost! |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10036 (4/1/05 20:35) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp "Houndoom, show him how it's done."
Thus does Houndoom leap over the Blood Hound and kick it in the groin. Then it breaks a trashcan and gets a lead pipe. |
JasonAB17  Badass MimigaCF Posts: 395 (4/1/05 20:35) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp Brodzky Zero (8:26:41 PM): "thems fighting words" iatre howled and pointed a clawd finger
"get him, blood pet!" iatre shouted after drawing a card and playing a swamp
im; if he doesnt block it next turn i can cast a really awesome spell!! but then blood pet will be lost!
Besyanteo (8:27:28 PM): I tap one plane and play "I'm Blocking you IM now, don't ever do this again."
Brodzky Zero signed off at 8:27:31 PM. |
Molokidan  NO LONGER RELEVANT Posts: 1459 (4/1/05 20:36) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: pkmn rp (OUT OF CHARACTER: if u don't like it then leave!!!)
btw my pokemon's name is "thornos" nad he wears a black claok and looks like a human except he has an antena and a tail which letsh im run faster than a normal human. i found him in the woods and fought him to make him my pkmn. he can shoot lazer beams from hs eyes and can fly and teleport and cast a black void kamehamaha (its in dragon ball gt if u dont kno what it is go watch it) but his best attack is the 'death strike zero' which he teleports behind the enemy and decapitates them instantly but he can only use it once so its not too powerful.
so thornos was walkind down the road one dya and he is lookikng for the man that killed his father who is a guy with his scar on his chest and a eyepatch ion his left eye (thats all we kno about him so far) so anyway he goes up to tifa pickachan and looks at her sinsterly in the eye and says 'what are yoiu doing fool'.
ok go |
Capntastic  TWO LEFT FEET Posts: 1745 (4/1/05 20:44) Reply | Edit | Del
 | no blood pet! iatre: oh no you killed blood pet!! well, at least im still at 20 hp!!
iatre then drew another card and played another swamp, tapping themboth
IM: dangit i dont have any good cardz but next turn i'll kick this guyz ass! |
DragonMistressSCV  CAN'T DRAW FEET Posts: 5503 (4/1/05 20:51) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: no blood pet! He thenks hes so smrt caus he uses big words. :rolleyes
go cry, little boy. heehee. no1 cares about u or ur dum char.
u prbly stole the idea neway. |
Uncle Pervy  GMS LIKE A FURRY Posts: 10037 (4/1/05 22:03) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: no blood pet! (Ah the buzz buzz buzz of total jealously. Sit back, and I'll teach you a few things, noob.)
"That all you got?" says Laharl to Iatre.