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Uncle Pervy 
Posts: 9997
(4/1/05 4:10)
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The Unseen Hand
Name: Mellewyn
RPer: Uncle Pervy
Race: Sidhe Deity
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 450
Max MP: 190
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 20+2d6

Little is truly known know about Mellewyn, for most knoweldge of him comes from legenda and hearsay. Some say that he is truly a demon manipulating the races of Faeriekind, while others say he is the embodiment of Nature's wrath toward mortals. More believe that he serves those powers. A select few think he may be some sort of ancient construct, while Enlil Purvis declares him "Frustrating". All that is know is that his word is law among the Dark Sidhe, and his ambitious are as shadowy as his past.

Courage: 0
Wisdom: 6
Intuition: 6
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 0
Strength: 0
Stamina: 0
Magic Aptitude: 6

Base AT/PA - 9/9
Modified for skill - 48/48
Modified for armor - 53/68

Body: Divine Rainments (+5/+20; +5 to Agility)

Weapon: Moonreaver (15/30/45; +5 to Dex and Strength)
Light: 25+d6
Mid: 35+2d4
Heavy: 45+2d6

Neck: ????? (????????)

Divinity 4
Illusions 4
Nature Mastery 4
Honor 4
Swordsmanship 4
Perfect Teleport 4
Autocracy 4
Manipulation 4
[s]Divinity 4
[s]Masterful Parry 4
[k]Faeries 4
[k]The Whole General Sort of Mish Mash 4
[k]Secrets 4


[Divinity=1] Divinity: As a Deity, Mellewyn may possess a Magical aptitude of 6+Divinty rank (Max 9)

[Divinity=2] Godly Endurance: As a God, Melleywn may possess three times the HP of a normal mortal

[Divinity=3] Chosen Domain: As a Power, Mellewyn may manipulate the rules and laws of existence within his home realm to a degree.

[Divinity=4] Worship: Mellewyn regenerates (Rank^rank) MP each round. This diminishes by one MP per round for each 1/(rank^rank) portion of his worshippers that he loses. Excess MP is converted into HP, then into TP.

[[s] Divinity] Its power is not for mortals to know

[Divinity=4, [s]Divinity=4] Divine Aura: This Grants Mellewyn +10 to Courage, Stamina, Charisma, and Stamina. It grants +5 to Agility. Strength, and Dexterity. +4 is granted to Intuition and Wisdom, and +3 to Magical Aptitude. These are lost of Mellewyn voluntarily revokes his divinity.

The Whole General Sort of Mish Mash: This skill reflects Mellewyn's knowledge of events occuring throughout lands where he has influence. It modifies knowledge rolls involving anything that he could learn from those lands

[Perfect Teleport=4, Swordsmanship=4] Teleporting Attack (MP 20/25, TP=3) Mellewyn may add Perfect Teleport (Rank^rank) to his attack roll. For an extra 5 MP, he may declare his attack a back attack.

[Ilusions=4 [s]Divinity=4] Delude (150 HP) Mellewyn may delude any targets within his senses to see an illusion of his crafting. They may save against it on a d1000 roll under his Mag Score.

[Nature Mastery=4, [s]Divinity=4] The Wild Responds: (150 MP) Mellewyn may manipulate all natural plants and animals within one hundred yards to enact his will. Unnatural plants and animals are also affected by this.


Your are not supposed to be reading this!

Edited by: Uncle Pervy  at: 4/1/05 4:21
Shinigori V2 
Posts: 5218
(4/1/05 4:13)
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Re: The Unseen Hand
Fuck, man, can't you come up with even a single original idea? This is just like Vani's sheet.

Fuck, get your own stuff.

What's wrong with this ring?!

Uncle Pervy 
Posts: 10002
(4/1/05 4:44)
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Re: The Unseen Hand
What? The My connection is slow and you know it. Not like Mellewyn couldn't waltz of Vani any day of the week. I mean, not to be harsh, but it's cold hard fact.


Your are not supposed to be reading this!

Shinigori V2 
Posts: 5221
(4/1/05 4:48)
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Re: The Unseen Hand
Your connection's slow?

Fuck, man, that's your excuse for everything.

"Oh, I ripped off your idea because my connection's slow!"

"I caused the holocaust because my connection's slow!"

"I can't download that music for you because my connection's slow!"

What's wrong with this ring?!

pd Rydia 
Posts: 10715
(4/1/05 5:14)
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Re: The Unseen Hand
"I can't cyber u b/c my connection is slow!"

"Pants are bad!!! We should wear pants only on our head you conformist bastard!!! Pants are the devils work!! Run freee!! And pantless!!!" -- Vulture

Crawling Reshiki
Posts: 9117
(4/2/05 0:53)
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New Post Re: The Unseen Hand
Lag is good in the sack.

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