"Pants are bad!!! We should wear pants only on our head you conformist bastard!!! Pants are the devils work!! Run freee!! And pantless!!!" -- Vulture
Suicidal Sprite RESIDENT: FROSTBITE FALLS, MN Posts: 3342 (4/1/05 9:31) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Story questions are fun. But _________ and ___________ told me that you were not __________ the goat but instead were covered with _____________ by ____________ after drinking _______________ and falling on top of _____________ while _______________ was naked.
"Moreover, when on the following night, much to his dismay, [Caesar] had a dream of raping his own mother, the soothsayers greatly encouraged him by their interpretations of it: namely, that he was destined to conquer the earth" - Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars - Julius Caesar, chapter 7 |
pd Rydia  SPITEFUL BITCH Posts: 10719 (4/1/05 9:52) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Story questions are fun. Well, _________ and ___________ are full of shit. I have no idea about any nakedness of _______________ or anyone or thing else. And while I may have had a little _____________ spilled on me, I would hardly say I was *covered* in it. It had nothing to do with the fact that I was drinking _______________, but rather that ____________ is a bloody fucking clutz and shouldn't be allowed to carry containers of any sort. It's true I fell on top of _____________, though--how embarrassing! I think that's the whole thing that got the story spreading around to begin with, and started the whole tradition of embellishments. Some folks can't just leave a story well enough alone.
As for the goat--that's just silly. There are no pets allowed on campus.
"Pants are bad!!! We should wear pants only on our head you conformist bastard!!! Pants are the devils work!! Run freee!! And pantless!!!" -- Vulture
Suicidal Sprite RESIDENT: FROSTBITE FALLS, MN Posts: 3345 (4/1/05 10:06) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Story questions are fun. Wait, I think I'm confused. Wasn't this the time that you were ___________ by a cop for having no _____________ ? Or was it the time that guy _____________ you for _____ hours with a fuzzy _____________ while you were trying to ______________ a __________ of ____________ with your ____________ ?
Wait, I've got it. This is that night when I was ___________ to my beautiful ___________ about leprechauns, and then that girl came up and asked us if we wanted to ________, because she had some _____________ back in her room and was really in the mood.
Good times.
"Moreover, when on the following night, much to his dismay, [Caesar] had a dream of raping his own mother, the soothsayers greatly encouraged him by their interpretations of it: namely, that he was destined to conquer the earth" - Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars - Julius Caesar, chapter 7 |
DON'T DESTROY MY HEART Posts: 2665 (4/1/05 10:30) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Story questions are fun. Lys! If you could, what would you change your name to (in real life)? -----
Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla.
I think boobs are the lesser of two evils. - Inverse (Pervy)
Dammit, Dan, I'm not dating a damn NPC! - OOC Will (Will Baseton)
Of course! Anything worth doing is worth doing completely wrong! - Travis English
Ultimately, wizards and clerics don't say, "Gee, I want to become a lich because weapons hurt less and I don't have to worry about being backstabbed; that whole 'eternal life' thing is just a fringe benefit."-Darklion
But this one time I killed a walrus with my bare hands, and I suddenly understood spherical coordinates. - KnightsofSquare
Adventurers! | RPG World World | The Phantom Lord's OT Board mkII | Indie Madnesse | Brotherhood of Elitist Bastards |
pd Rydia  SPITEFUL BITCH Posts: 10723 (4/1/05 10:32) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Story questions are fun. Wait, you told ___________ about the leprechauns?!
You sick bastard.
"Pants are bad!!! We should wear pants only on our head you conformist bastard!!! Pants are the devils work!! Run freee!! And pantless!!!" -- Vulture
Suicidal Sprite RESIDENT: FROSTBITE FALLS, MN Posts: 3350 (4/1/05 10:46) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Story questions are fun. Hey, in return she __________ me in ____ different ___________ for several ___________ until I _____________ with a melon.
"Moreover, when on the following night, much to his dismay, [Caesar] had a dream of raping his own mother, the soothsayers greatly encouraged him by their interpretations of it: namely, that he was destined to conquer the earth" - Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars - Julius Caesar, chapter 7 |
PriamNevhausten  GUNFLAME WHORE Posts: 3607 (4/2/05 1:18) Reply | Edit | Del
 | Re: Story questions are fun. I would like to note that the fill-in-the-blanks method is copyrighted by me. YOU ALL OWE ME ROYALTIES. "It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies |
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