Author | Comment |
EKDS5k  Airship  Posts: 1841 (12/17/01 10:35 pm) Reply
 | The drunbk awards, version: tequila. You heard me. We're drinking tequila, and the awards should be up later.
Also, more SD bashing. |
EKDS5k  Airship  Posts: 1843 (12/17/01 10:53 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. LMB: Food wins the award for best thing to have in your mouth when you're talking.
LMB wins the award for person to eat the most Bugles.... |
Excaliburned RP Moderator  Posts: 1413 (12/17/01 11:04 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. *shudder*
I remember Bugels, can't stand the things... As long as we're here, you cannot pass!
Battlegrounds Compendium |
EKDS5k  Airship  Posts: 1844 (12/17/01 11:14 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. What! How can you NOT like bugles!?!?!?
Divinegon wins the award for the most annoying newbie.
SD wins the award for biggest dumbass with a tennis racket up his ass (again). |
JinxTheJester NPC  Posts: 66 (12/17/01 11:25 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. *blink blink*
uhmmm, ok.
*gives them icecream and gets the heck outta this forum*
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad, I got sunshine in a bag, I'm useless but not for long................
Eidolon X  Holysrpnt  Posts: 251 (12/17/01 11:25 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. Note: Divine is a perma-n00b. ---------
Disclaimer: This poster is subject to random bouts of incoherency. If the poster is RPing, understand that he is most certainly in the middle of one of these and try to interpret the post figuratively. If you need an interpretation of a post, try looking here for what is a more sane explanation of a post then he'll ever give.
(That link will be replaced with something that will fit more in some point.)
EKDS5k  Airship  Posts: 1848 (12/17/01 11:26 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. Sachika wins the award for biggest button masher, in a good way.
Jinx wins the award for biggest ice cream bitey person. |
JinxTheJester NPC  Posts: 67 (12/17/01 11:30 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. YES! I WON!
*stand up and gives longwinded and wordy acceptance speech thanking everyone in the world basically, except the little people, jinx hates leprechauns*
thank you! i'm so happy!
*dries fake tears* ~~~~~~~~~~~
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad, I got sunshine in a bag, I'm useless but not for long................
EKDS5k  Airship  Posts: 1850 (12/17/01 11:30 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. Jill wins the son of a whore award. |
DragonMistressSCV  Airship  Posts: 1759 (12/17/01 11:32 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. LOL
Excal: you hate bugles?!? HEATHEN!!
[SCV's House]
[Random Idiocy!]
[Ryuzoku 4 U]
[Slayers KITTY!]
[StarFire Forest] [Cyber Syx] [DMSCV]
#116 The Moral Of The Story (Ghaleon Rule)
Every problem in the universe can be solved by finding the right long-haired prettyboy and beating the crap out of him.
EKDS5k  Airship  Posts: 1853 (12/17/01 11:37 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. HEATHEN I TELL YOU!!!
DMSCV: Wins the award for most bugle liking dragon girl with a pink tanktop.
Excal: Wins the award for most bugle-hating mod at ADV! |
Excaliburned RP Moderator  Posts: 1414 (12/17/01 11:39 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. I just don't like them. Their taste makes me nauseous. As long as we're here, you cannot pass!
Battlegrounds Compendium |
DragonMistressSCV  Airship  Posts: 1760 (12/17/01 11:41 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. I love the Nacho Cheese ones.. *drool* even the bag leavings are great!
*stamps Heathen on Excal's Forehead* >:
[SCV's House]
[Random Idiocy!]
[Ryuzoku 4 U]
[Slayers KITTY!]
[StarFire Forest] [Cyber Syx] [DMSCV]
#116 The Moral Of The Story (Ghaleon Rule)
Every problem in the universe can be solved by finding the right long-haired prettyboy and beating the crap out of him.
Eidolon X  Holysrpnt  Posts: 254 (12/17/01 11:41 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. *blows up the planet with a bugle* ---------
Disclaimer: This poster is subject to random bouts of incoherency. If the poster is RPing, understand that he is most certainly in the middle of one of these and try to interpret the post figuratively. If you need an interpretation of a post, try looking here for what is a more sane explanation of a post then he'll ever give.
(That link will be replaced with something that will fit more in some point.)
Bob the Cat Magitoaster  Posts: 513 (12/17/01 11:43 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. HOW THE HELL DID YOU GIVE JILL THAT AWARD?!?!?!
Anyway if I don't win the award for the greatest guy to show up and do that thing with the thing on the thingy...
I'll set up Excal on a date with Eve.
*pictures that*
*Eve sets Excal on fire with her mind, causing him to die*
Ah yes... wonderful couple they'd make... Today's quotes:
The weak always strive to be weaker.
Oh, what a shame. Such strength. Such courage. Such stupidity.
and finally
Richter yells, "Item Crash!"Richter uses Hydro Storm on you.You are DEAD! |
EKDS5k  Airship  Posts: 1855 (12/17/01 11:46 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. Bob wins the award for best guy who's name is Bob the Vat. |
Eidolon X  Holysrpnt  Posts: 255 (12/17/01 11:48 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. Bob's cheating! He/she/it must have slept with the judges! *blows up the planet* ---------
Disclaimer: This poster is subject to random bouts of incoherency. If the poster is RPing, understand that he is most certainly in the middle of one of these and try to interpret the post figuratively. If you need an interpretation of a post, try looking here for what is a more sane explanation of a post then he'll ever give.
(That link will be replaced with something that will fit more in some point.)
Bob the Cat Magitoaster  Posts: 515 (12/17/01 11:50 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. *Uses hypervelocity cannon to blow Eidolon's groin off* Today's quotes:
The weak always strive to be weaker.
Oh, what a shame. Such strength. Such courage. Such stupidity.
and finally
Richter yells, "Item Crash!"Richter uses Hydro Storm on you.You are DEAD! |
EKDS5k  Airship  Posts: 1857 (12/17/01 11:51 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. LMB: *sleeps with Bob* |
DragonMistressSCV  Airship  Posts: 1761 (12/17/01 11:51 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. *drinks Kitten Smoothie*
[SCV's House]
[Random Idiocy!]
[Ryuzoku 4 U]
[Slayers KITTY!]
[StarFire Forest] [Cyber Syx] [DMSCV]
#116 The Moral Of The Story (Ghaleon Rule)
Every problem in the universe can be solved by finding the right long-haired prettyboy and beating the crap out of him.
Bob the Cat Magitoaster  Posts: 516 (12/17/01 11:57 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. *uses orbital SDI hypervelocity cannon to nuke EKDS and DM* Today's quotes:
The weak always strive to be weaker.
Oh, what a shame. Such strength. Such courage. Such stupidity.
and finally
Richter yells, "Item Crash!"Richter uses Hydro Storm on you.You are DEAD! |
Eidolon X  Holysrpnt  Posts: 257 (12/17/01 11:59 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. *cuts off Bob's head with the orbital guillotine ray*
*then realizes Bob doesn't have one and aims higher, at the neck, instead* ---------
Disclaimer: This poster is subject to random bouts of incoherency. If the poster is RPing, understand that he is most certainly in the middle of one of these and try to interpret the post figuratively. If you need an interpretation of a post, try looking here for what is a more sane explanation of a post then he'll ever give.
(That link will be replaced with something that will fit more in some point.)
DragonMistressSCV  Airship  Posts: 1762 (12/18/01 12:00 am) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. Ah, these Kitten smoothies are to DIE for! .. wait.. i am dead.. .. *sluuurrps*
[SCV's House]
[Random Idiocy!]
[Ryuzoku 4 U]
[Slayers KITTY!]
[StarFire Forest] [Cyber Syx] [DMSCV]
#116 The Moral Of The Story (Ghaleon Rule)
Every problem in the universe can be solved by finding the right long-haired prettyboy and beating the crap out of him.
Bob the Cat Magitoaster  Posts: 517 (12/18/01 12:01 am) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. *Holds Milidi and Aosloidon hostage in hypodermic chambers* Today's quotes:
The weak always strive to be weaker.
Oh, what a shame. Such strength. Such courage. Such stupidity.
and finally
Richter yells, "Item Crash!"Richter uses Hydro Storm on you.You are DEAD! |
EKDS5k  Airship  Posts: 1858 (12/18/01 12:02 am) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. Everyone who posted in here wins the award for biggest waste of time. |
Eidolon X  Holysrpnt  Posts: 258 (12/18/01 12:03 am) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. *Milidi escapes and frees Aosloidion using her kawaii mooglyness* ---------
Disclaimer: This poster is subject to random bouts of incoherency. If the poster is RPing, understand that he is most certainly in the middle of one of these and try to interpret the post figuratively. If you need an interpretation of a post, try looking here for what is a more sane explanation of a post then he'll ever give.
(That link will be replaced with something that will fit more in some point.)
Bob the Cat Magitoaster  Posts: 518 (12/18/01 12:05 am) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. *only to have the planet explode right under them* Today's quotes:
The weak always strive to be weaker.
Oh, what a shame. Such strength. Such courage. Such stupidity.
and finally
Richter yells, "Item Crash!"Richter uses Hydro Storm on you.You are DEAD! |
EKDS5k  Airship  Posts: 1859 (12/18/01 12:13 am) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. Bob wins the award for biggest communist. |
Bob the Cat Magitoaster  Posts: 520 (12/18/01 12:14 am) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. *twitch twitch*
*Takes award, kinetically charges it and throws it at EKDS and McB causing them to die* Today's quotes:
The weak always strive to be weaker.
Oh, what a shame. Such strength. Such courage. Such stupidity.
and finally
Richter yells, "Item Crash!"Richter uses Hydro Storm on you.You are DEAD! |
Eidolon X  Holysrpnt  Posts: 259 (12/18/01 12:16 am) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. *wonders why Bob's trying to kill McB*
Jealous of EKDS, maybe? ---------
Disclaimer: This poster is subject to random bouts of incoherency. If the poster is RPing, understand that he is most certainly in the middle of one of these and try to interpret the post figuratively. If you need an interpretation of a post, try looking here for what is a more sane explanation of a post then he'll ever give.
(That link will be replaced with something that will fit more in some point.)
EKDS5k  Airship  Posts: 1861 (12/18/01 12:36 am) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. EKDS wins the award for coolest comment in SSB.
Bugles wins the award for most humanlike food, 'cause it's sitting in a chair. |
Bob the Cat Magitoaster  Posts: 529 (12/18/01 12:43 am) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. *for no reason, passes kidney stone, then throws it at Eidolon* Today's quotes:
The weak always strive to be weaker.
Oh, what a shame. Such strength. Such courage. Such stupidity.
and finally
Richter yells, "Item Crash!"Richter uses Hydro Storm on you.You are DEAD! |
JinxTheJester NPC  Posts: 68 (12/18/01 1:02 am) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. *sigh* it's official. i've joined a forum of complete nutters.
*skips about happily*
and a YERGERG to top it off. ~~~~~~~~~~~
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad, I got sunshine in a bag, I'm useless but not for long................
EKDS5k  Airship  Posts: 1862 (12/18/01 2:48 am) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. Jinx wins the Yergerg award.
Rydia wins the orange of tequila award.
SD wins the anal sex award with a banana.
Ganonfro wins an award, but I'm not sure what.
Liquid X wins the breastiest duel ever award. |
Neo Grahf Holysrpnt  Posts: 283 (12/18/01 2:49 am) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. rrrrrrrrrrrrright... |
EKDS5k  Airship  Posts: 1863 (12/18/01 2:54 am) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. LMB wins the award for vibrating prosthetic ass. |
Bob the Cat Magitoaster  Posts: 530 (12/18/01 3:06 am) Reply | Let the record state: That if DM had flashed Krono, she would've won breastiest duel hands down.
But after X's stunt... hooboy... |
Xaq Shenor Silver Haired Guy In Gold Trimmed Armor Posts: 314 (12/18/01 3:28 am) Reply
 | Re: Let the record state: *shakes head sadly* 'Tis a bad sign when anyone's capable of making me look sane...
*glances through one of Stephen King's novels real quick, lets a couple Langoliers loose on the thread, and slams back a magarita to relax himself*
...Oh wait...I can't get drunk. Sunuva@(%*&!...
Xaq Shenor
Kakita Ki  Barefist Fighter Guy  Posts: 469 (12/18/01 7:40 am) Reply
 | Re: Let the record state: ....they get more odder everything ^_^*sweatdrop* "You do not see the Way, perhaps. Along the Way, it may seem like the Way is a long Way away but the Way to find the Way is to weigh the elements of the Way accordingly. Way back when the Way was Way, Way, away, you may have thought that there was no Way to continue along the Way, yet you found a Way. There is a Way, if you find a Way, to follow the Way though the Way seems to give you no Way. Do you see now?"- Togashi Yokuni Legend of the Hidden Chicken
DragonMistressSCV  Airship  Posts: 1767 (12/18/01 1:11 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. Although me flashing Krono would have been funny..I actually DO have some some self respect left.
God only knows why I still have it O_o
[SCV's House]
[Random Idiocy!]
[Ryuzoku 4 U]
[Slayers KITTY!]
[StarFire Forest] [Cyber Syx] [DMSCV]
#116 The Moral Of The Story (Ghaleon Rule)
Every problem in the universe can be solved by finding the right long-haired prettyboy and beating the crap out of him.
EKDS5k  Airship  Posts: 1866 (12/18/01 1:28 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. You should have flashed him, you woulda got another award....
As it is, Liquid X with his breast-growing antics holds that award. |
KingOfDoma Holysrpnt  Posts: 241 (12/18/01 1:56 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. *crosses his fingers for the Best Monarch award* -------------------- "You can't fight evil with a macaroni duck!" |
DragonMistressSCV  Airship  Posts: 1769 (12/18/01 2:10 pm) Reply
 | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. Maybe so, buut I didn't want to. Besides, did you forget that "Nude Bungie" thread in the Hent forum?
[SCV's House]
[Random Idiocy!]
[Ryuzoku 4 U]
[Slayers KITTY!]
[StarFire Forest] [Cyber Syx] [DMSCV]
#116 The Moral Of The Story (Ghaleon Rule)
Every problem in the universe can be solved by finding the right long-haired prettyboy and beating the crap out of him.
Divinegon2130  Magic Eight Squall  Posts: 824 (12/18/01 8:44 pm) Reply | Re: The drunbk awards, version: tequila. Even though I'm not drunk...
EKDS wins the award for the most point-fingers-at-people actions in one post.
And Eidolon wins the award for the most stubborn action, which is: not realizing how long I've been here and for even DARING to call me a 'perma-n00b'. You've got two months to drop the "Divine's a newbie" crap. Or when Divine kicks what would be Aosloidion's butt in the duelling thread, whichever comes first. (NO insect, not even one of Meyuri heritage, can compare to a dragon!)
(Edit- That goes for the rest of you too, except for Excal, Webrunner, Krono, and Reako. Even then, they are only to use it when I insult one of them. If any of you are offended, let's just say that Eidolon has pissed me off, and I'm voicing this now.) Edited by: Divinegon2130 at: 12/18/01 10:06:00 pm
Bob the Cat Magitoaster  Posts: 532 (12/18/01 10:05 pm) Reply | *laughing* Heh... like Aosloidon is just a mere bug...
*continues laughing insanely, so much so that he blows up the universe with his laughing!*
*wins, oh wait wrong thread* |
Divinegon2130  Magic Eight Squall  Posts: 827 (12/18/01 10:10 pm) Reply
 | Re: *laughing* Bob:
1. The only reason Aosloidion won the first round of the tourney is because of a time issue.
2. So what if he's got all those powers? I've got better versions of them. Besides, Aosloidion doesn't know my ultimate weakness... in fact, only one person on this whole board does, and I'm not telling who. He also doesn't know my real power, because, like I said in one of the posts that DMSCV started, I'm revealing my next form in THIS BATTLE.  | You think that I'm the one to blame.. Everything I lose is just a piece of what there is to gain... - Ill Nino, "What Comes Around"
Show me what it's for.. Make me understand it.. I've been crawling in the dark
looking for the answer... Hoobastank, "Crawling in the Dark"
Divine, redefining 'pointless' and 'bothersome' since 2001... and proud of it! |  | |
Ganonfro  Scroll of Summon City Bus  Posts: 1199 (12/18/01 10:30 pm) Reply
 | Re: *laughing* *Throws BFH's at everyone*
Look at my new pic! Its PIRATEMAN!!! Arrrrrg, I'm a pirate!
Toku: Wimpiest Monkey Clan Champion....Ever |
Bob the Cat Magitoaster  Posts: 536 (12/18/01 10:36 pm) Reply
 | Re: *laughing* *has ROM that that pic is taken from*
BOOYA! Today's quotes:
The weak always strive to be weaker.
Oh, what a shame. Such strength. Such courage. Such stupidity.
and finally
Richter yells, "Item Crash!"Richter uses Hydro Storm on you.You are DEAD! |
Divinegon2130  Magic Eight Squall  Posts: 831 (12/18/01 10:46 pm) Reply
 | Re: *laughing* *BFH's miss Divine*
Well... I want to ask, how does Eidolon feel about this?
*ducks BFH's coming the OTHER way*  | You think that I'm the one to blame.. Everything I lose is just a piece of what there is to gain... - Ill Nino, "What Comes Around"
Show me what it's for.. Make me understand it.. I've been crawling in the dark
looking for the answer... Hoobastank, "Crawling in the Dark"
Divine, redefining 'pointless' and 'bothersome' since 2001... and proud of it! |  | |
Eidolon X  Holysrpnt  Posts: 265 (12/18/01 10:59 pm) Reply
 | Re: *laughing* I personally feel that, while what I said was not quite warranted, your response was a bit of an over-reaction - unless I've done this before (and I'm fairly sure I haven't), you seem to be acting like the post was something more insidious then seven words in addenum to what had already been posted. I do know how long you've been here - unless your post on the 'So, you new here?' board was when you were not actually new . And the phrase perma-n00b was not meant seriously as a personal attack - not much is on the Spam forums. (As an aside, why no reaction to EKDS giving you the 'Most annoying newbie' award?). If it had been (I cannot stress that enough), though, it would not have referred to the actual amount of time spent here but to the condition of being a newbie; there is a difference.
Also, why did you have to drag Aosloidion into this? ---------
Disclaimer: This poster is subject to random bouts of incoherency. If the poster is RPing, understand that he is most certainly in the middle of one of these and try to interpret the post figuratively. If you need an interpretation of a post, try looking here for what is a more sane explanation of a post then he'll ever give.
(That link will be replaced with something that will fit more in some point.)
Divinegon2130  Magic Eight Squall  Posts: 835 (12/18/01 11:10 pm) Reply
 | Re: *laughing* Quote: I personally feel that, while what I said was not quite warranted, your response was a bit of an over-reaction
You should know by now that I'm well known for reacting very strictly, and, in some cases, overreacting.
Quote: the phrase perma-n00b was not meant seriously as a personal attack
I took it as an insult because of your post in my thread of the newbie forum, which is still an embarrassment to me to this day, and also because, again, I take things seriously, which is a trait of me that I can't get rid of.
Quote: (As an aside, why no reaction to EKDS giving you the 'Most annoying newbie' award?)
He's not exempt, either. If he'd just left it at 'annoying' I'd be fine, but he's taking it too far with 'newbie' as well.
Quote: Also, why did you have to drag Aosloidion into this?
Uh-oh... This is where I overreacted a bit too far... I didn't mean it THAT way. I was kind of overconfident there; I was hoping it would be interpreted more on the side, like Bob interpreted it. Sorry about that.
Anyway, as an aside, how do you feel about me saying Divine is better than Aosloidion?  | You think that I'm the one to blame.. Everything I lose is just a piece of what there is to gain... - Ill Nino, "What Comes Around"
Show me what it's for.. Make me understand it.. I've been crawling in the dark
looking for the answer... Hoobastank, "Crawling in the Dark"
Divine, redefining 'pointless' and 'bothersome' since 2001... and proud of it! |  | |
Eidolon X  Holysrpnt  Posts: 268 (12/18/01 11:22 pm) Reply
 | Re: *laughing* "You should know by now that I'm well known for reacting very strictly, and, in some cases, overreacting"
Yes, I should.
"I took it as an insult because of your post in my thread of the newbie forum, which is still an embarrassment to me to this day, and also because, again, I take things seriously, which is a trait of me that I can't get rid of."
If it makes you feel any better, I wasn't trying to embarrass you intentionally - if I had been, I would have asked Bob for suggestions first...
"Anyway, as an aside, how do you feel about me saying Divine is better than Aosloidion?"
Let's just say that has yet to be seen.
*kupos maniacally* ---------
Disclaimer: This poster is subject to random bouts of incoherency. If the poster is RPing, understand that he is most certainly in the middle of one of these and try to interpret the post figuratively. If you need an interpretation of a post, try looking here for what is a more sane explanation of a post then he'll ever give.
(That link will be replaced with something that will fit more in some point.)
EKDS5k  Airship  Posts: 1867 (12/19/01 3:58 am) Reply
 | Re: *laughing* Once again, Divine's inability to take a joke causes much confusion...
Divinegon, the title of this thread alone should have tipped you off to the fact that we're not exactly being serious.
You have a tendency to be annoying, and you act newbie-ish sometimes. Add to that the fact that, when I posted that, me and LMB were well into that bottle of tequila, thus we were quite drunk at the time, and you get that post.
Lighten up a bit, wouldja? |
Bob the Cat Magitoaster  Posts: 546 (12/19/01 4:05 am) Reply | mugu Replace "sometimes" with "all the time" to correct the message.
Replace "tequila" with "pants" and "serious" with "monkeys" for no sense whatsoever!
and all SD bashing is brought to you by
ZIG, you know what you doing! |
FoxKitsune  Magitoaster  Posts: 649 (12/19/01 6:10 pm) Reply
 | Re: mugu *Callus takes the award for most times whacked.*
*EKDS whacks Callus.*
*Alpha takes the award for most times whaped and is whaped.*
*Fox takes the award for most wall-leanyness and leans against the wall.* Tsuki yo ga tsumetaku...
Kokoro te no hazu...
Omoi ga kage he to utsu sarete...
RydiaChan Scroll of Summon City Bus  Posts: 1030 (12/20/01 12:30 am) Reply
 | Rydia wins the orange of tequila award. "Rydia wins the orange of tequila award."
Whoo! *drinks* ^#^ *hiccups* Thanksh! |
Excaliburned RP Moderator  Posts: 1429 (12/22/01 5:18 am) Reply
 | Re: Rydia wins the orange of tequila award. Feh, Devine. If yer gonna get everyone riled at you. Do it in style, like so.
*Excal reaches into his Bag and pulls out a placard with a box of Bugels and a big red X over it. Then, holding it high, he marches about with his ever present Army of Daisys.*
Ban Bugels now! Save the tastebuds of the children! As long as we're here, you cannot pass!
Battlegrounds Compendium |
Divinegon2130  Magic Eight Squall  Posts: 870 (12/22/01 5:30 am) Reply
 | Re: Rydia wins the orange of tequila award. Hang on...
*Divine pulls out a small hand cannon, and holds it in his left hand. In his right, there's a sign with a typo demon on it, and the demon is inside a red circle and has a red line through it.*
You may now stop spelling my name as "Devine". It is "Divine".  | You think that I'm the one to blame.. Everything I lose is just a piece of what there is to gain... - Ill Nino, "What Comes Around"
Show me what it's for.. Make me understand it.. I've been crawling in the dark
looking for the answer... Hoobastank, "Crawling in the Dark"
Divine, redefining 'pointless' and 'bothersome' since 2001... and proud of it! |  | |
Kelne  Holysrpnt  Posts: 212 (12/22/01 6:33 pm) Reply | So what's a bugel? *is descended upon by both sides*
Note to self: Ask no questions, and you won't wind up fighting for your life. "My Legions of Terror will be trained in basic marksmanship. Any who cannot learn to hit a man-sized target at 10 meters will be used for target practice.
- The Evil Overlord List, #56 |
DragonMistressSCV  Airship  Posts: 1791 (12/22/01 7:28 pm) Reply
 | Re: So what's a bugel? divine, chill about the name.. people mess up my full name all the time
i get:
DragonMistress SCV
SCV DragonMistress
[SCV's House]
[Random Idiocy!]
[Ryuzoku 4 U]
[Slayers KITTY!]
[StarFire Forest] [Cyber Syx] [DMSCV]
#83 Harmless Looking Monster Law (Tonberry Rule)
If you encounter a monster that looks odd, harmless, and cute, run away! It is insanely strong and will easily decimate your party.
Divinegon2130  Magic Eight Squall  Posts: 872 (12/22/01 9:41 pm) Reply
 | Re: So what's a bugel? I just don't want people to confuse my name with the name of a character from the book Out of the Silent Planet.
<naming spree>
'Divinegon' is reserved for when serious business is meant.
And leaving the numbers on is strictly off limits.
By the way, I will now let you guys call me 'Div' if that's what you want. Someone else on the board has started that before *coughcoughRydiacoughhack*, but now anyone can. I leave 'Div' for people that I've known online for quite a long time (for example, a certain person that left a long time ago due to feeling like he was picked on). You'll be lucky if you know my REAL name, because I only let people who REALLY know me hear of it. And it's also an impossible-to-guess name, which is even odder.
</naming spree>  | You think that I'm the one to blame.. Everything I lose is just a piece of what there is to gain... - Ill Nino, "What Comes Around"
Show me what it's for.. Make me understand it.. I've been crawling in the dark
looking for the answer... Hoobastank, "Crawling in the Dark"
Divine, redefining 'pointless' and 'bothersome' since 2001... and proud of it! |  | |
FoxKitsune  Magitoaster  Posts: 662 (12/22/01 10:07 pm) Reply
 | Re: So what's a bugel? Callus: ...Is your name... Rumplestiltskin?
Alpha: Yeah, that has to be it.
Tsuki yo ga tsumetaku...
Kokoro te no hazu...
Omoi ga kage he to utsu sarete...
RydiaChan Scroll of Summon City Bus  Posts: 1040 (12/22/01 10:22 pm) Reply
 | Re: So what's a bugel? Sorry, Divine is just weird to call someone, besides, I try to shorten all names down to 3-5 letters when possible.
Plus, whenever I see div, I think of alignment tags in HTML. =P It's nifty. |
FlamingDeth  Magic Eight Squall  Posts: 757 (2/19/03 5:14 pm) Reply ezSupporter
I am an arrogant bastard.
And now, since I want to be unique like everybody else, quotes:
"People don't seem to realize, it wasn't a powerful ass poke. It was a powerful poke, to the ass!" ~ Lord McBastard
"So what you're saying is that Nintendo and Sony are in league with each other, and possibly the Red Skull?" ~ EKDS5K
E Mouse  Spam Monger Posts: 6877 (2/22/03 12:03 am) Reply
 | Re: So what's a bugel? FDETH IS KILLED.
ONLY NOT. -------
"I'm here to burn the lollipops." |
Ryonin .gif) Silver Haired Guy In Gold Trimmed Armor Posts: 360 (2/22/03 1:35 am) Reply
 | Re: So what's a bugel? Make that thrice. <I>If you dislike something I say, it is most likely because I am ignorant, and my views are biased by nature. Please feel free to ignore my opinions, as they are not your own.</I> |
FlamingDeth  Magic Eight Squall  Posts: 758 (2/24/03 5:44 pm) Reply ezSupporter
 | Re: So what's a bugel? Haha! People actually responded! I couldn't let the best thread ever fall off the edge of the forum, you know.  |
I am an arrogant bastard.
And now, since I want to be unique like everybody else, quotes:
"People don't seem to realize, it wasn't a powerful ass poke. It was a powerful poke, to the ass!" ~ Lord McBastard
"So what you're saying is that Nintendo and Sony are in league with each other, and possibly the Red Skull?" ~ EKDS5K
E Mouse  Spam Monger Posts: 6878 (2/27/03 7:20 pm) Reply
 | Re: So what's a bugel? Tempting me to delete this will result in being crashed into by the Landale.
Yes. -------
"I'm here to burn the lollipops." |