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        > Now it is the time of the MYSTERY HOUR!!!!
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Posts: 70
(2/10/02 9:06 pm)
Now it is the time of the MYSTERY HOUR!!!!
I write silly part of story. You write annother. You ignore poor spelling and the grammer OR THE MONKEYS WILL BE DISPLEASED! ANGRY YOU MAKE THEM AND EAT YOU THEY WILL!


Once upon a time there was a boy named Billy No Legs. Billy No Legs was angry. Angry at the world. Why?

He just was. Now stop asking stupid questions so that I may continue.

Anyhow... Billy was walking down the street one day, and he was hit by a truck.

"I wonder what that sudden bump was...?" Said Mr. Truck Driver Man to himself. "Oh well. I have no time to worry about things like that! I must make this super secret delivery to Mr. Evil Bigman on time!"

And so... Mr. Truck Driver Man continued to speed down the street.

Posts: 567
(2/10/02 9:46 pm)
Re: Now it is the time of the MYSTERY HOUR!!!!
And so, the world contined as normal...or did it?

Far away, locked in a cage to prevent a horrible reign of terror and bloodshed, was The Dog That Liked The Taste Of Billy No Legs, often referred to as TDTLTTOBNL.

After several days, TDTLTTOBNL was becoming hungry. Typically, he just took a bite of Billy No Legs, and he was satisfied. But with Billy gone, no one was there to feed him.

So, after three hours of gnawing on his leg by accident after mistaking it for a bar of the cage, he snapped his powerful jaws down on the lock, popping it off.

TDTLTTOBNL strode down the street, envying his freedom. Free as the wind, free as the birds, free as coupons that come with junk mail. Free, but still unsatisfying. And then, TDTLTTOBNL saw...a young man with a balloon shaped like a walrus.

So, TDTLTTOBNL sniffed the air. The taste of human flesh again! His mouth watered, saliva dribbling onto the pavement, the sun's rays greedily evaporating it. Tiny microscopic organisms flourished on the ground in a blaze of glory, and then rapidly died due to exposure to direct sunlight. No one mourned their loss, and in fact, somewhere, someone was celebrating. They just didn't know it.

TDTLTTOBNL loped across the pavement, breathing heavily, making a whuffing noise, much like any other animal that commonly goes "whuff." There's plenty of them, after all. TDTLTTOBNL closed in on his target, closer and closer, paws stamping against the pavement...and when he drew mere feet away...

...he prepared to pounce. "AARGH!" roared the dog...and he slammed into a passing milk truck just as the boy crossed the street.

Holy magic isn't just for White Mages any more...
The least you can do is display irrational exuberance!

Lowell the Lagomorph 
Barefist Fighter Guy
Posts: 429
(2/11/02 9:08 am)
Re: Now it is the time of the MYSTERY HOUR!!!!
The milk truck driver suspected the source of the bump he felt, but he had no time to stop. "I wonder what that sudden bump was...?" Said Mr. Milk Truck Driver Man to himself. "Oh well. I have no time to worry about things like that! I must make this super secret delivery to Mr. Evil Bigman on time!"

Mr. Milk Truck Driver Man, or Mr. MTDM, called his delivery super secret because he was extremely bored and disappointed with the way his life had turned out. He had wanted to be something exciting, like a superhero or a fireman or an astronaut or a bra inspector. But his high school guidance counselor, who was Paul Reiser wearing a fake mustache, told him that the best thing for him would be to drive a milk truck, especially what with his name being what it was.

Robert T. "the" Milk Truck Driver Man was, of course, only delivering milk, and there was nothing secret about it. When Mr. MTDM arrived at Mr. Evil Bigman's stately manor, he hopped out of the car, opened up the back of the truck, and found...

Furbies. All the milk was replaced with furbies. "That's it!" said Mr. MTDM, "The Milk Exchangor has struck me for the last time! I quit!"

Mr. MTDM's boss, who was omnipresent, said, "Sorry to lose you." Just then, Paul Reiser in a fake mustache jumped out of some evil bushes and punched Mr. MTDM in the face.

Flying away from that scene was the Milk Exchangor, who juggled all the milk from Mr. MTDM's truck. He fumbled, and one bottle fell on a woman who was in the middle of a five-kilometer run down below.

Mimic Box courtesy
Word of mouth: Word.

Posts: 84
(2/21/02 9:39 pm)
Re: Now it is the time of the MYSTERY HOUR!!!!
Suddenly... There was much silence...

Which was ended by the equally sudden appearance of Captain Latex!

"Hark!" Said Captain Latex, "My latex pants are tingling! That can mean only ONE thing! David Hasselhoff has taken Germany hostage!"

So... Captain Latex "ZOOOOOOOMED!(tm)" over to "Germany(not tm)" only to find...

Nothing wrong.

It turned out that Mr Hasselhoff was a kind and wise ruler, and the German people where quite happy under his rule. In fact, it was a utopia. Every thing was perfect.

"Well nutbunnies." Said Captain Latex in a frustrated manner, "I travel all this way in order to right David Hasselhoff related wrongs, and I find out that all the wrongs have all ready been righted. Well screw it. I'm gonna kick his ass anyway."

And so he did.

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