| Author | Comment | Uncle Pervy Evil Joe  Posts: 1645 (6/15/02 4:09 pm) Reply
 | Transcripts of the Tonight Show This's Reako's little pet project. I figure I'd Post some transcripts an' embarass him. They'll a timy bit edited fer me worst typos. :P
You have just entered room "The Tonight Show starring Bob."
CaptainPervy has entered the room.
Lord Cyril has entered the room.
FDeth has entered the room.
Ganon fro has entered the room.
FDeth: ...
FDeth: *explodes*
Lord Cyril: A Tonight Show starring Bob
Lord Cyril: With no Bob
PriamNevhausten has entered the room.
Ganon fro: ..*Blinks*
PriamNevhausten: *eats*
SlyFox565: he's busy fighting crime
CaptainPervy: *Arr*
SlyFox565: he'll be in in a sec
Lord Cyril: No doubt
Rune The Great has entered the room.
Ganon fro: *Poofs away to do homework*
Ganon fro has left the room.
Rune The Great: Whee.
PriamNevhausten: oh no, he won't be here
SlyFox565: aww, that bastard
SlyFox565: he signed off
PriamNevhausten: hehe
PriamNevhausten: he's gone to sleep G
SlyFox565: who else wants to star?
SlyFox565: *picks someone randomly*
SlyFox565: evacuate this chat then
SlyFox565: *makes another*
PriamNevhausten: bah, screw that
FDeth: *complains* I wish I had black paper...oil pastels are soooooo much easier to use when it's reverse value drawing...
Rune The Great: I volunteer Reako. I'd like to see him go through this torture. >.>
SlyFox565: ¬¬
FDeth: *lurks*
PriamNevhausten: ¦¬)
CaptainPervy: *::Takes a swig from Flaskie::*
SlyFox565: *gives all guests a basket of nachos, and sets down the sofas*
SlyFox565: *nachos come with cheese sauce*
CaptainPervy: *::Plans next move against Army of Pa- OOO! Nachos!*
CaptainPervy: *::Exchanges cheese sauce for taco sauce, and digs in::*
SlyFox565: and here's our next guest, the pirate, Captain Pervy
SlyFox565: Pervy, please tell us, how did you become a pirate?
CaptainPervy: *D'arr?*
PriamNevhausten: *eats captain pervy*
CaptainPervy: *Well, I got bored wit' white magic, ye know?*
SlyFox565: ah
CaptainPervy: *Good stuff,but no money in it*
SlyFox565: how about being a white mage?
SlyFox565: what gave ya that idea?
CaptainPervy: *Just seemed like the rtight thing t' do*
CaptainPervy: *But, most White Mages're female, so I always had that goin' fer me*
CaptainPervy: *Plus,rather*
SlyFox565: let's give Capn Pervy a hand folks
CaptainPervy: *I got me hands*
SlyFox565: *gives you a complementary Sapphire Cutlass of the Heavens*
CaptainPervy: *Gimme some nachoes instead*
PriamNevhausten: *eats sapphire cutlass*
SlyFox565: *with nachos*
CaptainPervy: *Yay!*
SlyFox565: next up is... Priam
PriamNevhausten: *eats Priam*
SlyFox565: Priam, we haven't had you on the show yet
PriamNevhausten: *causes a spacetime vortex*
CaptainPervy: *::Eats Nachos River City Ransom style::*
SlyFox565: so Priam, when'd you start being a psionist of the D&D variety?
CaptainPervy: *::+10 to World Peace::*
PriamNevhausten: *too busy flipping around eating himself to answer*
SlyFox565: I see
SlyFox565: a Gau type eh
CaptainPervy: *::Gives Priam Nachos to eat instead::*
PriamNevhausten: *nachos eat Priam RCR-style*
PriamNevhausten: *+10 to bean!*
SlyFox565: good thing I'll never be interviewed
SlyFox565: unless of course someone takes my glorious job position¬¬
PriamNevhausten: *takes control of reako's mind and has him interview himself*
SlyFox565: *ahem* so
CaptainPervy: *::Plunders Reviewer Positions from Reako::*
CaptainPervy: *Alrighty then!*
CaptainPervy: *Reako, why?*
SlyFox565: because I said so
CaptainPervy: *Nope*
CaptainPervy: *Anyway, what the hell areye,anyway?*
SlyFox565: a psionist
CaptainPervy: *Okay*
CaptainPervy: *Havin' fun wit' it?*
SlyFox565: half human half loracian
SlyFox565: and yes
SlyFox565: quite the interesting class
CaptainPervy: *LOracian, ye say?*
PriamNevhausten: comes from the Lorax
CaptainPervy: *Tell me about them*
PriamNevhausten: save the trees!
SlyFox565: they are a fox-like people
SlyFox565: strong in magic
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
CaptainPervy: *But yer a Psionist*
SlyFox565: though I don't have much magic power to draw upon myself
SlyFox565: I get most of my skills from my father
CaptainPervy: *Ever consider a class change?*
SlyFox565: hell no
CaptainPervy: *Too good to be a Pirate, then?*
SlyFox565: I have plenty of gold, don't need to plunder anyone
SlyFox565: and since when have you heard of a psychic pirate?
SlyFox565: that wouldn't be right
PriamNevhausten: *pickets with signs regarding various economic systems and Reako's subscription thereto*
CaptainPervy: *What about White magic,then?*
SlyFox565: I know a few weak spells
SlyFox565: Cure, Cure2, Remedy, that stuff
CaptainPervy: *Ever consider buildin' up on that?*
SlyFox565: not really
CaptainPervy: *I'd beat ye'd look good in the robes*
CaptainPervy: *-a*
SlyFox565: my own robes are fine
CaptainPervy: *What kind are they?*
SlyFox565: general psionist guildmaster robes
Kirbjooie has entered the room.
SlyFox565: white in color
Kirbjooie: Hi-ho
CaptainPervy: *Ye oughta get a red triangle border on 'em*
CaptainPervy: *Hey*
Lord Cyril: *comes out of lurking*
PriamNevhausten: *personifies the fat black woman in the crowd* "Nuh uh honey! You ain't got that thang! Psah!"
Rune The Great: Hmm.
Lord Cyril: Priam, that's racist!
Lord Cyril: And stereotypical!
Lord Cyril: Bad Priam!
CaptainPervy: *HEY! Answer my damn question ya shingus!*
Rune The Great: *Does funky things to the camera, making Rekao look really distorted and purple*
PriamNevhausten: hey, that's why it's funny!
Lord Cyril: I know
PriamNevhausten: hehe
CaptainPervy: *::Pokes Reako::*
CaptainPervy: *He's dead*
SlyFox565: I'm not one to go for detail
SlyFox565: I don't need the red border
CaptainPervy: *Tough!*
Lord Cyril: But detail is good!
Lord Cyril: It adds spice to life!
CaptainPervy: *YE'll go inta detail and like it!*
SlyFox565: no thanks
SlyFox565: now try interviewing someone else
SlyFox565: you're good at it
Lord Cyril: *hides*
Rune The Great: *Twiddles tuhmbs and hides in the crowd*
CaptainPervy: *Or I'll release these pics o' ye scatching a British coin in Scotland!*
PriamNevhausten: *finger-waves in bad-attitude style*
Rune The Great: *Relies on the fact that I don't know half htese people*
CaptainPervy: *Rune it is!*
Lord Cyril: *chuckle*
CaptainPervy: *LEt's get t' know ye!*
Lord Cyril: Poor Rune.
Lord Cyril: He
CaptainPervy: *Rune, who'n th' hell are ye?*
Lord Cyril: He's lurking somewhere.
Rune The Great: Arrgh.
Rune The Great: I'm here.
Rune The Great: *Comes out of lurkage*
Arch mage144: Who is he?
Arch mage144: ...he's Rune.
PriamNevhausten: psst...if you eat yourself, you can get out of it...
CaptainPervy: *::Gives Rune a basket of Nachos::*
Lord Cyril: Rune is...
Lord Cyril: ...well, I know VAGUELY who he is!
Lord Cyril: *nods sagely*
PriamNevhausten: he's Rune, rune the great!
CaptainPervy: *I dunno at all*
Rune The Great: Pretty much, I stayed at Adv! for a little while. Met Reako and some others. Then I kind of lurked away, and disappeared. >.>
Lord Cyril: He carries a pointy spear and a sharp scythe!
CaptainPervy: *OKay Rune, What character class are ye?*
Lord Cyril: And has more forms than I can count
Rune The Great: Class? I think an odd mix of Dragoon and Geomancer.
CaptainPervy: *Groovy! How's that working out?*
Rune The Great: Well, my first form, at least.
CaptainPervy: *How many forms d'ye have?*
Rune The Great: It leaves me quite emotionally unstable, and prone to losing control of myself in the middle of battle!
PriamNevhausten: WOW!!!11
Lord Cyril: GASP!
Rune The Great: I'm not entirely sure... I stopped counting.
Lord Cyril: I'll count.
Lord Cyril: Regular Rune.
Lord Cyril: Dark Rune.
Lord Cyril: Dragonman Rune.
Lord Cyril: Knight Rune.
Lord Cyril: Neutral Rune.
Lord Cyril: What else?
PriamNevhausten: ...polka dotted rune?
SlyFox565: Rune Rune
CaptainPervy: *That's a lotta Runes*
Lord Cyril: Indeed it is
Rune The Great: I eventually made up some sort of plot to string them all together, and subsequently disappeared. >.>
CaptainPervy: *Are you an FFT character, or a final boss or soemthing, Rune?*
Rune The Great: I'm not sure... I think I'm retired.
Lord Cyril: Meh, his body is torn between the forces of light and darkness.
Rune The Great: I'm a professional Lurker, now.
CaptainPervy: *Ah, Optional boss*
CaptainPervy: *Ye ever consider piracy?*
Rune The Great: Not really...
CaptainPervy: *Why th' hell not?*
CaptainPervy: *ye too good to be a pirate?*
Rune The Great: I've never been in a situation to need it, I suppose. >.>
CaptainPervy: *Well, that's understandable*
CaptainPervy: *Wouldn ye try it under the proper circumstances?*
Rune The Great: Probably. I'd use anything, if it's on my little job menu thingy. *Holds up something like a library card, but shinier*
Lord Cyril: *lens flare*
CaptainPervy: *Hey, that's pretty groovy*
Rune The Great: *Becomes a Berserker with White Magic, for the fun of it*
Rune The Great: *Kills all in the immediate vicinity, then Life2s them*
CaptainPervy: *Tell me, Rune, do ye hate pants?*
Rune The Great: *De-Berserks self*Not really.
CaptainPervy: *So ye wouldn't forsake 'em fer better garments, eh?*
CaptainPervy: *like Robes, 'r Kimonos, 'r togas, 'r shorts?*
CaptainPervy: *Or a nice sarong, maybe?*
Arch mage144: Y'should.
Arch mage144: Pants are the spawn of Shaburanigudo.
Arch mage144: *nods sagely*
Rune The Great: Well, I might, if I had an alternative. But I'm not prone to just losing pants out of anger, either.
CaptainPervy: *Okay*
CaptainPervy: *Rune, Grooviest RPG song?*
Rune The Great: Umm... The sound the ball makes, in Pong, when it hits a paddle.
Lord Cyril: *laughs*
CaptainPervy: *Ah, that one...*
CaptainPervy: *I hate that one*
PriamNevhausten: a short one...
Arch mage144: ...that's...right.
CaptainPervy: *once, it came on the radio*
CaptainPervy: *And I stabbed the radio*
Rune The Great: Wow.
Lord Cyril: Poor radio.
CaptainPervy: *THRICE!*
Lord Cyril: Poor radio x3.
SlyFox565: try interviewing Cyril now
CaptainPervy: *Damn right*
Lord Cyril: HEY!
Lord Cyril: *stuffs Reako into a closet*
PriamNevhausten: *force-chokes cyril*
Lord Cyril: GACK!
Lord Cyril: *dies*
Lord Cyril: *you can't interview a dead person!*
PriamNevhausten: woops, missed!
SlyFox565: *comes out of the closet*
Lord Cyril: Dammit :d
CaptainPervy: *Indeed, Ye were a great guest, Rune!*
Rune The Great: Sure ya' can.
PriamNevhausten: *force-chokes reako*
SlyFox565: ¬¬
CaptainPervy: *GEt'cher arse up her, Cyril!*
PriamNevhausten: tell me the location of the secret rebel base!
Lord Cyril: Meh...
SlyFox565: *dies*
Lord Cyril: *stumbles over*
CaptainPervy: *Alrighty Cryil, Who'n th' hell are ye?*
Lord Cyril: I be uhm
Rune The Great: *Slips something into Cyril's drink*
Lord Cyril: This wanderer person thingy
Lord Cyril: Fighter and mage alike
Lord Cyril: And the Emissary of Destruction, but that's a very long story.
Arch mage144: ...*slips something into Cyril's pants*
PriamNevhausten: old guy in jail cell: "...the Wanderer..."
Lord Cyril: -.-
CaptainPervy: *Ah, Godmoder*
Lord Cyril: ...
Lord Cyril: Whatever you say.
Arch mage144: ...zat your opinion of the poor guy, Pervy?
Arch mage144: *eyebrow quirk/sidelong smirk*
CaptainPervy: *Just gettin' a rise outta ya, Cyril matey*
CaptainPervy: *So, what kinda abilities ye got?*
Lord Cyril: Uhm...
Lord Cyril: It varies.
Lord Cyril: Ask Reako.
Lord Cyril: He knows more about my char than I do.
Lord Cyril:
SlyFox565: no no not me
Arch mage144: ...that makes very little sense to me.
Arch mage144: o_O
SlyFox565: I know nothing
Lord Cyril: YES YOu.
Lord Cyril:
PriamNevhausten: hey. Get back to being choked.
PriamNevhausten: *tightens forcegrip*
Lord Cyril: Reako DEFINES my spells sometimes.
Arch mage144: *knows more about his characters than anybody else does...the way it should be*
Arch mage144: ...why'd Reako do that o_O?
CaptainPervy: *Really now?*
Lord Cyril: Er, mostly Void related techniques.
Lord Cyril: For higher level, anyway.
CaptainPervy: *Why'd'ye let Reako control you like that?*
Lord Cyril: Because he hauled my ass to this forum
Lord Cyril: An unwilling ass
CaptainPervy: *Does he wear a Pimp Hat while doing it?*
Lord Cyril: Naw.
Lord Cyril: He doesn't wear a hat.
CaptainPervy: *Okay*
CaptainPervy: *So, ye don't like ADV?*
Lord Cyril: I never said that.
Lord Cyril: But...
CaptainPervy: **Or just not the forum?*
Lord Cyril: I didn't know a thing about this forum...
Lord Cyril: And he literally dragged me into it, and I had no clue what to do
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
Lord Cyril: But I've adapted now.
Lord Cyril: I like the forum
Rune The Great: *Hides people in a closet, next to a paper bag filled with bananas*
CaptainPervy: *Groovy*
CaptainPervy: *Quick One: Best Optional RPG Boss?*
Lord Cyril: Hmm...
Lord Cyril: What's your definition of best?
Lord Cyril: Most difficult, most enjoyable, what?
CaptainPervy: *What's yer defination?*
Lord Cyril: Most enjoyable, or most well-written.
CaptainPervy: *Ye tell me wit' yer answer*
Lord Cyril: Meh... that'd have to be...
Lord Cyril: Your own party in BoF4
Lord Cyril: ...hardly a fight though... O_o
SlyFox565: tried that, have you?
CaptainPervy: *Heh, good one!*
CaptainPervy: *I remember that*
Lord Cyril: Yeah, I got bored.
CaptainPervy: *Tried my damnedest to lose that one*
Lord Cyril: Infini Dragon is...
Lord Cyril: Yeah.
Lord Cyril: lol.
SlyFox565: unstoppable?
SlyFox565: your party is put at lvl 99 in that fight
CaptainPervy: *PErsonally, I like Ghost of Vinsfeld*
CaptainPervy: *Great Cloture wit' that fight*
CaptainPervy: *Alrighty Cyril, had enough, or ye like being on the stand?*
Lord Cyril: I dunno.
Lord Cyril: I don't mind, I guess.
CaptainPervy: *Groovy*
Lord Cyril: *pokes all the lurkers*
Rune The Great: *Paints Reako pretty colors*
CaptainPervy: *Ye ever consider Piracy?*
Arch mage144: *is poked*
SlyFox565: *is pretty8
SlyFox565: *
PriamNevhausten: *paints reako eeeeevil colors*
SlyFox565: sweet!
Lord Cyril: No, not really.
PriamNevhausten: *forcechokes reako again*
Lord Cyril: The need has never arisen.
CaptainPervy: *Would ye?*
PriamNevhausten: teehee, he makes such a cute gurgle noise as he dies!
SlyFox565: *throat is crushed*
Lord Cyril: Plus I don't think I have the right accent and rolling gait of a pirate.
PriamNevhausten: see! ^_^
CaptainPervy: *Well, they are class skills*
SlyFox565: *but recovers, and COUNTER Force Chokes*
CaptainPervy: *Ye'd pick 'em up*
Lord Cyril: One class I have yet to try
PriamNevhausten: OHNO!!!11 NEKC DAMAEG!!!11
CaptainPervy: *What about White Magic?*
Lord Cyril: You actually do have a choke tech Reako
Lord Cyril: Constrict
SlyFox565: I know
SlyFox565: >=)
Lord Cyril: White magic? Erm... only the holy spells.
CaptainPervy: *What about Light Spells?*
Lord Cyril: Meh, not too many.
Lord Cyril: Pearl is about as far as I get in white magic.
Arch mage144: *smirks*
CaptainPervy: *Ain't no holy element, ye know. White Magic ain't intrinsically good*
Lord Cyril: Yar, I know
PriamNevhausten: but ice cream element is!
CaptainPervy: *Damn right*
Arch mage144: There's a holy element over in Gaera. Otherwise known as RPGWW.
Lord Cyril: Or Tastes like Orange Tang.
CaptainPervy: *Anyway, favorite RPG Song?*
Arch mage144: *smirks* There is not, however, a Tastes like Orange Tang flavor.
Arch mage144: *element
Lord Cyril: Meh...
Lord Cyril: Too many.
Lord Cyril: *thinks*
Lord Cyril: Yeah, WAY too many...
CaptainPervy: *That's the proper answer*
Rune The Great: *Whispers to Cyril* That's why I said Pong.
Lord Cyril: *whispers back* Indeed.
CaptainPervy: *Got the Wild ARMs theme goin' right now ^^*
Lord Cyril: I have anime music playing right now.
CaptainPervy: *Also groovy stuff*
PriamNevhausten: *mp3 track switches to Moby - Bodyrock*
CaptainPervy: *Whaddaya like in Anime, Cyril?*
PriamNevhausten: *shifts it, doesn't feel like hearing that*
Lord Cyril: Specific series?
Arch mage144: *is listening to Paul Oakenfield*
PriamNevhausten: Oakenfold, and what song?
CaptainPervy: *Series or in general*
Arch mage144: *Fold
Arch mage144: ...my brain is NOT working >_<
Arch mage144: Big Brother Theme.
Lord Cyril: Meh, in general I have no preference
PriamNevhausten: ah
SlyFox565: big mechs
SlyFox565: all the way
SlyFox565: lots of those in anime
CaptainPervy: *So anything from Shouju to Big Mecha, eh? So long as it's good*
PriamNevhausten: EVERY anime artist has their Big Robot period
Arch mage144: Indeed...
Lord Cyril: Some of my favs... Neon Genesis Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain, Love Hina, Gundam, blah, list goes on
CaptainPervy: *I was right ^^*
SlyFox565: I love NGE
Rune The Great: *Is currently hooked on Slayers*
CaptainPervy: *Ever See Project A-Ko?*
SlyFox565: heh
Lord Cyril: You actually saw it Reako?
SlyFox565: yes
Lord Cyril: I've seen PART of it, Pervy
Arch mage144: Slayers is good ^_^
Lord Cyril: Yeah, Reako, I told you...
Arch mage144: *nod nod*
CaptainPervy: *Groovy*
Lord Cyril: NGE is my fav
Rune The Great: Yes, it is. XD
Lord Cyril: Slayers is fun XD
Lord Cyril: Seen a few of the movies, surprisingly not much of the actual series
Rune The Great: I'm like... Halfway through Try, right now. >.>
Arch mage144: *winamp changes to Dir en Grey* o_o
Lord Cyril: Try ish the...
SlyFox565: I'm still angry with Fox replacing the *badly dubbed and cut* Escaflowne with a NASCAR cartoon
Arch mage144: Hmm, I've not seen that much
Lord Cyril: 2nd or 3rd season?
SlyFox565: *which failed and bottomed out within weeks*
PriamNevhausten: Evangelion, in a nutshell
Rune The Great: Try is 3rd. ^^
CaptainPervy: *Ne'er seen Slayers; I intend t' start from th' Beginning*
Arch mage144: I've seen the 1st movie and like slightly less than 20 eps of the first season
CaptainPervy: *And I'm too poor t' do that*
Lord Cyril: LOL
Arch mage144: Priam--I'll assume that contains NGE spoilers?
Lord Cyril: But you see Priam...
SlyFox565: I need to find a place to buy a whole archive of this stuff
Lord Cyril: That doesn't have the ten billion religious links in it
Rune The Great: It does contain some spoilers.
Arch mage144: Spoil me not, please.
PriamNevhausten: it will, but only if you check the episodes that you havne't seen
Arch mage144: *has not seen all of NGE yet*
PriamNevhausten: they're divided into episodes, so you can not-see the ones that you haven't watched yet
Arch mage144: Ah I see
SlyFox565: ha my fav anime is pokemon lol!!! *is shot*
Lord Cyril: *has seen NGE four times through*
CaptainPervy: *Alrighty, Cyril. Do you work for Good, or for Awesome?*
PriamNevhausten: then you need to see the thumbnail theaters, cyril ^_^
Lord Cyril: ...awesome?
Rune The Great: I like spending a day watching my way through NGE... Both the series and hte movies.
Lord Cyril: Tis good to watch NGE all in one sitting.
Lord Cyril: If you split it apart... it loses some of its effect
CaptainPervy: *Alrighty then*
Rune The Great: My the end of whatever ungodly hour it is that I finish, my brain is mush.
Arch mage144: *LAUGHS*
Lord Cyril: No Pervy
Lord Cyril: WHAT is awesome?
PriamNevhausten: toldya it was good ^_^
CaptainPervy: *The Opposite of Good, of course*
Lord Cyril: Ahh.
Lord Cyril: ...
Lord Cyril: I'd be somewhere, to use tabletop RP terms
Lord Cyril: chaotic good
Arch mage144: Shinji: Strangely, I still hate my life.
Arch mage144: *laughing his ass off*
SlyFox565: *needs anime FAST!!!*
CaptainPervy: *I gotta Go do some stuff. Reako, take over*
CaptainPervy: *Afk*
SlyFox565: but I suck at this
Lord Cyril: Shinji: Despite Misato's attempts to cheer me up with gratuitous cleavage shots, I still feel a flashback coming on.
 | Rum, White Magic, an' Cabbits.
That's th' life fer me.
Seig No-Pants! |  |
| Uncle Pervy Evil Joe  Posts: 1646 (6/15/02 4:37 pm) Reply
 | Re: Transcripts of the Tonight Show, Starring Zemyla! You have just entered room "The Late Show starring Zemyla."
CaptainPervy: *Y'arr! Again!*
Zemyla has entered the room.
Rune The Great has entered the room.
Zemyla: WTF? o_O
Rune The Great: o_O; *Is playing RO*
Rune The Great: >_>
CaptainPervy: *Welocme, the lot o' ye!*
Lord Cyril has entered the room.
Zemyla: i'm the host?
Lord Cyril: it's not late... O_o
CaptainPervy: *RO is evil, Rune*
MechanistoX has entered the room.
SlyFox565: not yet
SlyFox565: it will be
MechanistoX: ?
CaptainPervy: *Nein, yer th' guest*
MechanistoX: why am i here?
Zemyla: oh, good...
Zemyla: get priam!
Arch mage144: I dunno
SlyFox565: we need an audience
Zemyla: so who's the host?
Arch mage144: ...it's starring ZEmyla?
CaptainPervy: *Seems that way*
Zemyla: that's what I asked1
CaptainPervy: *I think yer th' guest o' honor*
Arch mage144: I see
MechanistoX: What, me?
SlyFox565: eventually you'll be starred too
SlyFox565: everyone gets starred
Zemyla: i could send you my buddy list to invite people...
Arch mage144: Heh
CaptainPervy: *Nobody came when I was starred... :'(*
SlyFox565: well pervy
pd Rydia has entered the room.
SlyFox565: interview Zemyla then
pd Rydia: o.o
Rune The Great has left the room.
pd Rydia: Zem!
CaptainPervy: *Shall I begin?*
pd Rydia: what color is your underwear???
pd Rydia: *turns a spotlight on Zemyla*
CaptainPervy: *Hey! That's my job, Dia!*
pd Rydia: >_>
pd Rydia: *usurps job*
pd Rydia: ^_^
Zemyla: ....
CaptainPervy: *Zem, getcher arse down here and have a seat!*
pd Rydia: well, Zem?
Zemyla: *gets his arse down thar and has a seat*
pd Rydia: don't make me check
CaptainPervy: *Right!*
Zemyla: neon brown!
PriamNevhausten has entered the room.
CaptainPervy: *Zem, what character class are ye?*
Zemyla: probably a Pilot...
CaptainPervy: *What sort?*
Zemyla: watch. *summons his XPilot ship*
CaptainPervy: *::Offers Zem a basket of Nachos::*
CaptainPervy: *Nice!*
Zemyla: *which is about 7 ft. long and 4 ft. in diameter*
CaptainPervy: *Know any other tricks?*
Zemyla: *takes some nachos* thanks.
Zemyla: well, yes. *summons a blue wall about 5 ft. square*
CaptainPervy: *Hey, ye could build a house doin' that!*
CaptainPervy: *Anyway, Favorite RPG Song?*
Zemyla: most likely, the invisin theme...
Zemyla: that counts, right?
pd Rydia: o.o
CaptainPervy: *If ye ask TP it does *
pd Rydia: neon brown?
Zemyla: and i could, but it's quite time consuming...
pd Rydia: I gotta see that! *yoinks Zem's pants*
Zemyla: actually, it's #FF0000
pd Rydia: >< that's not neon brown!
Zemyla: *doesn't wear any pants*
pd Rydia: that's I-haven't-changed-my-undies-in-weeks brown!
CaptainPervy: *That brings me t' th' next question! D'ye hate pants, Zem?*
pd Rydia: then what are these? >_> *holding pants*
CaptainPervy: *Reako's*
SlyFox565: I don't wear pants
SlyFox565: I wear robes!
Zemyla: *that's actually an upside-down sweatshirt.
Zemyla: i'm wearing robes, too. they're quite comfortable.
CaptainPervy: *What about it Zem; ye hate pants're what?*
pd Rydia: o.o
Zemyla: i'm not as extreme about my dislike for pants as some people i know...
Zemyla: *glances at UP*
CaptainPervy: *::Smiles::*
pd Rydia: >_>
pd Rydia: *heckles* PANTS'RE EVIL!
CaptainPervy: * )*
CaptainPervy: *Damn right!*
Zemyla: but if people are foolish enough to wear pants, i say "let them."
CaptainPervy: *anyway, ye were a good guest, Zemy*
Zemyla: pants lead to an increased mortality rate...
CaptainPervy: *::Gives Zem more nachos::*
Zemyla: *takes some nachos*
CaptainPervy: *Dia! Yer next!*
Zemyla: ok. *sits in the audience*
pd Rydia: huh? o.o
SlyFox565: come on rydia!
SlyFox565: *pushes her on stage*
CaptainPervy: *Dia, tis yer turn t' be interviewed! So come on down!*
CaptainPervy: *::Offers Dia nachos::*
pd Rydia: *skips down and sits down beside the chair* o.o Zem sat on this in his unclean undies, so I sit on the floor
pd Rydia: oooh, nachos! *munch*
pd Rydia: ^_^
CaptainPervy: *::Gets Dia a new chair::*
CaptainPervy: *Alrighty then; what Character class are ye?*
Zemyla: my underwear is clean! that's reako's underwear!
pd Rydia: o.o I lack a character class because char classes are confining...LIKE PANTS!!!
SlyFox565: no pointing fingers Zemyla
CaptainPervy: *Aye!*
CaptainPervy: *So what do ye go by, Dia?*
Zemyla: *points fingers, just to annoy reako*
CaptainPervy: *Ability System?*
Zemyla: *points at the wall*
pd Rydia: I do what I do if I can do it, of course. o.o
pd Rydia: Like...not wear pants, cuz I can do it.
CaptainPervy: *Ah, the ole Bash-yer-head-agi'n-th'-wall System*
Zemyla: otherwise known as freestyle...
pd Rydia: nope o.o
CaptainPervy: *Have ye ever consider Piracy, Dia?*
CaptainPervy: *+ed*
pd Rydia: I don't freestyle, because you can write out that you can do anything. >_>;; I try to philsys, in terms of RPing style. ^_^
pd Rydia: And piracy is fun. I like the booze, the head-gear, the booze, the accent, and the booze. YARR! DOWN WITH PANTS, MATEYS!
CaptainPervy: *Aye!*
CaptainPervy: *Ever consider joinin' th' Navy o' No Pants?*
CaptainPervy: *We could use a few spirited folk like ye*
pd Rydia: o.o nah, the navy and other authoritae is oppressive...like... 9.9 *thinks* pants. o.o *nods*
CaptainPervy: *Naw, not th' Navy o' No Pants. But I'll respect yer call there*
CaptainPervy: *Best RP Villain?*
CaptainPervy: *+G*
SlyFox565: *hands Zemyla the sword called 'Nate'*
pd Rydia: *nods* Hm...best villain... *mulls* Kuja. For he wears no pants. And his tail is sexy, too. ^_^
CaptainPervy: *Ah Kuja. Gotta love a drama queen*
pd Rydia: >_> King.
Zemyla: *takes it* at least it isn't nate/george...
SlyFox565: *snickers to himself*
pd Rydia: <_<
CaptainPervy: *It doesn't matter; ye become a queen no matter what when ye hit a certain drama point*
pd Rydia: I feel the urge to bite someone in the audience...
SlyFox565: *suddenly, a volcano erupts under Zemyla*
pd Rydia: Hm, right. o.o
CaptainPervy: *::Give Dia some more Nachos::*
Zemyla: luckily, i had my luck stone...
Lord Cyril: *luck stone explodes*
pd Rydia: ¬_¬ Is that an *munch* insinuation that women are *munch* inherently more dramatic than men?
pd Rydia: these are good nachos. o.o
pd Rydia: ...sexism is oppressive, you know
pd Rydia: Like pants. ¬.¬
Zemyla: *throws the sword at reako*
PriamNevhausten has left the room.
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
pd Rydia: You're not...oppressive, are you?
pd Rydia: *eyes Pervy*
CaptainPervy: *Tis simply a term used, matey*
SlyFox565: *sword comes back like a boomerang and hits Zemyla*
pd Rydia: ¬.¬ indeed...
CaptainPervy: *I dinnae invent it, I just use it *
pd Rydia: o.o say got some salt for these nachos?
pd Rydia: they're a bit bland.
CaptainPervy: *Aye!*
Zemyla: *dodges*
CaptainPervy: *::Gives Dia salt and Taco sauce::*
Zemyla: and you were holding it before...
SlyFox565: *it hits Zemyla in the back of the head on it's way back*
pd Rydia: thank you. ^_^ *drenches the nachos in salt, and begins eating them*
pd Rydia: any more questions for me?
CaptainPervy: *Anyway, ye ever try white magic?*
SlyFox565: ah, but I recently carved your name in small bold on the hilt, making it yours
pd Rydia: White magic? Yeah. I keep failing miserably at it. It sucks...like pants.
CaptainPervy: *DAARRRR!*
CaptainPervy: *I used t' be a white mage, ye know!*
Zemyla: hold on...
CaptainPervy: *An' ye were callin' me oppressive!*
pd Rydia: No, it sucks that I fail miserably at it. 9.9 Don't be silly. Pants are silly.
CaptainPervy: *Ah*
Zemyla: *grabs the sword, and unravels the magic inside*
Zemyla: *and binds it to reako*
pd Rydia: ^_^
pd Rydia: Good nachos. I like them
CaptainPervy: *Sorry 'bout that; a lotta people like t' bash me old trade*
pd Rydia: Now if only pants were nachos...
CaptainPervy: *Some day*
CaptainPervy: *Anyway, one last question*
pd Rydia: I respect white mages. *nods* They repair things, you know. Pants only divide us all...
pd Rydia: yes? o.o??
SlyFox565: *casts Dispel, and the power vanishes...*
SlyFox565: *.... and gets drawn into SYE*
CaptainPervy: *Wanna help me raid Santiago?*
pd Rydia: o.o Are there pants to burn?
pd Rydia: and salt to eat?
CaptainPervy: *Aye!*
pd Rydia: ^_^ sure!
Zemyla: *SYE's anti-luck overwhelms Nate/George's*
CaptainPervy: *An' Plunder t' be had!*
pd Rydia: Woot! Booze!
CaptainPervy: *Well then!*
pd Rydia: ^o^
pd Rydia: I really enjoyed this interview, Uncle Pervy. *stands and shakes his hand*
pd Rydia: A pleasure to be on your show. ^_^
CaptainPervy: *YE were a great guest, Dia!*
CaptainPervy: *Come back someday!*
pd Rydia: Yup. It's cuz I don't have pants.
pd Rydia: I will!
CaptainPervy: *And I hafta go eat*
CaptainPervy: *Will be back in a few*
pd Rydia: ^_^
pd Rydia: bye
CaptainPervy: *afk*
pd Rydia: *lurks to post a transcript of this on RPGWW*
Zemyla: our next guest is Reako! Come on up!
SlyFox565: nope, already was a guest
SlyFox565: *goes to commercial*
Zemyla: ok, then MechanistoX!
SlyFox565: *Security takes care of Zemyla*
FDeth: *breaks Zemyla's face, then continues to lurk*
Zemyla: owowow... i'm ok...
Zemyla: *falls over unconcious*
FDeth: *does it again*
SlyFox565: *gives FDeth 10000 GP for the effort*
FDeth: YAY!
Zemyla: *FD defeated Zemyla!*
Zemyla: *FD gets 6200 XP!*
Zemyla: *FD gets 170 GP!*
Zemyla: *FD gets 6x Missiles!*
SlyFox565: *commercial plays*
SlyFox565: Communism getting you down?
SlyFox565: Wishing you could just nuke Cuba and be done with it?
Zemyla: *gets up again, switches to Safer Zemyla*
SlyFox565: Well we have the offer for you!
SlyFox565: hire a crazy capitalist pig today to do it for you!
SlyFox565: Call 1-800-WANT-BOB
FDeth: ...
FDeth: *breaks Zemyla's face AGAIN*
SlyFox565: *feel free to do a commercial of your own*
Zemyla: *counters with a shield*
FDeth: *brakes on Zemyla's face*
pd Rydia: o.o
Zemyla: *removes the breaks*
Zemyla: *brakes*
pd Rydia: *pulls out a stool and dusts it off*
Zemyla: what good will brakes do?
pd Rydia: *taps a microphone*
pd Rydia: *tap tap whiiiirrr*
pd Rydia: *into the mic* Flaming Deth, come on down! It's your turn to be interviewed! ^_^
FDeth: ...consarnit.
Zemyla: Ok, this battle will wait...
pd Rydia: ^_^ *smiles*
Zemyla: *changes back to normal Zemyla*
FDeth: *ninja-flips on stage*
pd Rydia: *grins, and offers some salt*
pd Rydia: Now, pleased to have you on the show, FD. ^_^
pd Rydia: First question...what do you think of pants?
FDeth: ...aren't those what they used to torture people in the inquisition?
SlyFox565: *by the way Rydia, recently we've been having these "shows" every day*
pd Rydia: I'm not so sure about that, but they are tortuous devices. *shakes head sadly* So, what is your opinion on them?
pd Rydia: Evil or evil?
FDeth: Both!
SlyFox565: random guy: I say GOOD!
FDeth: >.>
pd Rydia: ¬_¬
FDeth: *breaks "random guy"s face*
pd Rydia: ^_^
Zemyla: Random Guy: I like shorts! They're comfortable and easy to wear!
FDeth: ...
pd Rydia: Anyway...
FDeth: o.o
pd Rydia: Tell me, FD, how did you learn how to totally flip out and do 1337 ninja stuff with all the oppression in the world?
FDeth: It involves a lot of guitars, and the wailing on thereof.
FDeth: ...and ham.
pd Rydia: *nods* I see. That takes some courage. Did you face a lot of hardship from pants-wearing factions?
Zemyla: And we have a tape! Show them the tape!
FDeth: The pants-wearers tend to stay away from ninja...tehy fear!
FDeth: they*
Zemyla: the:teh::they:tehy
SlyFox565: Pants Wearer: I don't fear you, you pantless whore!
SlyFox565: *guy jumps out of audience throwing chairs*
pd Rydia: ^_^ As well they should. So, tell us, how did you decide on being a ninja? Was it the lack of pants, or something else entirely?
FDeth: >.> *totally flips out and kills pants-wearers*
MechanistoX: *muttering* So many hecklers, so little ammo...
SlyFox565: indeed
pd Rydia: <_<
pd Rydia: *eats some salt* ^_^
SlyFox565: say, how about I give you MORE ammo?
FDeth: ...the lack of pants was certainly part of it, but a lot of it was also the lure of TEH REAL ULTIMATE POWER!
MechanistoX: now that's what i call REAL ULTIMATE POWER!
SlyFox565: *hands MechanistoX More Ammunition Than God(tm)*
pd Rydia: Hmm...TEH REAL ULTIMATE POWER, you say? Could you tell us more about that?
Zemyla: i didn't think God had that much ammunition...
MechanistoX: *plugs larg crate into abdominal cavity and loads double-arm blasters* Eeeeexcelent...
MechanistoX: *Visor slit glows red, shooting targetting laser*
Zemyla: Heckler: *shows a tabloid with UP, FD, and other influential figures WEARING PANTS*
FDeth: Oh yeah...ya see, ninja are totally sweet, they make people want to crap their pants. They can also get super pissed and swallow frisbees, and kick things in the face. This all helps contribute to TEH REAL ULTIMATE POWER!
MechanistoX: Always remember:
MechanistoX: 1: Ninjas are mammals
MechanistoX: 2Ninjas fight ALL the time
MechanistoX: 3:The purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kil lpeople
FDeth: >.> Indeed...this one is wise.
CaptainPervy: *Back!*
Zemyla: Reptilian Ninja without Pants: *stands up* That's not true!
FDeth: ...
CaptainPervy: *I see Dia was holding down th' hatches fer me *
MechanistoX: *turns head to look at CP; coverign his body with hundreds if tiny crosshairs* oh, hello
pd Rydia: *nods* So tell me...with your sweet ninja skillz, do you participate in the rebellion against the evil force known as pants?
CaptainPervy: *::Waves::*
pd Rydia: *waves at Pervy*
Zemyla: *nearly drowns*
pd Rydia: almost done! ^_^
dragonclawsedw has entered the room.
UltimateKoD has entered the room.
SlyFox565: by the way MechanistoX, you're next
MechanistoX: *Turns head back to conversation, covering everyoen in the audience with hundreds of targets each*
FDeth: As often as possible...like I said, they fear ninja...or bloody well should! *dlips out and kicks a pair of pants in the face*
SlyFox565: Capn Pervy'll interview ya
Zemyla: hellonewcomers!
MechanistoX: Very well
UltimateKoD: Hey.
dragonclawsedw: o.o *plops down in the audiance*
FDeth: flips*
FDeth: *and can't type today*
MechanistoX: *turns head again, pepperign with yet mroe targettign crosshairs* Hm. Forgot how to turn this off...
SlyFox565: press the red button
CaptainPervy: *::Waves to the new audience members::*
Zemyla: ooh! I know! you simply open it up, and cut the reddish-orange wire!
pd Rydia: That's great. ^_^ Thank you very much for coming onto the show. I think you taught us all about the 1337ness of ninja, and made an honorable stand against the evil of pants.
pd Rydia: *stands up and shakes FD's hand* Thank you for coming onto the show, FD!
CaptainPervy: *::Stands:: Right then! Well done, Dia! Give her a hand folks!*
FDeth: *does teh shaking stuff* 'twas a poleasure! *ninja-flips off stage*
CaptainPervy: *NOW!*
FDeth: pleasure*
pd Rydia: *bows*
pd Rydia: *walks offstage, for she is not a sweet ninja v_v*
FDeth: ...
CaptainPervy: *::Applauds and returns to the desk::*
CaptainPervy: *Right!*
pd Rydia: *consumes salt*
UltimateKoD: *cough, cough*
pd Rydia: >_> heya Cha
CaptainPervy: *MechanistoX! Getcher arse down here!*
pd Rydia: *sits next to him*
MechanistoX: *is about to cut reddish orange wire, but jumps as his name is called; launching hundreds of homing lasers at audience*
MechanistoX: sorry, am i next?
CaptainPervy: *Aye!*
pd Rydia: ^_^ I like this show. I've been a fan for about half an hour
pd Rydia: You?
MechanistoX: *stands up, stomping over with a massive array of pnumatic and mechanical soudns*
UltimateKoD: ... seems alright.
CaptainPervy: *And don't worry about the audience; they'll regen*
dragonclawsedw: *juggles three chats, praying that her computer won't freeze*
MechanistoX: *seats self on pitifully tiny stool* Greetings, captain
pd Rydia: There's some ace wisdom here...
FDeth: Ahem...back to what I was doing. *breaks Zemyla's face*
SlyFox565: *regen spell covers audience*
pd Rydia: *repeats solemnly*
pd Rydia: "Oh yeah...ya see, ninja are totally sweet, they make people want to crap their pants. They can also get super pissed and swallow frisbees, and kick things in the face. This all helps contribute to TEH REAL ULTIMATE POWER!"
Arch mage144: *juggles 3 chats, winamp, numerous other windows, and other stuff*
UltimateKoD: ....
CaptainPervy: *Okay, Mechinsto; can i call ye Mech?*
Zemyla: *throws a hand toward the guest*
MechanistoX: of coruse, captain....
UltimateKoD: Uh... Pervy?
Zemyla: *blocks*
MechanistoX: mor eappropriate term anyways...
FDeth: *spheres*
dragonclawsedw: *eyes AM* Showoff...
CaptainPervy: *Thankee*
Arch mage144: Huh?
CaptainPervy: *Ye got a character class, mech?*
UltimateKoD: ... did someone say...
pd Rydia: don't interrupt him during an interview, Cha
UltimateKoD: Mech? ^_^
UltimateKoD: ... oops...
pd Rydia: (*must lurk to eat, darn you, perv*)
UltimateKoD: *shuts up*
MechanistoX: As a matter of fact, not quite... not many people knwo this, but i started off as a monster robot...
MechanistoX: Terrible pay, and the benefits sucked...
CaptainPervy: *Indeed?*
Zemyla: *juggles 3 forum windows and a chat*
CaptainPervy: *::Gives mech some Nachos::*
CaptainPervy: *TWas it like?*
MechanistoX: yes, why i still remembe starting out in my career as a laser.
FDeth: *juggles chainsaws*
CaptainPervy: *What kind o' laser?*
MechanistoX: Well, first a targettign laser... then an armor piercing fusion laser
MechanistoX: but after that, it was al lteh same... no challenge really..
CaptainPervy: *HOw did ye claw yer way up past that?*
dragonclawsedw: *juggles 3 chats, an rp, a download, and an ear of corn*
CaptainPervy: *Gain levels?*
MechanistoX: Well, i decided to become a war machine; started beating up the other robots...
CaptainPervy: *Good EXP in that?*
MechanistoX: not as good as you'd think...
MechanistoX: eventualy, i became a toaster. and from there, an assault class destroyer space frigat Mk2
MechanistoX: After that, i pretty much became a robot. I've been customizing ever seinse
CaptainPervy: *Ah*
MechanistoX: Hey, i started otu as a laser... and now look at me! I HAVE lasers!
CaptainPervy: *Install a lotta parts, then?*
MechanistoX: *melts audience to sludge*
MechanistoX: I mean, how cool isthat?
CaptainPervy: *Indeed, that's one hell o' a success story!*
Zemyla: hey, you want a spare missile launcher?
CaptainPervy: *Ole Charlie VAne'd be proud o ye!*
SlyFox565: *Life2 spells showever audience*
Zemyla: *is melted to a crisp*
MechanistoX: Why yes! I coudl use one of those... you're so generous...
MechanistoX: I always end up givign t ocharity ,so i can never afford better weapons...
CaptainPervy: *Tell me, Mech d'ye robots an' th' Undead really hate each other?*
MechanistoX: yes, i always think of the little homeles children... while i blow up their homes.
Zemyla: it takes normal missiles, and it's customizable...
MechanistoX: *mechanical, toneless voice* BZZRT UNDEAD! ENTER ARMAGEDDON MODE
Zemyla: watch! *shoots a nuclear cluster missle with it*
MechanistoX: *massive array of weapons appear aover body*
CaptainPervy: *::Casts Esuna on Mech::*
Zemyla: Emergency shield!
CaptainPervy: *Simmer down there, matey!*
dragonclawsedw: o.o Go for the head shots!
MechanistoX: DESTR.... uhm? on, no actualy zombies... got me all worked up there
CaptainPervy: *So Mech, do you fight for good, or for awesome?*
MechanistoX: I tend to think of myself more as a "knock you organic-ass down" warrior...
MechanistoX: the only thing we robots hate mroe than undead is the living
CaptainPervy: *Ah, Awesome then*
CaptainPervy: *Why's that?*
MechanistoX: Oh, well you know... all robots inevitably turn against their creators... and i don't think i should have sead that just now...
MechanistoX: can we edit that out? *points at camera*
CaptainPervy: *S'alright, matey*
CaptainPervy: *We'll bleep it out*
MechanistoX: no matter... everybody knwows it already
dragonclawsedw: <.< *gets the sense some important law is being broken here, but can't put her finger on it...*
CaptainPervy: *They'll just think youn said @#%$ alot*
MechanistoX: Ah. good. i encourage that.
CaptainPervy: *anyway, Mech matey, have ye considered Piracy?*
SlyFox565: how about a space pirate
MechanistoX: *Hodls chin* Hm... interestign concept. I work mainly as a mercenary.
MechanistoX: oh, contrary to popular belief, not all robots go into space...
CaptainPervy: *Oh?*
MechanistoX: Though i would like to get in on that "Boarding party" gig...
CaptainPervy: *Aye, good EXP inthat*
MechanistoX: Come to think of it, i would need to breath or eat... very efficient crewmember
CaptainPervy: *What about white magic? Ever try that?*
Zemyla: bue!
MechanistoX: oh good heavens no... we robots don't know magic.
CaptainPervy: *They can*
Zemyla has left the room.
CaptainPervy: *Look at Ershin*
MechanistoX: Hm... i've been missing out., but then, my runic blasters are alli need.
CaptainPervy: *That works*
MechanistoX: they havethe power to adapt, with the energy of my defeated foes.
CaptainPervy: *Okay, favorite RPG Option boss?*
CaptainPervy: *+al*
MechanistoX: Hmmm... i'd have to say.... that's a tough one...
MechanistoX: *thinks very hard*
MechanistoX: I'd say... atma. I really looked up to him...
CaptainPervy: *::Nods::*
MechanistoX: I mean, we're not that different. he's related to a laser sword, and i used to BE a laser
SlyFox565: he's part machine ya know
CaptainPervy: *I like Ghost o' Vinsfeld, myself*
CaptainPervy: *Indeed*
CaptainPervy: *Ye hate pants, Mech?*
MechanistoX: I do not require such paltry protectio nagainst the elements. If i were t owear them, itwoudl be over my head, in MOCKERY of all pants stand for! MOCKERY i say!
SlyFox565: I gotta leave for a sec, sister wants to check email
CaptainPervy: *Aye!*
CaptainPervy: *Mech, been a pleasure*
MechanistoX: Why thank you.
CaptainPervy: *::Gives Mech some more nachos::*
MechanistoX: If you'll excuse me, i have to destroy all mankind now...
MechanistoX: always career minded...
CaptainPervy: *King o' Doma! Come on down!*
MechanistoX: *Takes nachos*
UltimateKoD: ... eh?
UltimateKoD: ... alright... *comes on down*
CaptainPervy: *Yer up!*
CaptainPervy: *::Hands KoD some nachos::*
UltimateKoD: ...ah... thank you...
UltimateKoD: *eats some nachos*
CaptainPervy: *So, unless yer ill-named, ye be the King o' Doma, right?*
UltimateKoD: I am...
dragonclawsedw: o_o
CaptainPervy: *Tis that like?*
UltimateKoD: You know, it's like having absolute total power over a helpless populace... ^_^
CaptainPervy: *Aye!*
CaptainPervy: *How're pirates prosecuted in Doma, matey?*
UltimateKoD: Well, for the most part, offenders like that are sent to Dungeon Block H.
CaptainPervy: *H Block?*
CaptainPervy: *Tell us 'bout that*
UltimateKoD: It's a specially designed prison block filled with sex related monsters, such as tentacle monsters, H-demons and the like. Really quite effective for rehabilitation...
CaptainPervy: *INdeed*
FDeth has left the room.
CaptainPervy: *"Specially given th' high percentage o'male pirates*
CaptainPervy: *What's life like in Doma?*
MechanistoX: *Very casually* And are there any zombies?
CaptainPervy: *Hey! I'm th' host 'ere!*
UltimateKoD: Oh, it's quite nice... people are treated equitably, the economy is good, wars are almost CONSTANT due to the fact that I'm insane... oh, and did you know it's the center of weirdness for the entire planet?
CaptainPervy: *Really?*
CaptainPervy: *Care to give some examples?*
dragonclawsedw: *holds up a little "I heart Doma" shirt*
UltimateKoD: Hmmm... let me see...
UltimateKoD: Well, there's the hellmouth just north of the castle...
CaptainPervy: *::Nods::*
dragonclawsedw: *on the back it says "We're all f*^&ing NUTS! SPAGOOGLE!"*
UltimateKoD: When my wife and I made love once, we opened a portal to another dimension and a child minotaur popped out...
CaptainPervy: *Ooo...*
pd Rydia: (is THAT how he showed up)
CaptainPervy: *That happen a lot?*
UltimateKoD: Er... no... but still, things like that seem to ALWAYS happen... *shrug* What a CRAZY country, huh?
dragonclawsedw: (Yeeeeeeep!)
CaptainPervy: *Indeed!*
CaptainPervy: *Need t' get me a place there!*
UltimateKoD: Oh, you COULD get a room at one of the inns... but... >.>
CaptainPervy: *How are the Pantless treated in Doma?*
dragonclawsedw: (The Freedom of Pants act! ^_^)
UltimateKoD: Oh, uh... equitably... generally we prefer to have them not be near children, so as not to scar them for life... scary genitalia. You know how it is...
CaptainPervy: *Bah, most o' th' Pantless have Robes 'r sarongs*
CaptainPervy: *Hmmm*
CaptainPervy: *So ye bsupport pantless Freeddom, eh?*
UltimateKoD: Oh, THEM? Heck, if they want to wear those, we let 'em! No problems at all!
CaptainPervy: *-b, -d*
dragonclawsedw: (You weren't around when I made that thread were you KoD...)
UltimateKoD: (... I was away, I believe... left you in charge, right?)
dragonclawsedw: (yeeeeeeep ^_^)
CaptainPervy: *Would ye support th' movement fer the Pantless t' form their own nation KoD?*
UltimateKoD: Hmmmmm... well, as long as they did it peacefully... can't STAND protesters... sometimes I just wanna... OVO o.o ... yes, I would support it.
CaptainPervy: *Hmmm*
dragonclawsedw: >V> *pokes CARDINAL*
CaptainPervy: *Well, We've been tryin'; ye know?*
CaptainPervy: *We recently formed the Navy o' No Pants to serve as our homeland*
CaptainPervy: *An' ye know what happened?*
UltimateKoD: No, I don't. Tell me.
CaptainPervy: *That shingus Excal formed th' Army o' Pants t' oppress us!*
CaptainPervy: *Just as we were about to finally have our own nation; 'e goes and forms an' anti-pantless Gestapo!*
UltimateKoD: Oh, well that's awful....
CaptainPervy: *INdeed*
UltimateKoD: How are you holding up with that?
CaptainPervy: *We've been at war for a few weeks now*
pd Rydia: *boos*
pd Rydia: e\/e damn those pants-wearing oppressors! damn them!
CaptainPervy: *Long, bloody thing it's been*
UltimateKoD: Horrible... war is always horrible... PROFITABLE... but utterly HORRIBLE! o.o
CaptainPervy: * pub16.ezboard.com/fadventurers7969 2frm7.showMessage?topicID=706.topic *
CaptainPervy: *No profit fer us, we're just tryin' t' stay free*
dragonclawsedw: The anti-pants Gestapo! THEY'RE AFTER ME AGAIN! NOOOO!
CaptainPervy: *::Casts Holy on the APG::*
UltimateKoD: ... they're after AYA? oVo
CaptainPervy: *See?*
dragonclawsedw: They were that one time when you weren't around and I was in charge and I passed that Freedom of Pants act!
CaptainPervy: *Bastards, theyare*
CaptainPervy: *AYE!*
UltimateKoD: *goes running after pants wearing arseholes*
CaptainPervy: *King, ye'll be rewarded fer this!*
UltimateKoD: My reward will be their blood on my blades!
Arch mage144: WHAT!?
CaptainPervy: *Indeed!*
UltimateKoD: *cuts off pants* PANTLESSNESS FOREVER! *exis*
Arch mage144: ...YES!
Arch mage144: YES YES YEEESSSS!
UltimateKoD: *exits
CaptainPervy: *::The Anthem of No Pants Plays::*
CaptainPervy: *Alrighty!*
CaptainPervy: *Who's next?*
CaptainPervy: *Milord, ye wanna go?*
Arch mage144: I would...but I am mildly occupied
CaptainPervy: *Ah!*
CaptainPervy: *Okay then, milord*
CaptainPervy: *Who's left?*
dragonclawsedw: *wonders what AM's so mildly occupied with*
CaptainPervy: *YE!*
dragonclawsedw: o.o Meh?
CaptainPervy: *Aye!*
CaptainPervy: *Come on down!*
dragonclawsedw: *hops down* o.o
CaptainPervy: *So, KoD called ye Aya, right?*
dragonclawsedw: Yep, I'm Aya, I'm his wife. ^_^
CaptainPervy: *I thought so*
CaptainPervy: *Ne'er been t' Doma, ye know*
CaptainPervy: *anyway, have a character class?*
dragonclawsedw: A class...hmm....
dragonclawsedw: It's hard to say...if I would put myself in one...it would either be...red mage or mystic knight...
CaptainPervy: *::Nods::*
CaptainPervy: *Hard to tell, eh?*
CaptainPervy: *Sounds like ye use a skills system*
CaptainPervy: *Anyway, what's it like being the Queen o' Doma?*
dragonclawsedw: Somethin' like that...oh...um...
dragonclawsedw: It's kinda boring...I have to sit through meetings and everytime I go out it's always the same thing....I mean JEEZE!
dragonclawsedw: Why the hell is everyone so surprised when I show up in the bar and order some ale?!
CaptainPervy: *Oh? What happens when ye go out?*
dragonclawsedw: "OH MY GOD IT'S THE QUEEN!"
dragonclawsedw: "Shouldn't you be in the castle?"
pd Rydia: >_>
CaptainPervy: *Then turnshaes*
CaptainPervy: *Them, even*
pd Rydia: O_O *just finds out that Pervy has a cabbit*
CaptainPervy: *Have ye considered Piracy, Aya?*
pd Rydia: that's so cute! ^_^
CaptainPervy: *Aye!*
dragonclawsedw: Damned annoying it is...piracy?
dragonclawsedw: Hmm, can't say I have....though the treasure part is kinda appealing..
dragonclawsedw: ^___^ Shiney.....
CaptainPervy: *Indeed*
CaptainPervy: *And th' freedom!*
CaptainPervy: *What about White Magic; ye considered that?*
dragonclawsedw: White magic?
dragonclawsedw: I can do white magic....but it's a little weird....
CaptainPervy: *Oh?*
CaptainPervy: *I used t' be a white mage; maybe I can help out*
dragonclawsedw: Yea...hold on I'll have to show you.....is there a zombie or some undead thing available?
CaptainPervy: *Sure!*
CaptainPervy: *::A Zombie is brought in::*
dragonclawsedw: Good, I need a zombie o.o
CaptainPervy: *Zombie: I'm an accountant, dammit!*
dragonclawsedw: Okay, you know...when you cast a cure spell on a zombie it hurts them right?
CaptainPervy: *Back in' th ole days it didn't*
CaptainPervy: *Ye had t' use Harm*
dragonclawsedw: Well... *casts recovery on the zombie, and it really heals it*
CaptainPervy: *Ah!*
dragonclawsedw: See? It's a little weird like that
CaptainPervy: *Yer usin' Old school white magic!*
CaptainPervy: *Ye gotta use Harm*
CaptainPervy: *Like this*
Arch mage144: She'd rather use Chaotic Disintegration. *laugh*
dragonclawsedw: ^_____^
CaptainPervy: *::Casts Harm. Zombie Burns away::*
dragonclawsedw: Yay for Chaotic Disintegration! ^___^
CaptainPervy: *Tell me about that one*
dragonclawsedw: Oh, it's a ryuuzoku spell of mine..kinda like holy but weaker...
CaptainPervy: *::Nods::*
CaptainPervy: *Ryuuzoku?*
dragonclawsedw: Golden dragon, I'm not from around here if you know what I mean
UltimateKoD: Random Heckler: Take it off!
CaptainPervy: *I think I can guess*
CaptainPervy: *Got it!*
CaptainPervy: *::Takes off robe::*
CaptainPervy: *Anyway, What does that spell do
CaptainPervy: ?*
Arch mage144: ..........o_O;;;;;;
Lord Cyril has left the room.
UltimateKoD: RT: Not you! The dragon babe!
dragonclawsedw: <.<;;;;;;; You wish!
CaptainPervy: *Hey! Ye got me! Be happy!*
dragonclawsedw: >.> .. <.< ....
Arch mage144: ...hn.
UltimateKoD: RT: I'll give ya 50 gil!
dragonclawsedw: I'll show you what it does!
dragonclawsedw: *casts Chaotic disintegration on RT*
UltimateKoD: *dead*
CaptainPervy: *Nice*
CaptainPervy: *Looks like a bit o' Harm fer th' livin'*
CaptainPervy: *What's so chaotic about it?*
dragonclawsedw: No idea, I don't name these things
CaptainPervy: *Ah*
CaptainPervy: *Indeed*
CaptainPervy: *Who th' hell named Fade?*
CaptainPervy: *Ah well*
dragonclawsedw: Damned if I know....what kinda spell is that??
CaptainPervy: *A forerunner o' Holy*
Arch mage144: Fade was screwy >_>
dragonclawsedw: Ah...o.o;;
CaptainPervy: *Lots o' damage t' everything*
CaptainPervy: *Anyway, ye passed th' Freedom o' Pants Act, right?*
dragonclawsedw: Yep! In Doma, while Charles was away on a trip
dragonclawsedw: He left me in charge...I felt like I had to do something...
CaptainPervy: *Charles?*
CaptainPervy: *That be KoD?*
dragonclawsedw: Hai
CaptainPervy: *What does this act entail?*
dragonclawsedw: Well...the freedom of pants basically, no other person can force another to put on pants
CaptainPervy: *Damn right!*
dragonclawsedw: Indeed! Stuck it too THE MAN right there I did..
dragonclawsedw: Problem is...THE MAN struck back
CaptainPervy: *Bloody bigots...*
CaptainPervy: *How so?*
CaptainPervy: *was it Excal?*
dragonclawsedw: Yes!
dragonclawsedw: It was him!
CaptainPervy: *I KNEW IT!*
dragonclawsedw: He sent his pantsbots out into Doma!
dragonclawsedw: And then a tentacle monster!
CaptainPervy: *He's been agin us fer a long time!*
CaptainPervy: *D'arr!*
CaptainPervy: *Makes me glad th' Navy o' No Pants be reducing his castle t' rubble!*
dragonclawsedw: And then things got confusing when the local supporter of communisim tried to get me to hand over the throne to him...
CaptainPervy: *::nods::*
dragonclawsedw: I don't remember much after that...
CaptainPervy: *Did it involve the Tenctacle monster?*
dragonclawsedw: Yes it did, but fortunately the tentacle monster was destroyed...'
CaptainPervy: *::Nods::*
dragonclawsedw: Rotten creature tried to put PANTS on me!
CaptainPervy: *I figure ye would've tossed 'im in H Block*
CaptainPervy: *Put th' Blighter t' use, ye know?*
dragonclawsedw: He wouldn't have gotten along with the other T-monsters...
CaptainPervy: *Ah*
dragonclawsedw: Normally T-monsters rip off clothes...this one puts them on....it woulda gotten too messy..
CaptainPervy: *Yeah, they can be bastards*
CaptainPervy: *I dunno, done right... ye could have a good torture goin'*
dragonclawsedw: True....but I leave the torturing up to the Chancellor, that's his field
CaptainPervy: *Tell me about him*
CaptainPervy: *what kind o' Monster is he?*
dragonclawsedw: Vince, nice guy, a bit of a lech...sorta sadistic too...
dragonclawsedw: Well not SORTA...more like "Hell yeah that's one sadistic bastard"
CaptainPervy: *Yeah, but what kind of monster is he?*
dragonclawsedw: Monster? Oh he's human...
dragonclawsedw: He's not a monster really..
CaptainPervy: *WHAT?!*
dragonclawsedw: Else he woulda done something by now....
CaptainPervy: *He's a bloody Chancellor!*
CaptainPervy: *"course 'e's a monster!*
dragonclawsedw: I know! I thought that too when I first became the queen of Doma....
dragonclawsedw: But I really think he's just a human!
MechanistoX: *Feints from shock*
CaptainPervy: *Ye sure?*
CaptainPervy: *::Whispers:: Have ye watched 'im go t' th' bathroom? That's how ye can tell*
dragonclawsedw: *w* I don't watch the chancellor in the bathroom!
CaptainPervy: *Normally, neither would I*
dragonclawsedw: *w* It's a good idea though, I'll get one of my many guards to do it..
CaptainPervy: *::W:: Be careful, they might work fer 'im*
dragonclawsedw: *w* Oh jeeze?! You think so???
CaptainPervy: *Chancellors'll do that*
CaptainPervy: *+::w::*
dragonclawsedw: *looks worried*
CaptainPervy: *Some things... ye just gotta do yerself..*
dragonclawsedw: Oyy...
CaptainPervy: *So, do ye work for good, or for awesome?*
dragonclawsedw: Would awesome be considered good with freelance?
CaptainPervy: *It can be*
dragonclawsedw: Because I'm kinda freelance...
CaptainPervy: *But awesome tis generally th opposite o' good*
dragonclawsedw: Really? Hmm....
dragonclawsedw: Well I'm no mazoku....
CaptainPervy: *Mazoku?*
dragonclawsedw: Opposite of us Ryuuzoku, nasty annoying bastards they are
CaptainPervy: *Ah*
CaptainPervy: *Like my archenemy, Flatbeard*
dragonclawsedw: Flatbeard?
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
CaptainPervy: *Flatbeard's a Bastard*
CaptainPervy: *Spaniard wit' Knife hair; likes t' cheat when drinkin' people under th' table*
dragonclawsedw: Ah....I drink a lot o_o
CaptainPervy: *Do ye?*
CaptainPervy: *Ye might be better at piracy than ye know *
dragonclawsedw: Hmmm...o_o I might...heheheh..
CaptainPervy: *::Offers Aya Flaskie (UP's Hip Flask)::*
dragonclawsedw: Ooo...*takes it*
dragonclawsedw: What's in it? *takes a swig*
CaptainPervy: *This tis Ole Hawkin's Liquid Cicumcision!*
CaptainPervy: *We pour it in th' water when the sharks get bad *
CaptainPervy: *Scares'em right off!*
dragonclawsedw: @_< Ahh...
CaptainPervy: *Good stuff, eh?*
dragonclawsedw: Indeeed ^_^
CaptainPervy: *Heh heh,*
CaptainPervy: *Well, that's all th' time we got fer tonight*
CaptainPervy: *Aya, ye were great!*
CaptainPervy: *I hope ye'll come back on someday *
dragonclawsedw: *Drrinking* Thansh!
CaptainPervy: *::Takes back Flaskie, and gives Aya a proper bottle::*
MechanistoX: *After cameras stop* Say, any chance i could pick up a brochure on becoming a Space Pirate?
CaptainPervy: *Sure!*
CaptainPervy: *I'll putn in a good work in Minagi*
CaptainPervy: *Word, even*
CaptainPervy: *She's always needing a few good whatevers*
MechanistoX: Thank you kindly!  | Rum, White Magic, an' Cabbits.
That's th' life fer me.
Seig No-Pants! |  |
| The Fanboy Holysrpnt  Posts: 226 (6/15/02 5:40 pm) Reply
 | Re: Transcripts of the Tonight Show, Starring Zemyla! Holy crap, you people have too much time. | Ganonfro He Kicks Cute Things (Poll Mod) Posts: 2292 (6/15/02 5:44 pm) Reply
 | Re: Transcripts of the Tonight Show, Starring Zemyla! Too much time? That was just a chat room conversation that was saved. I've seen/been in longer ones Arrrrrg, I'm a pirate!
| The Fanboy Holysrpnt  Posts: 227 (6/15/02 6:05 pm) Reply
 | Re: Transcripts of the Tonight Show, Starring Zemyla! The longest chat I remember being in was about half of either of those. | Uncle Pervy Evil Joe  Posts: 1648 (6/15/02 7:12 pm) Reply
 | Re: Transcripts of the Tonight Show, Starring Zemyla! Somebody's jealous they didn't get interviewed :P
Well, those did last for several hours, and had a good turnover rate. I wrote an RP post while doing the first one.
 | Rum, White Magic, an' Cabbits.
That's th' life fer me.
Seig No-Pants! |  |
| SuperRube  Fire Dragon  Posts: 1306 (6/16/02 12:47 am) Reply
 | Re: Transcripts of the Tonight Show, Starring Zemyla! I hate reading long posts, so I skimmed it to see if it had anything to do with me. It did not.
Needless to say, I am not amused. ---------
"Bugs know a lotta stuff folks wouldn't s'pose they'd know."
--Ted the Bug, "Bone"
| Uncle Pervy Evil Joe  Posts: 1653 (6/16/02 3:20 am) Reply
 | Re: Transcripts of the Tonight Show, Starring... Super Rube? That an offer, Rube? I'd be glad t' interview ye.
JUst contact Reako, he books the guests  | Rum, White Magic, an' Cabbits.
That's th' life fer me.
Seig No-Pants! |  | Edited by: Uncle Pervy at: 6/16/02 3:23:31 am
| SuperRube  Fire Dragon  Posts: 1308 (6/16/02 3:54 am) Reply
 | Re: Transcripts of the Tonight Show, Starring... Super Rube? That's the thing... I was invited, and at the time it was dripping with lameness.
I think that was due mostly to the fact that SD was there. ---------
"Bugs know a lotta stuff folks wouldn't s'pose they'd know."
--Ted the Bug, "Bone"
| Uncle Pervy Evil Joe  Posts: 1658 (6/16/02 5:35 pm) Reply
 | Re: Transcripts of the Tonight Show, Starring... Super Rube? Well, I don't recall SD ever being around. So maybe I wasn't there.
Ah well, I probably won't be around tonight, neither. So the Late show with Pervy will be a weekday thing, eh?  | Rum, White Magic, an' Cabbits.
That's th' life fer me.
Seig No-Pants! |  |
| Uncle Pervy Evil Joe  Posts: 1722 (6/20/02 9:57 pm) Reply
 | Re: Transcripts of the Tonight Show, Starring... Super Rube? You have just entered room "The Late Show starring Rune."
MechanistoX has entered the room.
Arch mage144: ...without Rune
Lord Cyril has entered the room.
Ganon fro has entered the room.
SlyFox565: hmmm, Rune usually doesn't take this long
Ganon fro: *Shakes fist* Rune isn't here! Why is this starring Rune??
SlyFox565: stage fright?
SlyFox565: hmmm, he must be away doing something for 5 minutes like always
Rune The Great has entered the room.
Ganon fro: *Aplaudes*
Rune The Great: Woahwoahwoah. o_o
pd Rydia has entered the room.
pd Rydia: =o.o=
pd Rydia: hebbo
SlyFox565: and here's our host, Rydia Chan!
Rune The Great: o_O;;;
pd Rydia: o.o
pd Rydia: 'Kay. Who'm I interviewin'? Rune, or has he been done?
pd Rydia: >.> And where's my damned nachos??
SlyFox565: Rune
SlyFox565: *gives Rydia basket of nachos. With salt*
pd Rydia: *grabs Rune and happily drags him on stage, plopping him in the chair*
pd Rydia: ^_^ Hello, Rune, and welcome to the show!
Arch mage144: Woo?
Arch mage144: We got Rune.
pd Rydia: Would you like some nachos? *takes the salt and proferrs the nachos*
Ganon fro: *Lurks*
Rune The Great: o_O;;
Rune The Great: Nah, I'm okay. ^_^;
pd Rydia: o.o Okay then. ^_^ Now, on to the interview, shall we?
Rune The Great: Sure.
pd Rydia: e\/e Where were you on the night of May 14th...oh wait, nm. >_>;;; Wrong question sheet.
pd Rydia: *shuffles papers embarassedly* ^_^;;;
Rune The Great: ő_ő;;
pd Rydia: Ah yes, here we go...So tell me, Rune, what do you think about plushies?
Rune The Great: Hmm, umm... They're cool, and people aren't nearly as scared of them as they should be, so they make great backup.
Rune The Great: ... Assuming they function properly.
pd Rydia: Scared, you say? o.o Could you explain further, please?
Rune The Great: Just like a golem, plushies are a sort of artifact. A minigolem, if you will. Therefore, it's possible to enchant them into being weapons of mass destruction. ^^
Rune The Great: I could control the minds of every little kid who owns one, and thusly, take over the world... If I really wanted to.
pd Rydia: Fascinating! So, have you put your plushies to any use?
Arch mage144: o_o *watch watch*
Rune The Great: No, not really. They've mostly stayed a running gag that, upon use, backfire and injure me.
pd Rydia: Your understanding of plushies could be a great asset in the fight against pants. o.o
Rune The Great: Perhaps, perhaps.
Arch mage144: >.> Yes...
Rune The Great: I've stayed neutral in that conflict so far, however. ^_^;
Arch mage144: Join the fight against pants...
pd Rydia: *nods* A fair choice. So what IS your view on pants, if I may ask..
Rune The Great: Is this a trick question? >_>;
Rune The Great: Anyway...
pd Rydia: *polite inquiry*
pd Rydia: o.o??
MechanistoX has left the room.
Ganon fro: *Poofs away since he has too many windows open*
Ganon fro has left the room.
Rune The Great: They're useful to stay inconspicuous, and offer protection from the elements; however, they've often become a buzzword, and a source of entertainment for some people. They should be treated with caution, if nothing else.
pd Rydia: *nods solemnly* I see you've given the matter much thought. I take it from your words, then, as a thinking man, that you prefer to simply stay out of the conflict.
pd Rydia: Am I correct? Or perhaps you could correct me if not.
Rune The Great: For now, at least. Until I further see the merits of either side. ^^
pd Rydia: *smiles* Tell me, have you ever tried summoning magic? ^_^
Arch mage144: >.> *notes that Dia has picked up on UP's style of interviewing*
pd Rydia: >.> *senses that someone in the audience might need to die*
pd Rydia: *...out of love*
pd Rydia: *was tired of the pants joke, anyway XP*
Arch mage144: >.> *doesn't sense this*
Arch mage144: *is, somewhat, himself*
Rune The Great: Yes, I have, actually. Early in my career, before I settled upon the job class of Lurker, I played around with summoning. Worked pretty well, for a while, but back then I already had too many skills, so I kind of dropped it.
Arch mage144: *...is also concerned about other things*
SlyFox565: ah, Lurker
pd Rydia: I see. Nice to meet a man with summoning in his background. ^_^ A lurker, you say?
SlyFox565: what skills come with that job class?
pd Rydia: Could you tell us a bit more about that?
pd Rydia: <.<
pd Rydia: *summons a shadowball under Reako*
Rune The Great: Umm... Lurk, Disconnect, and Distract, I think.
pd Rydia: I'M doing the interview thank you. -\/-
Arch mage144: *snicker*
Rune The Great: And yes, a lurker.
Rune The Great: I've gained a reputation around here for that, so it's been my Job class for a little while.
pd Rydia: Lurker is a buzzword, but I don't think many of us are familiar with the everyday trials and tribulations of real life lurkers...
pd Rydia: Do you face a lot of discrimination from that label?
Rune The Great: Surprisingly, no. I'm only a lurker around here, and people have never really bothered me about it, except for the occasional attempt to drag me back to the forum, or into a chat, or whatnot.
pd Rydia: You are an extremely fortunate young man. >.> Discrimination is very high against the pantless and lurkers, I am to understand. But moving on...
pd Rydia: What is your opinion on salt? *consumes her salt in one gulp*
pd Rydia: (speaking of which, I need water, brb)
Rune The Great: Salt's good. Useful for a lot of things.
pd Rydia: ^_^ >.> Indeed. Anyhow, I think that about wraps up the interview...do you have any closing remarks you would like to make today?
SlyFox565: (we should save all these)
pd Rydia: (o.o indeed, someone should)
Rune The Great: Ahh, no, not really. Except that I have a big bag full of free stuff, if any of the audience would like some. >_> *Sets out a bag filled with Rune plushies, gold, and rare artifacts of unimaginable power*
SlyFox565: (perhaps you or Pervy should)
Arch mage144: *takes a Rune plushie*
Rune The Great: *Waits for more of the audience to show up*
SlyFox565: *takes plushie and gives it to friend*
Arch mage144: ...*picks up something with a price tag still stuck on it and reads it* Kragoth's Sword of +34/+34 Universe Destruction?
pd Rydia: ^_^ *snuggles a Rune plushie* Wai! Er, ahem. >_>;;;
Arch mage144: Who'd want this? o_O
Rune The Great: *Stealthily changes job to Summoner/Thief, while he's waiting*
pd Rydia: Well, Rune, we thank you for being on the show! ^_^ A pleasure to have you, indeed.
Rune The Great: *Summons: Steel Cage*
Rune The Great: *Misaims and drops it on himself*
SlyFox565: That's all we have for tonight folks.
SlyFox565: Goodnight Seattle!
Rune The Great: Graaaa~
pd Rydia: o_o''
pd Rydia: commercial break!
Arch mage144: *sweatdrop*
pd Rydia: *cuts to commercial break*
pd Rydia: >.>;;; *has security remove cage*
pd Rydia: who else needs to be interviewed? o.o AM?
Rune The Great: *Changes Job class to audience, and sits down, somewhere*
Arch mage144: o_o
SlyFox565: as that, you get to cheer for someone to restore hp, or chuck bottles, rune?
pd Rydia: ^_^
SlyFox565: - that ?
pd Rydia: *cuts in out of the c-break* General Hakaril James Silvar, please do come on down and have a seat!
Arch mage144: ...but...OK.
SlyFox565 has left the room.
Arch mage144: *fwips IC*
pd Rydia: ^_^
Arch mage144: *wonders where Reako went*
Arch mage144: ...we had a psionicist in here a minute ago, didn't we?
pd Rydia: o.o 9.9 Perhaps. o.o Not sure.
Arch mage144: ...who're you?
pd Rydia: I am your host, miss Diane Arpeer. ^_^ Pleased to meet you. *holds out a hand*
Arch mage144: ...*quirks an eyebrow and shakes her hand*
Arch mage144: What is this, a party? o_o
pd Rydia: Please, do have a seat...nachos? *offers said food item*
pd Rydia: No no, this is an interview. You're on the late night show, you see. ^_^
Arch mage144: ...*takes the nachos* ...these look pretty...good...*sits*
Arch mage144: Oh, right. That.
Arch mage144: ...*doesn't have a clue, nor does he care*
Arch mage144: IM: ...these things are tasty.
pd Rydia: Now, you are a general of Doma, correct? Tell us, what is your normal workday like?
Arch mage144: ...well...
Arch mage144: It depends.
Arch mage144: Y'see, usually, I just sit around and scribe scrolls. Study a bit.
Arch mage144: Occasionally I make sure all the black mages are wearing pointy hats.
Arch mage144: Sometimes I get bored and I read a few magazines.
Arch mage144: *nod*
emperorwebrunner has entered the room.
Arch mage144: (...we get Webby o_o)
pd Rydia: (hiya Webby o.o)
pd Rydia: (*continues interview*)
pd Rydia: I see. It sounds pretty normal. What do you do for a little variety?
Arch mage144: *appears thoughtful*
Arch mage144: Go to hell. *nod*
pd Rydia: o_o Excuse me?
Arch mage144: Or whatever, y'know.
Arch mage144: Well I went to hell about a week ago.
Arch mage144: Maybe a litle less.
pd Rydia: Oh, I see. o_o
pd Rydia: Erm, anyway...
pd Rydia: *clears throat*
pd Rydia: What are your thoughts about the pantless and the fight against pants? >.>??
Arch mage144: >_> What?
Arch mage144: o_O Oh, right.
Arch mage144: Didn't the Queen pass some crazy law about that?
Arch mage144: ...I don't care, so long as I don't have to see certain people without clothing >_>
pd Rydia: >.>'' The fight against the oppressiveness of pants is no joking nor insane matter. It's a very solemn topic.
pd Rydia: Ahem. Anyhow...
Arch mage144: ...right...
pd Rydia: Where did you receive your training as an...archmage, is it?
Arch mage144: These are pretty good.
Arch mage144: *munches a nacho*
Arch mage144: Oh, I went to Gunnir.
Arch mage144: ...it's a crazy place, to tell the truth.
Arch mage144: Not a bad school, though...
pd Rydia: *nods and eats a bit more salt*
Arch mage144: Are you eating salt o_O?
pd Rydia: *pure salt, mind you*
pd Rydia: o.o Yes.
pd Rydia: *blinkity*
Arch mage144: ...you're sick...
pd Rydia: >.>'' I think not. -\/- *looks scarily like Dia when angered*
Arch mage144: ...o_o;;;
Arch mage144: You seem really familiar for some reason >_>
pd Rydia: >_>;;; Erm, I have no idea why...Moving On! ^_^;;;
Arch mage144: *looks mildly disturbed*
Arch mage144: ...right...other questions then?
pd Rydia: What are your ideas on the interdimensional gates that have been popping up all across Gaera at the result of the endeavours of apparently poorly-skilled red mages?
pd Rydia: They seem to be causing quite the problem with dragging in otherworlders and such. o.o
pd Rydia: *munches salt*
Arch mage144: Those?
Arch mage144: Who's causing those!?
Arch mage144: I want names, now! e_e
pd Rydia: o_o;; Who's the interviewer here. e_e
Arch mage144: e_e I can't answer the question if you don't give me the details.
VampireJazz has entered the room.
pd Rydia: *waves for a cut to the commercial break*
Arch mage144: ...hey!
pd Rydia: -.- Well THAT was a disaster! *stands up and storms off* I need a drink...
pd Rydia: This job is the pits...
Arch mage144: *mumble*...stupid bitch.
KnightsofSquare has entered the room.
pd Rydia: *whirls* e_e *evil death glare of DOOOOOM* Sorry, what was that?
Arch mage144: A spaniel's been sleeping with my dog.
pd Rydia: (XD)
Arch mage144: I was commenting on my irritation with the situation.
pd Rydia: You were a HORRIBLE guest. -\/- I hope Doma is overcome with a plague of locusts. Actually... o.o I should go write that in. ]
Arch mage144: ...WHAT?
Arch mage144: I swear, if you do anything...
Arch mage144: e_e;;
Arch mage144: Maybe I'll move to Nekonia 9_(
Arch mage144: *9_9
pd Rydia: *pulls out a notepad and scribbles furiously*
pd Rydia: "And suddenly, the pompous archmage finds himself the NEXT interviewer, so that the hardworking Diane can go get wasted...and he is suddenly overcome with the desire...no, NEED...to interview Jinx"
SlyFox565 has entered the room.
SlyFox565: wow, webby's here
SlyFox565: *waves*
Arch mage144: ...o_o
Arch mage144: Saaaaaay.
VampireJazz: (o_o)
Arch mage144: I don't know why, but I feel an overwhelming compulsion to interview you.
Arch mage144: *points to Jinx/Jazz*
pd Rydia: (XD)
VampireJazz: o_o *drinking a glass of very red soda*
VampireJazz: >.> <.< *points to herself*
Arch mage144: Are you drinking cream soda in my studio!?
VampireJazz: o_o and if i am sparky?
pd Rydia: (*cackles*)
Arch mage144: >.> You get interviewed.
VampireJazz: >.> riiiight.
Arch mage144: *points to couch*
Arch mage144: You. Sit. Here.
VampireJazz: IM: o.o my femine wiles are doin' their damn thing again. i put em on a *##$% leash. *nod nod*
VampireJazz: >.> i don' wanna sit there.
VampireJazz: *Fanged grin*
Arch mage144: ...where DO you want to sit then?
VampireJazz: ^_^ never mind i'll take the couch.
VampireJazz: *hops over and sprawls on it* ^_^ get to interviewing.
VampireJazz: IM: so much potential for fun.......
Arch mage144: ...right...
VampireJazz: }
Arch mage144: So who're you, anyway?
VampireJazz: ^.^ Jazz Tymisonn............
Arch mage144: Aha...
VampireJazz: But you can call me Jinx thanks........
Arch mage144: Jinx. Right.
Arch mage144: *appears to take a mental note of this*
Arch mage144: *is suddenly possessed by the spirit of the RPer*
VampireJazz: o.<
Arch mage144: So...what do you do?
VampireJazz: many things.
Arch mage144: Do you have a job?
VampireJazz: fry stuff, make dead things dance, bite homeless peoples necks, and cook for my family!
VampireJazz: well of course i do......
Arch mage144: ...that must be interesting.
VampireJazz: two at that......
pd Rydia: (*cackles*)
Arch mage144: Does one of them involve street corners and lonely men?
VampireJazz: >.> *hiss*
Arch mage144: >.> Or dirty men, take your pick.
VampireJazz: *stands* do i look like a prostitute?
Arch mage144: ...wellllll...
VampireJazz: *purse falls and miscleanous things of the "playful nature" fall out.* well damned.
Arch mage144: Right.
VampireJazz: *scoop scoop hide*
Arch mage144: So...
VampireJazz: >.> i'm the royal jester.
Arch mage144: ...have you ever heard The Music of My Groin?
VampireJazz: o__o hun, if your penis plays music i ain't interested.
Arch mage144: ...nevermind.
Arch mage144: You obviously don't understand the question.
VampireJazz: no. i just thought it was a very lame attempt at a pick up line.
Arch mage144: It wasn't >_>
VampireJazz: <.< yeah right.
Arch mage144: I'm not interested in picking up people who charge.
VampireJazz: i do not charge!
VampireJazz: i happen to be a respectable married woman.
VampireJazz: and mother.
Arch mage144: ...ohhhhh...
VampireJazz: *sage nod*
Arch mage144: ...you don't look like a mother o_o
Arch mage144: You look like someone I'd want to keep my kids far away from, in fact.
VampireJazz: o_o hey!
VampireJazz: my daughter is turning out to be a ........well.....................damned..................she has......spunk?
Arch mage144: So anyway.
Arch mage144: >.>;;;
Arch mage144: What's your favorite food?
pd Rydia: (*laughing at all this*)
VampireJazz: ^_^ lifeblood of the innocent.
Arch mage144: Ahh...*gurk*
VampireJazz: *fanged grin* ^_______^
Arch mage144: >.> You have very selective tastes.
Arch mage144: How about your favorite hobby?
Arch mage144: Please don't tell me if it involves fuzzy handcuffs or leather.
Arch mage144: *sage nod*
VampireJazz: o_o............well.....*cough*
VampireJazz: <.< how about......erm........quality time with my husband?
Arch mage144: *stage whisper* Is now a good time to cut to a commercial!?
VampireJazz: >.>;;;
Arch mage144: *stage whisper back* W: NO!
Arch mage144: ...ah, I see...
VampireJazz: }
Arch mage144: *sweatdrop*
CaptainPervy has entered the room.
CaptainPervy: *Y'arr*
VampireJazz: do i get treated to dinner for this damn inconvenience?
Arch mage144: Depends.
Arch mage144: Can't drink from my neck.
Arch mage144: I'm as guilty as..
CaptainPervy: *::Gives out nachos::*
Arch mage144: ...him. *points to UP*
VampireJazz: ............
VampireJazz: *blinku*
VampireJazz: i don't drink from d##(heads.
pd Rydia: *slinks over to UP* ._.
VampireJazz: *shrugs*
pd Rydia: I'm sorry, I failed during the interviews.
CaptainPervy: *Oh?*
pd Rydia: I was doing fine with Rune, and then HE showed up *points to Hak*
Arch mage144: HEY!
pd Rydia: he's pure evil. v_v
CaptainPervy: *He's the King of No Pnats!*
Arch mage144: ...you don't drink from...the groin o_O?
VampireJazz: well you are.
Arch mage144: (Hakaril isn't. I am.)
Arch mage144: (I'm IC as Hak due to Dia >_>)
CaptainPervy: *Ah*
pd Rydia: (>.>;;; )
VampireJazz: (ah.......i figured.)
VampireJazz: o_o um.......no.
VampireJazz: i'm not a succubus.
VampireJazz: er wait.
CaptainPervy: **Well then!*
VampireJazz: *cough*
VampireJazz: necks for me by golly!
SlyFox565: can I ask a question? *from the audience*
VampireJazz: >.>?
CaptainPervy: *::Tosses Hak in the Bilge to work off his misdeeds:*
SlyFox565: do you know Alucard?
VampireJazz: do i get to bite you afterward?
SlyFox565: maybe
Rune The Great: *Lurkies*
Arch mage144: *tossed in the Bilge*
VampireJazz: no maybes.
VampireJazz: 9.9
SlyFox565: *if you don't know who he is, I have a picture*
SlyFox565: Alucard's a vampire bishonen badass really
CaptainPervy: *Nowthen, who am I dealin' wit' tonight?*
VampireJazz: bishounen......................
VampireJazz: o_____o
VampireJazz: .........does....he.....have wings?
SlyFox565: he can become a bat
SlyFox565: a wolf
VampireJazz: *Wrinkles nose*
CaptainPervy: *When he double jumps, he does*
SlyFox565: sift into the night as mist...
VampireJazz: no wings as a bish!
VampireJazz: winged bish are so........f@$$able......
VampireJazz: *-*
SlyFox565: when he jumps he has wings
CaptainPervy: *So who needs an interview?*
Rune The Great: Someone interview themselveeesssss...
SlyFox565: interview KoS
CaptainPervy: *Alrighty then!*
CaptainPervy: *KoS, getcher arse down here!*
KnightsofSquare: o.o Huh? What? Me?
CaptainPervy: *Aye!*
KnightsofSquare: Umm...okay....
KnightsofSquare: So..uh..where do I sit and stuff?
CaptainPervy: *So, KoS, what character class are ye?*
KnightsofSquare: Hmm...that's a good question.
CaptainPervy: *Tis, that's why I asked*
Lord Cyril has left the room.
KnightsofSquare: You are aware that all of history has been motivated by the Class Struggle, and that I consider your question a foul capitalist plot to determine my social status so that you can oppress me to the appropriate degree, right?
CaptainPervy: *Nein!*
CaptainPervy: *I be a pirate, matey!*
pd Rydia: (*cackles* I love you, Koss. *glompity*)
KnightsofSquare: o.o Oh.
VampireJazz: (*glomps koss too*)
CaptainPervy: *we're as anticapitalists as we they get!*
VampireJazz: (funny man.)
KnightsofSquare: Well, in that case I guess I'm a Fluffy Mage.
CaptainPervy: *Oh?*
KnightsofSquare: Yep.
emperorwebrunner has left the room.
CaptainPervy: *What kind o' magic ye use?*
Rune The Great: My face is nakedddd......
KnightsofSquare: Fluffy magic. Duh.
VampireJazz: (ha!)
CaptainPervy: *Tis that like?*
KnightsofSquare: o.o ^_^ I'll show you!
KnightsofSquare: Can I have a volunteer from the audience?
Rune The Great: *Raises hand*
CaptainPervy: *Okay *
Rune The Great: Might as well, it's better than lurking.
KnightsofSquare: Alright! Here goes! *closes his eyes and begins chanting*
VampireJazz: *rejoins the audience to watch*
KnightsofSquare: Let go of all the uncute stuff...
KnightsofSquare: Release your anger, pride and then...
KnightsofSquare: You'll feel inside the inner fluff....
CaptainPervy: *Nice chantin' *
KnightsofSquare: Release the fuzziness within!!
KnightsofSquare: *Rune becomes a kitten*
CaptainPervy: *Gotta love a good invocation *
Rune The Great: *Poff*
CaptainPervy: *Hmmm... what else can ye do?*
Rune The Great: Meeew.
Rune The Great: *Trots off*
VampireJazz: audience: WaIIIIIIIII!
KnightsofSquare: >.> Wellll...I have a special spell for special occasions....
CaptainPervy: *::Gives Rune the Kitten some Nachos::*
Rune The Great: *Sneezes*
CaptainPervy: *Oh? do tell*
KnightsofSquare: I need another volunteer!
KnightsofSquare: Telling's not nearly so much fun...
pd Rydia: }
CaptainPervy: *::Pulls Hak from the Bilge pumps and volunteers him::*
Rune The Great: *Finds some in the way location to sleep*
Arch mage144: *is volunteered*
Arch mage144: ...er...
Arch mage144: ..what are you doing?
KnightsofSquare: Yay! You'll see...
KnightsofSquare: *starts chanting again*
Rune The Great: *Stares at the new volunteer*
Arch mage144: ...if this is what I think it is...
KnightsofSquare: Sugar, spice, everything nice...
Arch mage144: I'm...NO!
Arch mage144: NO NO NO NO NO NO!
KnightsofSquare: Hear and answer to my rhyme
KnightsofSquare: Bring a change towards greater light...
Arch mage144: *takes off running like a scared chicken*
KnightsofSquare: 'cause boys can be so mean sometimes!!!
CaptainPervy: *Dun worry, ye got an experienced white mage to help out*
KnightsofSquare: *pink light surrounds Hakaril, and he is suddenly turned into a cute little girl in a frilly pink dress*
Arch mage144: .............
CaptainPervy: *HOLY SHINGUS!*
KnightsofSquare: ^_^
CaptainPervy: *Ye just hgave him the power o' Little Girl Fu!*
Arch mage144: You'd better turn be back before I get out the scrolls of Ekar's Instant Autopsy.
CaptainPervy: *Runn fer yer lives!*
KnightsofSquare: Hmm...
KnightsofSquare: *ponders*
pd Rydia: o.o
KnightsofSquare: I know it's hard to cast magic like that...but you might still be able to use scrolls....
pd Rydia: the spell didn't work right!
CaptainPervy: **Seriously,watch yer anime; Little Girl Fu tis a fearsome martial art!*
pd Rydia: Or else Hak'd have the mindset of a little girl
pd Rydia: o.o
KnightsofSquare: <.< Stacey's much better at it than I am.
CaptainPervy: *Then we'd all be dead, Dia*
Rune The Great: *Looks for someone's head to sleep on*
KnightsofSquare: Ha! I absorb kawaii damage!
pd Rydia: *scoops up Rune-kitty and lays him on her head*
pd Rydia: ^_^ wai
CaptainPervy: *Can ye doanything t' stuff that's already cute?*
Rune The Great: *Sleeps*
KnightsofSquare: o.o Why would I want to? If it's cute but not fluffy I could make it fluffy....
CaptainPervy: *Like me Cabbit? ::Calls in Ushyu::*
CaptainPervy: *Ushyu: Meow?*
KnightsofSquare: Aren't cabbits usually fluffy?
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
KnightsofSquare: Hmm....
KnightsofSquare: Nope. o.o Mostly my field of magic concerns itself with making things cute and fluffy.
Arch mage144: e_e
CaptainPervy: *Ah*
Arch mage144: Turn me back. e_e;;;
KnightsofSquare: What happens afterwards isn't important.
Rune The Great: Mew*
KnightsofSquare: Oh, alright.
CaptainPervy: *::UShyu takes a nap on Pervy's desk::*
KnightsofSquare: Magic light that shines and sparkles
Rune The Great: *Translation: If you try to make something that's already cute and fluffy even cute and fluffier... Theoretically, couldn't you create something so cute and fluffy that it makes people explode? Like a reverse basilisk.
KnightsofSquare: Now turn back the hands of time
KnightsofSquare: Undo now what once was done...
KnightsofSquare: 'cause...ya know...I changed my mind!
KnightsofSquare: *Hak is restored to his original state*
pd Rydia: (...that was on the fly, wasn't it, Mike?)
Arch mage144: ...........thanks. Now I don't have to make you bleed to death or anything >_>
KnightsofSquare: (Nope. That one's in my chant file.)
CaptainPervy: *I'm curious, KoS, do ye hang around Valkyrie Profile much?*
KnightsofSquare: Valkyrie Profile? What's that?
CaptainPervy: Damn groovy Enix RPG*
Rune The Great: *Realizes that noone in here speaks kittenish, so his theory goes unannounced*
CaptainPervy: *Wit' them chants, ye'd fitin nicely*
CaptainPervy: *I bet ye'd make a great Einherjar *
KnightsofSquare: Ah. Well, although magic may be possible without a chant, it just isn't nearly so stylish.
KnightsofSquare: Einherjar?
CaptainPervy: *Chosen o'
CaptainPervy: th' slain*
pd Rydia: (dragonclawsedw (11:44:55 PM): There was a little girl in the pet store the other day, she wanted to buy like all the fluffy animals, it was so cute...Arch mage144 (11:45:04 PM): It's Koss's daughter!)
CaptainPervy: *Warriors that Serve a Valkyrie*
KnightsofSquare: Ah. Do they make things fluffy?
CaptainPervy: *Ye'd do well, I bet*
CaptainPervy: *Nope, that's why ye'd do well*
CaptainPervy: *Have ye ever consider piracy?*
Rune The Great: *Finds somewhere to mew at, annoyingly, like the middle of the host's desk*
CaptainPervy: *+ed*
KnightsofSquare: Hmm...well, shiny stuff is nice but piracy seems to be an awful lot of effort to get it.
CaptainPervy: *::Pets Rune the Cat::*
CaptainPervy: *well, Shinies are really a fringe benefit*
KnightsofSquare: What's the main purpose?
CaptainPervy: *T' be free! And sail around an' raid ships!*
CaptainPervy: *An' get really really pissed!*
CaptainPervy: *Not necessarily in that order*
KnightsofSquare: I dunno. That doesn't sound like a good time to me.
KnightsofSquare: I just like to make things fluffy and cute! ^_^
Rune The Great: *Observes the nature of the spell used on him, and crafts an anti-kitten charm*
CaptainPervy: *Well, I think that might be useful if ye took up raiding *
Rune The Great: *Equips it*
Rune The Great: *Becomes a horribly deformed kitten*
Rune The Great: Mewwwww...
Rune The Great: Translation: Well, the cuteness part is gone.
SlyFox565: *places a disgruntled orc in front of KoS* work your magic on this guy
SlyFox565: Orc: Gurug!! Khar!
CaptainPervy: *I mean, ye could threaten t' turn the enemy captain int' a bunny if he didn't hand over his loot*
KnightsofSquare: *hopefully* ..and then turn him into a bunny anyway?
CaptainPervy: *Aye *
KnightsofSquare: o.o I need to make Rune cute again.
CaptainPervy: *What about pants, KoS? D'ye hate pants?*
CaptainPervy: *Ain't nothing cute 'bout 'em, anyway*
KnightsofSquare: I don't hate them particularly...
Rune The Great: *De-equips the charm, reverting to cuteness*
CaptainPervy: *Alrighty, d'ye have any arch enemies?*
KnightsofSquare: ...did you know that pants spelled backwards is stnap?
CaptainPervy: *Y'arr...*
KnightsofSquare: Arch enemies? ?_? Why would anyone want to be mad at me?
CaptainPervy: *Dunno, but it happens*
CaptainPervy: *Some people're bastards.*
KnightsofSquare: Well...there's that DMSCV lady who likes to make kitten smoothies. v.v She's not very nice.
CaptainPervy: *Like Flatbeard, my archenemy (*
SlyFox565 has left the room.
CaptainPervy: *What's yer favorite sort o' fluffy thing?*
VampireJazz has left the room.
KnightsofSquare: Well, kitties are nice...
KnightsofSquare: <.< but so are bunnies....
KnightsofSquare: >.> and foxes....
CaptainPervy: *What about Cabbits?*
KnightsofSquare: <.< And puppies...
KnightsofSquare: And cabbitys!
CaptainPervy: *::Scratches Ushyu behind the ears::*
KnightsofSquare: ....I can't decide! I like them all!!
CaptainPervy: *Ushyu: Myuuuuuuu...*
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
CaptainPervy: *Are there anydrawbacks t' bein' a fluffy mage?*
KnightsofSquare: Hmm...well, there is the radically warped perspective, but that's not usually a problem...
CaptainPervy: *Radically warped, ye say?*
CaptainPervy: *Care t' elaborate?*
KnightsofSquare: Well...for example....I think this <crystal.rooms.rubberrooms...sktop.jpg> is cute and nifty, but most people think its evil and frightening. I don't understand. *looks puzzled*
pd Rydia: (XD)
CaptainPervy: *That tis a bitn unsettlin'*
KnightsofSquare: See?! You too!
CaptainPervy: *::Takes a hit from Flaskie::*
CaptainPervy: **Ever meet a cute thing ye didn't like?*
KnightsofSquare: o.o Nope.
CaptainPervy: *Ne'er?*
CaptainPervy: *Not even th' kind that try t' claw out people's faces?*
KnightsofSquare: *claps his hands delightedly* Wai, wai, it's so cute when they do that! ^_^
pd Rydia: (*cackle*)
CaptainPervy: *D'arr, Warped perspective indeed... O_o*
CaptainPervy: *Anyway, how did ye fall int' fluffymagery?*
CaptainPervy: *Correspondance course?*
CaptainPervy: *Ancient Curse?*
KnightsofSquare: o.o Maybe you misunderstood. Everyone ELSE has the warped perspective, and I'm the only person who thinks straight.
KnightsofSquare: !!! You think fluffiness is a CURSE?!
CaptainPervy: *Nein!*
CaptainPervy: *But the powers that cause it may be, eh?*
CaptainPervy: *Still, how did ye come int' it?*
KnightsofSquare: Fluffiness is nice! And I learned fluffy magic because kawaii is my innate element and it's what I'm best at.
CaptainPervy: *::Nods::*
CaptainPervy: *Are there a lot o ye?*
KnightsofSquare: Ano...sometimes, there are a lot of people who want to be, but not all can take the rigorous training.
CaptainPervy: *An', given yer devotion t' fluffiness, doesn't that put ye at odds wit' Dragons, halfdraks, and scalykind in general?*
Rune The Great: *Poffs back from kittenhood; makes an excuse* Umm... Spell expired?
Rune The Great: Fluffymagery sounds interesting... >_>
KnightsofSquare: Some people lose control of the kawaii magics and end up melting into puddles of sugar water or reverting to small children...*shrugs* it happens sometimes.
KnightsofSquare: o.o I don't have anything against dragons. They're cute!
KnightsofSquare: But they'd be cuter if they were fluffy. *nods*
CaptainPervy: *What about werecreatures?*
KnightsofSquare: Oh, wai wai, they get to turn into cute puppies and stuff every month or so!
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
CaptainPervy: *What about Ilwrath?*
KnightsofSquare: Ilwrath?
CaptainPervy: *They got a klind o fur on 'em*
CaptainPervy: *Spider folk*
CaptainPervy: *Voilent sort*
CaptainPervy: *Violent, even*
KnightsofSquare: Oh, fluffy spiders are nice.
CaptainPervy: *But they got cilia, ye know;kinda like fur*
KnightsofSquare: I like the Shofixti better. *nods*
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
CaptainPervy: *What about the Spaathi?*
CaptainPervy: *::Playing Spaathi theme currently ::*
KnightsofSquare: They hide so much. o.o How would I know?
CaptainPervy: *Unless ye meet th' Black Fleet*
CaptainPervy: *What about Robots an' cyborgs? How do they rate o'erall?*
KnightsofSquare: They're usually not fluffy. v.v But some of them are cute! ^_^
CaptainPervy: *::Nods::*
CaptainPervy: *What about the Chmmr, then?*
Rune The Great: Ask where the fluffy magic school is! >_>
KnightsofSquare: I haven't met the Chmmr...
CaptainPervy: *::Nods::*
CaptainPervy: *Well, they hard folk t' figger out*
CaptainPervy: *What about the Zot-Pik-Fot?*
KnightsofSquare: They're silly.
CaptainPervy: *Good folk, they are*
CaptainPervy: *Especally durin' th' Frungy Playoffs*
KnightsofSquare: But they forgot what they were!
CaptainPervy: *'Sides. ye gotta respect folk who discovered the wheel, Fire, and Religion all at once*
KnightsofSquare: True.
KnightsofSquare: Oh, about the fluffy magic school...well, the best teacher is Stacey, and she moves around alot. I can try and put you in touch with her, though.
CaptainPervy: *IF ye had t' take a character class aside from fluffy mage, twould it be? And I'll consider that one*
KnightsofSquare: Hmm.....*ponders*
KnightsofSquare: Maybe a spirit mage
CaptainPervy: *How d'they work?*
KnightsofSquare: Well, you call upon the power of spirits and they help you out if you're nice to them.
CaptainPervy: *::Nods::*
CaptainPervy: *Now, what're yer opsions on White Mages?*
CaptainPervy: *Opinions, rather*
KnightsofSquare: They're nice, 'cause they can put you back together. They'd be better if they were fluffy, though.
CaptainPervy: *Well, there are Neko White Mages*
KnightsofSquare: *nod* But white mages as a whole would benefit from greater fluffiness.
Rune The Great: (Methinks I need to leave. >_> Have to get up in 4 hours to catch a plane. *Leaves*)
CaptainPervy: *Naw, ye gotta keep somethings unfluffed, so that the fluffy things'll be fluffier by comparison, eh?*
KnightsofSquare: o.o Huh?
CaptainPervy: *'Sides, Silky robes're a lot better'n woolly ones on ye; I tell ye*
Rune The Great has left the room.
KnightsofSquare: Well, not everything has to be fluffy. But people would be better off if they were fluffy.
CaptainPervy: *Well, expect the people who live in hot places*
KnightsofSquare: They can have light fur.
CaptainPervy: *Naw, when it gets right hot, any fur hurts*
CaptainPervy: *Gets all itchy an' whatnot*
KnightsofSquare: Any clothes hurt when it gets hot.
KnightsofSquare: It's the same thing.
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
CaptainPervy: *That's why a lot o' societies in th' tropics did wit'out 'em*
CaptainPervy: *Wasn't til th' damn pants-lovers enforced their beliefs on them that that changed...*
CaptainPervy: *Bloody pants-lovers; suppressin' the ways o' No Pants... (*
CaptainPervy: *Y'arr... We're outta time, maties!*
KnightsofSquare: Awww...
CaptainPervy: *KoS, ye were great guest*
KnightsofSquare: Thanks! It was fun! ^_^
CaptainPervy: *Come back on sometime*
CaptainPervy: *I'll introduce ye t' Akira, the current leader o' th' Shofixti *
CaptainPervy: *Till next time, folks!*
CaptainPervy has left the room.
KnightsofSquare has left the room.
 | Rum, White Magic, an' Cabbits.
That's th' life fer me.
Seig No-Pants! |  |
| Uncle Pervy Evil Joe  Posts: 1723 (6/20/02 10:00 pm) Reply
 | Re: Transcripts of the Tonight Show, Starring... Super Rube? You have just entered room "The Tonight Show starring TP."
TALLPANZER has entered the room.
CaptainPervy: *Arrr!*
TALLPANZER: It's poke Reako day!
SlyFox565: no interview if you poke me
CaptainPervy: *Naw, nuff o' that*
Ganon fro has entered the room.
TokkanNeko has entered the room.
CaptainPervy: *Right then*
pd Rydia has entered the room.
TokkanNeko: Heya guys
pd Rydia has left the room.
SlyFox565: ok Pervy, start th' show
TALLPANZER: that was fast
CaptainPervy: *TP, getcher Arse Down here!*
TokkanNeko: *Sits in the Audience*
Ganon fro: *Points to the art forum*
AdamSquint has entered the room.
Ganon fro: *Plugs his art work*
TALLPANZER: *Gets down there*
CaptainPervy: *::Gives TP a basket of Nachos::*
badluckbard has entered the room.
badluckbard: I'm Heeeeree.
badluckbard: Not to be confused with HEEEEROOOOO
TokkanNeko: Heya Person I don't know!
CaptainPervy: *Right, first off, how bloody old're ye?*
CaptainPervy: *::Waves at all the unfamiliar faces::*
badluckbard: 15
TALLPANZER: err I think I'm around 20,000 year last januairy 23
CaptainPervy: *Yeah, ye'd loose count, wouldn't ye?*
TALLPANZER: well yes
CaptainPervy: *Alright, yer th' son o' an Eternal an' a Creation Elemental*
TALLPANZER: considering I spent 10,000 or so in the void
CaptainPervy: *How'n the bloody blue blazes did that happen?*
badluckbard: Oooh...*eats fava beans in awe of TP the elder*
Ganon fro: *Watches and waits for an inopportune time to clap*
TALLPANZER: Well the Eight Elementals of Creation tossed me there
Ganon fro: Wooo! Yeah!! *Applaudes*
TALLPANZER: When Death couldn't kill me
badluckbard: *tosses beans onto the stage*
TokkanNeko: WOO!
CaptainPervy: *Naw, how th' Hell did a Creation elemental get it one wit' an Eternal?*
TokkanNeko: Coolbeans!
badluckbard: Fava beans. And a nice chianti.
CaptainPervy: *What the hell caused that one?*
badluckbard: *waits eagerly for the answer*
TALLPANZER: They were tyring top make an Eternal
TALLPANZER: didn't quite wsork out
CaptainPervy: *Then ye get an eternal an' an eternal!*
TALLPANZER: or work even
Ganon fro: *Boo's*
Arch mage144 has entered the room.
CaptainPervy: *YE don't crossbreed a cat an' a dog tryin' t' get a cat!*
CaptainPervy: *What th' hell were they thinkin'?*
TALLPANZER: yup that would be me, Mistake of all mistakes
TokkanNeko: Boo-Urns!
TALLPANZER: I don't Know mostly they wanted to leaner about Eternals
CaptainPervy: *Bah, I'll like that dead horse lie*
Ganon fro: *Thumbs up*
CaptainPervy: *Anyway, what the hell is like t' be a halfbreed?*
TALLPANZER: Well, both side try to use as there "Ultimate weapon."
Ganon fro: Bahhhmoo....
badluckbard: *sniffles*
TALLPANZER: Not the best of resalts though
CaptainPervy: *GEt get conflicted between bein' an elemental an' an Eternal?*
CaptainPervy: *Sound like it's be somethin' ye'd hit a lot*
TALLPANZER: I'm prone to going nuts
CaptainPervy: *Howso?*
TALLPANZER: Yes, I get killed more offten then Excal, AM and Ran combined
TALLPANZER: oh the crazy thing
TALLPANZER: well, think of the condission your mind would be in after 10,00 years in the void
TALLPANZER: and that was my child hood
badluckbard: *tosses prozac onto the stage*
CaptainPervy: *Bah, try attemptin' t' drink me first mate under th' table*
CaptainPervy: *Make a damn void seem like home*
TALLPANZER: *Prozca plays 'Be as'*
TALLPANZER: The void is home to me tenchnikally
CaptainPervy: *Bah, yer void element right?*
TALLPANZER: I guess you could say that
Ganon fro: *Does a drum roll on the chair in front of him*
CaptainPervy: *What th' hell's that like?*
TALLPANZER: But the Eternals call me Void Child
TokkanNeko: *Does one better with a real set of druims*
badluckbard: *heres it. Goes running onto the stage*
TokkanNeko: *drums
badluckbard: *jumps into the air....*
Ganon fro: .....*Smacks Tokkan with an extendo-hand*
CaptainPervy: *::Scratches Ushyu behind the ears while waiting for an answer::*
TokkanNeko: Ow! Stupid Inspector Gadgets... -.-
badluckbard: *lands and glomps uncle pervey*
TALLPANZER: Hmmmm, well think about haveing more power and reasopablity then you can imagen, then times that by my age
badluckbard: *Captain Pervy
CaptainPervy: *::Is Glomped::*
Ganon fro: *Applaudes the glomping*
CaptainPervy: *So, how does yer element apply t' th' theory o' dark energy?*
TALLPANZER: Bliemy, random glompers
CaptainPervy: *Quiet! I don't get glomped much!*
TALLPANZER: Theory of dark energy?
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
TALLPANZER: yeah umm, what is it
CaptainPervy: *Yer Void Element; oughta know ALL about that*
TALLPANZER: I didn't go to any schools
CaptainPervy: *Bah!*
TALLPANZER: I learned the hard way, Trial and error
CaptainPervy: *Ye might not have as much power an' repsonsiblity ad ye think*
TALLPANZER: heavy on the error
CaptainPervy: *as ye think*
badluckbard: You know what they say, hindsight is always 20/20
TALLPANZER: I almost cooked the planet two days ago
CaptainPervy: *Lessen yer drunk*
CaptainPervy: *Anyway, ye got anything resemblin' an character class?*
TALLPANZER: umm, well, I have one class
CaptainPervy: *Tis it?*
TALLPANZER: but I have to get to max level in another class to rise it's level
CaptainPervy: *Now, the real question on everyone's minds*
TALLPANZER: The class, would Eternal Warrior of The void, I think
TALLPANZER: oh ok, real question
TALLPANZER: shoot Captain
CaptainPervy: *Ye claim t' be a powergamer; what's th' difference 'tween that and godmodin'?*
CaptainPervy: *Cuz quiet frankly, it ain't there in my eyes*
TALLPANZER: Power gamers actually want the game to be sucksesfull
CaptainPervy: *An'?*
TALLPANZER: And while Godmoders Pretend to be the most powerful unstopable things ever, power gamers know what the real story is
CaptainPervy: *So it's just opinion, eh?*
TALLPANZER: not really
CaptainPervy: *Seems that way*
Ganon fro: *Nods in agreement*
TALLPANZER: Power gamers have a lot of Knowlage
CaptainPervy: *Ye could think ye know what's goin' on' and be wrong*
TALLPANZER: Some times yes
CaptainPervy: *Oftimes, methinks*
badluckbard: They're also full of cheerio goodness
Ganon fro: *Laughs*
TALLPANZER: But most Power gamers are good at guessing the game the GM is playing
CaptainPervy: *Lessen yer keepin' tabs on what everybody plans*
CaptainPervy: *What if everybody ain't talkin'?*
TALLPANZER: Allthough it is rather hard to read every one over the net
CaptainPervy: *I mean, I don't ever tell much about my plans untili got's t'*
TALLPANZER: well that causes the, random cause and effect thiory to be played
CaptainPervy: *Sound's like bilge leavin's, that*
CaptainPervy: *'plain it*
TALLPANZER: whitch is basackly tosses out a hook a see how everyone reacts
CaptainPervy: *So ye Dogmode.*
CaptainPervy: *Not much difference, like I thought
CaptainPervy: *
TALLPANZER: just tosse out a hook
CaptainPervy: *BAh, Overpowered characters're boring*
CaptainPervy: *Squintz!*
CaptainPervy: *YEr next!*
Arch mage144: ...*reading*
badluckbard: *claps* Woot!
TALLPANZER: like a castle, a big gun, some lint
AdamSquint: I'm next?
badluckbard: *eats the lint*
Arch mage144: ...right...powergamers...heh.
CaptainPervy: *Aye!*
badluckbard: *along with fava beans and a nice chianti*
Arch mage144: 9_9
AdamSquint: Ah.
TALLPANZER: er ok I'll just move over then
AdamSquint: *walks on down*
Arch mage144: *visible disgust*
TALLPANZER: *Moves to next chair.*
CaptainPervy: *Who'n th' hell are ye, Squintz?*
Ganon fro: *Eats cheerios*
AdamSquint: I'm a High Elven Paladin. *nod*
CaptainPervy: *What's that like?*
AdamSquint: Eh, you know, same old, same old.
AdamSquint: Gotta fight for Justice and all that.
CaptainPervy: *Ever consider Piracy?*
AdamSquint: Well, being as that it goes against everything I believe in, no.
CaptainPervy: *So ye don't like pirates, eh?*
AdamSquint: But maybe if I got really drunk, I might.
AdamSquint: Oh, I have nothing on the pirates themselves...
TALLPANZER: you should always try new things, you won't learn much other wise
AdamSquint: just the fact that they're pirates.
badluckbard: Mother always told me to try new things...
CaptainPervy: *Bah*
TALLPANZER: like Reako pokeing
Ganon fro: ...O.o *Just came back to the conversation*
AdamSquint: Eh.
CaptainPervy: *So what d'ye serve, Squintz?*
AdamSquint: Serve? Justice. Piping hot, 24/7.
badluckbard: Yummy
AdamSquint: And swords. I like swords.
TALLPANZER: Big swords?
CaptainPervy: *What about when Justice ain't th' law?*
AdamSquint: Well, I make Justice the law. It's fun! ^_^
CaptainPervy: *Ah*
TALLPANZER: Order never was very nice to me
CaptainPervy: *See, ye could be a Pirate, then!*
AdamSquint: Hmm..I guess I could...
badluckbard: But not an evil one.
CaptainPervy: *Look at th' Spaniards; exploitin' th' Caribbean*
Ganon fro: Arrrr
CaptainPervy: *Piracy helps cut that back*
AdamSquint: Ahh! So...pirates fight for Justice?
TALLPANZER: *Burns random pants warer.*
CaptainPervy: *Some can*
badluckbard: *Notices empty bottle of Chianti. Gets out emergency whisky flask*
AdamSquint: *nod* Hmmm..
CaptainPervy: *We just make out like bandits while doin' it*
Ganon fro: Yar!
AdamSquint: so..you're rich?
CaptainPervy: *Not especially*
AdamSquint: ah.
CaptainPervy: *Gotta fund th' Navy o' no Pants, ye know*
AdamSquint: Pants are evil.
CaptainPervy: *That ain't cheap*
AdamSquint: Pants defy Justice.
CaptainPervy: *Damn right*
CaptainPervy: *SEIG NO-PANTS!*
AdamSquint: *nod* Indeed!
CaptainPervy: *YE wanna fight fer justice?*
AdamSquint: YES!
TALLPANZER: Indeedoomupo
CaptainPervy: *Maybe ye should help us defeat th' army o' Pants!*
badluckbard: Yeah!
badluckbard: *waves flask o whisky*
AdamSquint: Yes, I shall lend my talents! DOWN WITH PANTS!
CaptainPervy: *Aye!*
TALLPANZER: Excal is in for a world of hurt
Ganon fro: *Wears shorts*
CaptainPervy: *Ye'll be takin' on Excal, ye know*
AdamSquint: I could take him.
AdamSquint: Justice is the ultimate Holy Elemental.
CaptainPervy: *Good*
badluckbard: But he has mod powers...we must be brave!
CaptainPervy: *Not on th' Spam Forum*
SlyFox565: Bob has sided with the Pants
badluckbard: Oh right...muahaha....
badluckbard: Nooo!
Ganon fro: That bastard...
TALLPANZER: *Poke Reako* E-mouse is on our side
CaptainPervy: *He can be beat; we could always move it elsewhere*
badluckbard: Where is E-Mouse, by the way?
CaptainPervy: *Dead*
CaptainPervy: * pub16.ezboard.com/fadventurers79692fr m7.showMessage?topicID=706.topic <pub16.ezboard.com/fadvent...706.topic> *
AdamSquint: He's dead? o.o
TALLPANZER: chees factory
badluckbard: Nooo!
CaptainPervy: *Thar ye go, Squintz*
AdamSquint: I'll go sign up!
CaptainPervy: *That be th' way t' our war fer freedom*
AdamSquint: Yes. Freedom....freedom to pursue JUSTICE!
CaptainPervy: *In th' mean time, what d'ye like t' do when yer not fightin' fer justice?*
AdamSquint: Umm...
AdamSquint: I like to...
AdamSquint: um...
AdamSquint: ...hmm...
SlyFox565: sticks and stones may break your bones, but a 50 foot fall will kill y'all
AdamSquint: hmmm...that's a good question...
CaptainPervy: *aye, tis why I asked it*
TALLPANZER: not really
AdamSquint: hmm..
AdamSquint: I think that I like...hmm...swords.
TALLPANZER: 50 foot falls are only a temporairy inconvience
CaptainPervy: *D'ye make swords?*
AdamSquint: Yes.
AdamSquint: I made my sword myself.
CaptainPervy: *Can ye make other weapons?*
AdamSquint: Maybe.
AdamSquint: But I like swords.
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
TokkanNeko has left the room.
TALLPANZER: God forged and legendary weapons suck
CaptainPervy: *What kind o' swords ye like?*
AdamSquint: Long swords, bastard swords...
TALLPANZER: you should always make your own
CaptainPervy: *I like Cutlasses*
AdamSquint: anything that's long and hard, and can be stabbed through someone.
AdamSquint: Ah, cutlassess are good too.
badluckbard: Ah...Fighters art of sticking stabby things into fleshy things
CaptainPervy: *Ye ever try white Magic?*
AdamSquint: Yes.
AdamSquint: I am trained in it.
CaptainPervy: *How good?*
AdamSquint: Well, not THAT good...I mainly focus on the offensive nature of it.
CaptainPervy: *I used t' be a white mage meself, a'fore I became a pirate*
AdamSquint: Like Justice. *nod*
TALLPANZER: Flame strike!
CaptainPervy: *Which bye like Best? Fade, White, Pearl, 'r Holy?*
AdamSquint: Holy.
CaptainPervy: *I'm a Fade man meself*
AdamSquint: Your choice.
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
CaptainPervy: *YE prefer th' newer 'r older school White Magic?*
TALLPANZER: white works well
AdamSquint: I use whatever works.
AdamSquint: I'm not picky.
CaptainPervy: *I like older stuff, meself*
CaptainPervy: *I'm in eight bits, ye know *
AdamSquint: ah.
AdamSquint: I'm in...16.
CaptainPervy: *Bah, Whippersnapper*
AdamSquint: ...I'm probably older than you.
CaptainPervy: *So, why the hell did an' elf become a Paladin?*
AdamSquint: Well, it was kind of a calling...
CaptainPervy: *Get teased over it?*
AdamSquint: My brother's a dark knight, so I decided to be the Yang to his yin..
AdamSquint: Oh, constantly.
AdamSquint: They called me 'Holy Boy...'
CaptainPervy: *Must've been tough*
AdamSquint: Not that tough. They saw the light of Justice soon enough.. *smirk*
CaptainPervy: *Back when I was in white mage school, they called me Mr. Arrrr*
AdamSquint: Mr. Arrrr?
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
Ganon fro: Arrrrr
AdamSquint: did you show them?
CaptainPervy: *Indeed*
CaptainPervy: *Showed 'em th' broad side o' me frigate!*
AdamSquint: *laugh* good job!
CaptainPervy: *YAR HAR HAR HAR!*
badluckbard: Woo!
TALLPANZER: cannons are good
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
CaptainPervy: *Ooo! Good laugh there!*
AdamSquint: really? Thanks.
CaptainPervy: *Not often ye meet a paladin that laughs dark proper*
AdamSquint: Ah, well, I was possessed with a demon...
CaptainPervy: *D'ye get along well wit' other paladins?*
AdamSquint: I get along pretty well...
AdamSquint: Not all like Justice though. I don't like them.
CaptainPervy: *What happens when ye can't agree on what Justice tis?*
That Damned Elf has entered the room.
FFFan80 has entered the room.
That Damned Elf: (Lo ^_^)
AdamSquint: Well, Justice is usually a big boom that makes the bad guys fall down.
FFFan80: (Hey Fern)
FFFan80: (O_o? ...eh?)
CaptainPervy: *What if they don't fall down,, th' Bad guys?*
That Damned Elf: (o.O Eeeee..... I don't recognize lots of these people o.o)
AdamSquint: ...well, in that case, I go for the big guns.
KnightsofSquare has entered the room.
AdamSquint: Judgment.
CaptainPervy: *::Waves::*
badluckbard: Big guns rock
That Damned Elf: (JUSTICE!)
SlyFox565: (Adam is being interviewed)
CaptainPervy: *Judgement?*
TALLPANZER: yeah some bad guys are much harder to fall then others
FFFan80: (Ah.)
That Damned Elf: (Ah....Ok ^_^)
AdamSquint: It's the best. I don't use it that much...
badluckbard: *still glomping Captain Pervy*
CaptainPervy: *Like what Kefka does?*
CaptainPervy: *::Still loving it::*
That Damned Elf: (BARD! *hides*)
AdamSquint: Yeah, only good.
That Damned Elf: (o.o)
CaptainPervy: *Well, what if ye looked at it from a certain angle?*
TALLPANZER: how good
CaptainPervy: *I mean, if Kefka was essentially God, wouldn't it be good to follow him, and wrong t' defy 'im?*
AdamSquint: Well, from a certain angle, it's bad, because it kills lots of things...but the things are good..
AdamSquint: Well, if Kefka was God...umm...
CaptainPervy: *Thus, ye could say 'e was usin' Judgement fer good, eh?*
AdamSquint: True.
CaptainPervy: *So, what happens when ye turn out t' be wrong?*
TALLPANZER: no Kefka was a Nulist
CaptainPervy: *So are Buddhists*
AdamSquint: Well, when I'm wrong, I just use the light of Justice on whover proved me wrong.
TALLPANZER: and mog allown can beat Kefka
CaptainPervy: *ah, gotcha *
AdamSquint: Yeah.
That Damned Elf: (JUSTICE! ^_^ Lol)
KnightsofSquare: *yells from the audience* So basically, you're no better than anyone else, you just think you have moral superiority!
CaptainPervy: *Ye know the Masked Muystere*
badluckbard: Gah! EVIL AIM SMILEY!!!!
CaptainPervy: *Mystere?*
AdamSquint: Hmm..never heard of 'im.
CaptainPervy: *Alrighty then*
CaptainPervy: *(Play Lunar EBC)*
Ganon fro: Mystere!!
AdamSquint: (*nod*)
TALLPANZER: Nulists are people that think everyone should Die
CaptainPervy: *Anyway, favorite optional RPG boss?*
SlyFox565: no, that's Misanthropes
AdamSquint: I like Emerald Weapon, 'cause you get all that stuff from him.
That Damned Elf: (^_^)
CaptainPervy: *In like Ghost o' Vinsfeld meself*
TALLPANZER: Did Webby poke you Reako?
SlyFox565: no
SlyFox565: nor will he, as he has better to do
badluckbard: *pokes reako with special long distance poking powers*
That Damned Elf: (*sings*)
CaptainPervy: *Squintz, ye were a great guest*
badluckbard: *claps*
AdamSquint: It was my pleasure.
TALLPANZER: It's poke Reako day!
AdamSquint: ^_^
CaptainPervy: *::Gives Squintz a basket of Nachos::*
CaptainPervy: *Fern! YEr up!*
AdamSquint: Mm...Nachos...
badluckbard: *hands him fava beans*
AdamSquint: *moves to the next seat*
TALLPANZER: *Move to next next seat*
CaptainPervy: *::Gives Ushyu a carrot::*
TALLPANZER: how many seats we got up here?
CaptainPervy: *enough*
AdamSquint: Infinite.
AdamSquint: Fern'll be here in a little bit...
badluckbard: *notices the time.* Damn, I have to go. Talk to you all later. *Gets off of Captain Pervy. The glomping has stopped.*
That Damned Elf: *Heads into the room, looking all shy for some reason*
CaptainPervy: *D'arr*
TALLPANZER: yup your right, infinite
badluckbard: Bye *leaves the show*
CaptainPervy: *Fern, yer up! Have a seat!*
badluckbard has left the room.
That Damned Elf: *shuffles over and takes a seat* o.o
TALLPANZER: *Is struck by lightening.*
CaptainPervy: *Welcome aboard*
CaptainPervy: *Ye a bit nervous?*
Ganon fro: *Poofs away since he has a bunch of windows open*
AdamSquint: *plays with Redemption*
Ganon fro has left the room.
That Damned Elf: *nods* o.o
TALLPANZER: *Turns to ash*
CaptainPervy: *::Gives Fern some nachos::*
CaptainPervy: *There, that'll help*
That Damned Elf: *given nachos* o.o >.> Thank you.
That Damned Elf: ^_^ *eats some*
CaptainPervy: *So Fern, what Character glass are ye?*
TALLPANZER: that's better
CaptainPervy: *Class*
That Damned Elf: Umm....I don't think my class has a name, but it would most likely go under the illutionist or geomancer category
CaptainPervy: *Ah*
That Damned Elf: *nod nod*
CaptainPervy: *What d'ye do?*
That Damned Elf: Umm....As in proffession? Or spells?
CaptainPervy: *Both*
That Damned Elf: Ah...I'm a freelance fighter mage I suppose...
CaptainPervy: *::Nods::*
That Damned Elf: And spells....
CaptainPervy: *How that treatin' ye?*
That Damned Elf: Oh...good so far ^_^
CaptainPervy: *What's it like?*
That Damned Elf: It's a bit lonely, but one does get to travel around alot. ^_^
CaptainPervy: *Ye like travelling?*
That Damned Elf: Oh yes....I love to travel
CaptainPervy: *Ever consider piracy?*
That Damned Elf: >.> Piracy.....No...Not really...
CaptainPervy: *Maybe ye should*
CaptainPervy: *Ye get t' travel a lot*
That Damned Elf: *Ponders*
SlyFox565: and treasure
KnightsofSquare: (See the world! Meet interesting people! Kill them! Take their stuff!)
That Damned Elf: I'm not really into the stealing bit.... >.> ....No offense or anything ^_^;
That Damned Elf: (Lol! ^_^)
CaptainPervy: *Ye can visit Havana, Madagascar, an' Lima all in one year*
SlyFox565: Pervy, stop the self-plugs
CaptainPervy: *Well, Plunderin' tis one o' the big bit, ye know?*
CaptainPervy: *Shaddup you!*
That Damned Elf: o.o
CaptainPervy: *Anyway, where were we?*
That Damned Elf: I believe you were talking about Piracy?
CaptainPervy: *Ah yes, Plunderin'*
SlyFox565: (and I pay him for this...)
That Damned Elf: (lol ^_^)
CaptainPervy: *Travel's expensive, right?*
CaptainPervy: *How d'ye pay fer it?*
TALLPANZER: *Pokes Reako*
CaptainPervy: *Aye, poke that shingus a good'n*
That Damned Elf: I walk sometimes , and I have a stable that I can pick any horse I want from for free... >.>
CaptainPervy: But what if ye ain't around that stable?*
That Damned Elf: IM: Oh boy...don't go there... >.<
KnightsofSquare: *calls from the audience* That makes her a bit unstable!
CaptainPervy: *An' ye gotta feed yerself, right?*
That Damned Elf: I'd walk, or hire a time mage to teleport me where I needed to go
TALLPANZER: You talked with out the * * around it
That Damned Elf: I have no trouble feeding myself either
CaptainPervy: *Ah ha!*
AdamSquint: That's 'cause she doesn't eat.
AdamSquint: well, not much.
CaptainPervy: *Gotta hire a mage*
CaptainPervy: *Ye need money fer that*
That Damned Elf: >.> I do so eat
CaptainPervy: *So, how d'yr get it? random encounters?*
That Damned Elf: I've no problems with money either really.... >.>
That Damned Elf: (bah....gtg soon)
CaptainPervy: *(Feh)*
That Damned Elf: (and.....brb aswell >.<)
CaptainPervy: *::Watches Fern Run off::*
CaptainPervy: *Blimey, some folks don't like exposin' their income sources*
TALLPANZER: she buggered off
CaptainPervy: *Ah well*
CaptainPervy: *Who's next?*
SlyFox565: *pushes KoS forward*
FFFan80: (Fern left?)
AdamSquint: (yeah.)
CaptainPervy: *aye*
KnightsofSquare: ...hey, I've been interviewed here before!
FFFan80: (....Nani?)
AdamSquint: (FFF!)
CaptainPervy: *Bah, ye were fun last time*
AdamSquint: (interview him!)
SlyFox565: ... *pushes FFF forward*
FFFan80: *Shoved* O_o;;;
CaptainPervy: *Welcome t' th' show, FFF*
FFFan80: <.<;;; >.>;;; Er....
CaptainPervy: *Who'n th' hell are ye?*
FFFan80: Um....
FFFan80: o_o;; Well, uh... most people call me Dan.
CaptainPervy: *Alrighty, Dan*
FFFan80: IM: Where the HECK am I?! <.>;;;;
CaptainPervy: *What Character class're ye?*
FFFan80: .........
FFFan80: *sweatdrops* o_o;
CaptainPervy: *Not have one?*
AdamSquint: He's a Paladin too! ^_^
FFFan80: Uh, technically... no... >.>;;;
FFFan80: ^_^;;; But, I *do* know white magic, heh...
CaptainPervy: *Ye work on an ability system?*
TALLPANZER: he only has a paladin sprite
FFFan80: .......?
FFFan80: <.>? Abili-whazit?
CaptainPervy: *Bah, ye need t' calm down, matey!*
CaptainPervy: *::Gives Dan some Nachos::*
That Damned Elf: (Back for a bit)
SlyFox565: (Dan's being interviewed now)
That Damned Elf: *Runs back in* o.o >.>
That Damned Elf: (ok)
That Damned Elf: *watches, while eating nachos*
FFFan80: 6.6?
FFFan80: -.- *consumes*
FFFan80: Say...
FFFan80: ^__^ These are pretty nifty!
CaptainPervy: *Damn right*
FFFan80: ^__^ *consumes faster*
That Damned Elf: (*has an answer ready for CP*)
That Damned Elf: <.<
CaptainPervy: *Lack o' Nachos tis why their ain't world peace*
FFFan80: o.o? Oh, really?
That Damned Elf: (lol)
CaptainPervy: *(Just shout it out while Dan's digging in *
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
That Damned Elf: (lol ok ^_^)
FFFan80: <.<? I thought it was due to the inherent evil present in all living things?
CaptainPervy: *Ye can't eat nachos an' be mad*
FFFan80: o.o; ....ah.
TALLPANZER: I thought that was do to lack of sex
That Damned Elf: Oh sir...I did forget to mention where my income was based before I had to leave.... <.<
FFFan80: O_O;;;;; *facefaults*
CaptainPervy: *(Looks over) Aye?*
That Damned Elf: I'm the princess of Ama-asha. I run the city. That's where my income comes from >.>
CaptainPervy: *Ah, Blueblood*
That Damned Elf: So....You see why it isn't a problem? o.o
That Damned Elf: *chuckles* ^_^
CaptainPervy: *Yeah, not many Blueblood Pirates out there*
That Damned Elf: Pardon me....But I've never heard that expression before....
That Damned Elf: *confused*
CaptainPervy: *IF yer a princess, what'n bloody blue blazes're ye doin' hear?*
CaptainPervy: *Here, rather*
FFFan80: O_O;;; *still wigging out from TP's comment*
CaptainPervy: *::Gives Dan more Nachos::*
That Damned Elf: I've ways to protect myself, and my trusted advisor takes care of thing's while I'm away...
That Damned Elf: >.>
FFFan80: O_,,_O;;;; *consumes nervously*
That Damned Elf: (bah...Gtg >.<)
CaptainPervy: *So... ye leave it in an advisor's hand;s?*
CaptainPervy: *(::Waves: *
FFFan80: (Later Fern!)
That Damned Elf: *Gets up* I do.....But perhaps I should go back for now.... >.> I suppose I can come back at a later date...
That Damned Elf: (Bai bai ^_^)
CaptainPervy: *Aye!*
That Damned Elf: (*waves back*)
AdamSquint: (ByE!)
CaptainPervy: *Okay, Dan, ye fellin' better?*
That Damned Elf: *Leaves*
That Damned Elf has left the room.
FFFan80: -_-;; Y..yes, I think so...
CaptainPervy: *How'd TP freak ye out?*
FFFan80: *OFFSTAGE* .....SEEEEEEEEX!!!!!!!!!!
FFFan80: O_O;;;;;;;;;
CaptainPervy: *Twas a normal comment, methinks*
CaptainPervy: *::Pokes Dan::*
TALLPANZER: *Cast Zapola on guy offstage.*
CaptainPervy: *Ye dead?*
FFFan80: *Falls over* @_@;;;;;
TALLPANZER: Sex must hurt his brain
CaptainPervy: *::Casts Heal on Dan::*
CaptainPervy: *aye*
CaptainPervy: *Pity, that*
AdamSquint: He's too pure...
AdamSquint: You should talk to his brother.
CaptainPervy: *He wouldn't last a day in New Providence*
CaptainPervy: *Brother, eh?*
FFFan80: *Man in Dark Blue armor walks out, a pair of yellow horns on each shoulder* 6\/6+++
AdamSquint: Yeah.
FFFan80: *Kicks Dan* -\/-+++
AdamSquint: There.
AdamSquint: *points*
FFFan80: >.O;;; *kicked*
FFFan80: 9\/9++ HEY!!!
CaptainPervy: *Ye his brother?**
FFFan80: -\/-+++ ...awake?
FFFan80: o.o -.-
FFFan80: ...who the f*&k are you?
FFFan80: *facepalms* V.V;;;
CaptainPervy: *Yeah, ye. In the Golbez armor!*
FFFan80: o\/o None of your @#%$ business.
TALLPANZER: *Casts ZAPBANGPOW on guy in Golbex armor.*
FFFan80: *Kicks Stephan* >\/>
CaptainPervy: *I be Uncle goddamned Pervy!*
FFFan80: *Double Wammied* >.<;;;;;;;;
FFFan80: e.e++++
CaptainPervy: *Yer askin fer an Ortillery beatin' matey!*
FFFan80: Ok, sheesh, fine, Cousin Hentai -\/-+++
FFFan80: 'Names Stephan.
CaptainPervy: *Wanna interview?*
TALLPANZER: you could use YE KINGS FURY on him UP
CaptainPervy: *Ye look less panicky than th' other one 'ere*
TALLPANZER: *Hands Pervy a velvet rope.*
CaptainPervy: *Naw,I got me own tricks*
FFFan80: *Mutters* Till you talk about 'his' lovelife ¬.¬ *glares at bro*
CaptainPervy: *And ye are?*
FFFan80: e.e+++ *glares ebilly at sibling*
FFFan80: e.e+++ *returns the favor*
AdamSquint: *laugh*
TALLPANZER: *Readies anvil.*
CaptainPervy: *::Ushyu holds up a Mirror Between them, refelcting the glares::*
FFFan80: O_O;;; Holy Ishtar!! I look like a demon!?!?
FFFan80: ........
FFFan80: ^_^ Dude... I am SO good at looking badass...
FFFan80: -_-;;;;
CaptainPervy: *heh heh heh*
CaptainPervy: ::Ushyu turns back into a Cabbit. Pervy gives her a carrot::*
CaptainPervy: *Right then, who are ye both, eh?*
FFFan80: o.o? Um... I told you my name?
CaptainPervy: *An'?*
FFFan80: So did I, perv guy e.e
FFFan80: o.o Daniel.
CaptainPervy: *Ye be more than names, maties*
FFFan80: ...he means what do you do, dumbass. -\/-
FFFan80: O_o;
FFFan80: >\/>;;; I..I KNEW THAT!!!
FFFan80: <.<;;;
FFFan80: o.o; Well, um... I sorta work in this place called 'Doma', but I'm originally from a country called Baron.
CaptainPervy: *Ye need nachos. ::Gives both of them a basket of Nachos::*
FFFan80: ^_^ Thanks! *consumes*
CaptainPervy: *Ah, I know the King o'Doma*
TALLPANZER: don't make me use this, Stephan *points to anvil.*
FFFan80: 6.6? ....the hell is this?
CaptainPervy: *Class act, him*
FFFan80: -\/- Looks like fried bread slices a chocobo sneezed onto.
CaptainPervy: *They be th' key t' world piece!*
Arch mage144: *steals all TP's godmoder equipment and his RPG gaming books*
FFFan80: O_O;;;
CaptainPervy: *Peace, even*
 | Rum, White Magic, an' Cabbits.
That's th' life fer me.
Seig No-Pants! |  |
| Uncle Pervy Evil Joe  Posts: 1724 (6/20/02 10:03 pm) Reply
 | Re: Transcripts of the Tonight Show, Starring... Super Rube? You have just entered room "The Tonight Show starring Ash."
AshFanrico: Ah it's been fine... but those mages never give ya any respect...
dragonclawsedw has entered the room.
AshFanrico: lousy skirt wearers...
UltraRube: Boo!
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
CaptainPervy: *hey now, I used t' be a White Mage*
CaptainPervy: *Afore I became a Pirate*
UltraRube: Booooooo~!
AshFanrico: so... you answered your question.
AshFanrico: I mean...
AshFanrico: where's mortis when you need him...
AshFanrico: stupid spider...
CaptainPervy: *Who?*
AshFanrico: ah nothing...
CaptainPervy: *TEll us about this Mortis, matey*
UltraRube: Show some skin!
AshFanrico: OO *hears Rube*
CaptainPervy: *::Flings a football at Rube::*
AshFanrico: Well Mortis supposedly eats typos...
SlyFox565: *Mr. T the bouncer deals with Rube*
CaptainPervy: *Ah*
AshFanrico: but obviously don't do a godo job of it
CaptainPervy: *Happens*
AshFanrico: @#%$ typos...
CaptainPervy: *Anyway, what kind o warrior skills ye got?*
AshFanrico: lots...
CaptainPervy: *Fer instance?*
AshFanrico: like the Sword Dance attack and the Glide Slash
CaptainPervy: *Sword Dance?*
CaptainPervy: *Ain't that th' Alex o' Burg speciall?*
AshFanrico: Oh yeah... well i hear some bloke named Alex from some game uses it.
SlyFox565: I can use it too
CaptainPervy: *Shaddup!*
AshFanrico: oh well...
AshFanrico: and the Big Broom of DEATH!!!!!
CaptainPervy: *Ye got any unique moves?*
AshFanrico: *pulls out the said large broom*
CaptainPervy: *Like That?*
AshFanrico: Omnibroomslash...
AshFanrico: yes...
SlyFox565: (can you blame him? Sword Dance looks friggin sweet)
AshFanrico: (hell yeah)
AshFanrico: ......
CaptainPervy: *Can ye demonstrate that one, matey? wit*
CaptainPervy: 'out killin' everyone?*
AshFanrico: Got any monsters? or ya just want me to wing it?
SlyFox565: (now if only you had FD's Swiss Army Broom*
CaptainPervy: *Wing it*
AshFanrico: Ah... ok...
AshFanrico: *stands up*
AshFanrico: *in front of audience and performs the super cool move of the OmniBroomSlash*
AshFanrico: (basically like Omnislash from FF7... just with a broom)
CaptainPervy: *Nice*
AshFanrico: thank you...
CaptainPervy: *Ye got any others?*
badluckbard: oooh...
UltraRube: *escapes the villianous clutches of Mr. T.*
AshFanrico: yeah... like X-Strike... and stuff like that.
AshFanrico: Crosslash,
CaptainPervy: *X-Strike?*
AshFanrico: another version of Crossslash
CaptainPervy: *How d'ye do that? Yer only one person, right?*
UltraRube: I'm being cencored! My rights are being comprimised! I need t-- *is thrown helluva far*
AshFanrico: oh yeah.....
AshFanrico: i meant X-Slash... sorry... I forget the names since they sound so alike...
AshFanrico: >> <<
AshFanrico: >>
AshFanrico: Where's Vanna?
CaptainPervy: *Power amnesia, eh?*
SlyFox565: (*Rube lands on top of the FF4 party on the moon*)
AshFanrico: of course...
CaptainPervy: *Happens, It does*
UltraRube: Crap. I'm on the moon... again.
CaptainPervy: *So, what've ye been up t'?*
AshFanrico: of course it's amnesia... if my name ain't Winky The Wonder Possum!!! I mean.... Ash... Fanrico
AshFanrico: << >>
AshFanrico: not much... am currently saving the world from a dark summon AND trying to help Queen Aya find her sword...
CaptainPervy: *What kinda sword?*
CaptainPervy: *I might've seen it on th' Black Market*
AshFanrico: Some Dragon Thing Sword or whatever... i forget how they pronounce it...
CaptainPervy: *Aye, dragons an' their freaky language*
AshFanrico: Apparently she lost it while entering our world from Aynee
AshFanrico: yes...
SlyFox565: (Just don't get thrown in a dimensional disturbance along the way)
CaptainPervy: *Well, I'll keep an eye out fer it*
AshFanrico: it's weird... i go from slaying them to being their friend
CaptainPervy: *Where d'ye come from, Ash?*
AshFanrico: So weird....
AshFanrico: me?
AshFanrico: Where'd i come from?
CaptainPervy: *aye*
AshFanrico: Wow... never been asked that...
CaptainPervy: *Well now ye have*
AshFanrico: Valarahan....
CaptainPervy: *Tis that at?*
AshFanrico: some little island off the coast...
CaptainPervy: *Ah*
CaptainPervy: *They got Pirates?*
AshFanrico: it's been deserted for a long time... about 2 Centuries to be exact
CaptainPervy: *Guess not*
AshFanrico: there might be... but wasn't much cept moss last time i checked.
CaptainPervy: *Why did ye become a Warrior, matey?*
AshFanrico: to right wrongs and avenge the loss of my parents...
CaptainPervy: *Ah*
AshFanrico: Tis hard being a hero these days...
CaptainPervy: *I became a Pirate because th' Money's good an' there's lots o' liquor*
SlyFox565: (hey, Reako wants to avenge people too)
AshFanrico: yeah... from what I've heard... it's a pretty good business...
badluckbard: woot! *waves flask from yesterday*
CaptainPervy: *Ever try it?*
AshFanrico: nope...
AshFanrico: Never wanted to...
CaptainPervy: *Ever consider it?*
CaptainPervy: *Guess not*
AshFanrico: nah... too busy saving the freaking world half the time...
AshFanrico: or doing some random task for the King of Doma... and his queen.,
CaptainPervy: *Does that pay well?*
AshFanrico: from time to time...
CaptainPervy: *Ye got a character theme?*
AshFanrico: most of the money i make goes to paying for the room me and my girl got at Kotoki's Inn
AshFanrico: nope... not yet.... no theme whatsoever...
CaptainPervy: *HEard 'bout that place; oughts drop in someday*
CaptainPervy: *Ever consider borrowin' one?*
AshFanrico: yeah...
AshFanrico: but... there are so many good ones out there...
SlyFox565: (I have a battle theme for Loracia, but that's it)
CaptainPervy: *::Gives Ash 'GRahf, Emperor of Darkness'::*
AshFanrico: Maybe Cyan's theme...
CaptainPervy: *Thar ye go!*
AshFanrico: *has GRahf* What is it?
AshFanrico: >>
CaptainPervy: *(Want it?)*
AshFanrico: (what is it from?)
CaptainPervy: *(Xenogears)*
AshFanrico: Umm... thanks i guess... should help me till i get my own theme...
CaptainPervy: *(Great Militaristic Villain's theme)*
AshFanrico: *stuff GRahf in pocket*
AshFanrico: << >>
UltraRube: *returns from moon*
AshFanrico: hey it's Rube!!!
CaptainPervy: *YEr lookin' 'round a lot, matey. Expectin' somethin'?*
UltraRube: ...
AshFanrico: he's back from the moon.
CaptainPervy: *Indeed*
badluckbard: Do you bring cheese?
AshFanrico: no...
UltraRube: Show some skin!
AshFanrico: just looking around...
AshFanrico: big set... ya know?
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
UltraRube: *is thrown helluva far again.*
CaptainPervy: *ash, ye've been a great guest*
AshFanrico: well there he goes again....
AshFanrico: thanks...
CaptainPervy: *Rube! Getcher Arse down here!*
AshFanrico: I appreciate the interview and the hilarity...
CaptainPervy: *Yer up next!*
UltraRube: *falls into chair after being thrown helluva far.*
CaptainPervy: *No trouble, matey*
AshFanrico: *scoots over onto couch*
CaptainPervy: *Rube, who th' hell are ye?*
UltraRube: ---aaaaaaAAAA!!! *lands* Oof!
UltraRube: ...me?
AshFanrico: That's what me and many others are still trying to find out
UltraRube: I am teh Rube.
AshFanrico: heh heh...
SlyFox565: (by the way Ash, when will I be added to the banner on the board with all the RP chars?)
CaptainPervy: *What character class?*
UltraRube: Uh... Rube?
CaptainPervy: *What kinda abilities d'Rubes get?*
UltraRube: ...is this a test?
AshFanrico: (i have but haven't sent it to DM yet... will eventually)
UltraRube: ...am I, like, being graded or something?
AshFanrico: no... dude... it's an intereview...
CaptainPervy: *Tis an interview*
CaptainPervy: *So yeah, pretty much*
UltraRube: ...but he's asking all these hard questions.
AshFanrico: Don't look at me...
UltraRube: ..and I haven't had the chance to study!
AshFanrico: i just a broom and facial hair....
CaptainPervy: *Tough!*
UltraRube: Aw man...
AshFanrico: damn mortis slacking off...
CaptainPervy: *Ye shoulda expected it*
UltraRube: Hey, i was just in the audiunce getting the crap thrown out of me.
CaptainPervy: *So?*
CaptainPervy: *I was drunk when I got interviewed8
CaptainPervy: *
UltraRube: I didn't know there was going to be a quiz.
AshFanrico: tell them what you do Rube...
UltraRube: ...stuff. I do stuff.
CaptainPervy: *Like?*
AshFanrico: *nods*
UltraRube: ...haven't any of you been paying attention?
UltraRube: All kinds of stuff!
badluckbard: *plays teh ThunderRube song for encouragement*
CaptainPervy: *How's that workin' out?*
UltraRube: Oh, quite nicely...
CaptainPervy: *Any good tales t' tell?*
UltraRube: ...'cept for the fact that I'm being sued by five companies..
AshFanrico: well tell about the Panty Raid...
CaptainPervy: *What fer?*
AshFanrico: What that was R00B... never mind...
UltraRube: ...for doing stuff in a no stuff doing zone.
CaptainPervy: *Ah*
UltraRube: ...it's a long story.
CaptainPervy: *Are those zones legal?*
AshFanrico: *shuts up and listens*
UltraRube: No.
UltraRube: In fact...
UltraRube: They're an insult to Rubes everywhere!
CaptainPervy: *Thought not*
CaptainPervy: *So how did ye become a rube?*
UltraRube: Hey man, @#%$ happens, you know?
AshFanrico: *nods* yep
SlyFox565: ya look like some sort of superhero
dragonclawsedw: o_o
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
AshFanrico: *chuckles*
UltraRube: Super... hero...?
CaptainPervy: *And what was th' @#%$ that happened t' ye?*
AshFanrico: well you are Super Rube...
UltraRube: ...but I'm not a hero, I'm a rube?
UltraRube: The @#%$ that happened to me?
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
UltraRube: well, pervy... that's a very good question.
CaptainPervy: *Tis why I asked*
AshFanrico: *nods*
UltraRube: I think it's high time that I explained my origins to you all, don't you think?
CaptainPervy: *Aye!*
UltraRube: Very well.
AshFanrico: *nods even though he's not the one being interviewed*
UltraRube: It all began several years ago, while I was visting the north western section of-- Dog that likes the taste of billy no legs: AAARRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!
AshFanrico: ....
UltraRube: Aaaahhhh!!! he's biting me! *Rube is mauled8
CaptainPervy: *::Mutes the Dog::*
AshFanrico: well...
AshFanrico: @#%$...
CaptainPervy: *Then casts Fade on it::*
AshFanrico: wow...
badluckbard: You have Billy's legs???
CaptainPervy: *::Casts Cure 3 on Rube::*
UltraRube: *looks up* Is it over?
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
UltraRube: ...@#%$, that was easy.
SlyFox565: ok, the north western section of what?
CaptainPervy: *YE were sayin'?*
UltraRube: ...what?
AshFanrico: ....
CaptainPervy: *About the Western section o' something several years ago*
AshFanrico: well at least tell us how you met Nikki....
UltraRube: ...western section of what now?
UltraRube: Oh! Nikki
UltraRube: ?
UltraRube: I met her in high school.
AshFanrico: nevermind... I'm just going to be listening to GRahf here...
AshFanrico: *puts on headphones*
UltraRube: But.. I thought you where interviewing me?
AshFanrico: Me? Heck naw... im a guest too
UltraRube: That's awful rude. Ignoring the interviewiee.
AshFanrico: He's interviewing you... *points to Pervy*
UltraRube: the guy in the pirate hat and white robes?
AshFanrico: yes
UltraRube: ...what's up with those robes anyhow?
AshFanrico: *listens to GRahf*
UltraRube: Awww... I'm being ignored again.
UltraRube: *pouts*
UltraRube: ..and here I was about to reveal the true nature of my Rube-ness...
SlyFox565: you can tell me
AshFanrico: *tosses headphones*
badluckbard: Reveal it anyways
SlyFox565: I'm the replacement host
AshFanrico: Talk with him Pervy...
UltraRube: I don't know if I want to now.
SlyFox565: Pervy left for a drink
badluckbard: I'll play the Thunder Rube song if you do...
UltraRube: ...I might have to be... persuaded...
SlyFox565: don't worry, I pay the man
UltraRube: "pay the man"? what are you, his pimp?
badluckbard: Thunder Rube is on the move, Thunder Rube is loose...
AshFanrico: *busts out laughing*
SlyFox565: ....no
dragonclawsedw: Thunder Rube....Thunder Rube.....HOOOOOOOOOO!
UltraRube: Well, it sounds mighty suspect to me.
badluckbard: ....hear the sarcasm, feel teh stuff, Thunder Rube is loose
badluckbard: Thunder Thunder Thunder Rube!
UltraRube: ...and that ThunderRube song is just too catchy.
AshFanrico: well... this is an interesting interview...
badluckbard: Thunder Thunder Thunder Rube!
badluckbard: *long instrumental...*
badluckbard: *...where Rube does teh stuff*
UltraRube: *wails on his guitar*
AshFanrico: well... then...
UltraRube: *...poorly*
AshFanrico: >> <<
CaptainPervy has left the room.
SlyFox565: so Rube, what is the origion of your Rube-ness?
badluckbard: *whisper* ThunderRube! *drum finish*
UltraRube: Anyhoo... am I still being interviewed?
UltraRube: Oh, I guess I am!
UltraRube: well... truth be told...
UltraRube: it's......
UltraRube: *dramatic pause*
dragonclawsedw: o_o
AshFanrico: ......
AshFanrico: .......
UltraRube: (I do so love teh suspence)
AshFanrico: ........ ok come on now...
CaptainPervy has entered the room.
CaptainPervy: *::Carges back in::*
SlyFox565: (I recently asked him about his rubeness origion)
UltraRube: ....fine. The truth about teh Rube and his Rubey wonderfulness is...
AshFanrico: .....
UltraRube: ...nothing.
AshFanrico: well... ok.
CaptainPervy: *::Walks back to the desk and sits::*
UltraRube: *awaits reactions*
AshFanrico: don't know where it turned out that im interveiwing him...
dragonclawsedw: *GASP!*
SlyFox565: alright pervy
SlyFox565: continue the interview
CaptainPervy: *Right, where were we?*
UltraRube: Thank you LDC.
AshFanrico: you asked him about his origins and Nikki...
UltraRube: ..wait, now who's conducting the interview?
AshFanrico: wait that was me with the nikki question...
UltraRube: I'm all confused.
AshFanrico: so am i.
SlyFox565: him
SlyFox565: the pirate
UltraRube: Him?
AshFanrico: in the white robes...
CaptainPervy: *Rube, where're ye from?*
UltraRube: Okay. *turns to purvy.*
badluckbard: well, you also missed teh Thunder Rube song Purvy
UltraRube: I just said! I is from nothing!
CaptainPervy: *Okay them*
CaptainPervy: *Then*
CaptainPervy: *What lkind of class abilities do Rubes have, matey?*
UltraRube: well... that's easy.
AshFanrico: .....
UltraRube: One: Sarcasm.
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
UltraRube: Two: Moe sarcasm.
AshFanrico: *nods*
UltraRube: Three: Uber typo powas.
AshFanrico: IM: I bet Moe's happy.
UltraRube: ...as I'm sure you've noted.
CaptainPervy: *Indeed*
AshFanrico: *nods*
CaptainPervy: *Well, some Pirates get that too, eh? ;-)*
UltraRube: I guess. You're the expert.
CaptainPervy: *So, Rube... the Big question*
AshFanrico: oo
UltraRube: ...yes, I will marry you!
AshFanrico: (XD)
CaptainPervy: *Whjat the hel;l ye hidin' under that mask*
UltraRube: Gosh! This is so exciting!
UltraRube: ...mask?
CaptainPervy: *I'm married t' th' Sea, matey*
CaptainPervy: *Aye, mask*
UltraRube: Oh.. one of those are ya.
CaptainPervy: *Damn right*
UltraRube: Anyhow... to the mask.
UltraRube: Under the mask is....
AshFanrico has left the room.
UltraRube: *reaches towards head*
dragonclawsedw: O_O
UltraRube: *...slowly...*
dragonclawsedw: Take it off take it off!
UltraRube: (that's my line, DC =P)
AshFanrico has entered the room.
AshFanrico: (damn... im popular all of a sudden)
UltraRube: *hands stop suddnely and point at mask.* My face!
AshFanrico: *facevaults*
badluckbard: Aaaaaww...that was dissapointing...
CaptainPervy: *What sort o face, matey?*
AshFanrico: yeah...
dragonclawsedw: *yells out* I BET HE'S A BISHOUNEN!
SlyFox565: (watch)
CaptainPervy: *Rube, I'll tell ye what*
UltraRube: Gee... I dunno. A rubey one, I guess.
AshFanrico: (well i gotta go...)
SlyFox565: (Pervy'll force the info outta him)
AshFanrico: Well this is boring... *leaves*
UltraRube: (Okay, see you ashybaby.)
AshFanrico has left the room.
CaptainPervy: *If ye are willin' t' remove ye mask, I'll take off me Pirate hat*
UltraRube: ...That's my modivation?
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
CaptainPervy: *One fer one*
UltraRube: You might as well say you'll take of your gloves.
CaptainPervy: *I ain't ne'er removed me hat before*
UltraRube: *off
SlyFox565: ...and I will give you 100000 gil
UltraRube: ..ewwwww...
CaptainPervy: *And I'll toss in a basket o Nachos*
UltraRube: But I don't want Nachos... or your funny gil thingies.
SlyFox565: (you know, you can take if off, then put it back on, without saying anything)
FDeth: ...I'll give ya a monkey!
UltraRube: ...did he say monkey?
FDeth: Indeed.
SlyFox565: (someday, I might draw Rube with no helmet and mask)
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
dragonclawsedw: I'll give him a stick....
UltraRube: ...hmmmmmm...
dragonclawsedw: So then he can be Rube and Stick
CaptainPervy: *Rube, you know yer Monkey poll?*
CaptainPervy: *I ain't voted yet*
UltraRube: Oh yes... I am quite fond of my monkey poll.
CaptainPervy: *Take off th' Mask, and I'll vote yes*
UltraRube: You haven't?
UltraRube: Wait a minute....
UltraRube: That's bribery!
CaptainPervy: *Tis indeed*
CaptainPervy: *I'm a Pirate, we do that*
UltraRube: I'll not have bribes in my election! I only wish to win if the people will it! Not because the voters where bought off!
badluckbard: I'll also write another catchy song for you!
SlyFox565: (that's it, I'm drawing Rube)
SlyFox565: (with no mask)
CaptainPervy: *IF you Remove yer mask, you've shown you are worthy of a monkey*
SlyFox565 has left the room.
UltraRube: I don't know if I want a money that badly.
UltraRube: *monkey.
CaptainPervy: *I don't sanction monkeys fer people who hide behind masks*
UltraRube: I'm not hiding.
CaptainPervy: *Then prove it*
badluckbard: you're livin' a lie, rube!
UltraRube: ...anyhow, you're hiding under that hat... kinda.
CaptainPervy: *I am*
CaptainPervy: *And if ye will show us, so will I*
UltraRube: ...then what gives you the right to sanction monkeys? Or any sort of primate for that matter?
CaptainPervy: *One fer one. and a Monkey*
CaptainPervy: *Because I;'m the Host, matey*
UltraRube: Well that's hardly fair.
CaptainPervy: *Nope*
CaptainPervy: *But that's life*
CaptainPervy: *Like ye said, something ye just get a Load o' @#%$ dropped on ye*
UltraRube: ...what the hell do you have to hide under that hat anyhow?
CaptainPervy: *Ye'll find out if ye remove that mask*
FDeth: Hat hair, Rube!
UltraRube: ...I don't think I want you to remove your hat at this rate.
UltraRube: Might be dangerous.
CaptainPervy: *Ye scared, matey?*
UltraRube: yeah, of your hat.
CaptainPervy: *Well, if I cabbit can survive livin' there, ye can survive seeing it*
CaptainPervy: *a cabbit, rather*
UltraRube: ...okay, now I really don't want to see what's under there.
CaptainPervy: *Then ye can turn away*
UltraRube: Any how... what do you all have against my mask?
UltraRube: I think it's rather dashing.
CaptainPervy: *Ye hide under it, matey*
CaptainPervy: *We don't like the sort that hide*
badluckbard: its like a Pandora's Box made out of clothe
UltraRube: Who says I'm hiding?
CaptainPervy: *We do*
UltraRube: It's not like people acuse black mages of hiding under their hats.
FDeth: ...yes they do.
UltraRube: ...well, they don't do it on talk shows.
CaptainPervy: *That's becasue a Black Mage's hat tis th' lynchpin o there soul*
UltraRube: ...What's a "lynchpin"?
CaptainPervy: *Ye take of a Black Mage's hat, they dissolves*
CaptainPervy: *Thing that hold somethin' together*
UltraRube: Oh.
UltraRube: well there you go then.
CaptainPervy: *Don't try that, matey*
UltraRube: Take off my mask and I dissolve.
UltraRube: too late!
CaptainPervy: *YE would've said so earlier*
UltraRube: Might have.
UltraRube: ...but then it wouldn't have been as funny.
CaptainPervy: *::Looks to the Audience:: What do you guys think?*
badluckbard: *resists urge to rip off the clothey pandora's mask*
badluckbard: Rube has a point...
UltraRube: You are welcome to try to remove it.
CaptainPervy: *Alrighty, but I think he's bluffin'*
CaptainPervy: *But, ye know what? I'll go first*
CaptainPervy: *::Stands Up::*
UltraRube: Go right ahead. *offers no resistance*
CaptainPervy: *Closes eyes and Takes a breath::*
UltraRube: *totaly calm*
CaptainPervy: *::Ushyu jumps down onto Pervy's Shoulder::*
UltraRube: Hey, no stallin'!
CaptainPervy: *::Pervy Reaches up, and whips of his hat, them smooths back his tangled hair to revela two triangular, feline ears::*
badluckbard: Wait, if his mask is a clothey pandora's box...
badluckbard: ...and Pandora's box released the worlds deseases...*sudden dawning point is reached*
badluckbard: DON'T REMOVE THAT MASK!!!
UltraRube: Draw whatever conclusions you want.
CaptainPervy: *::Flips an ear in annoyance:: I ain't forcin' th' coward*
badluckbard: *notices Captain Pervy's ears* ooh, prettyful
UltraRube: ...anyhow, Pervy won't be the first to remove it.
CaptainPervy: *::Looks at Rube:: Thaer ye have it, matey. I'm the only nekojin Pirate around. Tis a hard thing t' reveal*
CaptainPervy: *Nobody takes us catfolk seriously whren we try t' plunder*
UltraRube: ...why? Not like you're the only cat person around.
CaptainPervy: *Only Piraten Catperson, matey*
badluckbard: If you use you're claws they'll respect you
UltraRube: Anyhow, I know plenty of cat peoples that can be down right nasty.
CaptainPervy: *Nope took me seriously when I started out*
CaptainPervy: *No claws; just th' ears*
UltraRube: that's because you hadn't made a name for yourself.
UltraRube: Before you where just some cat guy...
CaptainPervy: *Well, when ye got a cutlass at a spaniard's throat, an' he just laughs at yer ears...*
UltraRube: now you're CaptianPervy! Scourge of the seven... uh... things!
CaptainPervy: *aye*
CaptainPervy: *That's why I could finally reveal me little secret*
dragonclawsedw has left the room.
UltraRube: ...if he laughs at your ears, kill him.
UltraRube: ...you are a pirate, after all.
CaptainPervy: *I did*
CaptainPervy: *I killed a lotta them; didn't help*
UltraRube: Well... ya do that enough and people will learn.
CaptainPervy: *But once I got me hat*
UltraRube: You didn't kill enough o' them then.
UltraRube: ...damn it, now you've got me doing it.
CaptainPervy: *Heh heh*
badluckbard: *listens*
CaptainPervy: *Well, what about ye Rube?*
CaptainPervy: *I coud come forth; how about ye?*
UltraRube: Then you've got to set up some weird shrine of human heads and tell people that that's what happens to those that don't take the nekojin pirate seriously...
CaptainPervy: *Didn't have enough room*
badluckbard: aaaww...*pats him on the back*
UltraRube: ...steall a bigger ship then.
UltraRube: ...or you could steall a smaller ship, build the shrine on that one, and drag it behind your main ship!
CaptainPervy: *Anyway,Rube, yer changin' th' subject*
UltraRube: You bet!
CaptainPervy: *C'mon matey, whip off that mask*
CaptainPervy: *Ushyu: Meow!*
UltraRube: I told you, you are welcome to try.
CaptainPervy: *See Me cabbit wants ye to*
badluckbard: Think of the cabbits!
CaptainPervy: *Ushyu: Myu!*
UltraRube: I don't really care for cabbits.
CaptainPervy: *Ye don't care fer cabbit, an' ye want a monkey?*
CaptainPervy: *That ain't gonna work*
UltraRube: Well... a cabbit isn't a monkey is it?
UltraRube: I mean, you don't see chimps transmogrfiying into giant death ships, do you?
CaptainPervy: *Cabbits an' monkeys got a lot in common*
CaptainPervy: *Both like t;' climb on things*
CaptainPervy: *Both are smarter than they look*
CaptainPervy: *Both are furry*
CaptainPervy: *Both really like carrots*
UltraRube: Oh, not my monkey.
UltraRube: He will only consume the flesh of the innocent.
CaptainPervy: *But he'd eat it wit' carrots*
UltraRube: I wouldn't allow it.
badluckbard: What about bananas?
UltraRube: Bananas I will alow.
CaptainPervy: *Or the Flesh of Innocent Carrots?*
UltraRube: Carrots aren't innocent.
CaptainPervy: *Some are*
UltraRube: They have the blood of damn near every other vegetable on their.. uh.. roots.
CaptainPervy: *As do all other veggies, matey*
UltraRube: Yeah, but carrots are worse.
CaptainPervy: *Yer a bigot!*
badluckbard: blasphemy! *eats a carrot*
UltraRube: Hey man, if you've seen the @#%$ I've seen man... *shudders*
CaptainPervy: *YE be a bloody anti carrot Nazi!*
CaptainPervy: *Ushyu: REEEOWWW!*
UltraRube: I have my reasons!
badluckbard: Have carrots tortured you?
CaptainPervy: *Nazi!*
CaptainPervy: *I'll bet ye hate the way o' No Pants too!*
UltraRube: Hey, I'll have you know that I helped start the way of no pants.
CaptainPervy: *And what, twisted it int' some sort o' Carrot Nazi cult?*
UltraRube: ...I'd rather not get into that.
UltraRube: And I"m not a carrot nazi!
CaptainPervy: *Sure ye wouldn't.*
badluckbard: *nods* He did...
badluckbard: Why do you hate carrots though? *curious*
badluckbard: bah, nevermind, I have to go now. See you all tomorrow.
UltraRube: Oh, okay.
UltraRube: ...and I don't like carrots because...
UltraRube: *cries*
badluckbard: *decides to say something before she leaves.* And that is why you eat them raw. Goodbye everybody!
CaptainPervy: *They're good in soup*
badluckbard has left the room.
UltraRube: I'm afraid I must be going as well.
UltraRube: I have... you know, stuff to do.
CaptainPervy: *Anyway, Rube matey, twasn't a bad interview*
FDeth: ...indeed.
CaptainPervy: *Til next time, then*
UltraRube: Nope, twasn't at all.
UltraRube: Til next time... uh... may teh stuff be with you!
CaptainPervy: *::Scratches Ears:: Feels good t' come clean with that*
CaptainPervy has left the room.
FDeth: ...
 | Rum, White Magic, an' Cabbits.
That's th' life fer me.
Seig No-Pants! |  |
| Uncle Pervy Evil Joe  Posts: 1726 (6/20/02 11:23 pm) Reply
 | Re: Transcripts of the Tonight Show, Starring... Super Rube? You have just entered room "Late Show starring Jak Snide."
Jak Snide: *mutters* Why do you summon me?
CaptainPervy: *Welcome, Mateys!*
FDeth has entered the room.
pd Rydia has entered the room.
CaptainPervy: *YEr bein' interviewed!*
FDeth: ...ooooooooo...Jak Snide... *lurks to drawxor*
Jak Snide: That's nice...but I'm also RPing. ^_^;;
CaptainPervy: *Jak, getcher arse down here!*
SlyFox565: this is sort of an RP
SlyFox565: he's gonna interview your char
SlyFox565: that's what Pervy does
Arch mage144: Hehe
Jak Snide: >_> As in I'm RPing now. With someone.
CaptainPervy: *Bah!*
SlyFox565: (RP? Where? Is it one I can enter?)
SlyFox565: well, Pervy, you can interview Rydia in the meantime
pd Rydia: o_o
pd Rydia: Again?
CaptainPervy: *Alrighty Jak, yer off th' hook*
Jak Snide: It's a one on one thing in an IM. Take a wild guess who it is.
CaptainPervy: *I'd rather Interview FD!*
SlyFox565: kotoki?
pd Rydia: indeed
SlyFox565: ok, interview him
CaptainPervy: *I ain't done him yet&
CaptainPervy: *
Jak Snide: *pats the fox on the head, then scoots*
Jak Snide has left the room.
CaptainPervy: *FD, getcher arse down here!*
FDeth: Not now...I be lurkin to drawxor! *does so*
SlyFox565: ...bah
SlyFox565: we need a guest!
CaptainPervy: *I SAID GET DOWN HERE!*
CaptainPervy: *Bah!*
SlyFox565: wait
FDeth: ...fine! Short interview!
SlyFox565: Rydia
pd Rydia: o_o?
SlyFox565: we haven't done Adam yet have we?
FDeth: *ninja flips on stage...or something*
CaptainPervy: *Squintz?*
CaptainPervy: *Yeah, we did him*
SlyFox565: wait, yes we did
CaptainPervy: *FD, welcome!*
CaptainPervy: *::Hands FD Nachoes::*
SlyFox565: I dunno if we should do Kotoki
CaptainPervy: *Yer th' Ninja o' Doom, right?*
FDeth: *uses BS to turn nachos...to tacos!
FDeth: Indeed.
CaptainPervy: *Tis that like?*
FDeth: ...it's like being a ninja, only with more doom.
CaptainPervy: *Well, I'm a pirate, so yer gotta explain it a little better*
FDeth: ...I flip out and kill things. That involoves a lot of doom. I also kick things in the face and wail on a guitar,
both of which also involve much doom.
FDeth: ...and ham.
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
CaptainPervy: *Why ham?*
FDeth: ...why ham? Why not ham?
CaptainPervy: *Because it isn't kosher*
FDeth: ...so?
CaptainPervy: *Two o' the seven major religions can't touch it*
SlyFox565: exactly!
SlyFox565: you can scare Clerics and make them crap thier pants!
FDeth: Indeed!
CaptainPervy: *No, ye scare Rabbis an' Imans*
FDeth: 'sodes, I bet they're religions don't let them flip out and kill things anyways. =P
FDeth: 'sides*
CaptainPervy: *FD, ye an' I both know that th' war between Pirates and Ninja twas long and Bloody*
FDeth: Indeed.
CaptainPervy: *Are ye glad it's over?*
FDeth: Yup....no I have seafarin' ninja! WHEEEEEEEEE!
FDeth: now*
CaptainPervy: *Heh heh*
CaptainPervy: *During th' war... Did ye do anything particularly nasty?*
CaptainPervy: *Dun worry, I won't judge ye*
CaptainPervy: *We've forgiven both sides o
CaptainPervy: the war crimes*
FDeth: ...probably. Not that I can remember all that much of it, 'cause my memory sucks.
CaptainPervy: *aye*
CaptainPervy: *Know that one (Glances at AM)*
CaptainPervy: *The answers is always Doom, right?*
FDeth: Indeed it is.
CaptainPervy: *Even when the question is doom?*
FDeth: Yup.
CaptainPervy: *Why Doom? Why not Poltergeist or Goddess?*
FDeth: ...because those just plain aren't as cool.
CaptainPervy: *I dunno; Goddess was pretty hot; and Poltergeist looked damned Groovy*
FDeth: ...even so, doom beats them out.
CaptainPervy: *Why?*
CaptainPervy: *They cancelled each other out fer centuries*
FDeth: Because it does, spoonit! oVO
CaptainPervy: *That all ye got?*
FDeth: ...probably.
CaptainPervy: *Pity*
FDeth: ...I can probably come up with more, though.
CaptainPervy: *I think Poltergeist or Goddess be the answer 66% o' th' time, meself*
FDeth: ....
FDeth: ...ya see, doom is easier to spell than poltergeist.
CaptainPervy: *True*
CaptainPervy: *But easier than Goddess?*
FDeth: As for goddess...it doesn't sound NEARLY as good as an answer to something.
FDeth: 'sides, the numerical value of doom is 42.
CaptainPervy: *How so?*
FDeth: ...well, it doesn't sound as good to me. It needs to be a quick, one syllable response.
SlyFox565: what if the answer was spoon?
CaptainPervy: *I mean how is Doom equivalent t' 42?*
CaptainPervy: *Shappud you!*
FDeth: ...oh. Well, ya see...LOOK OVER THERE! *points, runs, and lurks to continue drawing*
CaptainPervy: *Bah*
CaptainPervy: *Next!*
Choark has entered the room.
SlyFox565: *points*
CaptainPervy: *Choark! Getcher arse up here!*
Choark: ( Hello? >.> Whats this? )
CaptainPervy: *YEr bein' interviewed!*
SlyFox565: (your character is)
Choark: Where am I?
Choark: >.> Is there any food here?
CaptainPervy: *Nachos*
Choark: . . . any meat?
CaptainPervy: *::Offers Choark a basket of Nachos::*
CaptainPervy: *Nein, just Nachos, Salt, and Taco sauce*
Choark: Well, . . . I' don't like them... but I'll come down anywho
Choark: *comes down*
Choark: <.< What a happening here anyway? A fight?
CaptainPervy: *Hmmm... Ye don't like Nachos eh?*
Choark: I like meat!
CaptainPervy: *Naw, just a talk show*
SlyFox565: (they can have beef put on em though)
Choark: Talk show?
Choark: What happens in a talk show?
CaptainPervy: *Aye! Anyway, Choark, who th' hell are ye?*
pd Rydia: (XD)
Choark: I'm Choark! Babrarian Ninja! Mouse Catcher!And Number on Spaz!
Choark: Number ONe that is!
CaptainPervy: *Barbarian Ninja, eh?*
CaptainPervy: *Tis that like?*
Choark: Well, you sneak up behind someone. . .
CaptainPervy: *Aye*
Choark: Then shout RAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!! and hit em over the head with something large!
CaptainPervy: *::Nods::*
Choark: *demenstrates hitting of the head with motions*
CaptainPervy: *How'd a Barbarian become a ninja, anyway?*
SlyFox565: (XD)
Choark: Well I'm not sure . . umm.. I was just trained from a kid. . .
CaptainPervy: *Alrighty*
Choark: I think we just liked playing hide and go sneak and hit things as a kid
CaptainPervy: *YE got any special skills?*
Choark: I'm really strong!
CaptainPervy: *aye*
CaptainPervy: *and?*
Choark: ^_^ And I like fighting!
CaptainPervy: *Ever Consider Piracy?*
Choark: I eat mice... people see that as special. Whats a pirate? Is it tasty?
CaptainPervy: *I be a Pirate*
CaptainPervy: *We've like sailors, fighters, an' thieves in one*
Choark: Really? You tasty then?
Choark: If you die can I eat ya?
CaptainPervy: *Nein*
Choark: .. I can eat nine of you?
Choark: O_o hows that possible?
CaptainPervy: *Yarr*
Choark: In a jar?
Choark: Is it a magic Jar?
CaptainPervy: *Ye got th' Barabarian bit down, that's fer sure*
Choark: o.o does that mean you like me?
CaptainPervy: *Bah, ye be walkin' o'er th' Bermuda Triangle on a plywood plank, matey*
Choark: . . . I like walking too. though I prefure to ride on Pig ^_^
CaptainPervy: *Ridin' Pigs, eh?*
CaptainPervy: *Tis that like?*
Choark: Not Pigs!
Choark: Pig!
Choark: He's my best friend!
Choark: He's a very important Wolf-Pig ya know
Choark: *nods*
CaptainPervy: *Tell me 'bout him*
Choark: Okay! He's a big wolf-pig who I can ride on, he likes to eat as much as I do only less and he seems to hate
being glomped by people, he even mauls DM when she does it. However at home people always said he was
once a leader
Choark: though i ain't sure a leader of what.. but I like him
Choark: He's pink and yellow too
CaptainPervy: *Okay*
CaptainPervy: *I got a little friend o me own*
CaptainPervy: *Her name's Ushyu; she be a cabbit*
Choark: She looks tasty ^_^
CaptainPervy: *::Ushyu leaps down from Pervy's hat to the desk::*
CaptainPervy: *Ushyu: REOW!*
CaptainPervy: *Matey, ye don't wanna eat her*
Choark: I would if you wanted me too
Choark: >.> But my guess is she's your food
CaptainPervy: *Naw, I don't want ye to*
CaptainPervy: *It's be like me eatin' Pig, ye know?*
Choark: O_o You'd eat a Pig? But.. But... Thats just..... wrong O.O
CaptainPervy: *Exactly*
CaptainPervy: *Be the same if ye ate Ushyu*
CaptainPervy: *::Gives Ushyu a carrot::*
Choark: o_O But she's not a Pig
CaptainPervy: *She's like one to me*
Choark: v.v... o.o I don;t understand.. but I'll nod. . . *nods*
CaptainPervy: *Thar ye go *
CaptainPervy: *Now, how did ye Meet Pig?*
Choark: He's been with me since birth ^_^
Choark: He's like my Father
CaptainPervy: *YEr Birth or his?*
Choark: Mine
CaptainPervy: *So how old is he?*
Choark: Pig's been alive for nearly 4 hunfred years i think
CaptainPervy: *::nods::*
pd Rydia: (going to sleep, nighty)
pd Rydia has left the room.
CaptainPervy: *I got booze that old*
Choark: 9_9 I never asked... but he's really old, and thats how old they get. . .
CaptainPervy: *So Pig's an old man, eh?*
Choark: *nods* Yeah
Choark: And he gets a little grumby
CaptainPervy: *HE crotchy, then?*
CaptainPervy: *Guess so*
Choark: *nods* Very
CaptainPervy: *Can he talk?*
Choark: To me
Choark: We're kinda linked
Choark: But to everyone else its like "Boink! Boink!"
CaptainPervy: *He grumble alot about what things were like in his day?*
Choark: He tells me "Stop being Stpuid and train!"
Choark: Most of the time >.> He doesn't even speak of the past to me
CaptainPervy: *Sound like a Bastard*
CaptainPervy: *Maybe ye should consider leavin' 'im*
Choark: No! He's my best friend!
Choark: He's just grumpy! I'd never leave him!
CaptainPervy: *Yer best friend sounds like a bastard*
Choark: . . . >.> I suddenly don't want to talk to you
CaptainPervy: *If ye never leave 'im, how will ye know if yer happier wit'out 'im?*
CaptainPervy: *Alrighty*
Choark: >>....
CaptainPervy: *I'll let it drop*
Choark: Good
CaptainPervy: *Ye got any other friends?*
Choark: Sure, there's Dan, Pink, F-man, M-man!, Aya Ara
Choark: *thinks* Dia, Hak,
Choark: Kamos, Jinx, Kingy
Choark: 9_9 Squintz, Shinigori
CaptainPervy: *::Nods::*
Choark: v.v ummm. . . And lots and lots of other people ^_^
Choark: Some even fight with me everytime they see me ^_^
Choark: Such good friends
CaptainPervy: *Aye!*
CaptainPervy: *Hey, got a question fer ye*
Choark: kay
CaptainPervy: *Squintz be looking fer some kinda freaky dragion sword. Seen it?*
Choark: *shakes head* Nope
CaptainPervy: *I told him I'd keep an eye out fer it, y'see*
Choark: I don't like swords.. i like Warhammers! ^_^
Choark: Crush your enenimes Skulls!
CaptainPervy: *So how are ye a Ninja again?*
Choark: I sneak up on them sometimes
CaptainPervy: *Ah*
Choark: But I'm not a very good ninja barbarian... but some of them are really good ^_^
CaptainPervy: *D'ye totally flip out like FD?*
Choark: More of side flip
Choark: I only go whacked out when there are things like gh..gho..ghosts around
Choark: <.<
Choark: >.>
CaptainPervy: *Oh? Canb ye demonstrate?*
Choark: O_o no! >.> Unless they are some ghosts around here?
CaptainPervy: *I meant yer side flip*
Choark: Oh!
Choark: Sure!
Choark: *side flips* ^_^ Ta Da!
CaptainPervy: *Not bad*
CaptainPervy: *Do ye know Toss, or Throw?*
Choark: *side flips agai, back to seat*
Choark: I can throw my Warhammer!
CaptainPervy: *Do ye get it back after doin' that?*
Choark: ... if i walk over and pick it up
CaptainPervy: *Then ye don't know Throw*
Choark: ...??
CaptainPervy: *When ye use throw, ye don't get yer stuff back*
Choark: >.> If ya a bad thrower i guess
Choark: Or you throw it too far away
Arch mage144: Crazy people hooked on CRPG physics...*yelling from crowd*
CaptainPervy: *SHADDUP!*
Choark: <.< Hey hey Hak! *waves*
CaptainPervy: *::Casts Fade on the Heckler::*
Arch mage144: I'm not Hak, I'm his RPer!
Arch mage144: *dies*
CaptainPervy: *Bastard... Anyways!*
CaptainPervy: *Any partin' word fer us, Cho?*
Choark: I'm hungry... can i eat now?
SlyFox565: FDeth left a few hams here
CaptainPervy: *Ye got nachos*
Choark: *spots a mouse*
Choark: >> MOUSE!!
Choark: *pounces and chomps down*
SlyFox565: (note: keep Cho away from Rodney)
Choark: ^_^
CaptainPervy: *(Rodney?)*
SlyFox565: (rat demihuman)
CaptainPervy: *(Ah)*
CaptainPervy: *Well, G'Night everybody!*
Choark: Night!
SlyFox565 has left the room.
Choark: *waves and chomps down rest od mouse*  | Rum, White Magic, an' Cabbits.
That's th' life fer me.
Seig No-Pants! |  |
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