Author | Comment |
Divinegon2130  Scroll of Summon City Bus  Posts: 1227 (2/2/02 12:30 am) Reply
 | IMPORTANT!! Why I act the way I do.
This includes:
-taking things too seriously
-not being able to lighten up
-probably many other things I have done |
Eidolon X  Silver Haired Guy In Gold Trimmed Armor Posts: 391 (2/2/02 12:36 am) Reply
 | Re: IMPORTANT!! Really? Kupo...I'm really sorry for making fun for you likupo that so often.
But at least you're tryingupo... ---------
Disclaimer: This poster is subject to random bouts of incoherency. If the poster is RPing, understand that he is most certainly in the middle of one of these and try to interpret the post figuratively. If you need an interpretation of a post, try looking here for what is a more sane explanation of a post then he'll ever give.
(That link will be replaced with something that will fit more in some point.)
EKDS5k  Bard of the Dark Arts Posts: 2058 (2/2/02 12:37 am) Reply
 | Re: IMPORTANT!! Have you actually been diagnosed with this, or is it just a site you found. Because I skimmed through it, and you're not THAT bad....sure, a few of the things apply to you, but not a whole lot of them.... |
Lowell the Lagomorph  Barefist Fighter Guy  Posts: 412 (2/2/02 1:18 am) Reply
 | Re: IMPORTANT!! Whether or not, it's cool. Nobody's perfect.
Except for The Cool Guy. But he was all too brief a comet, streaking across the sky, concealing interplanetary craft in his tail...
I'm sorry. This is about you. He was just so cool, is all. Mimic Box courtesy
Word of mouth:
Word. |
E Mouse The Newer, Eviller Khrima Posts: 4084 (2/2/02 1:23 am) Reply
 | Re: IMPORTANT!! Crap. No wonder I have trouble understanding you, despite feeling like sometimes I've acted similarly...
Of course, I really shouldn't comment right now, since I am FAR from having a working brain.
- "I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick butt. And you're my bubblegum."
"Cris built a LEGO robot to wait in line and snag a 'Cube and Xbox for him. It's too bad the little droid became self-aware, strangled his master, then sold both systems on eBay. Don't buy from ManDROID69!" |
EKDS5k  Bard of the Dark Arts Posts: 2059 (2/2/02 1:44 am) Reply
 | Re: IMPORTANT!! Well, yeah, it would explain a lot, even if he hasn't actually been diagnosed with this. I was just curious, that's all.
But seriously, you're not THAT bad.... |
Drykr Electrial  Posts: 182 (2/2/02 4:42 am) Reply | agreed. I'd say that if you've got that at all, it's probably axis 1 (or axis 4, i forget which is less severe). I don't even know that much about you; that site, however, describes a lack of bringing up points of interest and the resulting conversational awkwardness god man, look how many posts you've started
have you tried the Meijer-Briggs Type Indicator? -- there's a free-to-take test there. And if that url doesn't work, try switching the 'e' and 'i,' I can never remember the correct spelling.
--Drykr, et al |
Kakita Ki  Magitoaster  Posts: 534 (2/2/02 7:05 am) Reply
 | Re: agreed. I don`t even get the spoony site.*shrugs* "You do not see the Way, perhaps. Along the Way, it may seem like the Way is a long Way away but the Way to find the Way is to weigh the elements of the Way accordingly. Way back when the Way was Way, Way, away, you may have thought that there was no Way to continue along the Way, yet you found a Way. There is a Way, if you find a Way, to follow the Way though the Way seems to give you no Way. Do you see now?"- Togashi Yokuni Legend of the Hidden Chicken
Archmage144  Barefist Fighter Guy  Posts: 483 (2/2/02 1:50 pm) Reply
 | Move over, Freud... Self diagnosis is usually a bad thing. You'll end up diagnosing yourself with a dozen mental disorders you don't have...I'd suggest that, if someone didn't actually tell you you have this, that you not worry much about it.  Holy magic isn't just for White Mages any more... RPGWW! |
DragonMistressSCV  Airship  Posts: 1896 (2/2/02 1:57 pm) Reply
 | Re: Move over, Freud... If you really do have this.. i'm sorry
(it took me 5 mintues for that site to even open..)
New and improved signature will come as soon as I can think of one better.. |
Divinegon2130  Scroll of Summon City Bus  Posts: 1228 (2/2/02 9:00 pm) Reply
 | Re: IMPORTANT!! EKDS - This is a true story, and I have actually been diagnosed with it, but you ARE right in the fact that this isn't COMPLETELY me.
Drykr(/Priam/etc.) - I'm not sure what axis it was, but the thing is that I start threads with topics that most people don't care about (for example, where I get ideas for some things). |
RydiaChan  Fire Dragon  Posts: 1297 (2/4/02 11:55 pm) Reply
 | Re: agreed. Funny thing, the Myers-Briggs test came up a while back, and I'd known I had taken it, but I'd lost the results. I just ran across them today cleaning out my stuff. o.o
I am an overall moderate INFP, for those of you to whom that makes sense. I'd post more, because I find it really interesting. But I doubt anyone cares. XP |
Tokkan  Fire Dragon  Posts: 1321 (2/5/02 12:23 am) Reply
 | Re: agreed. Well, you're doing a great job, despite having it, Divine... Kudos (and Kupos) to you, my friend. ^_^ -Tokkan, the Cybernetic Highlander, Cursed Winged-Catman, and Ryouga Clone
I am the Green Thunder of Montrose Academy! -Me
Be nice to people, they out number you 6.9 billion to one.