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pd Rydia 
Dia, Innkeep of Justice
Posts: 9628
(8/3/04 2:46 pm)
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Otakon 2004 - Discovery of the Mystery Can
The Otakon adventure began in Kentucky on Thursday the 15 of July, when Alex (Jak) and Dan (Daien) flew in from England. Part of the Dayton crew--that is, Brian (BW), Brian (AM), Reako--and I had assembled in the airport to greet them, but we had to wait quite a while for them as they had been detained by customs. Apparently, Alex and Dan are foreign drug dealers and whatnot. I dunno, Alex can explain it much better than I can. All I know is, they took Alex's beer, and insulted Dan's ability to speak English.

Anyway, once that was over with, we went and killed some time in Dayton, with the previously mentioned three Ohioans and also Joe (Pervy) and Catie (NebulaQueen), who was visiting from Georgia. We played a game of 1000 blank cards when we went up to Dayton, and by the end of that game Alex was a previously-in-space, ex-godmoding, zombie jackrabbit on Brian's head, with loaded dice, in power armor, who was being harrassed by TALLPANZER and who was having 5 hours of his time being eaten up by Reako's ranting. However, at the very end of the game, he turned into a Prinny bomb which took out pink-advantaged Dan and his clone. Pervy meanwhile was a radioactive glowing ghoul before he was turned into a robot who cannot feel love (beep beep) who eventually killed everyone in the game, thus making him the winner.

Catie (Nebula) meanwhile amused us constantly with her notebook of doom, including pictures of Pretty Pretty Princess Dan of Malta and the Sea Monkey Soldier of Malta. Hopefully she'll scan some of these in later on.

There has also been swimming with Amanda, always a mind-bending experience, as well as Gameworks and shopping, but besides that there has just been a lot of video gaming and anime. Also, we picked up Josh from the airport on the Tuesday before Otakon.

And then, there was Otakon itself.

On Thursday the 29 we loaded ourselves (Brian-BW, Joe, Reako, Josh, Alex, Dan, myself, and my dad, who graciously acted as driver and guide) and our crap into our cars, and drove the 10 hours out to Baltimore. That was fun! And fairly uneventful, as it should be.

Upon arriving at Balitmore, we (eventually) met up with Nick (Ganon), Mike (Koss), Chris (Shini), Dave (FFF), Jason (Bes), and Kristen (Trom). Will (Czxaqcke/Xaq) was also in Baltimore, but he kinda registered for the wrong hotel, so we didn't see him until the next day, but when we did, it was all coolness. We also met up with Ken (Taiar) at the con.

The next day, we got up at 4 in the morning to head out for the con. We didn't actually leave the hotel till 5 or so, and the first batch didn't actually arrive till 6:30 because the drivers got lost, but the doors didn't open until 9, so that's okay. We beat the crowds and the heat that way, so it worked out. Three unlucky saps had to stand in the Suck Line for people who didn't preregister (Joe, Brian, Chris), but since Joe got there at 6:30 they didn't have too many people in front of them, or stand too long in the light of the infernal daystar.

Otakon itself was beautiful. I don't have my pictures downloaded yet, though we have some 1000 Blank Cards and artwork scanned. I'll post those later.

I brought 10 cans of corn (the ears of corn at the store were wet, large, and heavy, so I didn't want to buy them), intending to hand them out to people who asked about the corn sign, but I forgot the corn sign in the early morning rush. Therefore, I gave people out cans of corn for bartering. Joe was, by far, the best person at bartering corn. He got a picture from Mookie (artist of comic Dominic Deegan) for a can of corn and a doubloon from a damn good Captain Jack Sparrow cosplayer. Others took cans and gave them out as rewards to really good cosplayers, and I gave one to a man who was carrying around a sign that read "Ask Me About My Quest." His quest was, in fact, to destroy the infernal daystar.

Chris took two cans, to tear off the labels and declare them as mystery cans. He then proceeded to go around the con and try to sell these mystery cans in a loud voice, gathering large crowds of people as he spouted the virtues of the mystery can, such as protection from marrow-stealing furries, bear attacks, and samurai attacks. At one point, he handed the mystery can away to someone else, and a samurai cosplayer immediately attacked him, supporting his argument. He also used "crowd testimonials," asking us (Joe and such whatnot) if we had seen him be attacked by bears since acquiring the mystery can. ("You sir! You look like a, uh.........redneck.")

Otakon itself had some interesting attractions. The most notable thing that comes to mind is the anime Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, which reminds me of a slightly more sane Dragonhalf/Excel Saga. Slightly. Also, the vendor's room this year was as...mind boggling large as ever, and sucked all my funds as it always does. I came home with a slime, Menchi, grunti, moogle, and Lina plushies, as well as What's Michael manga, and other goodies. And, of course, Juan, the Texan executioner police dragon who is using the internet. He is a custom made plush dragon that everyone got together to buy me, because everyone rocks. :D Picture to come.

Hotel shenanigans included another game of 1000 Blank White Cards, which will be best summarized by the scans of the best cards to come, and a game of Ninja Burger the Card Game, which will be best summarized by someone who didn't fall asleep during the game. There was also quite a bit of anime and video gaming.

Come Monday, it was time for the last of us Ryo-OH/KYians to head back. Yay, another 10 hour drive! But we made it back okay, and then the foreigners ganked both my computers from me, and I fell asleep and conked out until this afternoon, where I woke up and eventually decided to write up this post.

And there you have it.

Dragonhalf in English: a manga

It's big, and it's red / The red dragon, oh, the dread dragon / but never fear, for Dick is here / To slay the dragon~!

Edited by: pd Rydia  at: 8/3/04 3:18 pm
Jak Snide 
Posts: 5663
(8/3/04 2:19 pm)
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The wonders of American security! :D
As Dia mentioned above, Dan and I were detained for well over an hour by 5 security officers. They seemed to enjoy freaking out Dan in particular, who was running on almost no sleep, and prey on the fact that English isn't his first language.

Anyway, since we didn't have letters of invitation from Dia or her mum (our hosts) they kept us there trying to figure out what we were doing in America. You know, being foreigners and all. Of course, their immediate conclusion was that we were drug smugglers, since the notion that Americans would be our friends was totally foreign to them. After searching through our stuff and making an empty threat to call the sniffer dogs on me they actually had the smart idea to ask if we had contact numbers. Which we did. Eventually they called Dia's mum, who told them that we weren't terrorists smuggling in evil foreign drugs. They let us go then, and one of the guards (who I marked as the only guy there who wasn't enjoying freaking us out) told us to have a pleasant stay.

Oh, and those gits took my beer. Fair cop, I guess, due to your stupid laws. :{

The Judge of No Pants
Posts: 3441
(8/3/04 2:25 pm)
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Re: The wonders of American security! :D
Funny how they never give us a chance to vote on the laws anyone actually cares about. :(

FF Fanatic 80 
Chronic MPD Sufferer
Posts: 1175
(8/3/04 3:01 pm)
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The trek down to Maryland was a fun one.

Well... not 'fun' really, but thankfully I brought plenty of reading to cover the 7 hour train ride down. FUN =D

I arrived at the station, greeted by Mr. Shini and Mr. Bes, who promptly escorted me to Shini's automobile. We then hopped into Shini's car and proceeded to the hotel.

...little did we know the horrors of Baltimore, and it's several pocket dimentions and hellholes out of normal space in time. With the help of the denizens in "the Hell of 1,000 sidestreets of suburbia", we finally managed to get to the hotel. After a few hours, everyone had finally arrived and we all checked in. There was much chitchatting and gaming to be had that evening, way into the wee hours of the morning.

...unfortunately, the con opened at 9:00am, so a good chunk of us spent the first day running on about... 4 hours of sleep. I'm not even sure I remember everything I did that day, wee =D

There was much fun to be had during the con. Be it watching Hellsing, Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (friggin hilarious), and Outlaw Star, seeing things around the con, playing 1,000 blank cards, or just hanging around with everyone.

It was great meeting everyone in person again, and some for the first time. Only regret I have was sometimes feeling a bit off and not really hanging out as much as I could with everyone. That and once again not knowing what to buy other than my missing DVD for Trigun, wee.

So, I guess that's the best I can summarize it. So much happened I'm not sure what to really talk about. There were some humourous stories to be sure (*cough* driving back to the convention 3 times to get back to the hotel certain someone *cough*) but I think others can describe it better.

And that's about it.


......well one other thing.

Without going into sickeningly over the top glee about it... well, mostly.

Got to spend each day with Bes, which was awesome beyond... stuff I can't quite think of right now!

And that is all I shall end with, lest I go on and on about it and make folks ill =[

Looking forward to seeing folks again sometime in the future, and a certain someone as soon as possible.

pd Rydia 
Dia, Innkeep of Justice
Posts: 9629
(8/3/04 4:06 pm)
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Re: The wonders of American security! :D
1000 Blank White Cards - 1
1000 Blank White Cards - 2
1000 Blank White Cards - 3
1000 Blank White Cards - 4
1000 Blank White Cards - 5

Daien's commission art from Mookie - Aliida and Falchetta

Alex's purchased art from Hanna Chen (http://tiger.all-manga.net/) - Chris and Lucia from Suikoden III
Alex's purchased art from Hanna Chen (http://tiger.all-manga.net/) - Thomas and Cecile from Suikoden III
Alex's purchased art from Hanna Chen (http://tiger.all-manga.net/) - Tifa and Cloud from FF7
Alex's purchased art from Jennifer Zee (websites on the artwork) - Perfect Knights

Diane's purchased 0 dollar bill (no artist signature)
Diane's purchased tiger gryphon (can't decipher signature)

Dragonhalf in English: a manga

It's big, and it's red / The red dragon, oh, the dread dragon / but never fear, for Dick is here / To slay the dragon~!

Edited by: pd Rydia  at: 11/22/04 4:28 pm
Jak Snide 
Rum Guzzling Bastard
Posts: 5664
(8/3/04 3:13 pm)
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Re: The wonders of American security! :D
The sleep deprivation is what made made the con fun.

Also, that 0 Dollar Bill is awesome.

Reako Somner
Bible Boi
Posts: 536
(8/3/04 5:39 pm)
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Random Ramblings
It was freaky just how familiar I was with the convention center, having not been there for a year. Everything was familiar, and I could recall the locations of mostly anything. The heat wasn't any differant either, unfortunately... but other than that...

I liked seeing everyone in person again, and it was nice to finally meet Dan, who had come all the way from Malta. There were times where I felt a bit out of place, being relatively poor and not always making the wittiest of comments, but it's all good. I broke Alex again, as I usually end up doing. Twice. Sorry Alex.

Lastly, I myself gained some artwork from Mookie, a drawing of Valzar Du Lac. I am very happy with it, as I finally have a true visual referance *GLEE*

The last leg of me, BW, and Josh's journey, however, was a bit differant. We travelled back on our own, and because a certain turn wasn't marked, we ended up wandering into Pittsburg. While a rather pretty town to look at, there were bright yellow signs posted EVERY MILE about "D.U.I. ENFORCED ZONE. WE ARE WATCHING YOU." "MAINTAIN LAWFUL SPEED. WE ARE WATCHING YOU." "DO NOT LITTER. WE ARE WATCHING YOU." Despite all this, jokes about the Pittsburg Highway Gestapo kept us amused as we made our turn-around back onto the right track.

Metaform Lizard
Posts: 2100
(8/3/04 6:09 pm)
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Re: The wonders of American security! :D
Since I didn't meet the majority of the group until later, I thought I'd put my Otakon adventure here, if no one minds.

It started Friday (as in, the first day of the convention) for me. After not being able to get much sleep (because of excitement, not due to events of the day before, my parents and I took a nonstop flight straight to Baltimore... and that plane was CRAMMED. There was the same situation, plus massive delays, on Sunday whilst going back, but that's not important to this.

We took a "supershuttle" to the hotel we stayed at - the Marriott less than two blocks away - and I headed right for the convention. It was the afternoon at that point, and I tried for several hours to find the group - though because of Dia forgetting the corn sign, I couldn't find anyone. It was then I remembered our hotel had Internet access, and I thought to look up the number of Jason's cell phone. Going back to the convention, I called that number and Jason's sister (whose name I forgot, though I could swear it was in fact Kristen) was the one who answered. I used the phone to locate her, and I learned the group had been getting tired at this point, so I thought to ask for the number to Chris/Shini's phone.

Skipping to the next morning, I arrived a little before the convention actually opened for the day, as there was a certain show I wanted to see right at 9:00. I decided to wait until after that show to call Shini's number, which started a round of 'phone tag', as I call it, that eventually led me to the art room. But it wasn't Shini that found me first. No, he said to wait by the door.

And as it turns out, Pervy was the one that noticed me first.

Rather than get into more detail, I'll just say I absolutely enjoyed seeing fellow board members in person for the first time. I know I was a little quiet (as I usually am on AIM, for those that don't know).... as for why, it was the risk of saying the wrong thing in front of the group.

As for the dealer's room, due to limited funds this time I only came away with DVDs: two Demon Lord Dante DVDs, a Fighting Spirit DVD, and the Phase 1 Final Fantasy Unlimited DVD (which is for an anime-loving friend of mine who didn't have the funds to even go to Otakon). If anyone cares to ask about those first two, just IM me.

Several more things in closing:

1. Many of you looked far different from what I had expected.

2. Reako, can we continue that discussion in the dealer's room regarding sports anime sometime?

3. Dia, when we were going up the stairs after lunch on Saturday (I believe it was after, at least) and you pointed out the dragon on the back of my shirt, just what was it you said I needed to have done to me? (My ears interpreted it as 'mugged' and although I know you don't mean it viciously....)

Quotes of the Moment:

=="Yeah, well STUDY THIS!!" - Sonya Blade, "Mortal Kombat"
=="Buckle your seat belt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is goin' bye bye." - Cypher, "The Matrix"

View my online journal here.
Also, if you have a question about my characters, look here.
And I've been having image trouble, so those are out for a while.

Legendary Cybertronian
Posts: 7744
(8/3/04 6:18 pm)
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Re: Random Ramblings
First off, to Dan:
TH. In yo' face!

Anyways. So I arrived at Diane's house last Tuesday, and basically watched...Alex, I think...play Disgaia or however it's spelled. Dan slept because he is lazy. :(

Wednesday was fun and stuff, despite the fact that I got up at 7:30 and everyone else slept in till noon. Priam and Ducky came over, along with the folks that were leaving the next day. I almost stabbed Priam directly in the eye due to Necrid, which I hope he's proud of, and we double-KOed with Cervantes in a very dramatic fashion. Dinner was eaten at Skyline (mo'cheese), Priam and Ducky left, and most people went to sleep. Alex, Joe, and I stayed up and did stuff. At some point earlier, Blank White Cards was played, and the cards need to be scanned in. :(

Thursday we traveled. Not much exciting stuff happened there, but Baltimore was dumb and got people lost, we all hate Trom's friends, and Shiney didn't bring his damned PS2. :( I also stayed up throughout that night, as we were supposed to leave at 4 am anyways, so I figured it wasn't worth sleeping. I was henceforth pronounced "hardcore".

On Friday we waited in line, and watched some AMVs. I don't remember much of Friday, as I had been up for three days straight. I think I bought a Deathscythe Custom model kit there. Oh, and we met Steve :( and Tai there. Also, on the way back to the hotel, BW got us horribly lost, and Shiney got us back on track by means of asking for directions from drunks in a ghetto. Apparently someone owes him a cookie or something.

On Saturday, Mr. Fro and I watched some more AMVs (the good ones). We got a bunch of pictures of Nazis vs Stormtroopers from various webcomic artists which will be scanned tommorrow, and failed to barter corn because Joe had already gotten there. There was also the best part of the con, which was following Shiney around and assisting him in trying to barter corn for various cosplaying accessories. I swear, he almost got Seung Mina's weapon from her. Also, during this time we met Asshole Sephiroth, who wouldn't even put his chocolate shake down so that someone could take a picture.

On Sunday, I meant to go to the con, just to watch Hero (an awesome movie and you all will see it now). However, stuff happened, and BW, Reako and I just left. Blah blah blah.

Monday I went to the airport and traveled in excess.

All in all, I was quite sufficiently entertained, though all throughout the con I felt strangely out of place because...well, I don't care that much about anime. But it's all good, even though I only bought one thing due to spending all my money at Botcon earlier in the month. :O

This month's "Transformer of the Month" is Springer! He turns into a car and a helicopter, and his primary function is belittling Rodimus Prime.

Uncle Pervy 
Barterer of Corn
Posts: 8156
(8/3/04 7:57 pm)
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Re: Random Ramblings
Well lessee now...

Wednesday was devoted mostly to various tomfoolery. There was Skyline's (Pronounced Ski-leen-nee's), MSTing of the intro of La Pucelle Tactics, and later a happy exile to the clubhouse at Dia's, for we are a bunch of noisy fuckos and Old Man Kuhl, who is a damned prince to us, needed his sleep for the trip. There were fighting games, some movies (Project A-Ko and Transformers the Movie; both very awesome), more games (I recall ICO and Transformers). We decided that sleep was mostly optional that night.

Next day, we hauled arse for Baltimore. The trip went without a hitch; we got foods and such as needed. And we found this awesome shake and breakfast place, where we dined as the others went to McDonald's; poor sods. Toward the end, I think BW's car started to sound funny. Meetings happened, we got Shini's Cubey hooked up and helped him face Belleza in Skies of Arcadia, then played some Soul Caliber and some Naruto. Dun recall much else, we went to sleep fairly early for us; like 2:00 AM

Then woke up at 4:00 :D Reinforced with two hours of sleep, I went with BW, Koss, Dia, and Trom to the convention center. We got lost once, and we learned that without a doubt, BW's car was making funny noises whilst braking. We stopped to get him some fluids; which helped a little. Then we jammed on down to the convention center which, at 5:20 AM or so, was fairly lively.

For the next 4 hours, I sat with naught to do! Did converse with my neighbors, overhear other folks, see some cosplayers whlst waiting. Then Shini and BW came, and we had fun. It actually flew by, until about 8:45 or so; when time seemed to drag on and it got hella hot.

Eventually, we got in, and roved. The trouble was, half the con didn't open til Noon. Still, we had fun. It becomes a blur here. We met Mookie, who is almost as much of a prince as Dia's old man was to us, we watched Metropolis, which put me in happy 1984 mode. And we raided the Dealer's room, where I wasted a lot of money on Disgaea and Valkyrie Profile artbooks. Other things happened, I can't recall them ;_;

Upon leaving...BW got horribly but very understandably lost. We spent a good hour and a half trying to escape. But we did it, dammit. And it was glorious. Shini and I went to Burger king, after Shini got gypped at McDonald's. Then we watched Hellsing, which I was looking forward to.

I'll finish this later. :(

NebbieQ: After all, nothing says romance like fighting the forces of Cobra and Druggies with a Rocket Launcher of 80s Justice.

Priestess of Hentaigami

Posts: 1687
(8/3/04 8:06 pm)
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Re: Random Ramblings
You are all lucky fsking bastards.

Otakon 2006. Say it with me: "I will be going to Otakon 2006".


"If a tree falls in the middle of a forest and no one's around to hear it, it was obviously the work of ninja."

"We know there's no soy milk, because there's no soy titties."
-Lewis Black

Legendary Cybertronian
Posts: 7747
(8/3/04 8:10 pm)
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Re: Random Ramblings
I think that instead I'll say "Otakon is focking expensive".

This month's "Transformer of the Month" is Springer! He turns into a car and a helicopter, and his primary function is belittling Rodimus Prime.

The Judge of No Pants
Posts: 3442
(8/3/04 8:33 pm)
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Re: Random Ramblings
I think I'll say "maybe, if I can stab you in the face when I get there."

Also, FD taught me that stealing cars is wrong!

Shinigori V2 
Legendary Drifter
Posts: 3647
(8/3/04 9:53 pm)
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Re: Random Ramblings
My Otakon started early thursday, mainly because I couldn't fall asleep that night beyond more than a couple hours. Thus, I decided it would be better to make sure I was ready than to drive myself crazy trying to get a couple more hours of sleep which may not have come.

After spending the morning talking with Deeum and beating things up in UT2k4, I left for Bes's place at 11 or so. It took me a little more than an hour to get there due to traffic and having to stop for gas, but it was almost a pleasant trip- The thing to remember here is that I ended up with my sister's shitty car, rather than my dad's good one. When we did get there, I waited as everyone finished packing into their dad's van and Bes got his stuff into my car, as his dad and I spoke on which route would be best to take. We agreed it would be better to avoid the beltway for now and just take a bit of a roundabout route- We were in no hurry to get there. However, the way we did take got delayed by a good half hour or so due to roadwork. Not moving in a car with no AC for half an hour makes things very unpleasant. It also lead to the discovery of the mystery substance upon the roof.

When we finally did get to Baltimore, Bes and I immediately had to get back in the car and find the train station to get Dave. We found it okay, and as luck would have it, arrived at more or less the same moment Dave did. Piling back into the car, we got directions and began the journey back.

...And got horribly lost.

However, I will say this: Lots of people claim Baltimore is a mean city. I did not see any of this at all. Everyone I asked for directions was very nice about it, including the drunkards, although they did get in an argument with eachother.

Eventually, we found our way back to the hotel, and for the first time in a long time, I met someone who's teeth I wanted to smash out, Katie I think it was. But enough about that.

We waited for awhile for the Dayton crew to show, finally getting Katie to stop being dumb and let us get into her room (We had to wait for Dia to get into ours.) When they did come, we got things rearranged, and moved into the room we'd be staying in for awhile. The night consisted mainly of videogames, be it Soul Calibur 2 or some Naruto thing, until Bes started his RP.

I too plan on finishing this later!

Why Barius has no family reunions.

Cuddly Ohioan Chauffeur
Posts: 3832
(8/4/04 12:41 am)
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Re: Random Ramblings
Baltimore sucks. We should remove it from these United States. Such action can only bring about peace, harmony, and economic stability.

And if I'm wrong, what have we lost?


... more useful/interesting information when I'm feeling less apathetic.

Rabid Posting Wombat

Posts: 4183
(8/4/04 2:32 am)
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You could tell them about how you totally beat the fuck out of me while playing whatever version of DarkStalkers we were playing.

Shinigori V2 
Legendary Drifter
Posts: 3648
(8/4/04 3:33 am)
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Re: ...

Fucking YES.

That's my hand in that picture. :D

Why Barius has no family reunions.

Fanstuff Ferret

Posts: 1069
(8/4/04 10:42 am)
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Re: ...
This just in!

Chris was actually at odds with Annie, the short military bitch that was the prime source of trouble in Trom's room.

Katie is just the one they didn't bother to pick up on hteir last night, and we had to go get her. The reason Katie was annoying is she seemed to honestly think that there was no danger in going through Baltimore at fucking midnight.

And aside from her one lapse (not going and paging Katie earlier on their last day) Kristen/Trom was actually the most intelligent of the group.

We've already dealt with the whole dealie between us, this particular subject is closed. :{


Jeridan: Holder of the "Tastes like Chicken" Award.

"IM: ....my brother is a baby drinker." ~Ara

Will Rennar 
Posts: 201
(8/4/04 4:08 pm)
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Fa So La Ti D'OH!!!
The con got off to a somewhat...interesting start for me. As I'd mentioned time and again in the chat, my intent was to show up at the convention center around 6. Figuring in traffic, necessary stops, and how far away I THOUGHT Baltimore was, I promptly departed for Otakon at 12:30 PM.

And arrived at 2:07. *FACEFALL*

Deciding to make the most of it, I parked myself in the pre-reg line next to a guy named Donovan, whom I soon found out was, like me, an avid Yu-Gi-Oh player. We got to talking, swapping jokes, trading cards, and whatnot...managed to snag a few of the cards I needed to win that tourney the other day. ^_^ But anyway...

A few hours later we finally got to go get our badges. I almost didn't, however, when I realized I'd forgotten my ID AND didn't have that confirmation sheet! ...Then I realized I did. Just not on paper. When the guy at the booth asked for my confirmation, I whipped my PowerBook out, pulled up the email, and showed it to him. Really made his day doin' that. Hehehe...

After that, I spent some time goofin' around parts of Baltimore, checkin' out the sights...then decided it was time to go meet up with the group. Remembering (part of) what had been said on the forum, I looked around for the nearest Holiday Inn, spotted it, headed for it, went up to the front counter, and asked if Ganonfro (using his real name, of course) had checked in yet.

"...There's nobody registered here by that name."

I kinda deadpanned at that moment. Figuring maybe you guys just hadn't shown up yet, I decided to hang around for a while.

The irony here is that I WOULD have taken off and looked for the other hotels the lady mentioned were in the area (the first one being THE RIGHT ONE...) were it not for two things...

1) A large group of people showed up. One of them was wearing a cap that looked EXACTLY like ArchMage's cap. I asked them a few things, and ultimately realized it wasn't them.

2) A little while later, I was about to leave again when this gal who looked way too much like Dia mentioned something to someone else about being with a rather large group of people and having to cram into a small number of rooms.

See how I got confused?

After that I finally decided to use the one resource I remembered...Bes/Trom's cell phone number. Unfortunately, to get that I had to go online....so what do I do? Call up my folks, help my mom get onto the forum, look through the post it was in, and try and find it.

If I'd remembered that Bes had posted the phone number instead of Trom I'd never have had to get a hotel room there that night. >_<

But yeah, long story short I got a room there, went online, got the number, called, figured things out, met up with Trom on Friday, hung out with her/Annie/Katie/some Belldandy cosplayer friend of theirs most of the day, followed them back to the hotel.....and the rest, as they say, is history.

Now if you'll excuse me, it's become plainly obvious that my brain is in bad need of an overhaul.

Will Rennar / Asura Calibre

The Rosetta Stone -- The Sketchpad -- Asura's Harem

pd Rydia 
Dia, Innkeep of Justice
Posts: 9630
(8/4/04 5:33 pm)
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Re: Fa So La Ti D'OH!!!
Pervy commissioned this lovely piece of artwork from Mookie (of Jacob Deegan wearing a top hat) with a can of corn!

Alex riding the lightrail to the convention center, stylishly skewed. Huzzah.

Alex with his Hellsing wallscroll.

Everyone next to the ANGST mobile we discovered in the parking lot next to the convention center. Posing appropriately.

A solo picture of the angst mobile.

Chris hocking the mystery cans, take one.

Chris hocking the mystery cans, take two.

Chris with the happy buyer of the mystery cans.

Will (Czxaqcke) on the lightrail, with the corn!

Dan on the lightrail, also with the corn, hiding behind it's majesty.

A group picture, sadly fuzzy as it was taken by a random congoer. Missing Mike, Steve, Ken, Kristen, and Div (anyone else?).


"If Lexington Market were in Paris, There'd be guided tours and I'd be rude."

The meeting of the signs.

They are, you know.

"Hey Pervy, ask the person who rings up your order if they'll take a picture with you and the corn!"

Father Anderson just wouldn't trade his cross for a can of corn.


His quest? To destroy the infernal daystar.

Everyone was abusing the Cheat. :(

The crowds.

The non suck line (except me, who was taking the picture).

The suck line, for people who DIDN'T preregister.

Cosplayers: GHOSTBUSTERS! One of the guys' backpacks played the theme song. It was brilliant.

Cosplayer: GEDDOE, from Suikoden III. He's so sweet he'll punch you RIGHT IN THE FACE.

Cosplayers: Mario!

Cosplayer: Mokona! Mokona is your *SPOILER*!

Kind of a cosplayer: What?!

Cosplayers: Xelloss and Filia!

Cosplayer: Yuber! From Suikoden III!

Dragonhalf in English: a manga

It's big, and it's red / The red dragon, oh, the dread dragon / but never fear, for Dick is here / To slay the dragon~!

Edited by: pd Rydia  at: 11/22/04 4:29 pm
pd Rydia 
Dia, Innkeep of Justice
Posts: 9631
(8/4/04 5:53 pm)
Reply | Edit | Del
Re: Fa So La Ti D'OH!!!

The miniature Tifa cosplayer. She was about 4'2" or so in height. She was awesome. Sadly it was early in the morning, and it did not occur to me to put her next to someone tall to show her height.

Dragonhalf in English: a manga

It's big, and it's red / The red dragon, oh, the dread dragon / but never fear, for Dick is here / To slay the dragon~!

Edited by: pd Rydia  at: 11/22/04 4:30 pm
Will Rennar 
Posts: 203
(8/4/04 9:18 pm)
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Re: Fa So La Ti D'OH!!!
Awesome snapshots ya got there Dia. Shame that group photo's so damned fuzzed...

Will Rennar / Asura Calibre

The Rosetta Stone -- The Sketchpad -- Asura's Harem

Fanstuff Ferret

Posts: 1073
(8/5/04 1:05 am)
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Re: Fa So La Ti D'OH!!!
Yay for totally misreading a comment earlier! ignore this post. :{

... except to say that the Tonberry pic rocks.


Jeridan: Holder of the "Tastes like Chicken" Award.

"IM: ....my brother is a baby drinker." ~Ara

Edited by: Besyanteo  at: 8/5/04 1:06 am
Dragon Girl

Posts: 876
(8/5/04 3:20 am)
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Re: Fa So La Ti D'OH!!!
My group picture came out perfectly. I need to find a scanner to bring goodness of things to everyone.

Also, to clearify FD's confused Friday. HE GOT NAKED AND INSULTED PEOPLES HAMSTERS. Honest.

THURSDAY! Had an awesome ride down to Baltimore and picked up my prereg badge with two people from Syracuse I got to talk to for quite awhile... 5 hours on a bus talking about randomness does that. Later than night, Alex and Brian rescued me from the con line, after calling me while I was like.... 5 feet in front of them, with my suitcase thing... Then proceeded to get lost in front of a best buy's parkinglot. Brian lacks direction.

FRIDAY! Didn't sleep much, got to con with everyone else, but waited till 9 with everyone anyways. Stole a sammich from Mike, and felt guilty, so I went in search of food across the street! Came back and waited some more.... Taunted everyone while they were about to get their badges.... Then the con opened! Watched HORRIBLE AMV's, while waiting for everything to start up...FD did infact buy Deathscythe Hell, while I was wandering around buying manga, and still regret not getting Wing 0 for $10. Not much happened that day. FD fell asleep while we stopped, after he bought a brownie for like... 2.95 from Starbucks. More wandering with FD, since we lost everyone else. Then Steve :( appeared out of no where and took off some guys head, after remarking on how short I was. Honest. He mocked me good. Then we left and looked over each others look. I managed to get a crude picture of Ganon with an afro from Mookie from Dominic Deagan for $1, and it was well worth it.

SATURDAY! Sucked. Seriously, it was crowded... Some guy tried to forcably hug FD, though humorous, was pretty rude of the guy. Took almost all the cosplaying pictures I wished on this day, many came out great, though the one I was hoping wouldn't suck, of a TOTALLY sweet Cloud and Auron, kinda has my thumb on the left of the picture, so it didn't come out as I wanted... Watched the cooler half of the AMV contest, cause the first half sucked. Redeeming factor of the day, Nazi vs. Stormtrooper pictures from 3 webcomic artists, and a sweet group of Fatal Fury Cosplayers, which the picture came out well of. FD needs to see this picture. Bought a Gundam. Full sized and everything. Took out hundreds of the unbathed masses, until they took it away and gave me the 1/144 miniature for $12... Honestly happened that way. Ask FD. Wanted to watch Read or Die, but had to stop after the second episode... Wandered around with Shini and proclaiming the Mystery Can to protect him from getting his marrow stolen by furries. And witnessed him chase down a girl who took it without paying, with Joe, and she fell. Honestly, it was far funnier if you were there when she accused Bes of tackling her, while she mistook him for Joe. Ahhh... the memories... Skipping ahead! -Sucky part of Saturday night!- Everyone ate FD and my share of the pizza. While we were putting our Gundam's together. Like Zombies. Concentrating on putting plastic miniatures together.... >.>;; Other than that, Saturday just plain sucked, with the not so bad-ness early in the day.

SUNDAY! People left. The weak fled back to get on a plane to go to his COLD filled, frozen gonad ridden State. And FD went there too. Other than that, just kinda read all my manga.... Had CYZXACKQUE Buy the missing manga I needed to read without missing two manga gap in the series. Had pizza... Actually, I forget what happened Sunday night...Ohhh yeah, we watched Hellsing, and mercilessly mocked the CRAP out of certain parts. Shini knows the fun of mocking things... Pervy was kinda grumpy, since it was his first time seeing it, as well as most others.

MONDAY! LEFT BALTIMORE! Thank god... Badness! Xaq and I drove mindlessly back through baltimore, trying to find my bus station, stopping only to find out the station was like... in sight of where we stopped... Stayed there for a few hours waiting for the bus. Met up with OTHER people I bussed down with, who I just heard quoting Fensler films... and played card games with them, after they invited me into the group, since I was playing with my Gundam and they were saying things in my general direction hoping I'd notice and talk to them. Bussed to somewhere in PA... Then another 3 hour lay over! Holy Crap face, Batman! Luckily, they had Munchkin, one of the best cardgames EVER, if you ever heard of it, BUY IT AND PLAY IT. Luckily, I kick so much ass at it, I won both games. Never let me become a cleric. Ever. Got home, picked up by my girlfriend, Liz. Went home and slept.

That was my take on the whole thing.

Attack Turban

Posts: 3440
(8/5/04 11:21 pm)
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Re: Fa So La Ti D'OH!!!
See? This is why I must go to Otakon with y'all someyear.

Likely after I attempt to visit the Brits (or at least Ross), since my family's goig there on vacation. ^-^

But I DO wish to attend and be one of the generic catgirls running about with glomps. =D And y'all may defend my honor from smelly fanboys.

Will Rennar 
Posts: 208
(8/6/04 7:12 am)
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Re: Fa So La Ti D'OH!!!
No worries on that last note, Lys. Any stinky little catgirl-stalker tries to mess with ya and he'll find out just how proficient I am at wielding a wallscroll!

Will Rennar / Asura Calibre

The Rosetta Stone -- The Sketchpad -- Asura's Harem

Elementalist Daien
Sexy Buddha
Posts: 1930
(8/6/04 11:22 am)
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I am still better at insult swordfighting than Alex'll ever be.

More from me to come~!

Uncle Pervy 
Barterer of Corn
Posts: 8163
(8/6/04 10:07 pm)
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Re: Random Ramblings

We also RPed wednesday night; Bes, Shini, Dave, Trom, and I. Said RP was wrougth with fun, as Shini live RPed Erech beautifully, and I got to do a bad feminine french accent whilst RPing Marie. And Trom's character twas forced to develope when Erech latched onto the idea of her being a whore; thanks to Marie being wronghearted. ^^

Also, on friday, I watched Metropolis, which is awesome in that 'You all fucked up every last one of you' sense. BW and I watched Kino's Journey, which is...odd. Interesting at times, highly uninteresting at others, and very WTF in others, and laced through with an odd dry humor that takes a while to get across.

Anyhow, catching up, on Saturday we used public transit to get to the con. This was my first experience with riding a bus outside of school buses, and it was quite interesting. Got to have an old black lady fall on me. :D

I spent a fair deal of Saturday bartering corn. The tale of Mookie and I is well known by now, but essentially, I asked for his cheapest and offered him a can of lovely corn instead; he was very surprised, then said okay. Also got a doubloon from a glorious Jack Swallow cosplayer, and a quantum poster from a...guy :D. I refused to look at it til we got back; turned out to be Revolutionary Girl Utena Lessee...honestly didn't do all of that much else on saturday. A lot of roving, some peaking in on the viewing rooms. Oh! Dia and Koss treated us all to Risky Safety, which I highly recommend for its cutesy WTF factor.

Saturday Night was punctuated by watching a DVD of Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, which is like Sliders without the suck. There was also Pizza, which was ordered for all, but we forgot to call in Ganonfro and FD, whilst Trom snuck in and snorted down their cut. Don't recall what we did after that...

Sunday, we hied over to the con for some last-minute funtimes. Several of us got there in time to see leftover contest prizes being handed out, I got a Luna Purse. :D
Later, we came back and played 1000 blank cards. Afterwards, we had a rockin' round of ninja of Ninjaburger the Card game. As I told Neb...

NebbieQ: So, how'd the Ninja Burger game go?
SongstressEnlil: *Well, lessee.

The notable stars of it were Dan, Shini, and I*
SongstressEnlil: *Dan got the little girl ninja; and had a propensity to get crits (3 or 4 on a 3d6) whenever animals were involved*
NebbieQ: Heh.
SongstressEnlil: *I got the charisma twink ninja (She studied the arts of the stunning Smile and Deep Breath, and thus could subsistute customer serive rolls for Combat and Disguise checks), and thanks to the power of merchantilism, ended up with a variety of gadgets to make up for other statistical shortcomings

I ended up winning the game by default because I had the highest honor (one away from victory) after three hours, where a cut-off point was democratically declared*
NebbieQ: ...this is all very, very amusing.
SongstressEnlil: *Shini got to commit seppuku by letting his honor fall to zero; but not before buying the Black Ninja Sports Car (The most expensive item in the game by far), and thus getting a moral victory*
NebbieQ: Who inherited the Sports Car?
SongstressEnlil: *He was buried with it.

But thanks to charisma twinking and offering to 100$ for the rental, I got to borrow it on the mission I needed to drive on.*
NebbieQ: Neat.
SongstressEnlil: *My Ninja was a butterfingers, as people kept playing 'You dropped it!' cards on her, thus costing her equipment; and in once case equipment she borrowed from Dan's Ninja.*
NebbieQ: Hah!
SongstressEnlil: *Koss shamed the whole franchise by dropped the Queen's Burger on a run to Buckingham place.

You dropped it was placed, he followed up with Franchise shamed (-2 to honor of all players)*
NebbieQ: A true tragedy for all.
SongstressEnlil: *Indeed*
NebbieQ: Who else was playing besides the three stars and Koss?
SongstressEnlil: *Czxaqcke and Bes*
SongstressEnlil: *Bes managed to evade misfortune and hold his own*
SongstressEnlil: *Czxaqcke was revealed to be a ninja in a clever disguise*
NebbieQ: Oh?
SongstressEnlil: *He started out as the amazingly stealthy Ninja, until a card play revealed he was in fact the Motorcycle Ninja*
SongstressEnlil: *He gained one honor for fooling us all*

Later, we watched the second Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi and finished up Hellsing, then started on Boondock Saints. I got to see Smecker in action, but quickly fell asleep afterwards.

Monday, we hauled ass back to the Ohio/Kentucky region, Dia, Dan, Jak, Old man Kuhl and I. Twas an uneventful trip, Dia's dad is a hella navigator from his days busdriving, and got us around without a hitch. Jak, Dia, and Dan got their first hit of Waffle House on the way back, which was lovely, and I tore through everyone's Manga during the way back. Eventually, they got me home, and Sarah was able to briefly meet Dan and Jak.

All in all, I enjoyed the fuck out of it all. Sure some things went wrong, but we all had fun, and no one had to deal too much with Trom or Trom's idjut friends too much whilst there. Twas great to see everyone.

NebbieQ: After all, nothing says romance like fighting the forces of Cobra and Druggies with a Rocket Launcher of 80s Justice.

Fanstuff Ferret

Posts: 1084
(8/7/04 10:06 am)
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Re: Random Ramblings
Pervy forgets that Dan is in my RP with Marc.

This is likely due to the fact that the rest of you were so busy being "WTF" and going after Trom, you failed to remember he was there, doing stuff. o.o


Jeridan: Holder of the "Tastes like Chicken" Award.

"IM: ....my brother is a baby drinker." ~Ara

Nick Shogun
Priestess of Hentaigami

Posts: 1634
(8/7/04 6:39 pm)
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Sounds amazing.


Yeah, if I didn't have to Cross the Country to go, I'd go. But the problem is that it's Always in Baltimore, and I'm in Oregon.




--The spying was *awesome*. It was a lot of waiting, but it was the kind of tense, drooling waiting that I love. It reminded me of when my dad used to take me hunting, except this time, I was the hunter, not the hunted.

pd Rydia 
Dia, Innkeep of Justice
Posts: 9635
(8/7/04 6:47 pm)
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Re: PIG RUN!!!
Come to Sugoicon? It's not quite so far away (Covington, KY)?

Dragonhalf in English: a manga

It's big, and it's red / The red dragon, oh, the dread dragon / but never fear, for Dick is here / To slay the dragon~!

Posts: 613
(8/7/04 6:55 pm)
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Re: PIG RUN!!!
...Or come to...Me...con? (La Grande, OR) >_>

"Never let your morals get in the way of doing what is right" - Salvor Hardin

Nick Shogun
Priestess of Hentaigami

Posts: 1636
(8/8/04 1:28 am)
Reply | Edit | Del
The Stills are a decent band.
You're in Oregon?

Had no idea. La Grande... never been there, but it's closer than Otakon.

And... no, I'm not flying to Sugoicon. I wish. But thanks for the alternative.

I think I'll survive being the artsy-far-away-mystery-man.


--The spying was *awesome*. It was a lot of waiting, but it was the kind of tense, drooling waiting that I love. It reminded me of when my dad used to take me hunting, except this time, I was the hunter, not the hunted.

Shinigori V2 
Legendary Drifter
Posts: 3659
(8/8/04 2:09 am)
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Re: The Stills are a decent band.
BUt you'll never see the arsty-far-away-mystery-CAN, now will you?

Why Barius has no family reunions.

Nick Shogun
Priestess of Hentaigami

Posts: 1639
(8/8/04 4:01 am)
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I think the farther away from you I am, the safer.

Posts: 614
(8/8/04 5:50 am)
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Re: Snorg!
Yeah, I doubted you would have been. It's in the NE part of the state, which most people don't really have much reason to visit unless they've got relatives in the area. If you are thinking of coming here, I do have to warn you that there's not much to do beyond just meeting.

"Never let your morals get in the way of doing what is right" - Salvor Hardin

Edited by: Idran1701 at: 8/8/04 5:51 am
Nick Shogun
Priestess of Hentaigami

Posts: 1642
(8/8/04 4:18 pm)
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Nick attacks slime.
Yeah, I kinda figured.

When I met FD at Botcon, I was expecting this amazing revelation... he's a funny guy. Funny Looking. ^_^


But honestly, he seems more charismatic online.

Uncle Pervy 
Barterer of Corn
Posts: 8167
(8/8/04 7:09 pm)
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Re: Nick attacks slime.
Bes: I was doing stuff, too. Plotty stuff, even... ;_;

NebbieQ: After all, nothing says romance like fighting the forces of Cobra and Druggies with a Rocket Launcher of 80s Justice.

Sailor H

Posts: 3754
(8/9/04 4:26 pm)
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Re: Nick attacks slime.
Dear Nick,

Appearance =/= Charisma.

Leaving this thread to the Con-goers once more,

"Crazy is good." - Luffy, One Piece

Cuddly Ohioan Chauffeur
Posts: 3841
(8/9/04 6:14 pm)
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Re: Nick attacks slime.
I think a lot of people are actually noticeably different online than they are in person. It's not unusual for someone to be more social online than off. Probably because it requires less time and effort and it's generally more familiar to some people. Plus there's less fear of repercussion, and it's a lot easier to get away from someone you don't want to deal with.

At least, that's my guess. I personally don't think I'm that different on and off-line anymore. Except when I'm in a bad mood... I hide it better online.

Also! I generally dislike posting links to my lj, but I did write a big, semi-angsty Otakon entry on Sunday, so, if you don't mind going there, feel free to go there. At the very least, there's probably one small bit of important information.

In fact, for everyone's benefit, I'll just quote that excerpt.
I think from now on, I'm just not going to do this anymore unless passengers agree to split the cost of gas with me. I don't think that's unreasonable.
If that bothers you, then fuck you! :D

It probably comes off a bit less selfish in context.

Edited by: BrainWalker  at: 8/11/04 2:17 pm
The King of France
Posts: 886
(8/11/04 1:46 pm)
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Re: Nick attacks slime.
Nah, I kinda expected people to be more or less different offline than online. I'm happy I acted more like I did online, just my severely sarcastic undertones weren't as ambiguous as online.

Also BW, it's not selfish at all to ask for gas money. I actually offered it, since I know it's a burden to someone with a car. I do it back home all the time.

Nick Shogun
Priestess of Hentaigami

Posts: 1647
(8/11/04 11:18 pm)
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Yeah, I was just shocked, FD was my first.

Meaning 'the first net person I met in person.'

Actually, he was my second. The first one was hotter. Not that FD's not hot...

...now I'm friggin' lost.


--The spying was *awesome*. It was a lot of waiting, but it was the kind of tense, drooling waiting that I love. It reminded me of when my dad used to take me hunting, except this time, I was the hunter, not the hunted.

The King of France
Posts: 889
(8/12/04 12:47 am)
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Re: Mmm...
..."FD was my first."




Shinigori V2 
Legendary Drifter
Posts: 3666
(8/12/04 12:47 am)
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Re: Mmm...
...Good lord.

Why Barius has no family reunions.

The King of France
Posts: 890
(8/12/04 12:50 am)
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Re: Mmm...
If only FD was here to read this...

Crawling Reshiki
Usagi Fetish
Posts: 7965
(8/12/04 10:09 am)
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Re: Mmm...
Nick x FD suddenly makes more sense in context. :O

The King of France
Posts: 891
(8/12/04 10:20 pm)
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Re: Mmm...
Funny because FD hasn't rejected such claims.....>.>;;

Legendary Cybertronian
Posts: 7768
(8/12/04 10:21 pm)
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Re: Mmm...
Nick is just sad and angry that I left. :(

This month's "Transformer of the Month" is Springer! He turns into a car and a helicopter, and his primary function is belittling Rodimus Prime.

The King of France
Posts: 892
(8/12/04 10:37 pm)
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Re: Mmm...
*Will mess with FD more in 9 more of his posts, so he'll go all hyper 7777 on him*

Sexy Tuberculosis
Posts: 2796
(8/15/04 9:49 pm)
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Re: Mmm...
FD needs worry not that I am glad for the near-eye-stabbing. Also, someone stole my shirt's tagline for a Blank White Card. I demand royalties!

Let it also be known that FD's skill in fighters is acknowledged, because he totally hoed me at CvS2. Move to Ohio, bastard, so I can quest after you for my revenge!

"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies

The King of France
Posts: 897
(8/16/04 1:29 am)
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Re: Mmm...
Sadly, FD was on par with me in Soul Calibur, but I think we were both out of practice...

Sexy Tuberculosis
Posts: 2798
(8/16/04 1:42 am)
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Re: Mmm...
Necrid kills you. In the face portions.

"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies

Shinigori V2 
Legendary Drifter
Posts: 3673
(8/16/04 2:34 am)
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Re: Mmm...
I almost kinda came close to maybe kinda winning a couple times...;_;


I did get Buu down to a single hit of his life with an UNARMED MR. SATAN.


Why Barius has no family reunions.

Legendary Cybertronian
Posts: 7772
(8/17/04 1:56 pm)
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Re: Mmm...
I know I coulda beaten Mr. teh Fro, if we were playing anything other than the Gamecube version. I totally couldn't pull off half my moves. :(

And Mr. Gori is correct, in that he did indeed demolish us all at Budokai 2~!

This month's "Transformer of the Month" is Springer! He turns into a car and a helicopter, and his primary function is belittling Rodimus Prime.

The King of France
Posts: 899
(8/17/04 3:13 pm)
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Re: Mmm...
If it were on dreamcast, the fights would have been legendary between FD and me. :(

Nick Shogun
Priestess of Hentaigami

Posts: 1650
(8/17/04 7:43 pm)
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I always thought the GC controls worked pretty good for SC2.

Had I been there, been playing GC, and been playing Cervantes, everyone in this forum would be Dead.


--The spying was *awesome*. It was a lot of waiting, but it was the kind of tense, drooling waiting that I love. It reminded me of when my dad used to take me hunting, except this time, I was the hunter, not the hunted.

Legendary Cybertronian
Posts: 7775
(8/17/04 8:47 pm)
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With a capital D!
EDIT: Apparently HTML comments are not allowed even though I didn't put any in here and what the hell are they talking about, and I don't remember what I put here originally.

This month's "Transformer of the Month" is Springer! He turns into a car and a helicopter, and his primary function is belittling Rodimus Prime.

Edited by: FlamingDeth at: 8/18/04 12:53 am
The King of France
Posts: 900
(8/17/04 11:42 pm)
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Re: With a capital D!
.....*Rolls his eyes* Had you been there, we'd have given you swirlies. Because we could.

The King of France
Posts: 914
(8/23/04 9:33 pm)
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Behold Shini wheelin' and dealin'

Bus stop sitting, after FD, Xaq, and I raided the mall that is unseen behind us.

Corn hides in the most unlikely of places.

Group! Gotta name 'em all!

Hey Steve :(

Edit: There are more pictures if people want them all. im me if you want them all (Including cosplaying ones)

Edited by: pd Rydia  at: 11/22/04 4:33 pm
Will Rennar 
Posts: 235
(8/24/04 9:10 am)
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And by "raided the mall" he means ran in to grab a quick bite to eat while I made an unsuccessful search for a PS2.

And to this day I still claim this to be the best quote of the convention:

"You sir! You look like a.......uhh.....redneck.." -Shini, to....Pervy, wasn't it?

Will Rennar / Asura Calibre

The Rosetta Stone -- The Sketchpad -- Asura's Harem

Shinigori V2 
Legendary Drifter
Posts: 3687
(8/24/04 3:06 pm)
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I blanked and just chose something at random ;_;

Not that it didn't work well, though.

Why Barius has no family reunions.

Attack Turban

Posts: 3459
(8/24/04 4:28 pm)
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These piccies are sadly lacking in chibi. This must be remedied in future years.

Will Rennar 
Posts: 237
(8/24/04 5:16 pm)
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Shini: Then you, sir, need to blank out more often. :sage:

Lys: Well, I think the chibi photos were more from Dia's camera than anyone else's. She *did* pretty much catch a photo of a chibi Tifa if I recall correctly.

Will Rennar / Asura Calibre

The Rosetta Stone -- The Sketchpad -- Asura's Harem

Attack Turban

Posts: 3461
(8/24/04 11:36 pm)
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Excuses, excuses.

...though chibi Tifa is a potential cosplay for me!

Cuddly Ohioan Chauffeur
Posts: 3877
(8/26/04 3:13 am)
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Re: Ha.

I have got to bring a camera that doesn't suck ass next time I do this.

The King of France
Posts: 922
(8/26/04 3:59 am)
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Re: Ha.
I wish I had a better scanner. Seriously, the pictures came out much better than these scans are willing to show.

...Minus my thumb being in some of the shots, randomly.

pd Rydia 
Dia, Innkeep of Justice
Posts: 9664
(9/12/04 6:44 pm)
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Re: Ha.
I forgot about these pictures!

Taken shortly after returning from Otakon, I do believe.

Alex strangles Amanda
Amanda tackles Dan: take one
Amanda tackles Dan: take two
Beat up Dan!

"Estella was born 50 years ago from a rock. I know it's true because she told me. Isn't that a great tale?" -- Kidd

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