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        > Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!
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Shinigori V2 

Posts: 3310
(4/29/04 2:42 am)
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Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!
Yes indeed. Late as fuck. Don't even have 'em all up, but I'll post what I got, starting with...THIS!

Amanda, with either BW, or one of the Tunak Tunak Tun guys looking over her shoulder.



Contents probably won't be as hot here.

And I swear to god, if this picture doesn't win an emmy, or at least the Nobel Peace Prize, I'ma be MAD.

Why Barius has no family reunions.

Edited by: pd Rydia  at: 11/22/04 4:26 pm
Waldorf Nikki 
The Ultimate
Cheese Connoisseuse

Posts: 168
(4/29/04 12:07 pm)
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Re: Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!
I like the one of Joe ^_^


I hypnotize you.

Dare to be stupid..

pd Rydia 
Dia, Innkeep of Justice
Posts: 9509
(4/29/04 3:06 pm)
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Re: Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!

Dragonhalf in English: a manga

It's big, and it's red / The red dragon, oh, the dread dragon / but never fear, for Dick is here / To slay the dragon~!

The Judge of No Pants
Posts: 3357
(4/29/04 4:14 pm)
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Re: Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!
Why the hell is it that you guys always go "hey, Brian!" and snap my photo when I turn around going "whaaa?" >_>

Crazy Mage Woman
with a Pixie

Posts: 1699
(4/29/04 4:59 pm)
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Re: Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!
My guess is that they're trying to suck your soul into the camera.

Will Rennar 
Posts: 55
(4/29/04 6:39 pm)
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Re: Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!

...And that reminds me, I still need to put my Katsucon photos up. *goes to do so*

Will Rennar / Asura Calibre

The Rosetta Stone -- The Sketchpad -- Asura's Harem

Cuddly Ohioan Chauffeur
Posts: 3508
(4/29/04 9:35 pm)
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Re: Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!
Oh yea, gotta love the way that first pic accentuates my Stomach Of Unusual Size.

Also, my thoght process upon reading the comment under the third pic went a little something like this:
"Dude, that could not be farther from the tru-" *notices pizza box* "-oooohh... now it makes sense."

These pics are awesome and bring back memories and all, but there isn't nearly enough Chris in them. There needs to be more of that.

Uncle Pervy 
Celestial Grapefruit

Posts: 7883
(4/29/04 9:51 pm)
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Re: Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!
But there was exactly enough of the Commie Hat. This pleases me.

Suicidal Sprite
Michael Caine
Fan Boy

Posts: 3071
(4/30/04 9:17 am)
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Re: Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!
Hang on a sec...that's actually a pretty good picture of me! *Saves it, cuts others out, sends it to girlfriend*

Thanks for that mate. The rest of the pictures rock too. Too bad mine were in my suitcase on the way back from Duke and got toasted by the x-ray machine.

"British, oh so British.
Look at us, we're so well dressed.
British, oh so British.
Too bad we're all sexually repressed."
- The Goodness Gracious Me team

pd Rydia 
Dia, Innkeep of Justice
Posts: 9514
(4/30/04 5:29 pm)
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Re: Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!
Scan more.


Dragonhalf in English: a manga

It's big, and it's red / The red dragon, oh, the dread dragon / but never fear, for Dick is here / To slay the dragon~!

Edited by: pd Rydia  at: 4/30/04 6:41 pm
Shinigori V2 

Posts: 3313
(5/1/04 3:13 am)
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Re: Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!

And: Gus needs to stop looking 12 in every picture of himself ever.

Why Barius has no family reunions.

pd Rydia 
Dia, Innkeep of Justice
Posts: 9524
(5/3/04 4:57 pm)
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Re: Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!


*usurps Chris's job*

Dragonhalf in English: a manga

It's big, and it's red / The red dragon, oh, the dread dragon / but never fear, for Dick is here / To slay the dragon~!

Edited by: pd Rydia  at: 11/22/04 4:27 pm
Shinigori V2 

Posts: 3322
(5/3/04 6:51 pm)
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Re: Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!
You fiend! I was waiting for more to get scanned!

Why Barius has no family reunions.

Cuddly Ohioan Chauffeur
Posts: 3529
(5/4/04 6:50 pm)
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Re: Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!
There aren't enough pictures of people with catbus on their heads.

Fighting Ham

Posts: 2608
(5/6/04 3:04 pm)
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Re: Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!
cool bunny knows more now of what her victims. . . I mean online buddies look like. . .

bwaha ha ha:(octopus)

Just one thing, don't make me go Chibi on your ass.

pd Rydia 
Dia, Innkeep of Justice
Posts: 9613
(6/24/04 8:46 pm)
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Re: Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!
Scan. >:

Dragonhalf in English: a manga

It's big, and it's red / The red dragon, oh, the dread dragon / but never fear, for Dick is here / To slay the dragon~!

Posts: 862
(6/24/04 10:26 pm)
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Re: Holy hell, these are late- Sugoicon 2003 pics!
Shut the fuck up. Seriously. -- BW

Edited by: BrainWalker  at: 6/25/04 12:01 pm
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